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Axial structures (neural tube/notochord) and surface ectoderm activate myogenesis in the mouse embryo; their action can be reproduced, at least in part, by several molecules such as Sonic hedgehog and Wnts. Recently, soluble Wnt antagonists have been identified. Among those examined only Frzb1 was found to be expressed in the presomitic mesoderm and newly formed somites and thus its possible role in regulating myogenesis was investigated in detail. When presomitic mesoderm or newly formed somites were cultured with axial structures and surface ectoderm on a feeder layer of C3H10T1/2 cells expressing Frzb1, myogenesis was abolished or severely reduced in presomitic mesoderm and the three most recently formed somites. In contrast, no effect was observed on more mature somites. Inhibition of myogenesis did not appear to be associated with increased cell death since the final number of cells in the explants grown in the presence of Frzb1 was only slightly reduced in comparison with controls. In order to examine the possible function of Frzb1 in vivo, we developed a method based on the overexpression of the soluble antagonist by transient transfection of WOP cells with a Frzb1 expression vector and injection of transfected cells into the placenta of pregnant females before the onset of maternofoetal circulation. Frzb1, secreted by WOP cells, accumulated in the embryo and caused a marked reduction in size of caudal structures. Myogenesis was strongly reduced and, in the most severe cases, abolished. This was not due to a generalized toxic effect since only several genes downstream of the Wnt signaling pathway such as En1, Noggin and Myf5 were downregulated; in contrast, Pax3 and Mox1 expression levels were not affected even in embryos exhibiting the most severe phenotypes. Taken together, these results suggest that Wnt signals may act by regulating both myogenic commitment and expansion of committed cells in the mouse mesoderm.  相似文献   
The pathogenesis of sepsis associated encephalopathy (SAE) is not yet clear: the blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption has been indicated among the possible causative mechanisms. S100B, a calcium binding protein, originates in the central nervous system but it can be also produced by extra-cerebral sources; it is passively released from damaged glial cells and neurons; it has limited passage through the BBB. We aimed to demonstrate BBB damage as part of the pathogenesis of SAE by cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and serum S100B measurements and by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This paper describes four septic patients in whom SAE was clinically evident, who underwent MRI and S100B measurement. We have not found any evidence of CSF-S100B increase. Serum S100B increase was found in three out of four patients. MRI did not identify images attributable to BBB disruption but vasogenic edema, probably caused by an alteration of autoregulation, was diagnosed. S100B does not increase in CSF of septic patients; S100B increase in serum may be due to extracerebral sources and does not prove any injury of BBB. MRI can exclude other cerebral pathologies causing brain dysfunction but is not specific of SAE. BBB damage may be numbered among the contributors of SAE, which aetiology is certainly multifactorial: an interplay between the toxic mediators involved in sepsis and the indirect effects of hyperthermia, hypossia and hypoperfusion.  相似文献   
Canonical Wnt signaling requires inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3) activity, but the molecular mechanism by which this is achieved remains unclear. Here, we report that Wnt signaling triggers the sequestration of GSK3 from the cytosol into multivesicular bodies (MVBs), so that this enzyme becomes separated from its many cytosolic substrates. Endocytosed Wnt colocalized with GSK3 in acidic vesicles positive for endosomal markers. After Wnt addition, endogenous GSK3 activity decreased in the cytosol, and GSK3 became protected from protease treatment inside membrane-bounded organelles. Cryoimmunoelectron microscopy showed that these corresponded to MVBs. Two proteins essential for MVB formation, HRS/Vps27 and Vps4, were required for Wnt signaling. The sequestration of GSK3 extended the half-life of many other proteins in addition to β-Catenin, including an artificial Wnt-regulated reporter protein containing GSK3 phosphorylation sites. We conclude that multivesicular endosomes are essential components of the Wnt signal-transduction pathway.  相似文献   
The determination of the vertebrate dorsoventral body axis is regulated in the extracellular space by a system of interacting secreted molecules consisting of BMP, Chordin, Tolloid and Twisted Gastrulation (Tsg). Tsg is a BMP-binding protein that forms ternary complexes with BMP and Chordin. We investigated the function of Tsg in embryonic patterning by generating point mutations in its two conserved cysteine-rich domains. Surprisingly, Tsg proteins with mutations in the N-terminal domain were unable to bind BMP, yet ventralized the embryo very effectively, indicating strong pro-BMP activity. This hyperventralizing Tsg activity required an intact C-terminal domain and could block the anti-BMP activity of isolated BMP-binding modules of Chordin (CRs) in embryonic assays. This activity was specific for CR-containing proteins as it did not affect the dorsalizing effects of Noggin or dominant-negative BMP receptor. The ventralizing effects of the xTsg mutants were stronger than the effect of Chordin loss-of-function in Xenopus or zebrafish. The results suggest that xTsg interacts with additional CR-containing proteins that regulate dorsoventral development in embryos.  相似文献   
Dorsoventral patterning in animal development is regulated by a morphogenetic gradient of Bone morphogenetic protein signalling, which is established by a set of proteins that are conserved from Drosophila to vertebrates. These include Chordin (Chd)/Short gastrulation, Xolloid/Tolloid and Twisted gastrulation. Here, we report the identification of a cell-surface component of this morphogenetic pathway. Prompted by the observation that Chd protein bound to the surface of certain cell lines with subnanomolar affinity, we identified two cell-surface proteins that bind to Chd, one of which corresponds to Integrin-α3. Integrin-α3 and Chd are co-expressed in the Xenopus embryo. Transfection of Integrin-α3 increased the binding of Chd to the cell surface, which was competed by an excess of soluble Integrin-α3. After binding to the cell surface, Chd was translocated into intracellular endocytic compartments in a temperature-dependent manner. We propose that Integrin-α3 may regulate the concentration of Chd protein in the extracellular space by endocytosis.  相似文献   
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