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We hypothesized that in marginal thiamin deficiency intracellular alpha-oxoaldehydes form macromolecular adducts that could possibly be genotoxic in colon cells; and that in the presence of oxidative stress these effects are augmented because of decreased detoxification of these aldehydes. We have demonstrated that reduced dietary thiamin in F344 rats decreased transketolase activity and increased alpha-oxoaldehyde adduct levels. The methylglyoxal protein adduct level was not affected by oral glyoxal or methylglyoxal in the animals receiving thiamin at the control levels but was markedly increased in the animals on a thiamin-reduced diet. These observations are consistent with our suggestion that the induction of aberrant crypt foci with marginally thiamin-deficient diets may be a consequence of the formation of methylglyoxal adducts.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that (i) progression of malignancy in patients bearing astrocytic tumors correlates with increased tumor levels of galectin-1; (ii) in vitro addition of purified galectin-1 to U87 human glioblastoma cells enhances tumor cell motility; and (iii) conversely, knocking down galectin-1 expression in this cell line by stable transfection with antisense galectin-1 mRNA impairs motility and delays mortality after their intracranial grafting to nude mice. We here used cDNA microarray analysis to compare the effect on gene expression of stable transfection with antisense galectin-1 vector to mock-transfected and wild-type cells. Among the 631 spots probing genes potentially involved in cancer that were valid for analysis on all the arrays the expression of 86 genes was increased at least 2-fold. Confirmation of increased protein levels was provided by immunocytochemistry for p21waf/cip1, cullin-2, p53, ADAM-15, and MAP-2. Major differences in the expression patterns of ADAM-15 and the actin stress fiber organization were also observed. U87 cells stably deficient for galectin-1 expression were significantly less motile than control. We conclude that the stable inhibition of galectin-1 expression alters the expression of a number of genes that either directly or indirectly influence adhesion, motility and invasion of human glioblastoma cells.  相似文献   
Photogenerated short-lived radical pairs (RP) are common in biological photoprocesses such as photosynthesis and enzymatic DNA repair. They can be favorably probed by time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) methods with adequate time resolution. Two EPR techniques have proven to be particularly useful to extract information on the working states of photoinduced biological processes that is only difficult or sometimes even impossible to obtain by other types of spectroscopy. Firstly, transient EPR yields crucial information on the chemical nature and the geometry of the individual RP halves in a doublet-spin pair generated by a short laser pulse. This time-resolved method is applicable in all magnetic field/microwave frequency regimes that are used for continuous-wave EPR, and is nowadays routinely utilized with a time resolution reaching about 10 ns. Secondly, a pulsed EPR method named out-of-phase electron spin echo envelope modulation (OOP-ESEEM) is increasingly becoming popular. By this pulsed technique, the mutual spin-spin interaction between the RP halves in a doublet-spin pair manifests itself as an echo modulation detected as a function of the microwave-pulse spacing of a two-pulse echo sequence subsequent to a laser pulse. From the dipolar coupling, the distance between the radicals is readily derived. Since the spin-spin interaction parameters are typically not observable by transient EPR, the two techniques complement each other favorably. Both EPR methods have recently been applied to a variety of light-induced RPs in photobiology. This review summarizes the results obtained from such studies in the fields of plant and bacterial photosynthesis and DNA repair mediated by the enzyme DNA photolyase.  相似文献   
The heme-regulated inhibitor of protein synthesis (HRI) regulates translation through the phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 (eIF 2). While HRI is best known for its activation in response to heme-deficiency, we recently showed that the binding of NO and CO to the N-terminal heme-binding domain (NT-HBD) of HRI activated and suppressed its activity, respectively. Here, we examined the effect of hemin, NO, and CO on the interaction between the NT-HBD and the catalytic domain of HRI (HRI/Delta HBD). Hemin stabilized the interaction of NT-HBD with HRI/Delta HBD, and NO and CO disrupted and stabilized this interaction, respectively. Mutant HRI (Delta H-HRI), lacking amino acids 116-158 from the NT-HBD, was less sensitive to heme-induced inhibition, and mutant NT-HBD lacking these residues did not bind to HRI/Delta HBD. HRI/Delta HBD and Delta H-HRI also activated more readily than HRI in response to heme-deficiency. Thus, HRI's activity is regulated through the modulation of the interaction between its NT-HBD and catalytic domain.  相似文献   
Proliferation is one of the basic processes that control embryogenesis. To identify factors involved in the regulation of proliferation, we performed a zebrafish genetic screen in which we used proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression as a readout. Two mutants, hu418B and hu540A, show increased PCNA expression. Morphologically both mutants resembled the dre (dreumes), uki (ukkie), and lep (leprechaun) mutant class and both are shown to be additional uki alleles. Surprisingly, although an increased size is detected of multiple structures in these mutant embryos, adults become dwarfs. We show that these mutations disrupt repressors of the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway. The dre, uki, and lep loci encode Su(fu) (suppressor of fused), Hip (Hedgehog interacting protein), and Ptc2 (Patched2) proteins, respectively. This class of mutants is therefore unique compared to previously described Hh mutants from zebrafish genetic screens, which mainly show loss of Hh signaling. Furthermore, su(fu) and ptc2 mutants have not been described in vertebrate model systems before. Inhibiting Hh activity by cyclopamine rescues uki and lep mutants and confirms the overactivation of the Hh signaling pathway in these mutants. Triple uki/dre/lep mutants show neither an additive increase in PCNA expression nor enhanced embryonic phenotypes, suggesting that other negative regulators, possibly Ptc1, prevent further activation of the Hh signaling pathway. The effects of increased Hh signaling resulting from the genetic alterations in the uki, dre, and lep mutants differ from phenotypes described as a result of Hh overexpression and therefore provide additional insight into the role of Hh signaling during vertebrate development.  相似文献   
The reaction between iodine and azide ions induced by thiopental was utilized as a postcolumn reaction for chromatographic determination of thiopental. The method is based on the separation of thiopental on an Nova-Pak CN HP column with an acetonitrile-aqueous solution of sodium azide as a mobile phase, followed by spectrophotometric measurement of the residual iodine (lambda=350 nm) from the postcolumn iodine-azide reaction induced by thiopental after mixing an iodine solution containing iodide ions with the column effluent containing azide ions and thiopental. Chromatograms obtained for thiopental showed negative peaks as a result of the decrease in background absorbance. The detection limit (defined as S/N=3) was 20 nM (0.4 pmol injected amount) for thiopental. Calibration graphs, plotted as peak area versus concentrations, were linear from 40 nM. The elaborated method was applied to determine thiopental in urine samples. The detection limit (defined as S/N=3) was 0.025 nmol/ml urine. Calibration graphs, plotted as peak area versus concentrations, were linear from 0.05 nmol/ml urine. Authentic urine samples were analyzed, thiopental was determined at nmol/ml urine level.  相似文献   
Neuronal and glial cells organizing the central nervous system (CNS) are generated from common neural precursor cells (NPCs) during neural development. However, the expression of cell-surface glycoconjugates that are crucial for determining the properties and biological function of these cells at different stages of development has not been clearly defined. In this study, we investigated the expression of several stage-specific glycoconjugate antigens, including several b-series gangliosides GD3, 9-O-acetyl GD3, GT1b and GQ1b, stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) and HNK-1, in mouse embryonic NPCs employing immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. In addition, several of these antigens were positively identified by chemical means for the first time. We further showed that the SSEA-1 immunoreactivity was contributed by both glycoprotein and glycolipid antigens, and that of HNK-1 was contributed only by glycoproteins. Functionally, SSEA-1 may participate in migration of the cells from neurospheres in an NPC cell culture system, and the effect could be repressed by anti-SSEA-1 antibody. Based on this observation, we identified beta1 integrin as one of the SSEA-1 carrier glycoproteins. Our data thus provide insights into the functional role of certain glycoconjugate antigens in NPCs during neural development.  相似文献   
Vegetative mycelial cells of Armillaria are expected to have diploid nuclei. Cells from a single mycelium therefore would not be expected to differ from one another for ecologically relevant quantitative traits. We isolated two sets of basidiome cell lines (from spores and stipe cells) and one set of vegetative cell lines (from an attached rhizomorph) from a single contiguous Armillaria gallica mycelium. We isolated a second set of vegetative cell lines from the soil 20 cm from the above basidiome-rhizomorph complex. In all four sets of cell lines in situ DAPI-DNA measurements showed cells are haploid and quantitative-trait analyses of cell lines grown at different water potentials revealed high levels of among-cell-line genetic variation for both growth and phenotypic plasticity. Haploidy and the existence of ecologically relevant genetic variation within vegetative individuals are unexpected and mean that a process similar to evolutionary adaptation could take place within the soma of a genetic individual. We believe this is a key to understanding how large A. gallica mycelia survive exposure to variation in ecological conditions during lives that potentially span several tree (host) generations.  相似文献   
Tree root respiration utilizes a major portion of the primary production in forests and is an important process in the global carbon cycle. Because of the lack of ecologically relevant methods, tree root respiration in situ is much less studied compared with above-ground processes such as photosynthesis and leaf respiration. This study introduces a new (13)C natural tracer method for measuring tree root respiration in situ. The method partitions tree root respiration from soil respiration in buried root chambers. Rooting media substantially influenced root respiration rates. Measured in three media, the fine root respiration rates of longleaf pine were 0.78, 0.27 and 0.18 mg CO(2) carbon mg(-1) root nitrogen d(-1) at 25 degrees C in the native soil, tallgrass prairie soil, and sand-vermiculite mixture, respectively. Compared with the root excision method, the root respiration rate of longleaf pine measured by the field chamber method was 18% higher when using the native soil as rooting medium, was similar in the prairie soil, but was 42% lower if in the sand-vermiculite medium. This natural tracer method allows the use of an appropriate rooting medium and is capable of measuring root respiration nondestructively in natural forest conditions.  相似文献   
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