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Summary The aldehyde oxidase staining pattern in wing discs ofDrosophila melanogaster bearing the genotypesap blt /ap blt andap blt andap blt /ap 73n showns changes from the wild-type pattern. Extensive areas of the presumptive dorsal posterior wing blade, which are normally unstained, have enzyme activity in these mutants. In wings of these genotypes, dorsal posterior structures are replaced by dorsal anterior wing structures. A strong correlation has been found between the frequencies of various staining patterns in the discs and the extent of transformation in the cuticular structures of the wing, which is consistent with the idea that aldehyde oxidase activity can be used as an indicator in the wing disc of this transformation. Unlike the homoeotic mutationengrailed, apterous has not been interpreted as a selector gene yet the work reported here shows thatapterous alleles can cause changes resembling those of theengrailed phenotype both in aldehyde oxidase staining behaviour and in the cuticular transformation.  相似文献   
Three DNA-localizing fluorochromes used in conjunction with epi (incident) UV illumination were examined for sensitivity and selectivity for the cytofluorometric determination of nuclear DNA in ten species of six algal genera: Mougeotia, Oedogonium, Sirogonium, Spirogyra and Zygnema among the green algae, and the marine red alga Polysiphonia boldii. In comparison with absorption photometry for the determination of nuclear DNA, the cytofluorometric procedure proved to be simpler and considerably more sensitive. Following staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), nuclei fluoresce blue-white, the fluorescence intensity of the DNA-DAPI complex being considerably greater than that of the unbound dye molecule. Algal strains stained with 2,5-bis[4'-aminopheny](1')]-1,3,4-oxadiazole (BAO) also showed brilliant blue-white nuclear fluorescence. Although the BAO schedule requires the use of freshly prepared dye and sulfite water, and careful control of hydrolysis, nuclear fluorescence of the stained specimens does not fade under irradiation of the UV beam as rapidly as it does with certain other fluorochrome procedures. A more useful fluorochrome was the fungal antibiotic mithramycin. Its staining schedule is simple and the bright orange-yellow fluorescence of the nuclei is associated with an exceptional degree of sensitivity and specificity for DNA. Forty-eight-year-old preserved filaments of Spirogyra jatobae, stained with either BAO or mithramycin, exhibited a fluorescence brilliance of nuclear and chloroplast DNA equal to that of fresh specimens of this species. The three schedules, but particularly the one with mithramycin, have proven useful in providing indirect evidence for variation in ploidy level in several of the above algal genera, and in verifying the assumed ploidy level of the gametophyte (haploid) and tetrasporophyte (diploid) of Polysiphonia boldii  相似文献   
Summary Hepatocytes from livers of rats loaded by Fe-dextran treatment were isolated by an in situ collagenase perfusion technique and evaluated for their biochemical, cytochemical, and morphological characteristics in cell culture. Iron loads 15 times higher than in normal rat liver cells isolated in the same way were retained in the preparations with 40% present as hemosiderin. A simple centrifugation-mathematical approach is described for the calculation of Fe content in the hepatocyte (95%) and reticuloendothelial (5%) fractions in the isolates. The cells were cultured for 22 h without loss of protein synthesis capability or significant changes in cell count, viability, endogenous glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) or Fe and were morphologically similar in most respects to unloaded (normal) hepatocytes similarly cultured. Studies are in progress to assess the utility of these preparations as a model for Fe mobilization from Fe-loaded animals. This work is supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AM 25647-03 (M. Dawson, Principal Investigator) and GM 28158-01 (C. Tyson, Principal Investigator). The technical assistance of Mr. Jack E. Dabbs, Mr. Charles Hart, and Mr. Randy Douglas is acknowledged.  相似文献   
Plasma fibronectin (pFn) is a serum protein which, when adsorbed to a glass or plastic substratum, mediates the adhesion of fibroblasts in culture. We have studied some of the details of its adsorption and subsequent fate. By using 125l-labeled pFn, we show that a substratum incubated with pFn adsorbs approximately 0.4 μg/cm2 pFn (a monomolecular layer), and one incubated with medium containing serum adsorbs approximately 7 ng/cm2 pFn (a 12-fold enrichment relative to a random selection of the soluble proteins). SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) suggests the bound serum proteins (eluted with SDS) are primarily BSA and β-globulins. The bound pFn adheres so tightly, though, that most resists elution, as assayed (1) with pFn radioiodinated before binding, (2) with pFn radioiodinated after binding, or (3) by the cell spreading activity of the bound pFn retained after SDS treatment. Under culture conditions, there is a continuous “turnover” of substratum-bound pFn: soluble pFn can bind to a serum-coated substratum, while bound pFn is gradually removed by incubation with serum proteins. The presence of fibroblasts increases the rate of this removal several-fold. By SDS-PAGE the material removed (as well as that eluted from the substratum with SDS after cell detachment) is intact pFn or large (possibly proteolytically generated) fragments. Thus, pFn binds preferentially to the tissue culture substratum, but can be removed subsequently by the combined action of cells and other serum proteins.  相似文献   
Abstract: The neurological mouse mutant dystonia musculorum exhibits bizarre appendicular and truncal dystonia without known cerebellar histopathology. We evaluated striatal dopamine and cerebellar norepinephrine metabolism in this mutant and compared the results with those obtained in wild-type BALB/c and B6C3 controls. Tyrosine hydroxylase activity and dopamine metabolite levels (homovanillic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid) in the striatum of the mutant were similar to controls. Tyrosine hydroxylase activity and the steady-state level of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethyleneglycol, a metabolite of norepinephrine, in the cerebellum were 38% and 42-66%, respectively, greater in the mutant. However, the level of norepinephrine was similar (∼350 ng/g). Further, a Purkinje cell-specific marker, cGMP-dependent protein kinase, was unchanged in the mutant and no Purkinje cell pathology was observed with light microscopy. The lack of Purkinje cell derangement and similar levels of cerebellar norepinephrine and cGMP-dependent protein kinase activity suggest that increased norepinephrine metabolism in the cerebellum of this mutant is not a morphological response to gross target cell loss during morphogenesis. The observed changes may be a reaction to abnormal impulse traffic or altered input/output pathways to the mutant cerebellum during its development.  相似文献   
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