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The DNA sequence data reported have been lodged in the Genbank, EMBL and DDBJ databases under the accession numbers Z21609 and Z26914  相似文献   
CheY, a small cytoplasmic response regulator, plays an essential role in the chemotaxis pathway. The concentration of phospho-CheY is thought to determine the swimming behaviour of the cell: high levels of phospho-CheY cause bacteria to rotate their flagella clockwise and tumble, whereas low levels of the phos-phorylated form of the protein allow counter-ciockwise rotation of the flagella and smooth swimming. The phosphorylation state of CheY in vivo is determined by the activity of the phosphoryl donor CheA, and by the antagonistic effect of dephosphorylation of phospho-CheY. The dephosphorylation rate is controlled by the intrinsic autohydrolytic activity of phospho-CheY and by the CheZ protein, which accelerates dephosphorylation. We have analysed the effect of CheZ on the dephosphorylation rates of several mutant CheY proteins. Two point mutations were identified which were 50-fold and 5-fold less sensitive to the activity of CheZ than was the wild-type protein. Nonetheless, the phosphorylation and autodephos-phorylation rates of these mutants, CheY23ND and CheY26KE, were observed to be identical to those of wild-type CheY in the absence of CheZ. These are the first examples of CheY mutations that reduce sensitivity to the phosphatase activity of CheZ without being altered in terms of their intrinsic phosphorylation and autodephospborylation rates, interestingly, the residues Asn-23 and Lys-26 are located on a face of CheY far from the phosphorylation site (Asp-57), distinct from the previously described site of inter-action with the histidine kinase CheA, and partially overlapping with a region implicated in interaction with the flagellar switch.  相似文献   
We have investigated heat-shock response in a marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi. We have found that 39 C was the highest tempature at which V. harveyi was able to grow steadily. A shift from 30° C to 39° C caused increased synthesis of at least 10 proteins, as judged by SDS-PAGE, with molecular masses of 90, 70, 58, 41, 31, 27, 22, 15, 14.5 and 14kDa. The 70, 58, 41 and 14.5 kDa proteins were immunologically homologous to DnaK, GroEL, DnaJ and GroES heat-shock proteins of Escherichia coli, respectively. V. harveyi GroES protein had a lower molecular mass (14.5 kDa) than E. coli GroES, migrating in SDS-PAGE as 15 kDa protein. We showed that a protein of ~43 kDa, immunologically reactive with antiserum against E. coli sigma 32 subunit (σ32) of RNA polymerase, was induced by heat-shock and co-purified with V. harveyi RNA polymerase. These results suggest that the 43 kDa protein is a heat-shock sigma protein of V. harveyi. Preparation containing the V. harveyi sigma 32 homologue, supplemented with core RNA polymerase of E. coli, was able to transcribe heat-shock promoters of E. coli in vitro.  相似文献   
Rat hepatocytes were incubated in the presence of a high concentrationof the hepatopathogenic agent D-galactosamine (GalN), and theeffect on the cellular concentrations of pyrimidine nucleotidesand nucleotide sugars was determined. The UTP pool became depleted.The pools of UMP and CMP in RNA decreased to 72%, indicativefor an inhibition of RNA synthesis. UDP-HexNAc (where HexNAcis GlcNAc + GalNAc) and UDP-HexN (where HexN is GlcN + GalN)levels increased, and those of UDP-hexose and UDP-GlcA (whereGlcA is glucuronic acid) decreased. The cellular concentrationof CTP did not change, whereas that of CMP-NeuAc (where NeuAcis N-acetylneuraminic add) showed a 2-fold increase. Labellingwith [14C]orotic acid and [3H]cytidine showed that the metabolicflow via the de novo pathway was not changed. The depletionof the so-called overflow pool of UTP [Pels Rijcken et al, Biochem.J., 293, 207–213, 1993] caused a release of the feedbackinhibition by UTP and thus an increased flow through the salvagepathway. Finally, it appeared that GalN, when added to hepatocytes,gives rise to a pool of UDP-GlcNAc (where GlcNAc is N-acetylglueosamine)that is separate from the pool of UDP-GlcNAc that is derivedfrom GlcN. D-galactosamine glycosylation sugar nucleotide biosynthesis  相似文献   
Mannosyltransferase activities in membranes from various yeast strains   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
In the yeast Golgi compartments, at least five, and potentiallyseveral additional mannosyltransferases are involved in elongatingto ‘mannan’ the core Man8GlcNAc2 oligosac-charidetrimmed from GlC3Man9GlcNAc2 in the endoplasmic reticulum. Structuralstudies on oligosaccharides from alg3 mutant yeast, which lackthe four upper arm mannoses donated by Man-P-Dol (where Dolis dolichol), verified that the new  相似文献   
Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is a key signal transducing enzyme which generates the second messengers inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol in mammalian cells. A cDNA clone (PI-PLC1) encoding a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C was isolated from soybean by screening a cDNA expression library using an anti-(plasma membrane) serum. Genomic DNA gel blot analysis suggested that the corresponding gene is a member of a multigene family. The deduced amino acid sequence of the soybean PI-PLC1 isozyme contains the conserved X and Y regions, found in other PI-PLCs. It is closely related to mammalian δ-type PI-PLCs, Dictyostelium discoideum PI-PLC and yeast PI-PLC1 in terms of the arrangement of the conserved region. Unlike mammalian δ-type PI-PLCs and yeast PI-PLC1, the putative Ca2+-binding site of the soybean PI-PLC1 is located in the region spanning the X and Y domains, and the N-terminal region is truncated. FLAG epitope-tagged PI-PLC1 fusion protein purified from transgenic tobacco plants showed phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C activity. Heterologous expression of the soybean PI-PLC1 cDNA in a yeast PI-PLC1 deletion mutant complemented the lethality phenotype of haploid PI-PLC1 disruptants. Immunoblot analysis of the cell fractions prepared from transgenic tobacco plants over-expressing the FLAG epitope-tagged PI-PLC1 fusion protein indicated that the protein encoded by the PI-PLC1 cDNA was localized in the cytosol and plasma membrane.  相似文献   
cDNAs encoding three proteins from barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), a class-II chitinase (CHI), a class-II β-1,3-glucanase (GLU) and a Type-I ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) were expressed in tobacco plants under the control of the CaMV 35S-promoter. High-level expression of the transferred genes was detected in the transgenic plants by Northern and Western blot analysis. The leader peptides in CHI and GLU led to accumulation of these proteins in the intercellular space of tobacco leaves. RIP, which is naturally deposited in the cytosol of barley endosperm cells, was expressed either in its original cytosolic form or fused to a plant secretion peptide (spRIP). Fungal infection assays revealed that expression of the individual genes in each case resulted in an increased protection against the soilborne fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani , which infects a range of plant species including tobacco. To create a situation similar to 'multi-gene' tolerance, which traditional breeding experience has shown to provide crops with a longer-lasting protection, several of these antifungal genes were combined and protection against fungal attack resulting from their co-expression in planta was evaluated. Transgenic tobacco lines were generated with tandemly arranged genes coding for RIP and CHI as well as GLU and CHI. The performance of tobacco plants co-expressing the barley transgenes GLU/ CHI or CHI/RIP in a Rhizoctonia solani infection assay revealed significantly enhanced protection against fungal attack when compared with the protection levels obtained with corresponding isogenic lines expressing a single barley transgene to a similar level. The data indicate synergistic protective interaction of the co-expressed anti-fungal proteins in vivo .  相似文献   
The operational sex ratio (OSR), an important determinant of the intensity of sexual selection, can vary with the population sex ratio and the potential reproductive rates of males and females. In parental teleosts, different forms of brood cannibalism, filial and non-kin, could affect the potential reproductive rates of males and females, and thereby the OSR. The direction of the effect of brood cannibalism on the OSR would depend on the sex of the cannibal and the parent. No evidence has been found that brood cannibalism can affect the OSR by altering the sex ratio.  相似文献   
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