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Objective: To compare weight-specific and global psychosocial concerns and health-compromising behaviors among overweight and nonoverweight youth across gender and ethnicity. Methods: A cross-sectional school-based survey of 31,122 adolescents in grades 7 to 12. Based on self-reported heights and weights, respondents were categorized as nonoverweight (body mass index (BMI) <85th percentile), moderately overweight (85th percenile <BMI <95th percentile), or severely overweight (BMI >95th percentile). Results: Global psychosocial concerns, such as emotional well-being, suicidal ideation, future job concerns, and peer concerns, did not differ greatly between nonoverweight, moderately overweight, and severely overweight adolescents. Substance abuse behaviors were equally or less prevalent among the overweight group. Overweight girls were significantly less likely to consume alcohol, whereas overweight boys were at lower risk for marijuana use. In contrast, overweight youth were more likely to perceive their health as only fair or poor and were more likely to express weight-specific concerns and engage in behaviors such as chronic dieting and binge eating than nonoverweight youth. Overweight American Indian girls perceived their physical health more positively than nonoverweight American Indian girls. Strong associations were found between overweight status and chronic dieting among African American boys and girls. Conclusions: Nutritional counseling and educational programs need to address the weight-specific concerns and behaviors of overweight adolescents. However, assumptions regarding global psychosocial concerns and health-compromising behaviors among overweight adolescents of different genders and ethnicities should be avoided. These broad issues need to be explored in more depth at both the research and intervention levels.  相似文献   
Hanger, Christopher C., Robert G. Presson, Jr., Osamu Okada,Steven J. Janke, John J. Watkins, Wiltz W. Wagner, Jr., and Ronald L. Capen. Computer determination of perfusion patterns in pulmonarycapillary networks. J. Appl. Physiol.82(4): 1283-1289, 1997.Individual pulmonary capillaries are notsteadily perfused. By using in vivo microscopy, it can readily bedemonstrated that perfusion continually switches between capillarysegments and between portions of the network within a single alveolarwall. These changes in capillary perfusion occur even when upstream pressure and flow are constant. Flow switching between capillary segments in the absence of hemodynamic changes in large upstream vessels suggests that capillary perfusion patterns could be random. Tocalculate the probability that perfusion patterns could occur bychance, it is necessary to know the total number of possible perfusionpatterns in a given capillary network. We developed a computer programthat can determine every possible perfusion pattern for any givencapillary network, and from that information we can calculate whetherperfusion of individual segments in the network is random. With theresults of the computer program, we have obtained statistical evidencethat some capillary segments in a network are nonrandomly perfused.

Fitzgerald, Robert S., Machiko Shirahata, and Tohru Ide.Further cholinergic aspects of carotid body chemotransduction ofhypoxia in cats. J. Appl. Physiol.82(3): 819-827, 1997.From the 1930s into the 1970s, the role ofacetylcholine (ACh) in the carotid body's chemotransduction of hypoxiawas debated. Since the late 1970s, the issue has been pursued onlyintermittently or not at all. The purpose of this study was to testagain with a new preparation the hypothesis that ACh is an excitatoryneurotransmitter in the cat carotid body's chemotransduction ofhypoxia. We tested the effect of the specific nicotinic blockermecamylamine and the muscarinic blocker of all five muscarinicreceptors, atropine. We further tested the effects ofM1 andM2 muscarinic-receptor blockers.The carotid body region was selectively perfused with hypoxicKrebs-Ringer bicarbonate (KRB) solutions that were blocker free orcontained varying doses of the blockers. Both mecamylamine and atropinereduced the response to hypoxic KRB in a dose-related manner. TheM2 muscarinic-receptor blockersgallamine and AFDX 116 increased the response to hypoxic KRB, whereasthe M1 muscarinic-receptor blockerpirenzepine reduced the response to hypoxic KRB. These data areconsistent with an excitatory role for ACh in the carotid bodychemotransduction of hypoxia in the cat.

Capillary recruitment and transit time in the rat lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presson, Robert G., Jr., Thomas M. Todoran, Bracken J. DeWitt, Ivan F. McMurtry, and Wiltz W. Wagner, Jr.Capillary recruitment and transit time in the rat lung.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 543-549, 1997.Increasing pulmonary blood flow and the associated rise incapillary perfusion pressure cause capillary recruitment. The resultingincrease in capillary volume limits the decrease in capillary transittime. We hypothesize that small species with relatively high restingmetabolic rates are more likely to utilize a larger fraction ofgas-exchange reserve at rest. Without reserve, we anticipate thatcapillary transit time will decrease rapidly as pulmonary blood flowrises. To test this hypothesis, we measured capillary recruitment andtransit time in isolated rat lungs. As flow increased, transit timedecreased, and capillaries were recruited. The decrease in transit timewas limited by an increase in the homogeneity of the transit time distribution and an increased capillary volume due, in part, to recruitment. The recruitable capillaries, however, were nearly completely perfused at flow rates and pressures that were less thanbasal for the intact animal. This suggests that a limited reserve ofrecruitable capillaries in the lungs of species with high restingmetabolic rates may contribute to their inability to raiseO2 consumption manyfold abovebasal values.

Castellani, John W., Carl M. Maresh, Lawrence E. Armstrong,Robert W. Kenefick, Deborah Riebe, Marcos Echegaray, Douglas Casa, andV. Daniel Castracane. Intravenous vs. oral rehydration: effects onsubsequent exercise-heat stress. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(3): 799-806, 1997.This studycompared the influence of intravenous vs. oral rehydration afterexercise-induced dehydration during a subsequent 90-min exercisebout. It was hypothesized that cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, and hormonal variables would be the same between intravenous and oral rehydration because of similar restoration ofplasma volume (PV) and osmolality (Osmo). Eight non-heat-acclimated menreceived three experimental treatments (counterbalanced design) immediately after exercise-induced dehydration (33°C) to 4%body weight loss. Treatments were intravenous 0.45% NaCl (iv; 25 ml/kg), no fluid (NF), and oral saline (Oral; 25 ml/kg).After rehydration and rest (2 h total), subjects walked at 50% maximalO2 consumption for up to 90 min at36°C. The following observations were made: 1) heart rate was higher(P < 0.05) in Oral vs. ivat minutes 45, 60, and75 of exercise;2) rectal temperature, sweat rate, percent change in PV, and change in plasma Osmo were similar between ivand Oral; 3) change in plasmanorepinephrine decreased less (P < 0.05) in Oral compared with iv at minute45; 4) changes in plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol were similar between ivand Oral after exercise was initiated; and5) exercise time was similar betweeniv (77.4 ± 5.4 min) and Oral (84.2 ± 2.3 min). These datasuggest that after exercise-induced dehydration, iv and Oral wereequally effective as rehydration treatments. Thermoregulation, changein adrenocorticotropic hormone, and change in cortisol were notdifferent between iv and Oral after exercise began; this is likely dueto similar percent change in PV and change in Osmo.

Book reviewed in this article:
Encounters with Aging: Mythologies of Menopause in Japan and North America . Margaret Lock.
Old Age: Constructions and Deconstructions . Haim Hazan.
Old Age in Global Perspective: Cross-Cultural and Cross-National Views . Steven M. Albert and Maria G. Cattell.  相似文献   
Calcium pyrophosphate-deposition disease (CPDD), also called "chondrocalcinosis" or "pseudogout," is a disorder characterized by the deposition of calcium-containing crystals in joint tissue, which leads to arthritis-like symptoms. The presence of these crystals in joint tissue is a common finding in the elderly, and, in this population, there is a poor correlation with joint pain. In contrast, early-onset CPDD has been described in several large families in which the disease progresses to severe degenerative osteoarthritis (OA). In these families, an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance is observed, with an age at onset between the 2d and 5th decades of life. In this report, we describe a large New England family with early-onset CPDD and severe degenerative OA. We found genetic linkage between the disease in this family and chromosome 8q, with a multipoint lod score of 4.06. These results suggest that a defective gene at this location causes the disease in this family.  相似文献   
The alpha-amylase (Amy) multigene family in Drosophila pseudoobscura is located on the third chromosome, which is polymorphic for more than 40 inverted gene arrangements. The number of copies in this family ranges from one to three, depending on the arrangement in question. A previous study of the three Amy genes from the Standard (ST) arrangement suggested either that duplicated copies (Amy2 and Amy3) are functionally constrained or that they are undergoing gene conversion with Amy1. In order to elucidate further the pattern of molecular evolution in this family, we cloned and sequenced four additional Amy genes, two from the Santa Cruz (SC) and two from the Chiricahua (CH) gene arrangement. Of the two alternatives, only the hypothesis of gene conversion is supported by the sequence analysis. The homogenization effect of gene conversion has been strongest in SC, whose copies differ by only two nucleotides, less noticeable in ST, and negligible in the CH. Furthermore, the action of gene conversion is apparently localized, occurring only in the coding region. Interestingly, these results concur with the findings of other workers for the duplicated Amy genes in the Drosophila melanogaster group. Thus, the occurrence of gene conversion in the Amy multigene family seems to be a common feature in the Drosophila species studied so far.   相似文献   
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