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Benzene, an accepted leukemogen, has been suggested to cause other hemato- and lymphopoietic cancers. Here we review the published literature for non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and occupational exposure to benzene. Six cohorts, sixteen case–control studies and two studies of other designs were identified through keyword searches of bibliographic databases. Twenty-two of twenty-four studies found no association between NHL and ever exposed to benzene compared to never; a random-effects meta-analysis gave a pooled risk estimate of 1.11 (95% confidence interval 0.94–1.30). Our finding of no effect agrees with one of two previous meta-analyses. The other meta-analysis examined if high benzene exposure increased NHL risk but a lack of consistent exposure categories within the same metric should have precluded pooling risks by exposure level. Instead, we reviewed whether dose–response relationships existed. The best available data came from six studies where exposure was estimated from historical measurements and on the whole, no trends in risks of NHL with rising cumulative, average, peak, or duration of benzene exposure were found. NHL is a heterogeneous group of malignancies and although less well-studied, benzene was not associated with any NHL subtype. In conclusion, benzene at either low or high doses does not increase the risk of NHL.  相似文献   
Twenty general practices in four areas in Britain were surveyed to establish their needs for and practices of sterilising and disinfecting equipment. Of the 327 items of equipment and instruments examined in the survey, 190 were satisfactorily decontaminated, 100 were treated in a way judged to result in doubtful decontamination, and in 37 cases treatment was considered unsatisfactory. Decontamination apparatuses (autoclaves, hot air ovens, and hot water disinfectors) were generally in good working order, but the use of chemical disinfectants was often inappropriate. Recommendations were made on appropriate methods of decontamination for various items in common use in general practice. By virtue of the large numbers of patients treated by general practitioners there is a substantial possibility of transmitting infection; having appropriate methods for decontaminating instruments and equipment is therefore imperative.  相似文献   
The transfer of excitation energy in intact cells of the thermophilic green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was studied both at low temperature and under more physiological conditions. Analysis of excitation spectra measured at 4K indicates that the minor fraction of bacteriochlorophyll a present in the chlorosome functions as an intermediate in energy transfer between the main light-harvesting pigment BChl c and the membrane-bound B808-866 antenna complex. This supports the hypothesis that BChl a is associated with the base plate which connects the chlorosome with the membrane. The overall efficiency for energy transfer from the chlorosome to the membrane is only 15% at 4K. High efficiencies of close to 100% are observed above 40°C near the temperature where the cultures are grown. Cooling to 20°C resulted in a sudden drop of the transfer efficiency which appeared to originate in the chlorosome. This decrease may be related to a lipid phase transition. Further cooling mainly affected the efficiency of transfer between the chlorosome and the membrane. This effect can only partially be explained by a decreased Förster overlap between the chlorosomal BChl a and BChl a 808 associated with the membrane-bound antenna system. The temperature dependence of the fluorescence yield of BChl a 866 also appeared to be affected by lipid phase transitions, suggesting that this fluorescence can be used as a native probe of the physical state of the membrane.  相似文献   
The swivel-tether system has been used extensively in biomedical research involving nonhuman primates, yet there has been little or no investigation into potential adverse influences of this form of restraint on research results. In the study described here, a portable electrocardiographic telemetry system was used for continuous monitoring of the heart rate of 26 cynomolgus monkeys while: (a) pair-caged, 8 weeks prior to tethering; (b) singly-caged, tethered; (c) singly-caged, tethered, administered propranolol (30 mg/kg/day) in the diet; (d) group-housed (five monkeys per group), 1 week after group formation; and (e) group-housed (five monkeys per group), 4 weeks after group formation. Tethering resulted in persistent elevations in heart rate relative to the other conditions. Administration of propranolol, a beta-adrenergic antagonist, resulted in an abrupt, sustained decrease in heart rate indicating that the increase in heart rate associated with tethering was due to persistent stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Since multiple aspects of cardiovascular function are influenced by the sympathetic nervous system, and other organs and systems (e.g., pituitary-gonadal) also may be affected, investigators using the swivel-tether system should be cognizant of these potential effects when designing experiments and interpreting the results.  相似文献   
Although the rat is usually not considered to be sensitive to photoperiod, under some experimental conditions photoperiod responses are unmasked. In addition, we have observed photoperiod-induced changes in body weight gain in lean and obese Zucker rats. In this experiment, body mass, food intake, body composition, brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenic state, and blood concentrations of corticosterone, insulin, and glucose were evaluated under one of two lighting conditions: a short (10 h light: 14 h dark) or a long (14 h light: 10 h dark) photoperiod. Plasma corticosterone and glucose concentrations measured under fasting conditions were unaffected by photoperiod in either genotype. The amount of BAT mitochondrial protein isolated was less in long photoperiod rats. BAT mitochondrial GDP binding was unaffected by photoperiod in the lean rats, but tended to be lower in long photoperiod obese rats than in short photoperiod obese rats. Although, photoperiod had no effect on daily food intake of rats exposed to the short versus long photoperiod, body mass was heaviest in obese rats raised in long photoperiod. Plasma insulin was increased in both lean and obese rats in long photoperiod. In addition, fat storage appeared to shift to internal depots in the lean rats exposed to long photoperiod. Our data demonstrate that photoperiod does have an effect on male Zucker rats with respect to body weight and fat distribution, with the obese rats being more sensitive to changes in photoperiod than the lean rats.  相似文献   
A dominant allele at the Mi locus on chromosome 6 of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) confers resistance to three species of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne). The resistance, which is associated with a localized necrotic response, was originally introduced into tomato from the wild species Lycopersicon peruvianum. As a step towards the molecular cloning of Mi, we have identified closely linked DNA markers from both cDNA and genomic DNA libraries as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). DNA from tomato populations segregating for nematode resistance was analyzed to generate a high-resolution genetic map of this region. Additional information on gene order was obtained by comparing the size of the introgressed L. peruvianum chromosomal segment within a collection of nematode-resistant tomato lines. Among the four cDNA markers that are tightly linked to Mi, three are dominant, i.e. L. peruvianum-specific. One cDNA marker corresponds to a gene family comprising 20-30 members, one of which is diagnostic for all nematode-resistant genotypes tested. The presence of non-homologous sequences around the Mi gene may contribute to the suppression of recombination in this region of the genome in crosses heterozygous for Mi. The potential of 'walking' from closely linked markers to Mi is discussed.  相似文献   
These studies were designed to determine the tissue source of ovine relaxin and to determine the feasibility of using the pregnant ewe for study of relaxin production and secretion. On Day 4 of gestation, ewes were laparotomized, the nonpregnant uterine horn was ligated, and the ovary not containing the corpus luteum was removed. During a second surgery at Day 45 (n = 8) or 140 (n = 9) of gestation, 10-ml blood samples were drawn from a uterine artery, the ovarian vein, and veins draining the pregnant and nonpregnant uterine horns. Endometrial, placental, and luteal tissues were obtained for immunocytochemistry and extraction. Relaxin was detected by a heterologous porcine radioimmunoassay (RIA) in 3 of 54 serum samples (701.3 +/- 25.4 pg/ml, mean +/- SEM). Relaxin was not detected in crude tissue extracts, but low quantities were detected by RIA following Sephadex G-50 column chromatography of tissue extracts. Total relaxin activity for all tissues was equivalent to 0.57 +/- 0.13 ng of porcine relaxin/g tissue (w.w.). Relaxin was not detected immunocytochemically by light or electron microscopy. These data indicate that low quantities of relaxin are present in tissues and sera of pregnant ewes.  相似文献   
At an alkaline pH and in an aqueous solution carbaryl hydrolyses to form 1-naphthol, methylamine and carbon dioxide, but it is much more stable at an acid pH. Soil perfusion column experiments indicated that the rate of carbaryl degradation at pH 6.0 to 7.0 was limited by the rate of chemical hydrolysis. Bacterial communities of at least 12 and 14 members were selected in continuous cultures using carbaryl as the sole carbon and nitrogen source at pH 6.0. These communities were supported by the slow formation of hydrolysis products and a carbaryl-degrading bacterium was not selected after greater than 2000 h. A bacterial community of at least eight members was selected using equimolar 1-naphthol and methylamine as its sole carbon and nitrogen source. In contrast, after a lag of between 10 and 50 days, soil perfusion column and continuous culture enrichments at pH 5.2 and 5.0, respectively, led to the selection of a Pseudomonas sp. which could utilize carbaryl as its sole carbon and nitrogen source.  相似文献   
Depletion of intracellular potassium (K+) caused a marked reduction in the rate of endocytosis of receptor-bound low density lipoprotein (LDL) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in human fibroblasts. K+ could be depleted slowly by a 3-hr incubation of cells in isotonic K+-free buffer. Rapid K+ depletion was induced by incubation of cells for 5 min with hypotonic medium, followed by transfer to isotonic K+-free buffer. Within 30 min of this treatment, cellular K+ levels fell by more than 60%. When the K+ level fell below a threshold of 40% of normal, the number of coated pits declined by 80% and the rate of endocytosis of 125I-LDL decreased by 70 to 95% despite normal to increased receptor binding. Similar results were obtained with 125I-epidermal growth factor. Addition of KCl to the culture medium up to 2 hr after K+ depletion restored cellular K+ levels and returned endocytosis of 125I-LDL promptly to normal. RbCl was as effective as KCl, but CsCl, LiCl, and (CH3)4NCl had no effect. Restoration by KCl was blocked by ouabain, indicating that uptake via the Na+/K+ ATPase was required. These data demonstrate that depletion of intracellular K+ reversibly arrests coated pit formation and receptor-mediated endocytosis in human fibroblasts.  相似文献   
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