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This article addresses spatial variability in soil nutrients in altitudinal and latitudinal forest–tundra ecotones in the Kola Peninsula, Russia. Higher total carbon, nitrogen, and bio-available nutrients were found in the organic horizons of latitudinal ecotone against the background of lower nutrients in soil-forming rock. This is supposedly related to higher contribution of nutrient-rich plants in latitudinal ecotone and intense downward within-profile matter migration in the altitudinal ecotone. Elevated bio-available soil nutrients in spruce forests compared with birch forests and tundra sites, and in birch forests compared with tundra against the background of different trends in the soil-forming rock were attributed to the effects of predominant plants. The effects of predominant plants on soil nutrients were distinctly pronounced at the level of site patches. Soil-forming rock effects on soil nutrients were clear at the level of zones/belts and the whole ecotones. Strong negative correlations between the soil nutrients and altitudes were explained by replacement of vascular plants by low-ash lichens at higher elevations.  相似文献   
Aluminum belongs to a group of potential toxic elements capable of penetrating the human body. In this paper, the effect of aluminum concentrations on red blood cell membranes using different fluorescent probes able to localize in various parts of the phospholipid bilayer (TMA-DPH, laurdan and pyrene) were studied. Our results confirm that human erythrocytes exposed to aluminum undergo physico-chemical modifications at the membrane level. A decrease in fluorescence anisotropy of TMA-DPH and in the polarity of the lipid bilayer with a concomitant shift toward a gel phase was observed, and the pyrene excimerization coefficient (kex) increased.Furthermore, the presence of aluminum induced lipid peroxidation and reduced the activity of erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT and GSHPx). Al-induced morphological changes on the erythrocyte membrane surface were monitored using atomic force microscopy. These results provide further information on the target of action of different aluminum amounts.  相似文献   
Potyviruses represent the most biologically successful group of plant viruses, but to our knowledge, this work is the first detailed study of physicochemical characteristics of potyvirus virions. We measured the UV absorption, far and near UV circular dichroism spectra, intrinsic fluorescence spectra, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) melting curves of intact particles of a potato virus A (PVA). PVA virions proved to have a peculiar combination of physicochemical properties. The intravirus coat protein (CP) subunits were shown to contain an unusually high fraction of disordered structures, whereas PVA virions had an almost normal thermal stability. Upon heating from 20°C to 55°C, the fraction of disordered structures in the intravirus CP further increased, while PVA virions remained intact at up to 55°C, after which their disruption (and DSC melting) started. We suggest that the structure of PVA virions below 55°C is stabilized by interactions between the remaining structured segments of intravirus CP. It is not improbable that the biological efficiency of PVA relies on the disordered structure of intravirus CP.  相似文献   
There remains a need to identify novel epitopes of potential tumour target antigens for use in immunotherapy of cancer. Here, several melanoma tissues and cell lines but not normal tissues were found to overexpress the cancer-testis antigen HAGE at the mRNA and protein level. We identified a HAGE-derived 15-mer peptide containing a shorter predicted MHC class I-binding sequence within a class II-binding sequence. However, only the longer peptide was found to be both endogenously processed and immunogenic for T cells in transgenic mice in vivo, as well as for human T cells in vitro. A different class I-binding peptide, not contained within a longer class II sequence, was subsequently found to be both immunogenic and endogenously processed in transgenic mice, as was a second class II epitope. These novel HAGE-derived epitopes may contribute to the range of immunotherapeutic targets for use in cancer vaccination programs.  相似文献   
Active immunization against cholecystokinin fragments 31–33 (CCK-3) and 30–33 (CCK-4) results in long-lasting changes of albino rats’ behavior. CCK-3 and CCK-4 covalently linked to antigen-carrier evokes the suppression of the anxiety, decreases some signs of depression-like behavior and changes the level of bioamines and their catabolites in striatum at least for two months after immunization. These data can provide a perspective approach to the problem of long term correction of behavior.  相似文献   
Interferon lambda 4 gene (IFNL4) encodes IFN-λ4, a new member of the IFN-λ family with antiviral activity. In humans IFNL4 open reading frame is truncated by a polymorphic frame-shift insertion that eliminates IFN-λ4 and turns IFNL4 into a polymorphic pseudogene. Functional IFN-λ4 has antiviral activity but the elimination of IFN-λ4 through pseudogenization is strongly associated with improved clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. We show that functional IFN-λ4 is conserved and evolutionarily constrained in mammals and thus functionally relevant. However, the pseudogene has reached moderately high frequency in Africa, America, and Europe, and near fixation in East Asia. In fact, the pseudogenizing variant is among the 0.8% most differentiated SNPs between Africa and East Asia genome-wide. Its raise in frequency is associated with additional evidence of positive selection, which is strongest in East Asia, where this variant falls in the 0.5% tail of SNPs with strongest signatures of recent positive selection genome-wide. Using a new Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) approach we infer that the pseudogenizing allele appeared just before the out-of-Africa migration and was immediately targeted by moderate positive selection; selection subsequently strengthened in European and Asian populations resulting in the high frequency observed today. This provides evidence for a changing adaptive process that, by favoring IFN-λ4 inactivation, has shaped present-day phenotypic diversity and susceptibility to disease.  相似文献   
In order to anchor Rosa linkage groups to physical chromosomes, a combination of the Tyramide-FISH technology and the modern molecular marker system based on High Resolution Melting (HRM) is an efficient approach. Although, Tyramide-FISH is a very promising technique for the visualization of short DNA probes, it is very challenging for plant species with small chromosomes such as Rosa. In this study, we successfully applied the Tyramide-FISH technique for Rosa and compared different detection systems. An indirect detection system exploiting biotinylated tyramides was shown to be the most suitable technique for reliable signal detection. Three gene fragments with a size of 1100 pb–1700 bp (Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase, Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Synthase and Orcinol O-Methyl Transferase) have been physically mapped on chromosomes 7, 4 and 1, respectively, of Rosa wichurana. The signal frequency was between 25% and 40%. HRM markers of these 3 gene fragments were used to include the gene fragments on the existing genetic linkage map of Rosa wichurana. As a result, three linkage groups could be anchored to their physical chromosomes. The information was used to check for synteny between the Rosa chromosomes and Fragaria.  相似文献   
Two bacterial cultures were isolated and tested for degradation of shrimp shell waste. According to morphological examination, physiological tests, and applied molecular techniques, isolates were identified as Bacillus cereus and Exiguobacterium acetylicum. Both strains were cultivated separately in flasks with 100 mL of shrimp shell waste broth (3% of washed, dried and ground shrimp shell waste in tap water, pH 7.0) at 37°C. At determined periods of time, deproteinization and demineralization of residuals were measured. Fermentation of 3% shell waste with B. cereus indicated 97.1% deproteinization and 95% demineralization. For E. acetylicum, the level of deproteinization and demineralization was 92.8 and 92%, respectively. Protein content was reduced from 18.7 to 5.3% with B. cereus and to 7.3% with E. acetylicum. No additional supplements were used during the fermentation of shell waste. B. cereus strain showed higher efficacy in decomposition of shell waste and was used for large-scale fermentation in 12 L of 10% shrimp shell waste broth. Incubation of bacteria with shell waste during 14 days at 37°C resulted in 78.6% deproteinization and 73% demineralization. High activity of isolated cultures in decomposition of shrimp shell waste suggests broad potential for application of these bacteria in environmentally friendly approaches to chitin extraction from chitin-rich wastes.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress, metabolism of ethanol and alcohol-related diseases   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Alcohol-induced oxidative stress is linked to the metabolism of ethanol. Three metabolic pathways of ethanol have been described in the human body so far. They involve the following enzymes: alcohol dehydrogenase, microsomal ethanol oxidation system (MEOS) and catalase. Each of these pathways could produce free radicals which affect the antioxidant system. Ethanol per se, hyperlactacidemia and elevated NADH increase xanthine oxidase activity, which results in the production of superoxide. Lipid peroxidation and superoxide production correlate with the amount of cytochrome P450 2E1. MEOS aggravates the oxidative stress directly as well as indirectly by impairing the defense systems. Hydroxyethyl radicals are probably involved in the alkylation of hepatic proteins. Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the key factors contributing to the vessel wall homeostasis, an important mediator of the vascular tone and neuronal transduction, and has cytotoxic effects. Stable metabolites--nitrites and nitrates--were increased in alcoholics (34.3 +/- 2.6 vs. 22.7 +/- 1.2 micromol/l, p < 0.001). High NO concentration could be discussed for its excitotoxicity and may be linked to cytotoxicity in neurons, glia and myelin. Formation of NO has been linked to an increased preference for and tolerance to alcohol in recent studies. Increased NO biosynthesis also via inducible NO synthase (NOS, chronic stimulation) may contribute to platelet and endothelial dysfunctions. Comparison of chronically ethanol-fed rats and controls demonstrates that exposure to ethanol causes a decrease in NADPH diaphorase activity (neuronal NOS) in neurons and fibers of the cerebellar cortex and superior colliculus (stratum griseum superficiale and intermedium) in rats. These changes in the highly organized structure contribute to the motor disturbances, which are associated with alcohol abuse. Antiphospholipid antibodies (APA) in alcoholic patients seem to reflect membrane lesions, impairment of immunological reactivity, liver disease progression, and they correlate significantly with the disease severity. The low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation is supposed to be one of the most important pathogenic mechanisms of atherogenesis, and antibodies against oxidized LDL (oxLDL) are some kind of epiphenomenon of this process. We studied IgG oxLDL and four APA (anticardiolipin, antiphosphatidylserine, antiphosphatidylethanolamine and antiphosphatidylcholine antibodies). The IgG oxLDL (406.4 +/- 52.5 vs. 499.9 +/- 52.5 mU/ml) was not affected in alcoholic patients, but oxLDL was higher (71.6 +/- 4.1 vs. 44.2 +/- 2.7 micromol/l, p < 0.001). The prevalence of studied APA in alcoholics with mildly affected liver function was higher than in controls, but not significantly. On the contrary, changes of autoantibodies to IgG oxLDL revealed a wide range of IgG oxLDL titers in a healthy population. These parameters do not appear to be very promising for the evaluation of the risk of atherosclerosis. Free radicals increase the oxidative modification of LDL. This is one of the most important mechanisms, which increases cardiovascular risk in chronic alcoholic patients. Important enzymatic antioxidant systems - superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase - are decreased in alcoholics. We did not find any changes of serum retinol and tocopherol concentrations in alcoholics, and blood and plasma selenium and copper levels were unchanged as well. Only the zinc concentration was decreased in plasma. It could be related to the impairment of the immune system in alcoholics. Measurement of these parameters in blood compartments does not seem to indicate a possible organ, e.g. liver deficiency.  相似文献   
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