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Following either chronic exposure to 6 degrees C, or outdoor winter exposure, or chronic treatment with tyramine rats were exposed to -40 degrees C and their oxygen consumption and colonic temperature monitored. Fall in body temperature with time of exposure followed a sigmoid curve which had an inflection point around 32.9 degrees C. Both the time required for body temperature to reach this point and hypothermic resistance defined as the total O2 consumed up to the inflection time were useful indices of resistance to severe cold; Three days before the cold tests, capacity for norepinephrine-induced nonshivering thermogenesis was measured in all animals by examination of their metabolic response to tyraminemthe magnitude of response to tyramine correlated well with hypothermic resistance only for those rats chroncally treated with tyramine. It is concluded that it is impossible to predict with any reasonable degree of confidence the cold resistance of a rat from its tyramine response. In cold-acclimated rats, factors in addition to norepinephrine sensitivity are significantly involved in cold resistance and deserve further studies.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are key regulatory RNAs known to repress mRNA translation through recognition of specific binding sites located mainly in their 3'-untranslated region (UTR). Loss of specific miRNA control of gene expression is thus expected to underlie serious genetic diseases. Intriguingly, previous post-mortem analyses showed higher beta-amyloid precursor protein-converting enzyme (BACE) protein, but not mRNA, levels in the brain of patients that suffered from Alzheimer disease (AD). Here we also observed a loss of correlation between BACE1 mRNA and protein levels in the hippocampus of a mouse model of AD. Consistent with an impairment of miRNA-mediated regulation of BACE1 expression, these findings prompted us to investigate the regulatory role of the BACE1 3'-UTR element and the possible involvement of specific miRNAs in cultured neuronal (N2a) and fibroblastic (NIH 3T3) cells. Through various experimental approaches, we validated computational predictions and demonstrated that miR-298 and miR-328 recognize specific binding sites in the 3'-UTR of BACE1 mRNA and exert regulatory effects on BACE1 protein expression in cultured neuronal cells. Our results may provide the molecular basis underlying BACE1 deregulation in AD and offer new perspectives on the etiology of this neurological disorder.  相似文献   
The influence of weather on habitat use by small mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summer habitat use by three species of forest small mammals was determined using tracking stations Nocturnal weather influenced habitat selection by deer mice and woodland jumping mice but not by red-backed voles Deer mice used all habitats equally on clear nights but were most active in mixed forest on cloudy, rainless nights and most active in a coniferous habitat on rainy nights Jumping mice were most active in mixed forest on clear and rainy nights but shifted to coniferous forest on cloudy dry nights Red-backed voles were most active in the coniferous habitat regardless of weather Microhabitat references within habitats reflected the same preferences as habitat selection Microhabitat selection by jumping mice also changes with weather The mechanism most likely responsible for the observed habitat selection changes is changing insect abundance associated with cloud cover and rainfall  相似文献   
The Southern Ocean, a region that will be an ocean acidification hotspot in the near future, is home to a uniquely adapted fauna that includes a diversity of lightly-calcified invertebrates. We exposed the larvae of the echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri to environmental levels of CO2 in McMurdo Sound (control: 410 µatm, Ω = 1.35) and mildly elevated pCO2 levels, both near the level of the aragonite saturation horizon (510 µatm pCO2, Ω = 1.12), and to under-saturating conditions (730 µatm, Ω = 0.82). Early embryological development was normal under these conditions with the exception of the hatching process, which was slightly delayed. Appearance of the initial calcium carbonate (CaCO3) spicule nuclei among the primary mesenchyme cells of the gastrulae was synchronous between control and elevated pCO2 treatments. However, by prism (7 days after the initial appearance of the spicule nucleus), elongating arm rod spicules were already significantly shorter in the highest CO2 treatment. Unfed larvae in the 730 µatm pCO2 treatment remained significantly smaller than unfed control larvae at days 15–30, and larvae in the 510 µatm treatment were significantly smaller at day 20. At day 30, the arm lengths were more differentiated between 730 µatm and control CO2 treatments than were body lengths as components of total length. Arm length is the most plastic morphological aspect of the echinopluteus, and appears to exhibit the greatest response to high pCO2/low pH/low carbonate, even in the absence of food. Thus, while the effects of elevated pCO2 representative of near future climate scenarios are proportionally minor on these early developmental stages, the longer term effects on these long-lived invertebrates is still unknown.  相似文献   
The focus of this article is to investigate the biological reference points, such as the maximum sustainable yield (MSY), in a common Schaefer (logistic) surplus production model in the presence of a multiplicative environmental noise. This type of model is used in fisheries stock assessment as a first-hand tool for biomass modelling. Under the assumption that catches are proportional to the biomass, we derive new conditions on the environmental noise distribution such that stationarity exists and extinction is avoided. We then get new explicit results about the stationary behavior of the biomass distribution for a particular specification of the noise, namely the biomass distribution itself and a redefinition of the MSY and related quantities that now depend on the value of the variance of the noise. Consequently, we obtain a more precise vision of how less optimistic the stochastic version of the MSY can be than the traditionally used (deterministic) MSY. In addition, we give empirical conditions on the error variance to approximate our specific noise by a lognormal noise, the latter being more natural and leading to easier inference in this context. These conditions are mild enough to make the explicit results of this paper valid in a number of practical applications. The outcomes of two case-studies about northwest Atlantic haddock [Spencer, P.D., Collie, J.S., 1997. Effect of nonlinear predation rates on rebuilding the Georges Bank haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) stock. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54, 2920-2929] and South Atlantic albacore tuna [Millar, R.B., Meyer, R., 2000. Non-linear state space modelling of fisheries biomass dynamics by using Metropolis-Hastings within-Gibbs sampling. Appl. Stat. 49, 327-342] are used to illustrate the impact of our results in bioeconomic terms.  相似文献   
Rivest LP  Daigle G 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):100-107
The robust design is a method for implementing a mark-recapture experiment featuring a nested sampling structure. The first level consists of primary sampling sessions; the population experiences mortality and immigration between primary sessions so that open population models apply at this level. The second level of sampling has a short mark-recapture study within each primary session. Closed population models are used at this stage to estimate the animal abundance at each primary session. This article suggests a loglinear technique to fit the robust design. Loglinear models for the analysis of mark-recapture data from closed and open populations are first reviewed. These two types of models are then combined to analyze the data from a robust design. The proposed loglinear approach to the robust design allows incorporating parameters for a heterogeneity in the capture probabilities of the units within each primary session. Temporary emigration out of the study area can also be accounted for in the loglinear framework. The analysis is relatively simple; it relies on a large Poisson regression with the vector of frequencies of the capture histories as dependent variable. An example concerned with the estimation of abundance and survival of the red-back vole in an area of southeastern Québec is presented.  相似文献   
Mammalian polyamine carriers have not yet been molecularly identified. The fluoroprobe Spd-C2-BODIPY faithfully reports polyamine transport and accumulates almost exclusively in polyamine-sequestering vesicles (PSVs). Polyamines might thus be imported first by a plasma membrane carrier and then sequestered into pre-existing PSVs (model A), or be directly captured by polyamine receptors undergoing endocytosis (model B). Spd-C2-BODIPY uptake was unaffected in receptor-mediated endocytosis-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants. PSVs strongly colocalized with acidic vesicles of the late endocytic compartment and the trans Golgi. Virtually perfect colocalization between PSVs and acidic vesicles was found in Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants that are blocked either in the late endosome/lysosome fusion process or in the maturation of multivesicular bodies. Prior inhibition of the V-ATPase dramatically decreased total Spd-C2-BODIPY accumulation while increasing cytosolic fluorescence. Conversely, cells pre-loaded with the probe slowly released it from PSVs upon V-ATPase inhibition. The present data thus support model A, and indicate that polyamine accumulation is primarily driven by the activity of a vesicular H+:polyamine carrier.  相似文献   
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