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Distribution of ascorbate into tissues is an essential process in ascorbate antioxidant defense. Hibernating animals are studied as a model of tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion because of their tolerance to fluctuations in blood flow associated with prolonged torpor and periodic arousal episodes. Throughout hibernation, plasma ascorbate concentration ([Asc](p)) repetitively increases during torpor, then falls during periodic arousal bouts. We previously proposed that high [Asc](p) provides a ready source of antioxidant protection for distribution to the central nervous system and peripheral tissues during arousal. Here we tested whether deliberate oxidation of plasma ascorbate by intravenous administration of ascorbate oxidase (AO), prior to arousal, compromised tissue levels of ascorbate or the other water-soluble antioxidants, glutathione (GSH) and urate. Although AO decreased [Asc](p) to below the level of detection during torpor and after arousal, ascorbate oxidation did not decrease post-arousal tissue levels of reduced ascorbate, glutathione, or urate in any tissue examined, except liver. The data imply that ascorbate is taken up equally well into brain and other tissues as either ascorbate or its oxidized product dehydroascorbate, with subsequent intracellular reduction of dehydroascorbate. Lack of effect of ascorbate oxidation on tissue levels of GSH or urate indicates that dehydroascorbate uptake and reduction do not compromise tissue concentrations of these other water-soluble antioxidants. Thus, we show equal availability of reduced and oxidized plasma ascorbate during metabolically demanding thermogenesis and reperfusion associated with arousal from hibernation.  相似文献   
The major pigments responsible for the flower color within the black flowered Gentianaceae, Lisianthius nigrescens, were characterized by HPLC and chemical analyses HPLC analysis showed one major and one minor anthocyanin and 3 major and 3 minor flavone glycosides. The anthocyanins [delphinidin-3-O-rhamnol(1-6)galactoside and its 5-O-glucoside] comprised an extraordinary 24% of the dry weight of wild collected L. nigrescens corallas, and were accompanied in a 1:1 ratio by a range of apigenin and luteolin 8-C-glucosides and their 7-O-methyl ethers. The high levels of anthocyanins and flavones (and their co-pigmentation) is thought to account for the almost complete absorption of both UV and visible wavebands observed by reflectance photography.  相似文献   
Despite a century of study, the relationship between Ag-specific Ig concentration and protection remains poorly understood for the majority of pathogens. In certain conditions, administration of high Ab doses before challenge with an infectious agent can be less effective than smaller Ab doses, a phenomenon which is consistent with a prozone-like effect. In this study, the relationship between IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 dose, infective inocula, and protection was investigated in a mouse model of Cryptococcus neoformans infection. The activity of each IgG subclass ranged from protective to disease-enhancing depending on both the Ab dose and infective inocula used. Enhanced dissemination to the brain was observed in mice given a high IgG2a dose and a relatively low inoculum. Ab administration had immunomodulatory effects, with cytokine expression in lung, brain, and spleen varying as a function of the infective inoculum Ab dose and IgG subclass. In vitro studies did not predict or explain the mechanism of in vivo prozone-like effects, because all isotypes were opsonic and elicited NO release from macrophages. IgG2a was most efficient in inducing a macrophage oxidative burst. These results reveal that an individual Ab can be protective, nonprotective, or disease-enhancing depending on its concentration relative to a challenge inoculum. Our findings have implications for the potential contribution of Ab responses to defense against microbial diseases because Ab-mediated immunity may be protective, nonprotective, or even deleterious to the host.  相似文献   
Exposure of cultured preimplantation embryos to temperatures similar to those experienced by heat-stressed cows inhibits subsequent development. In this study, the effects of heat shock on the ultrastructure of two-cell bovine embryos were examined to determine mechanisms for inhibition of development. Two-cell embryos produced in vitro were harvested at approximately 28 h postinsemination and cultured for 6 h at one of three temperatures: 38.5 degrees C (cow body temperature), 41.0 degrees C (characteristic temperature for heat-stressed cows), or 43.0 degrees C (severe heat shock). Ultrastructural examinations revealed that both heat shocks resulted in the movement of organelles towards the center of the blastomere. In addition, heat shock increased the percentage of mitochondria exhibiting a swollen morphology. Distance between the membranes comprising the nuclear envelope was increased but only when embryos were treated at 43.0 degrees C. To determine whether ultrastructural responses to heat shock in culture were similar for embryos produced in vitro and in vivo, two-cell embryos were collected from superovulated Angus cows 48 h postinsemination and treated ex vivo for 6 h at 38.5 degrees C or 41.0 degrees C. Again, heat shock caused an increase in number of swollen mitochondria and movement of organelles away from the periphery of the blastomere. Exposure of two-cell bovine embryos to physiologically relevant elevated temperatures causes disruption in ultrastructural morphology that is inimical to development. The observation that overall morphology and response to heat was similar for embryos produced in vitro and in vivo implies that the former can be a good model for understanding embryonic responses to heat shock.  相似文献   
Proline oxidase is a p53-induced gene that can mediate apoptosis in lung carcinoma cells. Here, we provide evidence implicating a role for proline oxidase in renal carcinoma. We observed absent or reduced expression of proline oxidase in 8 of 12 primary renal cell carcinomas, with respect to their normal tissue counterparts. Two renal cell carcinomas, which displayed little or no expression of proline oxidase, expressed p53s that were less capable of inducing proline oxidase than p53 isolated from normal renal tissue. One of those tumor-derived p53s contained a double transition mutation at amino acid residues 125 (Ala to Thr) and 193 (Arg to His), and the other exhibited a single transition mutation at amino acid 149 (Ser to Phe). Forced up-regulation of proline oxidase induced the formation of reactive oxygen species and mediated apoptosis in the 786-0 renal cell carcinoma cell line. A proline oxidase antisense vector repressed p53-induced up-regulation of proline oxidase, release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, and apoptosis in 786-0 renal carcinoma cells. Taken together, these findings support a role for proline oxidase as a downstream effector in p53-mediated apoptosis. We hypothesize that its altered expression can contribute to the development of renal carcinomas. The presence of proline oxidase in mitochondria, a primary organelle that regulates apoptosis, places this molecule in a subcellular localization that can directly influence the apoptotic pathway and thus tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
Vespid venoms contain Antigen 5, an important allergen whose primary structure and immunological behavior have been extensively studied from venoms of vespids of the Northern Hemisphere. We report herein structural and immunological aspects of Antigen 5 from Polybia scutellaris subspecies rioplatensis (vulgar name: camoati) found in South America. Mast cell degranulation, histamine release, and IgE induction experiments performed in mice allow us to suggest that P. scutellaris Antigen 5 is a variant with reduced IgE response and anaphylactic activity. Sequence data indicate that the protein has a 72.5-90.3% similarity to that of members of the vespid Antigen 5 family with an already known primary structure. Moreover, results suggest that the protein-a new member of an extracellular protein superfamily-could be a good candidate for immunotherapy related to vespid allergy.  相似文献   
Horizontal gene transfer in microbial genome evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Horizontal gene transfer is the collective name for processes that permit the exchange of DNA among organisms of different species. Only recently has it been recognized as a significant contribution to inter-organismal gene exchange. Traditionally, it was thought that microorganisms evolved clonally, passing genes from mother to daughter cells with little or no exchange of DNA among diverse species. Studies of microbial genomes, however, have shown that genomes contain genes that are closely related to a number of different prokaryotes, sometimes to phylogenetically very distantly related ones. (Doolittle et al., 1990, J. Mol. Evol. 31, 383-388; Karlin et al., 1997, J. Bacteriol. 179, 3899-3913; Karlin et al., 1998, Annu. Rev. Genet. 32, 185-225; Lawrence and Ochman, 1998, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 9413-9417; Rivera et al., 1998, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 6239-6244; Campbell, 2000, Theor. Popul. Biol. 57 71-77; Doolittle, 2000, Sci. Am. 282, 90-95; Ochman and Jones, 2000, Embo. J. 19, 6637-6643; Boucher et al. 2001, Curr. Opin., Microbiol. 4, 285-289; Wang et al., 2001, Mol. Biol. Evol. 18, 792-800). Whereas prokaryotic and eukaryotic evolution was once reconstructed from a single 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, the analysis of complete genomes is beginning to yield a different picture of microbial evolution, one that is wrought with the lateral movement of genes across vast phylogenetic distances. (Lane et al., 1988, Methods Enzymol. 167, 138-144; Lake and Rivera, 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 2880-2881; Lake et al., 1999, Science 283, 2027-2028).  相似文献   
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