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Nigericin is a monocarboxylic polyether molecule described as a mobile K+ ionophore unable to transport Li+ and Cs+ across natural or artificial membranes. This paper shows that the ion carrier molecule forms complexes of equivalent energy demands with Li+, Cs+, Na+, Rb+, and K+. This is in accordance with the similar values of the complex stability constants obtained from nigericin with the five alkali metal cations assayed. On the other hand, nigericinalkali metal cation binding isotherms show faster rates for Li+ and Cs+ than for Na+, K+, and Rb+, in conditions where the carboxylic proton does not dissociate. Furthermore, proton NMR spectra of nigericin-Li+ and nigericin-Cs+ complexes show wide broadenings, suggesting strong cation interaction with the ionophore; in contrast, the complexes with Na+, K+, and Rb+ show only clear-cut chemical shifts. These latter results support the view that nigericin forms highly stable complexes with Li+ and Cs+ and contribute to the explanation for the inability of this ionophore to transport the former cations in conditions where it catalyzes a fast transport of K+>Rb+>Na+.Part of the results of this paper were presented at the 14th International Congress of Biochemistry in Prague, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
The alpha- and beta-phosphorothioate analogs of UDP-Gal and UDP-Glc, in which a sulfur is exchanged for a non-bridging oxygen at one of the phosphate groups, have been synthesized and tested for their resistance to enzymatic degradation and for their usefulness in glycosyltransferase reactions. The alpha analogs were found to be no more resistant to hydrolysis than the native nucleotide sugars, but as previously reported (R. B. Marchase et al. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 916: 157) the beta S analogs were approximately 10 times more resistant. The beta S analog and native UDP-Glc were found to have comparable Km's when used in assays for glucosylphosphoryl dolichol synthase with rat liver and hen oviduct microsomes, although the apparent Vmax of the reaction was about twofold higher for the analog, presumably due to its resistance to degradation. Partially purified 4 beta-galactosyltransferase exhibited a Vmax with (beta S)UDP-Gal that was only slightly lower than that with UDP-Gal and a Km that was slightly increased. The effectiveness of the analog was especially apparent in assays for 4 beta-galactosyltransferase on intact sperm and in rat liver homogenates, in which hydrolysis of the normal substrate was very rapid and net incorporation was at least 4 times greater with the beta S analog in each system.  相似文献   
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) spreads genetic diversity by moving genes across species boundaries. By rapidly introducing newly evolved genes into existing genomes, HGT circumvents the slow step of ab initio gene creation and accelerates genome innovation. However, HGT can only affect organisms that readily exchange genes (exchange communities). In order to define exchange communities and understand the internal and external environmental factors that regulate HGT, we analyzed approximately 20,000 genes contained in eight free-living prokaryotic genomes. These analyses indicate that HGT occurs among organisms that share similar factors. The most significant are genome size, genome G/C composition, carbon utilization, and oxygen tolerance.  相似文献   
Parasites comprise a significant percentage of the biodiversity of the planet and are useful systems to test evolutionary and ecological hypotheses. In this study, we analyze the effect of host species identity and the immediate local species assemblage within mixed species colonies of nesting seabirds on patterns of genetic clustering within two species of multihost ectoparasitic lice. We use three genetic markers (one mitochondrial, COI, and two nuclear, EF1‐α and wingless) and maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees to test whether (1) parasites show lineage sorting based on their host species; and (2) switching of lineages to the alternate host species depends on the immediate local species assemblage of individual hosts within a colony. Specifically, we examine the genetic structure of two louse species: Eidmanniella albescens, infecting both Nazca (Sula granti) and blue‐footed boobies (Sula nebouxii), and Fregatiella aurifasciata, infecting both great (Fregata minor) and magnificent frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens). We found that host species identity was the only factor explaining the patterns of genetic structure in both parasites. In both cases, there is evident genetic differentiation depending on the host species. Thus, a revision of the taxonomy of these louse species is needed. One possible explanation of this pattern is extremely low louse migration rates between host species, perhaps influenced by fine‐scale spatial separation of host species within mixed colonies, and low parasite infrapopulation numbers.  相似文献   
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive lipid that serves as an extracellular signaling molecule acting through cognate G protein-coupled receptors designated LPA(1-6) that mediate a wide range of both normal and pathological effects. Previously, LPA(1), a G(αi)-coupled receptor (which also couples to other G(α) proteins) to reduce cAMP, was shown to be essential for the initiation of neuropathic pain in the partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL) mouse model. Subsequent gene expression studies identified LPA(5), a G(α12/13)- and G(q)-coupled receptor that increases cAMP, in a subset of dorsal root ganglion neurons and also within neurons of the spinal cord dorsal horn in a pattern complementing, yet distinct from LPA(1), suggesting its possible involvement in neuropathic pain. We therefore generated an Lpar5 null mutant by targeted deletion followed by PSNL challenge. Homozygous null mutants did not show obvious base-line phenotypic defects. However, following PSNL, LPA(5)-deficient mice were protected from developing neuropathic pain. They also showed reduced phosphorylated cAMP response element-binding protein expression within neurons of the dorsal horn despite continued up-regulation of the characteristic pain-related markers Caα(2)δ(1) and glial fibrillary acidic protein, results that were distinct from those previously observed for LPA(1) deletion. These data expand the influences of LPA signaling in neuropathic pain through a second LPA receptor subtype, LPA(5), involving a mechanistically distinct downstream signaling pathway compared with LPA(1).  相似文献   
Several bacteriological surveys were performed from 1994 to 1996 at different Litopenaeus vannamei hatcheries (in Ecuador) and shrimp farms (in Mexico). Samples were taken from routine productions of healthy and diseased L. vannamei larvae, postlarvae, and their culture environment and from healthy and diseased juveniles and broodstock. In Ecuador, the dominant bacterial flora associated with shrimp larvae showing symptoms of zoea 2 syndrome, mysis mold syndrome, and bolitas syndrome has been determined. Strains were characterized by Biolog metabolic fingerprinting and identified by comparison to a database of 850 Vibrio type and reference strains. A selection of strains was further genotypically fine typed by AFLP. Vibrio alginolyticus is predominantly present in all larval stages and is associated with healthy nauplius and zoea stages. AFLP genetic fingerprinting shows high genetic heterogeneity among V. alginolyticus strains, and the results suggest that putative probiotic and pathogenic strains each have specific genotypes. V. alginolyticus was found to be associated with larvae with the zoea 2 syndrome and the mysis mold syndrome, while different Vibrio species (V. alginolyticus and V. harveyi) are associated with the bolitas syndrome. V. harveyi is associated with diseased postlarvae, juveniles, and broodstock. The identities of the strains identified as V. harveyi by the Biolog system could not be unambiguously confirmed by AFLP genomic fingerprinting. Vibrio strain STD3-988 and one unidentified strain (STD3-959) are suspected pathogens of only juvenile and adult stages. V. parahaemolyticus, Photobacterium damselae, and V. mimicus are associated with juvenile and adult stages.  相似文献   
Two distinct forms of cytochrome b5 exist in the rat hepatocyte. One is associated with the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (microsomal, or Mc, cyt b5) while the other is associated with the outer membrane of liver mitochondria (OM cyt b5). Rat OM cyt b5, the only OM cyt b5 identified so far, has a significantly more negative reduction potential and is substantially more stable toward chemical and thermal denaturation than Mc cytochromes b5. In addition, hemin is kinetically trapped in rat OM cyt b5 but not in the Mc proteins. As a result, no transfer of hemin from rat OM cyt b5 to apomyoglobin is observed at pH values as low as 5.2, nor can the thermodyamically favored ratio of hemin orientational isomers be achieved under physiologically relevant conditions. These differences are striking given the similarity of the respective protein folds. A combined theoretical and experimental study has been conducted in order to probe the structural basis behind the remarkably different properties of rat OM and Mc cytochromes b5. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations starting from the crystal structure of bovine Mc cyt b5 revealed a conformational change that exposes several internal residues to the aqueous environment. The new conformation is equivalent to the "cleft-opened" intermediate observed in a previously reported MD simulation of bovine Mc cyt b5 [Storch, E. M., and Daggett, V. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 9682-9693]. The rat OM protein does not adopt a comparable conformation in MD simulations, thus restricting access of water to the protein interior. Subsequent comparisons of the protein sequences and structures suggested that an extended hydrophobic network encompassing the side chains of Ala-18, Ile-32, Leu-36, and Leu-47 might contribute to the inability of rat OM cyt b5 to adopt the cleft-opened conformation and, hence, stabilize its fold relative to the Mc isoforms. A corresponding network is not present in bovine Mc cyt b5 because positions 18, 32, and 47, are occupied by Ser, Leu, and Arg, respectively. To probe the roles played by Ala-18, Ile-32, and Leu-47 in endowing rat OM cyt b5 with its unusual structural properties, we have replaced them with the corresponding residues in bovine Mc cyt b5. Hence, the I32L (single), A18S/L47R (double), and A18S/L47R/I32L (triple) mutants of rat OM cyt b5 were prepared. The stability of these proteins was found to decrease in the following order: WT rat OM > rat OM I32L > rat OM A18S/L47R > rat OM A18S/L47R/I32L > bovine Mc cyt b5. The decrease in stability of the rat OM protein correlates with the extent to which the hydrophobic cluster involving the side chains of residues 18, 32, 36, and 47 has been disrupted. Complete disruption of the hydrophobic network in the triple mutant is confirmed in a 2.0 A resolution crystal structure of the protein. Disruption of the hydrophobic network also facilitates hemin loss at pH 5.2 for the double and triple mutants, with the less stable triple mutant exhibiting the greater rate of hemin transfer to apomyoglobin. Finally, 1H NMR spectroscopy and side-by-side comparisons of the crystal structures of bovine Mc, rat OM, and rat OM A18S/L47R/I32L cyt b5 allowed us to conclude that the nature of residue 32 plays a key role in controlling the relative stability of hemin orientational isomers A and B in rat OM cyt b5. A similar analysis led to the conclusion that Leu-70 and Ser-71 play a pivotal role in stabilizing isomer A relative to isomer B in Mc cytochromes b5.  相似文献   
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