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This work develops and utilizes a non-steady-state model for evaluating the interactions between sorption and biodegradation of hydrophobic organic compounds in soil-slurry systems. The model includes sorption/desorption of a target compound, its utilization by microorganisms as a primary substrate existing in the dissolved phase, and/or the sorbed phase in biomass and soil, oxygen transfer, and oxygen utilization as an electron acceptor. Biodegradation tests with phenanthrene were conducted in liquid and soil-slurry systems. The soil-slurry tests were performed with very different mass transfer rates: fast mass transfer in a flask test at 150 rpm, and slow mass transfer in a roller-bottle test at 2 rpm. The results of liquid tests indicate that biodegradation of the soil-soluble organic fraction did not significantly enhance the biodegradation rate. In the slurry tests, phenanthrene was degraded more rapidly than in liquid tests, but at a similar rate in both slurry systems. Modeling analyses with several hypotheses indicate that a model without biodegradation of compound sorbed to the soil was not able to account for the rapid degradation of phenanthrene, particularly in the roller-bottle slurry test. The model with sorbed-phase biodegradation and the same biokinetic parameters, but unique mass transfer coefficients, simulated the experimental data in both slurry tests most successfully. Reduced mass transfer resistance to bacteria attached to the soil is the most likely phenomenon accounting for rapid sorbed-phase biodegradation.  相似文献   
The production and storage of energy from renewable resources steadily increases in importance. One opportunity is to utilize carbon dioxide (CO2)-type hydrogenotrophic methanogens, which are an intriguing group of microorganisms from the domain Archaea, for conversion of hydrogen and CO2 to methane (CH4). This review summarizes the current state of the art of bioprocess development for biological CH4 production (BMP) from pure cultures with pure gasses. The prerequisites for successful quantification of BMP by using closed batch, as well as fed-batch and chemostat culture cultivation, are presented. This review shows that BMP is currently a much underexplored field of bioprocess development, which mainly focuses on the application of continuously stirred tank reactors. However, some promising alternatives, such as membrane reactors have already been adapted for BMP. Moreover, industrial-based scale-up of BMP to pilot scale and larger has not been conducted. Most crucial parameters have been found to be those, which influence gas-limitation fundamentals, or parameters that contribute to the complex effects that arise during medium development for scale-up of BMP bioprocesses, highly stressing the importance of holistic BMP quantification by the application of well-defined physiological parameters. The much underexplored number of different genera, which is mainly limited to Methanothermobacter spp., offers the possibility of additional scientific and bioprocess development endeavors for the investigation of BMP. This indicates the large potential for future bioprocess development considering the possible application of bioprocessing technological aspects for renewable energy storage and power generation.  相似文献   
With an organ transplant, hematopoietic donor cells are transferred to the recipient. To study the relevance of the resulting microchimerism for allograft acceptance, we analyzed a rat model of cyclosporine-induced tolerance for strongly incompatible heart allografts. Using a monoclonal antibody that detects a donor-specific CD45 allotype (RT7a), we selectively depleted donor leukocytes at different times after transplantation (days 0 or 18). Depletion was similarly effective at both times. However, only depletion on day 0 prevented tolerance induction and was associated with severe acute or chronic graft rejection. This indicates that passenger leukocytes have an essential immunomodulatory effect on the induction phase of allograft acceptance.  相似文献   
The report that microvillar cores of isolated, demembranated brush borders retract into the terminal web in the presence of Ca(++) and ATP has been widely cited as an example of Ca(++)-regulated nonmuscle cell motility. Because of recent findings that microvillar core actin filaments are cross-linked by villin which, in the presence of micromolar Ca(++), fragments actin filaments, we used the techniques of video enhanced differential interference contrast, immunofluorescence, and phase contrast microscopy and thin-section electron microscopy (EM) to reexamine the question of contraction of isolated intestinal cell brush borders. Analysis of video enhanced light microscopic images of Triton- demembranated brush borders treated with a buffered Ca(++) solution shows the cores disintegrating with the terminal web remaining intact; membranated brush borders show the microvilli to vesiculate with Ca(++). Using Ca(++)/EGTA buffers, it is found that micromolar free Ca(++) causes core filament dissolution in membranated or demembranated brush borders, Ca(++) causes microvillar core solation followed by complete vesiculation of the microvillar membrane. The lengths of microvilli cores and rootlets were measured in thin sections of membranated and demembranated controls, in Ca(++)-, Ca(++) + ATP-, and in ATP-treated brush borders. Results of these measurements show that Ca(++) alone causes the complete solation of the microvillar cores, yet the rootlets in the terminal web region remain of normal length. These results show that microvilli do not retract into the terminal web in response to Ca(++) and ATP but rather that the microvillar cores disintegrate. NBD-phallicidin localization of actin and fluorescent antibodies to myosin reveal a circumferential band of actin and myosin in mildly permeabilized cells in the region of the junctional complex. The presence of these contractile proteins in this region, where other studies have shown a circumferential band of thin filaments, is consistent with the hypothesis that brush borders may be motile through the circumferential constriction of this “contractile ring,” and is also consistent with the observations that ATP-treated brush borders become cup shaped as if there had been a circumferential constriction.  相似文献   
A study with H(2)-based membrane biofilm reactors (MBfRs) was undertaken to examine the effectiveness of direct H(2) delivery in ex-situ reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes. Trichloroethene (TCE) could be reductively dechlorinated to ethene with up to 95% efficiency as long as the pH-increase effects of methanogens and homoacetogens were managed and dechlorinators were selected for during start-up by creating H(2) limitation. Based on quantitative PCR, the dominant bacterial groups in the biofilm at the end of reactor operation were Dehalococcoides, Geobacter, and homoacetogens. Pyrosequencing confirmed the dominance of the dechlorinators and identified Acetobacterium as the key homoacetogen. Homoacetogens outcompeted methanogens for bicarbonate, based on the effluent concentration of acetate, by suppressing methanogens during batch start-up. This was corroborated by the methanogenesis functional gene mcrA, which was 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than the FTHFS functional gene for homoacetogens. Imaging of the MBfR fibers using scanning electron microscopy showed a distinct Dehalococcoides-like morphology in the fiber biofilm. These results support that direct addition of H(2) can allow for efficient and complete reductive dechlorination, and they shed light into how H(2)-fed biofilms, when operated to manage methanogenic and homoacetogenic activity, can be used for ex-situ bioremediation of chlorinated ethenes.  相似文献   
Sulfadiazine (SD), one of broad-spectrum antibiotics, exhibits limited biodegradation in wastewater treatment due to its chemical structure, which requires initial mono-oxygenation reactions to initiate its biodegradation. Intimately coupling UV photolysis with biodegradation, realized with the internal loop photobiodegradation reactor, accelerated SD biodegradation and mineralization by 35 and 71 %, respectively. The main organic products from photolysis were 2-aminopyrimidine (2-AP), p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (ABS), and aniline (An), and an SD-photolysis pathway could be identified using C, N, and S balances. Adding An or ABS (but not 2-AP) into the SD solution during biodegradation experiments (no UV photolysis) gave SD removal and mineralization rates similar to intimately coupled photolysis and biodegradation. An SD biodegradation pathway, based on a diverse set of the experimental results, explains how the mineralization of ABS and An (but not 2-AP) provided internal electron carriers that accelerated the initial mono-oxygenation reactions of SD biodegradation. Thus, multiple lines of evidence support that the mechanism by which intimately coupled photolysis and biodegradation accelerated SD removal and mineralization was through producing co-substrates whose oxidation produced electron equivalents that stimulated the initial mono-oxygenation reactions for SD biodegradation.  相似文献   
The class II fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase gene of Corynebacterium glutamicum, fbp, was cloned and expressed with a N-terminal His-tag in Escherichia coli. Purified, His-tagged fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from C. glutamicum was shown to be tetrameric, with a molecular mass of about 140 kDa for the homotetramer. The enzyme displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics for the substrate fructose 1,6-bisphosphate with a Km value of about 14 µM and a Vmax of about 5.4 µmol min–1 mg–1 and kcat of about 3.2 s–1. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase activity was dependent on the divalent cations Mg2+ or Mn2+ and was inhibited by the monovalent cation Li+ with an inhibition constant of 140 µM. Fructose 6-phosphate, glycerol 3-phosphate, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate and myo-inositol-monophosphate were not significant substrates of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from C. glutamicum. The enzymatic activity was inhibited by AMP and phosphoenolpyruvate and to a lesser extent by phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and UDP. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase activities and protein levels varied little with respect to the carbon source. Deletion of the chromosomal fbp gene led to the absence of any detectable fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase activity in crude extracts of C. glutamicum WTfbp and to an inability of this strain to grow on the carbon sources acetate, citrate, glutamate, and lactate. Thus, fbp is essential for growth on gluconeogenic carbon sources and likely codes for the only fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase in C. glutamicum.  相似文献   
The removal of 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) by simultaneous UV-photo(cata)lysis and biodegradation was explored using intimately coupled photolysis/photocatalysis and biodegradation (ICPB) with two novel porous carriers. First, a porous ceramic carrier was used to attach the photocatalyst (TiO?) on its exterior and accumulate biomass in its interior. UV irradiation alone decomposed 71% of the 2,4-DNT in 60 h, and TiO? catalyst improved the photolysis to 77%. Second, a macroporous sponge carrier was used to strongly adsorb 2,4-DNT and protect microorganisms from 2,4-DNT inhibition and UV irradiation. The main photolytic reactions were reduction of the nitryl to amino and hydrolysis of the amino to release NH??. The main biodegradation reactions were oxidative release of NO?? and accelerated reductive release of NH??. ICPB more thoroughly released inorganic N, with nearly equal amounts being oxidized to nitrate and reduced to ammonium. The genera Burkholderia and Bacillus were found inside the sponge carriers, and they are associated with biodegradation of DNT and its photolysis intermediates. Therefore, using an adsorbent and macroporous biofilm carrier enabled the effective removal of 2,4-DNT by ICPB.  相似文献   
UV photolysis for accelerated quinoline biodegradation and mineralization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sequentially and intimately coupled photolysis with biodegradation were evaluated for their ability to accelerate quinoline-removal and quinoline-mineralization kinetics. UV photolysis sequentially coupled to biodegradation significantly improved biomass-growth kinetics, which could be represented well by the Aiba self-inhibition model: UV photolysis increased the maximum specific growth rate (μ max) by 15 %, and the inhibition constant (K SI) doubled. An internal loop photo-biodegradation reactor (ILPBR) was used to realize intimately coupled photolysis with biodegradation. The ILPBR was operated with batch experiments following three protocols: photolysis alone (P), biodegradation alone (B), and intimately coupled photolysis and biodegradation (P&B). For P&B, the maximum quinoline removal rate (r max) increased by 9 %, K SI increased by 17 %, and the half-maximum-rate concentration (K S) decreased by 55 %, compared to B; the composite result was a doubling of the quinoline-biodegradation rate for most of the concentration range tested. The degree of mineralization was increased by both forms of photolysis coupled to biodegradation, and the impact was greater for intimate coupling (18 % increase) than sequential coupling (5 %). The benefits of UV photolysis were greater with intimate coupling than with sequential coupling due to parallel transformation by biodegradation and photolysis.  相似文献   
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