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Both PTH and IL-6 signaling play pivotal roles in hematopoiesis and skeletal biology, but their interdependence is unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) on hematopoietic and skeletal actions of PTH. In the bone microenvironment, PTH stimulated sIL-6R protein levels in primary osteoblast cultures in vitro and bone marrow in vivo in both IL-6+/+ and IL-6−/− mice. PTH-mediated hematopoietic cell expansion was attenuated in IL-6−/− compared with IL-6+/+ bone marrow, whereas sIL-6R treatment amplified PTH actions in IL-6−/− earlier than IL-6+/+ marrow cultures. Blocking sIL-6R signaling with sgp130 (soluble glycoprotein 130 receptor) inhibited PTH-dependent hematopoietic cell expansion in IL-6−/− marrow. In the skeletal system, although intermittent PTH administration to IL-6+/+ and IL-6−/− mice resulted in similar anabolic actions, blocking sIL-6R significantly attenuated PTH anabolic actions. sIL-6R showed no direct effects on osteoblast proliferation or differentiation in vitro; however, it up-regulated myeloid cell expansion and production of the mesenchymal stem cell recruiting agent, TGF-β1 in the bone marrow microenvironment. Collectively, sIL-6R demonstrated orphan function and mediated PTH anabolic actions in bone in association with support of myeloid lineage cells in the hematopoietic system.  相似文献   
Ammonia is the preferred nitrogen source for many algae including the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatis (Synechococcus R-2; PCC 7942). Modelling ammonia uptake by cells is not straightforward because it exists in solution as NH3 and NH 4 + . NH3 is readily diffusible not only via the lipid bilayer but also through aquaporins and other more specific porins. On the other hand, NH 4 + requires cationic transporters to cross a membrane. Significant intracellular ammonia pools (≈1–10 mol?m?3) are essential for the synthesis of amino acids from ammonia. The most common model envisaged for how cells take up ammonia and use it as a nitrogen source is the “pump–leak model” where uptake occurs through a simple diffusion of NH3 or through an energy-driven NH 4 + pump balancing a leak of NH3 out of the cell. The flaw in such models is that cells maintain intracellular pools of ammonia much higher than predicted by such models. With caution, [14C]-methylamine can be used as an analogue tracer for ammonia and has been used to test various models of ammonia transport and metabolism. In this study, simple “proton trapping” accumulation by the diffusion of uncharged CH3NH2 has been compared to systems where CH3NH 3 + is taken up through channels, driven by the membrane potential (ΔU i,o) or the electrochemical potential for Na+μNa i,o + ). No model can be reconciled with experimental data unless the permeability of CH3NH2 across the cell membrane is asymmetric: permeability into the cell is very high through gated porins, whereas permeability out of the cell is very low (≈40 nm?s?1) and independent of the extracellular pH. The best model is a Na in + /CH3NH 3 + in co-porter driven by ΔμNa i,o + balancing synthesis of methylglutamine and a slow leak governed by Ficks law, and so there is significant futile cycling of methylamine across the cell membrane to maintain intracellular methylamine pools high enough for fixation by glutamine synthetase. The modified pump–leak model with asymmetric permeability of the uncharged form is a viable model for understanding ammonia uptake and retention in plants, free-living microbes and organisms in symbiotic relationships.  相似文献   
Sclerotia produced by a single isolate of Rhizoctonia solani AG3PT were buried in small plot experiments to investigate the effects of sclerotial production method, soil type and burial depth on sclerotial viability in field soil. The factor with the greatest effect on sclerotial viability, defined as the percentage of sclerotia germinating on agar following retrieval, in all experiments was the duration of burial. After 18 months, on average across all experiments, 20% of retrieved sclerotia were viable. A comparison between sclerotia produced in vitro on malt yeast extract agar and in vivo using micropropagated tubers in field soil found no significant differences between the two production methods on sclerotial viability. Burial in field soil at 20‐cm depth was found to significantly reduce sclerotial viability to 50% compared to 60% at 5 cm. In two pot experiments, amending the growing medium and soil with increasing inoculum densities of R. solani was found to increase stem number, stem canker and black scurf severity regardless of whether this soil‐borne inoculum was derived from mycelium or sclerotia. Black scurf incidence and severity were assessed 30–32 days posthaulm destruction and found to be similar for a range of sclerotial soil‐borne inoculum densities (1.0 × 10?1 g/kg d.w. soil to 6 × 10?3 g/kg d.w. soil). The significance of these findings in relation to pathogen survival, detection in soil and disease development is discussed.  相似文献   
Highlights? The mammary epigenome is highly sensitive to steroid hormones at specific developmental stages ? Ezh2 links hormonal cues to changes in chromatin structure and gene expression ? Progesterone is a key in vivo regulator of Ezh2 ? Hormone-induced chromatin changes likely play a role in the initiation of breast cancer  相似文献   
Many microbial taxa in the marine plankton appear super-saturated in species richness. Here, we provide a partial explanation by analyzing how species are organized, species packing, in terms of both taxonomy and morphology. We focused on a well-studied group, tintinnid ciliates of the microzooplankton, in which feeding ecology is closely linked to morphology. Populations in three distinct systems were examined: an Eastern Mediterranean Gyre, a Western Mediterranean Gyre and the California Current. We found that species abundance distributions exhibited the long-tailed, log distributions typical of most natural assemblages of microbial and other organisms. In contrast, grouping in oral size-classes, which corresponds with prey-size exploited, revealed a geometric distribution consistent with a dominant role of a single resource in structuring an assemblage. The number of species found in a particular oral size-class increases with the numerical importance of the size-class in the overall population. We suggest that high species diversity reflects the fact that accompanying each dominant species are many ecologically similar species, presumably able to replace the dominant species, at least with regard to the size of prey exploited. Such redundancy suggests that species diversity greatly exceeds ecological diversity in the plankton.  相似文献   
We investigated the population structure of Staphylococcus aureus clonal complex CC121 by mutation discovery at 115 genetic housekeeping loci from each of 154 isolates, sampled on five continents between 1953 and 2009. In addition, we pyro-sequenced the genomes from ten representative isolates. The genome-wide SNPs that were ascertained revealed the evolutionary history of CC121, indicating at least six major clades (A to F) within the clonal complex and dating its most recent common ancestor to the pre-antibiotic era. The toxin gene complement of CC121 isolates was correlated with their SNP-based phylogeny. Moreover, we found a highly significant association of clinical phenotypes with phylogenetic affiliations, which is unusual for S. aureus. All isolates evidently sampled from superficial infections (including staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, bullous impetigo, exfoliative dermatitis, conjunctivitis) clustered in clade F, which included the European epidemic fusidic-acid resistant impetigo clone (EEFIC). In comparison, isolates from deep-seated infections (abscess, furuncle, pyomyositis, necrotizing pneumonia) were disseminated in several clades, but not in clade F. Our results demonstrate that phylogenetic lineages with distinct clinical properties exist within an S. aureus clonal complex, and that SNPs serve as powerful discriminatory markers, able to identify these lineages. All CC121 genomes harboured a 41-kilobase prophage that was dissimilar to S. aureus phages sequenced previously. Community-associated MRSA and MSSA from Cambodia were extremely closely related, suggesting this MRSA arose in the region.  相似文献   
Mammalian herbivores prefer burned areas and this attraction has largely been attributed to the increased nutrient content of the postfire green flush and more recently to the avoidance of predators. However, alternative reasons for this attraction could be: (i) to avoid disease carrying and behaviour changing invertebrates; (ii) because burned areas are warmer microclimates; or (iii) to obtain minerals from the ash. This study tests for differences in tick and fly (Diptera) numbers between burned and unburned areas in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. It also tests for differences in ground and air column temperatures between burned and unburned areas and for differences in the mineral content of ash in burned areas compared to the mineral content of green leaves in unburned areas. We found no difference in the abundance of either type of invertebrate between burned and unburned areas. Only ground temperature was higher in burned areas and this was only during the middle of the day, when increases in temperature would be less important than at night. Ash was higher in Al, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn and P than nearby green leaves from unburned vegetation. Thus, obtaining minerals from ash is the only alternative reason for attraction to burned areas that maybe supported by this study.  相似文献   
Courtship behavior in Drosophila has often been described as a classic innate behavioral repertoire, but more recently extensive plasticity has been described. In particular, prior exposure to acoustic signals of con‐ or heterspecific males can change courtship traits in both sexes that are liable to be important in reproductive isolation. However, it is unknown whether male courtship song itself is socially plastic. We examined courtship song plasticity of two species in the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. Sexual isolation between the species is influenced by two male song traits, the interpulse interval (IPI) and sinesong frequency (SSF). Neither of these showed plasticity when males had prior experience of con‐ and heterospecific social partners. However, males of both species produced longer bursts of song during courtship when they were exposed to social partners (either con‐ or heterospecific) than when they were reared in isolation. D. melanogaster carrying mutations affecting short‐ or medium‐term memory showed a similar response to the social environment, not supporting a role for learning. Our results demonstrate that the amount of song a male produces during courtship is plastic depending on the social environment, which might reflect the advantage of being able to respond to variation in intrasexual competition, but that song structure itself is relatively inflexible, perhaps due to strong selection against hybridization.  相似文献   
Peptide substrates of well-defined protein kinases were microinjected into aleurone protoplasts of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Himalaya) to inhibit, and therefore identify, protein kinase-regulated events in the transduction of the gibberellin (GA) and abscisic acid signals. Syntide-2, a substrate designed for Ca2+- and calmodulin (CaM)-dependent kinases, selectively inhibited the GA response, leaving constitutive and abscisic acid-regulated events unaffected. Microinjection of syntide did not affect the GA-induced increase in cytosolic [Ca2+], suggesting that it inhibited GA action downstream of the Ca2+ signal. When photoaffinity-labeled syntide-2 was electroporated into protoplasts and cross-linked to interacting proteins in situ, it selectively labeled proteins of approximately 30 and 55 kD. A 54-kD, soluble syntide-2 phosphorylating protein kinase was detected in aleurone cells. This kinase was activated by Ca2+ and was CaM independent, but was inhibited by the CaM antagonist N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene-sulfonamide (250 μm), suggesting that it was a CaM-domain protein kinase-like activity. These results suggest that syntide-2 inhibits the GA response of the aleurone via an interaction with this kinase, implicating the 54-kD kinase as a Ca2+-dependent regulator of the GA response in these cells.  相似文献   
In mammals, the three classical ras genes encode four highly homologous proteins, N-Ras, H-Ras, and the isoforms K-Ras 4A and 4B. Previous studies have shown that K-ras is essential for mouse development and that while K-ras 4A and 4B are expressed during development, K-ras 4A expression is regulated temporally and spatially and occurs in adult kidney, intestine, stomach, and liver. In the present study, the pattern of K-ras 4A expression was examined in a wide range of wild-type adult mouse tissues, and gene targeting was used to generate K-ras 4A-deficient mice to examine its role in development. It was found that K-ras 4A is also expressed in uterus, lung, pancreas, salivary glands, seminal vesicles, bone marrow cells, and cecum, where it was the major K-Ras isoform expressed. Mating between K-ras(tmDelta4A/+) mice produced viable K-ras(tmDelta4A/tmDelta4A) offspring with the expected Mendelian ratios of inheritance, and these mice expressed the K-ras 4B splice variant only. K-ras(tmDelta4A/tmDelta4A) mice were fertile and showed no histopathological abnormalities on inbred (129/Ola) or crossbred (129/Ola x C57BL/6) genetic backgrounds. The results demonstrate that K-Ras 4A, like H- and N-Ras, is dispensable for normal mouse development, at least in the presence of functional K-Ras 4B.  相似文献   
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