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We have investigated the phenotypic and functional characteristics of murine pre-B cells obtained in semisolid and liquid culture with stem cell factor (SCF) and interleukin 7 (IL-7). Both serum-supplemented and serum-deprived culture conditions were used. The source of bone marrow cells was either normal mice (CD1 and C3H) or the lupus strain of mice MRL/Ipr and its congenic strain MRL/+. SCF (100 ng/ml) and IL-7 (250 ng/ml) supported murine B cell proliferation in vitro from all the murine strains analyzed both in serum-supplemented and serum-deprived conditions. Maximal colony growth was observed in both cases when the factors were used in combination. The growth factors alone induced some colony growth in serum-supplemented cultures but were either ineffective or had modest activity in serum-deprived cultures. Cells harvested from the colonies or generated in liquid cultures and stimulated with SCF + IL-7 in the absence of serum had almost exclusively a pre-B cell phenotype (BP-1+, B220+, slg-, CD4-, CD8-, Mac-1, RB-6-). Both the maximal colony growth in semisolid culture and the maximal number of cells in liquid culture were observed at day 12–14. At this time, the pre-B cells failed to differentiate further and started to die. Pre-B cells generated in vitro were, however, capable of differentiating in vivo. SCID mice injected with 2 × 106 pre-B cells had readily detectable serum levels of IgM (54 ± 26 m?g/ml) and IgG (60 ± 95 m?g/ml) at 4 weeks and 6 weeks posttransplantation, respectively. Mature B and T cells of the donor major histocompatibility complex type were detected in the SCID mice at sacrifice 14 weeks posttransplantation. These data indicate that purified (>80% BP-1+) populations of functional pre-B cells can be grown from murine bone marrow of normal mice as well as of lupus mice in serum-deprived cultures stimulated with SCF and IL-7. These cultures, therefore, provide a highly enriched source of pre-B cells but also contain T cell precursors that differentiate upon adoptive transfer into SCID mice. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract: The present study was undertaken to examine the adaptive changes occurring 1 and 6 months after moderate or severe unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesions confined to the lateral part of the rat substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC). The expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) enzyme was analyzed in the remaining dopaminergic nigral cell bodies and in the corresponding striatal nerve endings. In the cell bodies of the lesioned SNC, TH mRNA content was increased (+20 to +30%) 6 months after the lesion without changes in cellular TH protein amounts. The depletion of TH protein in the nerve terminal area was less severe than the percentage of cell loss observed in the SNC at 1- and 6-month postlesion intervals. Moreover, the decrease in TH protein in the ipsilateral striatum was less pronounced 6 months after lesion than 1 month after. That no corresponding change in TH protein content was observed in the cell bodies at a time when TH increased in nerve terminals suggests that the newly synthesized protein is probably rapidly transported to the striatal fibers. These results suggest the existence of a sequence of changes in TH expression between cell bodies and fibers, occurring spontaneously after partial denervation of the nigrostriatal pathway.  相似文献   
Abstract The degradation of mRNA plays a central role in the control of protein synthesis. In Escherichia coli , the rnb gene encodes ribonuclease II (RNase II), one of the two main exonucleases involved in mRNA decay. We have constructed strain CMA201, in which the rnb promoter region and the gene were deleted from the chromosome and replaced by a tettr cassette. This is the first rnb absolute deletion mutant that shows the complete absence of rnb -specific mRNA. This strain has growth characteristics similar to the wild-type, even though it has no RNase II activity, and it should be useful in studies of mRNA metabolism.  相似文献   
Homopolymeric α-2,8-linked sialic acid (PSA) has been found as a capsular component of sepsis- and meningitis-causing bacterial pathogens, and on eukaryotic cells as a post-translational modification of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). The polysaccharide is specifically recognized and degraded by a phage-encoded enzyme, the endo-N-acetylneuraminidase E (Endo NE). Endo NE therefore has become a valuable tool in the study of bacterial pathogenesis and eukaryotic morphogenesis. In this report we describe the molecular cloning of Endo NE and the expression of a functionally active recombinant enzyme. The cloned DNA sequence (2436 bp) encodes a polypeptide of 811 amino acids, which at the 5′ end contains a totally conserved neuraminidase motif. Expressed in Escherichia coli, the enzyme migrates as a single band of approximately 74 kDa in SDS-PAGE. A central domain of 669 amino acid residues is about 90% homologous to the recently cloned Endo NF. Both phage-induced lysis of bacteria and the catalysis of PSA degradation by the recombinant enzyme are efficiently inhibited by a polyclonal antiserum raised against the intact phage particle. The C-terminal region seems to be essential to enzymatic functions, as truncation of 32 amino acids outside the homology domain completely abolishes Endo NE activity. Our data also indicate that the 38 kDa protein, previously assumed to be a subunit of the Endo NE holoenzyme, is the product of a separate gene locus and is not necessary for in vitro depolymerase activity.  相似文献   
Summary The corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-containing neurons were investigated in the brain of the domestic fowl by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique at the light-microscopic level. The detection of CRF-immunoreactivity was facilitated by silver intensification. CRF-containing perikarya were found in the paraventricular, preoptic and mammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus and in some extrahypothalamic areas (nuclei dorsomedialis and dorsolateralis thalami, nucleus accumbens septi, lobus parolfactorius, periaqueductal gray of the mesencephalon, nucleus oculomotorius ventralis). Immunoreactive nerve fibers and terminals were demonstrated in the external zone of the median eminence and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. These results indicate that an immunologically demonstrable CRF-neurosecretory system also exists in the avian central nervous system.  相似文献   
Summary Short peg receptors located at the distal tip of the aphid labium have the structure of mechanoreceptors. Each peg is innervated by a single sensory nerve which is anchored eccentrically to a basal cuticular tube and terminates in electron-dense material in the base of the peg. The arrangement and eccentric insertion of the eight pegs in the labial wall on one side of the stylet groove, with the eccentric insertions of their innervating neurones, provide a mirror image of the receptors on the opposite side. On the basis of a comparison of the structure of these receptors with that of tactile receptors for which electrophysiological data on sensitivity are available, it is possible to predict that the receptors detect both surface contact (pressure) and surface profile; and that the bilateral symmetry in the receptor arrangement facilitates the detection of vein contours which are preferred settling sites on the leaf. The structure of the dendritic terminal and its insertion is that of a well reinforced cytoskeleton designed to transmit tension to the cell membrane, in agreement with the concept that transduction is a membrane related phenomenon. The distal microtubules, fifty per-cent of which originate as well as terminate in the tubular body, are packed in electron-dense material which binds to the cell membrane. The membrane in turn is attached to cuticular components of the receptor. Abrupt changes in dimension of the dendritic outer segment may be designed to modulate the conduction of a membrane potential. On the other hand, lack of continuity in the microtubules makes these organelles poor candidates for the transduction of excitation from a distal site of stimulation to a proximal region.Supported by operating grants Nos. A 6063 and A 9856 from NRCC  相似文献   
Initiation of follicular growth by specific hormonal stimuli in ovaries of immature rats and hamsters was studied by determining the rate of incorporation of3H-thymidine into ovarian DNAin vitro. Incorporation was considered as an index of DNA synthesis and cell multiplication. A single injection of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin could thus maximally stimulate by 18 hr3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA of the ovary of immature hamsters. Neutralization of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin by an antiserum to ovine follicle stimulating hormone only during the initial 8–10 hr and not later could inhibit the increase in3H-thymidine incorporationin vitro observed at 18 hr, suggesting that the continued presence of gonadotropin stimulus was not necessary for this response. The other indices of follicular growth monitored such as ovarian weight, serum estradiol and uterine weight showed discernible increase at periods only after the above initial event. A single injection of estrogen (diethyl stilbesterol or estradiol-l7β) could similarly cause 18 hr later, a stimulation in the rate of incorporation of3H-thymidine into DNAin vitro in ovaries of immature rats. The presence of endogenous gonadotropins, however, was obligatory for observing this response to estrogen. Evidence in support of the above was two-fold: (i) administration of antiserum to follicle stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormone along with estrogen completely inhibited the increase in3H-thymidine incorporation into ovarian DNAin vitro; (ii) a radioimmunological measurement revealed following estrogen treatment, the presence of a higher concentration of endogenous follicle stimulating hormone in the ovary. Finally, administration of varying doses of ovine follicle stimulating hormone along with a constant dose of estrogen to immature rats produced a dose-dependent increment in the incorporation of3H-thymidine into ovarian DNAin vitro. These observations suggested the potentiality of this system for developing a sensitive bioassay for follicle stimulating hormone.  相似文献   
Rita Khanna  T. Wydrzynski 《BBA》1977,462(1):208-214
Using artificial electron donors and acceptors, it is shown here that the major HCO3? effect in the Hill reaction is after the “primary” electron acceptor (Q) of Photosystem II and before the site of action of 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (at the plastoquinone pool). Chloroplasts in the presence of both 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, which blocks electron flow from the reduced primary acceptor Q? to the plastoquinone pool, and silicomolybdate, which accepts electrons from Q?, show no significant bicarbonate stimulation of electron flow. However, a 6–7-fold stimulation is clearly observed when oxidized diaminodurene, as an electron acceptor, and dibromothymoquinone, as an inhibitor of electron flow beyond the plastoquinone pool, are used. In the same chloroplast preparation no measurable effect of bicarbonate is observed in a Photosystem I reaction as monitored by electron flow from reduced diaminodurene to methyl viologen in the presence of 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. The insensitivity of the bicarbonate effect to uncouplers of photophosphorylation and the dependence of this effect on the presence of a weak acid anion and on external pH are also reported.  相似文献   
Summary The gene (fus) coding for elongation factor G (EF-G) of the extremely thermophilic eubacteriumThermotoga maritima was identified and sequenced. The EF-G coding sequence (2046 bp) was found to lie in an operon-like structure between the ribosomal protein S7 gene (rpsG) and the elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) gene (tuf). TherpsG, fus, andtuf genes follow each other immediately in that order, which corresponds to the order of the homologous genes in thestr operon ofEscherichia coli. The derived amino acid sequence of the EF-G protein (682 residues) was aligned with the homologous sequences of other eubacteria, eukaryotes (hamster), and archaebacteria (Methanococcus vannielii). Unrooted phylogenetic dendrogram, obtained both from the amino acid and the nucleotide sequence alignments, using a variety of methods, lend further support to the notion that the (present) root of the (eu)bacterial tree lies betweenThermotoga and the other bacterial lineages.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of Pantoea agglomerans, a plant growth-promoting bacterium, to colonize various regions and tissues of the wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) by using different inoculation methods and inoculum concentrations. In addition, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to determine: (a) the ability of the bacterial cells to grow and survive both on the surface and within internal tissue of the plant and (b) the response of the plant to bacterial infection. After inoculation, cells of the diazotrophic bacterial strain P. agglomerans were found to be located in roots, stems and leaves. Colony development of bacterial cells was only detected within intercellular spaces of the root and on the root surface. However, single bacterial cells were observed in leaves and stems on the surface of the epidermis, in the vicinity to stomatal cells, within intercellular spaces of the mesophyll and within xylem vessels. Inoculated bacterial cells were found to be able to enter host tissues, to multiply in the plant and to maintain a delicate relationship between endophyte and host. The density of bacterial settlement in the plant in all experiments was about 106 to 107 cells per mL root or shoot sap. Establishment was confirmed by a low coefficient of variation of ELISA means at these concentrations.  相似文献   
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