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G-11 staining in Turner's syndrome with mos 45,X/46,X,r(?)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mos 45,X/46,X,r(?) in 4 patients with Turner's syndrome and no signs of virilization, and in one pair of monozygotic twins, one of them with clitoral hypertrophy, was studied using combined cytogenetic techniques and specially G-11 staining for the characterization of the X or Y origin of the rings. In all 6 patients the ring was G-11 positive, attesting its Y origin. Both twins were operated and bilateral streak gonads with a bilateral nodule of testicular tissue were found. Similar small rings were also studied in one patient with mos 46,XX/46,X,r(X) and in one nonvirilized Turner's syndrome patient with a larger ring; in these two cases the ring was G-11 negative. It seems that the small rings occasionally found in Turner's syndrome are more frequently from Y origin and therefore prophylactic gonadectomy should be considered.  相似文献   
Summary In the testis of Esox lucius at the time of spermiation, activity of cyclic adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cAMP) was immunocytochemically localized at the level of the Sertoli cells. In these cells adenylate cyclase activity was also ultracytochemically demonstrated by using adenylyl imidodiphosphate as a substrate. Reaction products of adenylate cyclase were primarily detectable on the basal and adluminal plasma membranes and on the surface of protrusions of the cell body into the lumen.  相似文献   
Enthalpy changes for the complexation of alkaline-earth and transition metals with three cyclic tetra-aza-tetracetic acids (cDOTA, cTRITA and cTETA) were obtained by continuous titration calorimetry. From these values and free energy data, the entropy changes for the same reactions were derived. The results show that these complexes are stabilised by both favourable enthalpy and entropy changes, except those of Mg2+ and those of Sr2+ and Ba2+ with cTETA. Generally, the entropy changes for the reactions of the alkaline-earth metals are higher than for the reactions of the non cyclic polyaminocarboxylic acids, but for the reactions of the transition metals the entropy changes are comparable for the cyclic and non cyclic ligands. These results are discussed in terms of a model of ‘cage’ coordination of the metals.The enthalpy changes decrease with the increase in size of the tetra-aza ring (except in the case of Cu2+) but no specific cavity size effect is noticeable. Consideration of the temperature-dependent and temperature-independent contributions to ΔH supports the idea that the number of coordinated nitrogen atoms and carboxylate groups vary along the series.  相似文献   
Summary Ruellia tweediana and R. tuberosa are large flowered chasmogamous diploids (n=17) with normal meiosis and fertility. F 1 hybrids, successful in only one direction (R. tweediana x R. tuberosa), are vegetatively vigorous and possess 17 often heteromorphic bivalents with high degree of segregational irregularities. It is exclusively cleistogamous and completely pollen and seed sterile. Like F 1, the artificial amphidiploid (n=34) is also cleistogamous but shows preferential chromosome pairing with complete restoration of fertility. The parental chromosomes are sufficiently differentiated and cleistogamy is either genie or due to gene-cytoplasm interaction but sterility is entirely chromosomal. All floral parts excepting calyx are highly deformed. Such a deformity is associated with sterility in the F 1 but with fertility in the amphidiploid. This is perhaps the first case of origin by hybridization of a true breeding and fully fertile cleistogamous taxon from two chasmogamous species. It also shows the extent and nature of change in breeding system brought about by hybridization and/or polyploidy.The chromosome numbers in the six, out of 16, obligate cleistogamous taxa (Table 4) show that they are high polyploids. Perhaps their origin has been in the same manner as in the present case.
Zusammenfassung Ruellia tweediana und R. tuberosa sind großblütige, chasmogame Diploide (n=17) mit normaler Meiosis und Fertilität. Die F 1-Hybriden, die nur in einer Richtung gelingen (R. tweediana x R. tuberosa), sind vegetativ kräftig und besitzen häufig 17 heteromorphe Bivalente mit einem hohen Anteil an Spaltungsunregelmäßigkeiten. Die Hybride ist ausschließlich kleistogam und vollkommen pollen- und samensteril. Wie die F 1 ist auch die künstlich hergestellte Amphidiploide (n=34) kleistogam und zeigt eine präferentielle Chromosomenpaarung mit völliger Wiederherstellung der Fertilität. Die elterlichen Chromosomen sind genügend differenziert. Die Kleistogamie ist entweder genisch bedingt oder auf eine Gen-Cytoplasma-Interaktion zurückzuführen, die Sterilität ist ausschließlich durch die Chromosomen verursacht. Alle Teile der Blüte mit Ausnahme der Calyx sind stark deformiert. Bei der F 1 ist diese Deformation mit Sterilität verbunden, die amphidiploide Form ist jedoch fertil. Das ist vielleicht der erste Fall eines aus der Kreuzung zweier chasmogamer Spezies hervorgegangenen reinerbigen und voll fertilen kleistogamen Taxons. Es läßt sich auch der Umfang und die Art der durch Hybridisierung und durch Polyploidie verursachten Änderung des Zuchtsystems erkennen. Die Chromosomenzahl bei 6 von 16 obligaten kleistogamen Taxa (Tab. 4) zeigt, daß sie hochpolyploid sind. Vielleicht sind sie auf eine gleiche Weise wie im vorliegenden Falle entstanden.
Zusammenfassung Der neu isolierte Stamm W von Bdellovibio bacteriovorus infiziert und lysiert Rhodospirillum rubrum F und alle anderen untersuchten Athiorhodaceae, nicht aber Pseudomonas aeruginosa und Spirillum serpens. Er befällt auch zahlreiche Enterobacteriaceae und von den grampositiven Bakterien Streptococcus faecalis und Lactobacillus plantarum.Nach dem Festheften an der Zellwand wird diese in 3–20 min durchdrungen. In 10–60 min ist Bdellovibrio vollständig in die Zelle eingedrungen und hat sich im Raum zwischen Zellwand und cytoplasmatischer Membran angesiedelt.In 3–5 Std wird der gesamte Zellinhalt bis auf die Membranen aufgelöst. In dieser Phase erfolgt die Vermehrung von Bdellovibrio. In den ghosts sind die Parasiten in lebhafter Bewegung. Die Geißel hat einen Gesamtdurchmesser von 29 m und eine Länge von etwa 3 . Sie ist von einer Geißelscheide umgeben, die in Verbindung zur Zellwand steht. Der Durchmesser der Geißel ohne Scheide beträgt etwa 18 m. Bdellovibrio kann oberhalb eines Sauerstoffpartialdruckes von 4–5 mm Hg infizieren und sich vermehren. Der Titer von Bdellovibrio nimmt bei Aufbewahrung in lysierten Kulturen in 36 Tagen von 108 auf 101 pfu (plaque forming units) je ml ab. Bei Aufbewahrung in Nährkultur sinkt der Titer nur auf 104 pfu/ml ab. Die Zahl der Plaques im Verhältnis zum Titer der Impfsuspension von Bdellovibrio schwankt in Abhängigkeit vom Wirtsstamm. Wenn man die Plaque-Bildungsrate bei R. rubrum gleich 1 setzt, beträgt sie bei Serratia marcescens 0,0001, bei Proteus vulgaris 10. Bd. bacteriovorus, Stamm W wächst nicht in synthetischer Nährlösung oder Lysaten. Ein geringes Wachstum ohne Zellteilung findet in Zellextrakten von R. rubrum statt. Der Stamm vermehrt sich jedoch in hitzeinaktiviertem R. rubrum. Die Plaque-Bildungsrate ist unter diesen Bedingungen aber sehr niedrig.In Lysaten treten encystierte Dauerformen von Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus auf.
The host range and the infectious cycle of a new isolated, on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria parasiting Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus strain
Summary Rhodospirillum rubrum and all other investigated Athiorhodaceae are infected and lysed by the new isolated strain W of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. This strain W parasites on numerous Enterobacteriaceae and the gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus faecalis and Lactobacillus plantarum, but not on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Spirillum serpens.After attachment of Bdellovibrio to the host, the cell wall is penetrated in 3 to 20 min. In 10 to 60 min Bdellovibrio has completely entered the host cell. He remains in the space between cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of the host.The host cell is completely lysed within 3 to 5 hours. During this phase the size and cell number of Bdellovibrio are increased and a new flagellum is likely to be formed. In the ghosts of the host cell a strong movement is observed. The single polar flagellum of Bdellovibrio has a diameter of 29 m. The flagellum consists of an inner core ( 18 m) and an outer sheath which is continued into the cell wall. Bdellovibrio is able to grow and to infect only under aerobic or semiaerobic conditions (oxygen partial pressure 4 to 5 mm Hg and more). The titer of Bdellovibrio is gradually decreased from 108 to 101 plaque forming units (pfu) per ml, when kept in the lysate for 36 days. In a synthetic medium there is a diminution of 104 pfu/ml only. The plating efficiency is dependent of the host strain. If the plating efficiency of Bdellovibrio with Rhodospirillum rubrum is 1.0, the rate varies from 0.0001 with Serratia marcescens to 10 with Proteus vulgaris. Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus strain W does not grow in a synthetic medium. However, it grows but does not multiply in cell free extracts of Rhodospirillum rubrum. The parasite is also able to infect and lyse heat inactivated R. rubrum. But the plating efficiency in this case is very low.It has been observed that in lysed cells of R. rubrum certain amount of Bdellovibrio is encysted. The morphology and fine structure of these cells is quite different from the normal virulent type.
Integrin β4subunit is present in association with α6chain on both normal and transformed epithelial cells. Recently α6β4heterodimer was found on the endothelium of medium-sized blood vessels and on immature thymocytes. In this report we show, by Northern blotting, indirect immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation, and Western blotting, that β4subunit is expressed also on cells of mesenchymal origin such as fibroblasts, myoblasts, and myotubes. Increased expression of α6β4has been related to the aggressive metastatic phenotype of human and murine carcinomas. The transforming growth factor β1(TGF-β1) has been found to modulate the expression of several integrins and intracellular matrix proteins, as well as to stimulate cell invasion and metastatic potential. To evaluate whether α6β4expression is modulated by TGF-β1, we transfected 3T3 fibroblasts with an expression vector carrying the human TGF-β1cDNA driven by the SV40 early promoter. We observed by indirect immunofluorescence a modification in the subcellular distribution of β4subunit, which acquires a perinuclear localization. This finding suggests this integrin subunit correlates with the cytoskeletal reorganization induced by TGF-β1.  相似文献   
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