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Subcellular fractionation of tissue in nonaqueous media was employed to study metabolite compartmentation in isolated perfused rat hearts. The mitochondrial and cytosolic concentrations of citrate and 2-oxoglutarate, total concentrations of the glycolytic intermediates and rate of glycolysis were measured in connection with changes in the rate of cellular respiration upon modulation of the ATP consumption by changes of the mechanical work load of the heart. The concentrations of citrate and 2-oxoglutarate in the mitochondria were 16- and 14-fold, respectively, greater than those in the cytosol of beating hearts. The cytosolic citrate concentration was low compared with concentrations which have been employed in demonstrations of the citrate inhibition of glycolysis. In spite of the low activities reported for the tricarboxylate carrier in heart mitochondria, the cytosolic citrate concentration reacted to perturbations of the mitochondrial citrate concentration, and inhibition of glycolysis at the phosphofructokinase step could be observed concomitantly with an increase in the cytosolic citrate concentration. The ΔpH across the inner mitochondrial membrane calculated from the 2-oxoglutarate concentration gradient and the mitochondrial membrane potential calculated from the adenylate distribution gave an electrochemical potential difference of protons compatible with chemiosmotic coupling in the intact myocardium.  相似文献   
A self-organizing neural network model called LISSOM for the synergetic development of afferent and lateral connections in cortical feature maps is presented. The weight adaptation process is purely activity-dependent, unsupervised, and local. The afferent input weights self-organize into a topological map of the input space. At the same time, the lateral interconnection weights adapt, and a unique lateral interaction profile develops for each neuron. Weak lateral connections die off, leaving a pattern of connections that represents the significant long-term correlations of activity on the feature map. LISSOM demonstrates how self-organization can bootstrap based on input information only, without global supervision or predetermined lateral interaction. The model gives rise to a nontopographically organized lateral connectivity similar to that observed in the mammalian neocortex as illustrated by a LISSOM model of ocular dominance column formation in the primary visual cortex. In addition, LISSOM can potentially account for the development of multiple maps of different modalities on the same undifferentiated cortical architecture. Received: 12 May 1993/Accepted in revised form: 22 September 1993  相似文献   
Thermospray, plasmaspray and dynamic fast-atom bombardment liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry are compared for the identification of six trichothecenes. Thermospray spectra of the trichothecenes exhibit only a very abundant ammonium adduct ion. Plasmaspray, which provides a more energetic ionization process than thermospray, produces some fragment ions in addition to an abundant ammonium adduct ion. The spectra obtained by dynamic fast-atom bombardment exhibit a protonated molecule, a glycerol adduct ion and numerous fragment ions formed by the losses of functional groups as neutrals in various combinations. Thermospray and plasmaspray are suitable only for monitoring of the trichothecenes, whereas dynamic fast-atom bombardment is suitable for monitoring and for structure characterization.  相似文献   
Material of 229 clones of ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus), representing 10 accessions from markets in southern Peru and one from the wild in Bolivia, was analyzed with regard to morphological variation. The diploid chromosome number (2n = 24) was ascertained in 16 of the clones. Clones grown in different environments (e.g., long vs. short day) retained a more or less similar order of variation with respect to color of the tubers, stems, and leaves and the length/width ratio of the leaves. The shape of fully developed tubers also showed stable variation. Within a single experiment several other vegetative characters showed significant differences between accessions. Furthermore, many flower and inflorescence characters showed variation between accessions, some of them also indicating geographical variation between the Puno-Juliaca area and the Cuzco area. Considerable variation between the clones of an accession was evident, some accessions being clearly more variable than others. Our results show that ulluco is a crop plant that varies extensively even within a geographically limited area. Although repeatedly referred to in the literature as a purely asexual crop, ulluco was shown to be capable of sexual reproduction; this must have been and possibly still is an important source of genetic variation in the species.  相似文献   
Summary 1. Population indices based on bird censuses (especially line transects) are given for south Finnish forest birds (40 species). The indices refer to 1926–27, 1936, 1936–49, 1952–63 and 1973–77.2. Population increases were observed to be much more frequent than decreases. The main reason for the changes is presumably that the structure of the Finnish forests has changed considerably in recent decades. Many bird populations are thus probably well adapted to habitat changes caused by forestry. However, certain species need habitats destroyed by modern forestry (e. g. old forests); in consequence, it is necessary to maintain sufficient old forests areas for conservational purposes.
Zusammenfassung 1. Für die 40 häufigsten Waldvögel Südfinnlands werden, meist auf der Grundlage von Linientaxierungen, Populationsindices ermittelt. Diese Indices beziehen sich auf die Jahre 1926/27, 1936, 1936–49, 1952–63 und 1973.2. 22 Arten (Gruppe A der Tabelle) haben eindeutig zugenommen. Die Gründe hierfür sind wohl in Veränderungen der Struktur finnischer Wälder zu suchen, nämlich Zunahme der Fläche von Jungbeständen, der Ausdehnung der Strauchschicht in Altbeständen, der Bedeutung der Fichte als Waldbestandteil und schließlich der Waldränder.3. 7 Arten (Gruppe B) nahmen einheitlich zu mit Ausnahme im SW-Teil des Landes, wo die Zunahme sehr gering war. Diese Arten scheinen in gleicher Weise von den Strukturänderungen finnischer Wälder beeinflußt worden zu sein wie die in Gruppe A. Doch wiesen diese 7 Arten schon 1926/27 im SW Finnlands relativ hohe Dichten auf. Da alle Arten dieser Gruppe hauptsächlich im Süden verbreitet sind, bedeutet die Zunahme in Finnland, daß offenbar die meisten Arten dieser Gruppe ihr Areal nach Norden ausdehnten, was schließlich zu einem deutlichen Populationsanstieg im Untersuchungsgebiet führte.4. 7 Arten (Gruppe C) zeigten keine deutlich erkennbaren Trends. Die Erklärung hierfür scheint in hohen jährlichen Fluktuationen der Populationsgröße als auch in möglichen interspezifischen Konkurrenzverhältnissen zu suchen zu sein.5. 4 Arten (Gruppe D) nahmen deutlich ab, wahrscheinlich in erster Linie infolge der Abnahme des Flächenanteils alter Waldbestände oder der zunehmenden Schwierigkeiten, alte Bäume zu finden.6. So wurden also Zunahmetendenzen weit häufiger als Abnahmetendenzen festgestellt. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen mit anderen Untersuchungen von langfristigen Bestandstrends nordeuropäischer Vogelarten überein. Sie weisen ferner daraufhin, daß offenbar viele Vogelpopulationen an die Habiate, die durch moderne Forstwirtschaft entstehen, gut angepaßt sind. Jedoch sollten diese Ergebnisse vom Standpunkt des Naturschutzes aus nicht falsch interpretiert werden. Sinn des Naturschutzes ist nicht, die Populationsgröße sehr häufiger Arten positiv zu beeinflussen, sondern die Abnahme der Populationsgrößen bedrohter Arten zu verhindern. In diesem Zusammenhang sei auf die Notwendigkeit des Schutzes genügend großer Flächen alter Waldbestände hingewiesen, da eine Reihe von Arten davon im höchsten Maße davon abhängig sind.
In the mammalian embryo, the primitive tubular heart starts beating during the first trimester of gestation. These early heartbeats originate from calcium-induced contractions of the developing heart muscle cells. To explain the initiation of this activity, two ideas have been presented. One hypothesis supports the role of spontaneously activated voltage-gated calcium channels, whereas the other emphasizes the role of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores initiating spontaneous intracellular calcium oscillations. We show with experiments that both of these mechanisms coexist and operate in mouse cardiomyocytes during embryonic days 9–11. Further, we characterize how inositol-3-phosphate receptors regulate the frequency of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium oscillations and thus the heartbeats. This study provides a novel view of the regulation of embryonic cardiomyocyte activity, explaining the functional versatility of developing cardiomyocytes and the origin and regulation of the embryonic heartbeat.  相似文献   
Risto Virtanen 《Oikos》2000,90(2):295-300
The density-dependent effect of induced plant resistance on herbivore populations depends on the relationship between the amount of herbivore damage and the level of induced resistance produced by the plant. This relationship should influence the interaction of induced resistance and herbivore population dynamics, and if the relationship varies among plant genotypes, it could be subject to natural selection by herbivores. In this study the relationship between percent leaf area damaged and level of induced resistance was characterized for four genotypes of soybeans grown in a greenhouse. Damage ranging from 8 to 92% of leaf area was imposed using Mexican bean beetle larvae, and induced resistance was measured by bioassay using Mexican bean beetle adults. The level of induced resistance was significantly affected by the amount of damage, and the level of induced resistance varied significantly among the four genotypes. There was also a marginally significant interaction of damage and plant genotype, suggesting that the form of density dependence varies among these four genotypes of soybeans. These results suggest that these genotypes of plants might affect herbivore populations differently. If this variation is heritable, the form of density-dependent effects of induced resistance has the potential to evolve in this system.  相似文献   
We studied fine roots and ectomycorrhizas in relation to aboveground tree and stand characteristics in five mixed Betula pendula Roth, Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., and Pinus sylvestris L. stands in Southern Finland. The stands formed gradients of developmental stage (15-, 30-, and 50-year-old stands) in the stands of medium fertility, and of site fertility in the young stands (30-year-old fertile, medium fertile, and least fertile stands). The biomass of the external hyphae of ectomycorrhizas (ECM) was the highest, and the diversity of the fungal community the lowest, in the most fertile stand. The vertical distributions of fine roots of the three tree species were mostly overlapping, indicating high inter-specific belowground competition in the stands. We did not find any clear trends in the fine root biomass (FRB) or length across the stand developmental stages. The FRB of the conifers varied with site fertility, whereas in B. pendula it was almost constant. In contrast to the conifers, the specific root length (SRL) of B. pendula clearly increased from the most fertile to the least fertile stand. This indicates differences in the primary nutrient acquisition strategy between conifers and B. pendula.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of mobile phone use on the auditory sensory memory in children. Auditory event‐related potentials (ERPs), P1, N2, mismatch negativity (MMN), and P3a, were recorded from 17 children, aged 11–12 years, in the recently developed multi‐feature paradigm. This paradigm allows one to determine the neural change‐detection profile consisting of several different types of acoustic changes. During the recording, an ordinary GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) mobile phone emitting 902 MHz (pulsed at 217 Hz) electromagnetic field (EMF) was placed on the ear, over the left or right temporal area (SAR1g = 1.14 W/kg, SAR10g = 0.82 W/kg, peak value = 1.21 W/kg). The EMF was either on or off in a single‐blind manner. We found that a short exposure (two 6 min blocks for each side) to mobile phone EMF has no statistically significant effects on the neural change‐detection profile measured with the MMN. Furthermore, the multi‐feature paradigm was shown to be well suited for studies of perception accuracy and sensory memory in children. However, it should be noted that the present study only had sufficient statistical power to detect a large effect size. Bioelectromagnetics 31:191–199, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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