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Flexible probes that are safely deployed to hard-to-reach targets while avoiding critical structures are strategic in several high-impact application fields, including the biomedical sector and the sector of inspections at large. A critical problem for these tools is the best approach for deploying an entire tool body, not only its tip, on a sought trajectory. A probe that achieves this deployment is considered to follow the leader (or to achieve follow-the-leader deployment) because its body sections follow the track traced by its tip. Follow-the-leader deployment through cavities is complicated due to a lack of external supports. Currently, no definitive implementation for a probe that is intrinsically able to follow the leader, i.e., without relying on external supports, has been achieved. In this paper, we present a completely new device, namely the first interlaced continuum robot, devised to intrinsically follow the leader. We developed the interlaced configuration by pursuing a conceptual approach irrespective of application-specific constraints and assuming two flexible tools with controllable stiffness. We questioned the possibility of solving the previously mentioned deployment problem by harnessing probe symmetry during the design process. This study examines the entire development of the novel interlaced probe: model-based conceptual design, detailed design and prototyping, and preliminary experimental assessment. Our probe can build a track with a radius of curvature that is as small as twice the probe diameter, which enables it to outperform state-of-the-art tools that are aimed at follow-the-leader deployment. Despite the limitations that are inherently associated with its original character, this study provides a prototypical approach to the design of interlaced continuum systems and demonstrates the first interlaced continuum probe, which is intrinsically able to follow the leader.  相似文献   
Hiatella is one of the most widespread marine bivalve genera, occurring in diverse habitats from the temperate to polar latitudes in both hemispheres, and in fossil strata since almost 150 Myr ago. Despite variation in some biological and morphological traits, characters to resolve the current systematic structure consistently across the range of the genus are not known: all samples are often referred to a single species, Hiatella arctica (L.). Exploring the systematics of Hiatella using partial sequences of three genes (mitochondrial COI, and the nuclear ANT and 28S rRNA), we find high diversity of deep lineages (11–22% p‐distance in COI), and identify at least 13 distinct taxa both by heuristic criteria (congruence of the nuclear and mtDNA data) and by coalescence‐based analyses. At several localities, two or three of these cryptic species were found in sympatry. In the framework of previous fossil evidence and of hypotheses of paleoceanographical connections, scenarios of the phylogeny and biogeographical history of the identified species at a range of different time scales are outlined. The distinction between the main North Pacific and North Atlantic Hiatella clades and systematic diversification within each of them seem to have followed a Miocene trans‐Panamanian invasion. Apart from such earlier intra‐basin diversification, the data suggest that three successive counter‐invasions from the Pacific to the Atlantic via the Arctic Ocean route have later contributed to the current North Atlantic Hiatella diversity. These invasions probably took place in connection with (i) the Great Trans‐Arctic Biotic Interchange in the Pliocene, (ii) the last interglacial period c. 120 kya and (iii) the Holocene, postdating the last glaciation. This sequence of trans‐Arctic invasions is largely analogous to that hypothesized for some other boreal‐arctic bivalves.  相似文献   
Kidney transplant rejection is an inflammatory process characterizedby lymphocyte infiltration. Our earlier observations have shownthat peritubular capillary endothelium (PTCE) is the site oflymphocyte entry into the rejecting renal allograft. Duringrejection, PTCE begins to express sialyl Lewis x de novo, andbinds lymphocytes by a mechanism largely dependent on L-selectin.Hence, inhibiting the lymphocyte-endothelial interaction witholigosaccharide ligands of L-selectin offers an attractive possibilityto prevent the inflammation and rejection. Here, we report enzyme-assistedsynthesis of N-acetyllactosamine-based tetra-, deca-, and docosamericsaccharides carrying one, two or four distally located sialylLewis x groups [Neu-NAc  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to design, implement and analyze a space-efficient setup for the whole-body exposure of unrestrained Wistar rats to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields at 900 MHz. The setup was used for 2 years in a cocarcinogenesis study and part of it for 5 weeks in a central nervous system (CNS) study. Up to 216 rats could be placed in separate cages in nine different exposure chambers on three racks requiring only 9 m2 of floor area (24 rats per m2). Chambers were radial transmission lines (RTL), where the rats could freely move in their cages where food and drinking water was provided ad libitum except during RF exposure periods. Dosimetrical analysis was based on FDTD computations with heterogeneous rat models and was validated with calorimetrical measurements carried out with homogeneous phantoms. The estimated whole-body average specific absorption rates (SAR) of rats were 0 (sham), 0.4, and 1.3 W/kg in the cocarcinogenesis study and 0 (sham), 0.27, and 2.7 W/kg in the CNS study with an estimated uncertainty of 3 dB (K = 2). The instantaneous and lifetime variations of whole-body average SAR due to the movement of rats were estimated to be 2.3 and 1.3 dB (K = 1), respectively.  相似文献   
The relationships between climatic variables and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growth and needle dynamics were studied in three stands in Estonia and in four stands located near the northern timberline in Lapland. The trees sampled in Estonia had low correlations with the analysed climatic variables (air temperature, precipitation and indices of atmospheric circulation). Moreover, the weak cross-correlation of the time-series of the Estonian sample trees indicated that Scots pine is affected mainly by local factors in that region. In Lapland, however, height increment and needle production correlated strongly among trees within a stand (mean r=0.45 and 0.46, respectively) and between stands (r=0.32 and 0.37). Radial increment also showed a high inter-correlation among the trees within a stand in Lapland (r=0.45). Both height increment and needle production were strongly influenced by the temperature regime of the previous summer in Lapland (mean r=0.64 and 0.64, respectively). Radial increment was correlated with the mean July temperature of the current year (mean r=0.29). The correlations between the indices of atmospheric circulation and tree attributes were weak, while the strongest correlation was between the Ponta Delgada NAO index (PD–NAO) and height increment and needle production in Lapland. Height increment, needle production and radial increment have increased since the 1990s in the trees growing in Lapland. This may indicate a positive effect of climate warming on tree growth in Lapland. In Estonia, where climatic conditions do not limit tree growth, the climate warming seems not to directly influence the growth and needle dynamics of Scots pine.  相似文献   


The divergent glacial histories of southern and northern Europe affect present-day species diversity at coarse-grained scales in these two regions, but do these effects also penetrate to the more fine-grained scales of local communities?

Methodology/Principal Findings

We carried out a cross-scale analysis to address this question for vascular plants in two mountain regions, the Alps in southern Europe and the Scandes in northern Europe, using environmentally paired vegetation plots in the two regions (n = 403 in each region) to quantify four diversity components: (i) total number of species occurring in a region (total γ-diversity), (ii) number of species that could occur in a target plot after environmental filtering (habitat-specific γ-diversity), (iii) pair-wise species compositional turnover between plots (plot-to-plot β-diversity) and (iv) number of species present per plot (plot α-diversity). We found strong region effects on total γ-diversity, habitat-specific γ-diversity and plot-to-plot β-diversity, with a greater diversity in the Alps even towards distances smaller than 50 m between plots. In contrast, there was a slightly greater plot α-diversity in the Scandes, but with a tendency towards contrasting region effects on high and low soil-acidity plots.


We conclude that there are strong regional differences between coarse-grained (landscape- to regional-scale) diversity components of the flora in the Alps and the Scandes mountain ranges, but that these differences do not necessarily penetrate to the finest-grained (plot-scale) diversity component, at least not on acidic soils. Our findings are consistent with the contrasting regional Quaternary histories, but we also consider alternative explanatory models. Notably, ecological sorting and habitat connectivity may play a role in the unexpected limited or reversed region effect on plot α-diversity, and may also affect the larger-scale diversity components. For instance, plot connectivity and/or selection for high dispersal ability may increase plot α-diversity and compensate for low total γ-diversity.  相似文献   
Sixty-four wild heterokaryotic isolates of Phlebiopsis gigantea were analysed for asexual spore production, growth rate and competitive ability against Heterobasidion in vitro , as well as growth rate in Norway spruce wood. These P. gigantea traits were considered important for controlling infection of Norway spruce stumps by spores of Heterobasidion spp. Ten most promising P. gigantea isolates were crossed with each other and 172 F1 progeny heterokaryons were analysed for the above-mentioned traits. Thirteen most promising progeny heterokaryons were selected and their biocontrol ability against infection by Heterobasidion was compared with the parental isolates in stem pieces of Norway spruce. The results indicated that the progeny strains had generally better traits and control efficacy than the parental strains. The genetic effects accounted for a part of the variations between progeny and parental strains. This further suggests that there is a potential to improve the biocontrol properties of P. gigantea through breeding.  相似文献   
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