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The relative contribution of sexual and natural selection to evolution of sexual ornaments has rarely been quantified under natural conditions. In this study we used a long-term dataset of house sparrows in which parents and offspring were matched genetically to estimate the within- and across-sex genetic basis for variation and covariation among morphological traits. By applying two-sex multivariate "animal models" to estimate genetic parameters, we estimated evolutionary changes in a male sexual ornament, badge size, from the contribution of direct and indirect selection on correlated traits within males and females, after accounting for overlapping generations and age-structure. Indirect natural selection on genetically correlated traits in males and females was the major force causing evolutionary change in the male ornament. Thus, natural selection on female morphology may cause indirect evolutionary changes in male ornaments. We observed however no directional phenotypic change in the ornament size of one-year-old males during the study period. On the other hand, changes were recorded in other morphological characters of both sexes. Our analyses of evolutionary dynamics in sexual characters require application of appropriate two-sex models to account for how selection on correlated traits in both sexes affects the evolutionary outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   
Natal dispersal capture-recapture data from five fragmented populations of house sparrows, great tits, and blue tits were analyzed using maximum likelihood methods. A new two-parametric distribution was constructed that includes four distributions previously used as special cases in the literature. Dispersal standard deviations were estimated at 22.9 km for the house sparrows and ranged from 0.66 to 4.4 km for the tits. Female great tits and blue tits dispersed consistently further than males. Estimates of the shape parameter of the dispersal distribution ranged from 0.66 to 2.27, indicating strong to moderately leptokurtic dispersal displacements. There were significant effects of density on local immigration rates and a consistent tendency for immigration rates to depend underproportionally on local densities. Potential implications of the shape of the dispersal distribution for the spread of invading organisms were investigated and compared with previous results. It is shown that the wave speed, for a given dispersal standard deviation, depends only to some extent on leptokurtosis, provided that the intrinsic growth rate of the population is moderate or small. In estimating the dispersal standard deviation, however, incorrect assumptions about the degree of leptokurtosis can lead to a large bias in estimation and predictions.  相似文献   
Inbreeding is common in small and threatened populations and often has a negative effect on individual fitness and genetic diversity. Thus, inbreeding can be an important factor affecting the persistence of small populations. In this study, we investigated the effects of inbreeding on fitness in a small, wild population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) on the island of Aldra, Norway. The population was founded in 1998 by four individuals (one female and three males). After the founder event, the adult population rapidly increased to about 30 individuals in 2001. At the same time, the mean inbreeding coefficient among adults increased from 0 to 0.04 by 2001 and thereafter fluctuated between 0.06 and 0.10, indicating a highly inbred population. We found a negative effect of inbreeding on lifetime reproductive success, which seemed to be mainly due to an effect of inbreeding on annual reproductive success. This resulted in selection against inbred females. However, the negative effect of inbreeding was less strong in males, suggesting that selection against inbred individuals is at least partly sex specific. To examine whether individuals avoided breeding with close relatives, we compared observed inbreeding and kinship coefficients in the population with those obtained from simulations of random mating. We found no significant differences between the two, indicating weak or absent inbreeding avoidance. We conclude that there was inbreeding depression in our population. Despite this, birds did not seem to actively avoid mating with close relatives, perhaps as a consequence of constraints on mating possibilities in such a small population.  相似文献   
The relationship between dominance and throat badge size, body size, and body condition was examined in three small island populations of house sparrows, Passer domesticus, on the coast of northern Norway. Individual dominance rank in males was determined by observation of agonistic interactions in an artificial observation cage (one replicate in Dec. and one in Mar. in two populations and one replicate in Mar. in the third population). Previous studies had indicated that badge size signals status in house sparrows. In this study, because of the small population sizes and stability in their membership, we expected that prior information about fighting ability would reduce the importance of badge size for the outcome of conflicts in favour of traits most directly associated with fighting ability. In two of five replicates, significant relationships were found between components of body size and dominance rank, but in opposite directions. The relationship between badge size and dominance rank was consistently positive, but non-significant. In a pooled sample of the three independent replicates, badge size was the best predictor of dominance, and no other variable explained any variance in dominance. However, the coefficient of determination was low and linearity of dominance hierarchies was poor. We therefore suggest that individual recognition may influence the dominance relationships.  相似文献   
Hybridisation between House and Tree Sparrows is reported from islands off the coast of Northern Norway, including observed mating attempts in two different mixed pairs, and the breeding success in a third mixed pair. The biometrics of hybrid offsprings were intermediate between the parents. The hybridisation probably involve only inexperienced individuals and may have been facilitated by the spatially division of the population into small island subpopulations.
Zusammenfassung Auf Inseln vor der Küste Nordnorwegens gelangen Beobachtungen zur Hybridisation zwischen Haus- und Feldsperling; bei zwei Mischpaaren wurden Kopulationsversuche und bei einem dritten eine erfolgreiche Brut festgestellt. Die Merkmale der F1-Generation waren intermediär. Wahrscheinlich waren nur unerfahrene Vögel an den Mischpaaren beteiligt, die ihrerseits wohl durch die Bildung und räumliche Verteilung von kleinen Inselpopulationen begünstigt wurde.
Parental care is assumed to be closely associated with individual differences in reproductive success. We investigated how feeding frequencies varied among parents and how this affected the subsequent reproductive success in insular populations of House Sparrows Passer domesticus in northern Norway. Female parents fed their offspring more than male parents did, and the feeding rates were positively related to the feeding rates of the partner. A positive relationship between feeding rates and bill depth was present in females. In males, the feeding rates were negatively related to total badge size and positively related to visible badge size, after the effect of other variables had been taken into account. A non-linear convex relationship between feeding frequency and hatch day was present in males, which could reflect either the seasonal change in weather conditions or the seasonal variation in food availability. For both sexes, feeding frequencies increased with increasing brood size, but at the same time the average feeding rate per nestling decreased with increased brood sizes. Finally, our results indicate that the amount of parental investment, measured as feeding rates during the nestling stage, may have a positive long-term influence both on the number of fledglings that recruit as well as the probability that fledglings survive until recruitment.  相似文献   
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