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Geographic distributions of most temperate marine fishes are affected by postglacial recolonisation events, which have left complex genetic imprints on populations of marine species. This study investigated population structure and demographic history of European sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) by combining inference from both mtDNA and microsatellite genetic markers throughout the species' distribution. We compared effects from genetic drift and mutation for both genetic markers in shaping genetic differentiation across four transition zones. Microsatellite markers revealed significant isolation by distance and a complex population structure across the species' distribution (overall θ(ST)=0.038, P<0.01). Across transition zones markers indicated larger effects of genetic drift over mutations in the northern distribution of sprat contrasting a stronger relative impact of mutation in the species' southern distribution in the Mediterranean region. These results were interpreted to reflect more recent divergence times between northern populations in accordance with previous findings. This study demonstrates the usefulness of comparing inference from different markers and estimators of divergence for phylogeographic and population genetic studies in species with weak genetic structure, as is the case in many marine species.  相似文献   
1. To maximize the probability of rapid contact with a female's pheromone plume, the trajectories of male foraging flights might be expected to be directed with respect to wind flow and also to be energetically efficient. 2. Flights directed either upwind, downwind, or crosswind have been proposed as optimal strategies for rapid and/or energetically efficient plume contact. Other possible strategies are random and Lévy walks, which have trajectories and turn frequencies that are not dictated by the direction of wind flow. 3. The planar flight paths of males of the day-active moth Virbia lamae were recorded during the customary time of its sexual activity. 4. We found no directional preference in these foraging flights with respect to the direction of contemporaneous wind flow, but, because crosswind encompasses twice the possible orientations of either upwind or downwind, a random orientation is in effect a de facto crosswind strategy. 5. A crosswind preference should be favoured when the plume extends farther downwind than crosswind, and this strategy is realized by V. lamae males by a random orientation of their trajectories with respect to current wind direction.  相似文献   
The attractant betaine and the antibiotic growth promoter florfenicol are commonly used together in Chinese fresh water aquaculture, but there is no information about the effect of these two feed additive on the intestinal autochthonous bacterial community in hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica ♀ × O. aureas ♂). Hybrid tilapia (240 fish in total; 20 fish per net cage; three cages per group) were divided into four dietary groups: control group, no betaine or florfenical addition (CK); betaine group, 0.1% betaine added (B); florfenicol group, 0.002% florfenicol added (F); and combination group, 0.1% betaine and 0.002% florfenicol added together (BF). After 8 weeks of feeding, six fish from each cage were chosen randomly, the guts were sampled and pooled, and their intestinal autochthonous bacterial communities were analyzed by 16S rDNA-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Enumeration of total gut autochthonous bacteria was analyzed by quantitative PCR with rpoB as the endogenous control. The results showed that the fish intestinal bacteria of group B were more diverse than that of CK, and that of F and BF groups was reduced in the total numbers and limited to certain bacterial species or genera (P < 0.05). This study revealed that betaine can promote some intestinal autochthonous bacteria, and florfenicol play a depressor role. When combined together, florfenicol may overshadow the effect of betaine on the predominant intestinal bacteria of tilapia.  相似文献   
Accurate information on total catch and effort is essential for successful fisheries management. Officially reported landings, however, may be underestimates of total catch in many fisheries. We investigated the fishery for the nationally red-listed European lobster (Homarus gammarus) in south-eastern Norway. Probability-based strip transect surveys were used to count buoys in the study area in combination with catch per unit effort data obtained independently from volunteer catch diaries, phone interviews, and questionnaires. We estimate that recreational catch accounts for 65% of total catch in the study area. Moreover, our results indicate that only a small proportion (24%) of lobsters landed commercially were sold through the legal market and documented. Total estimated lobster catch was nearly 14 times higher than reported officially. Our study highlights the need for adequate catch monitoring and data collection efforts in coastal areas, presents a clear warning to resource managers that illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fisheries in coastal areas should not be ignored, and shows the potential impact of recreational fisheries.  相似文献   
Across evolution, the signal recognition particle pathway targets extra-cytoplasmic proteins to membranous translocation sites. Whereas the pathway has been extensively studied in Eukarya and Bacteria, little is known of this system in Archaea. In the following, membrane association of FtsY, the prokaryal signal recognition particle receptor, and SRP54, a central component of the signal recognition particle, was addressed in the halophilic archaea Haloferax volcanii. Purified H. volcanii FtsY, the FtsY C-terminal GTP-binding domain (NG domain) or SRP54, were combined separately or in different combinations with H. volcanii inverted membrane vesicles and examined by gradient floatation to differentiate between soluble and membrane-bound protein. Such studies revealed that both FtsY and the FtsY NG domain bound to H. volcanii vesicles in a manner unaffected by proteolytic pretreatment of the membranes, implying that in Archaea, FtsY association is mediated through the membrane lipids. Indeed, membrane association of FtsY was also detected in intact H. volcanii cells. The contribution of the NG domain to FtsY binding in halophilic archaea may be considerable, given the low number of basic charges found at the start of the N-terminal acidic domain of haloarchaeal FtsY proteins (the region of the protein thought to mediate FtsY-membrane association in Bacteria). Moreover, FtsY, but not the NG domain, was shown to mediate membrane association of H. volcanii SRP54, a protein that did not otherwise interact with the membrane.  相似文献   
Abstract Airborne pheromone plumes in wind comprise filaments of odour interspersed with gaps of clean air. When flying moths intercept a filament, they have a tendency to surge upwind momentarily, and then fly crosswind until another filament is intercepted. Thus, the moment-to-moment contact with pheromone mediates the shape of a flight track along the plume. Within some range of favourable interception rates, flight tracks become straighter and are headed more due upwind. However, as the rate of interception increases, there comes a point at which the moth should not be able to discern discreet filaments but, rather, should perceive a 'fused signal'. At the extreme, homogeneous clouds of pheromone inhibit upwind progress by representative tortricids. In a wind tunnel, Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were presented with 10 ms pulses of pheromone at a repetition rate of 5, 10, 17 and 25/s and a continuous, internally turbulent plume. Pulse size and concentrations were verified with a miniature photoionization detector sampling surrogate odour, propylene, at 100 Hz. Male moths maintain upwind progress even at plumes of 25 filaments/s. Furthermore, moths exhibited greater velocities and headings more due upwind at 17 and 25 Hz than at the lower frequencies or with the continuous plume. It is hypothesized that either C. cautella possesses a versatile sensory system that allows the resolution of these rapidly pulsed pheromone plumes, or that this species does not require a 'flickering' signal to fly upwind.  相似文献   
(1) The active uptake of different amino acids by growing cells of Streptomyces hydrogenans was shown to be correlated with the physiological age of the cells. During the lag phase of growth the transport capacity increased and attained its highest level when the growth rate was maximum. During further growth the transport capacity declined progressively. The lowest transport activity was observed when the culture shifted into the stationary growth phase. (2) Such modulation of transport capacity was independent on the presence or absence of amino acids in the growth medium of the cells. (3) The size and the composition of the pool of free intracellular amino acids was also undergoing substantial variations during the growth cycle of the culture. In the lag phase, the levels of all amino acids decreased markedly and attained their lowest values at the end of this phase. During further growth the pool size was slowly replenished. (4) Removal of the pool resulted in a considerable gain of transport capacity. Therefore, it was concluded that active amino acid transport in growing Streptomyces hydrogenans is under feedback control by intracellular amino acids. (5) Quantitatively, the modulation of the pool size could not fully account for the variation of the transport capacity. Since a pool-independent stimulation of transport was found to be correlated with the increase of the growth rate of the cells, the possibility is discussed that the stimulation of transport is either due to increased levels of distinct RNA species, which might provide positive feedback signals for transport, or by increased rates of de novo synthesis of transport limiting proteins.List of Abbreviations AIB 2-aminoisobutyric acid - CM complete medium - MM mineral medium  相似文献   
The factors affecting the stability, hydrolysis, reduction, acetylation, quantitation, and identification of the neutral sugars from vegetable fiber preparations have been studied critically and optimized. The recommended method offers a consolidation of the recent modifications of the alditol acetate procedure for the estimation of neutral sugars. The recovery of the sugars was tested by glc and ion-exchange chromatography. Also, the modified carbazole method of Bitter and Muir was adapted to make it applicable for the estimation of uronic acid content of fiber because uronic acid cannot be estimated quantitatively by the acetylation procedure. It is emphasized that the proposed method is applicable only to highly purified fiber preparations which are free of coprecipitated intracellular compounds. Also, the levels of pentoses and hexoses in the fiber must be well defined and a suitable correction made for their interference in the assay.  相似文献   
The levels of adenosine 3′: 5′ cyclic monophosphate in mature potato tubers (variety King Edward) stored at + 10°, for varying periods at + 2° and then after 28 days at + 2° transferred to + 10°, have been measured. The concentrations were very low (3–30 pmol/g fr. weight) and did not show marked changes with storage conditions.  相似文献   
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