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Colorectal cancer risk is increased when dietary folate intake is low, with or without a deficiency in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). We have observed that intestinal tumors are induced in mice fed low‐folate diets, and that tumor incidence is increased when these mice also have MTHFR deficiency. This study was undertaken to identify differentially expressed proteins in conditions favoring initial steps of murine carcinogenesis in normal preneoplastic intestine. We compared the proteome of BALB/c normal intestine in Mthfr+/+ mice fed control diets for 1 year (low susceptibility to tumorigenesis) with the proteome of Mthfr+/? animals fed low folate diets (higher tumor susceptibility). Our data suggest that the NuRD complex, KRAS‐related proteins, the protein synthetic machinery, and fatty acid‐related metabolic proteins are upregulated in the early stages of tumorigenesis. These proteins may serve as biomarkers or targets for colorectal cancer diagnosis or therapy.  相似文献   
The biology of Escherichia coli in its primary niche, the animal intestinal tract, is remarkably unexplored. Studies with the streptomycin-treated mouse model have produced important insights into the metabolic requirements for Escherichia coli to colonize mice. However, we still know relatively little about the physiology of this bacterium growing in the complex environment of an intestine that is permissive for the growth of competing flora. We have developed a system for studying colonization using an E. coli strain, MP1, isolated from a mouse. MP1 is genetically tractable and does not require continuous antibiotic treatment for stable colonization. As an application of this system, we separately knocked out each two-component system response regulator in MP1 and performed competitions against the wild-type strain. We found that only three response regulators, ArcA, CpxR, and RcsB, produce strong colonization defects, suggesting that in addition to anaerobiosis, adaptation to cell envelope stress is a critical requirement for E. coli colonization of the mouse intestine. We also show that the response regulator OmpR, which had previously been hypothesized to be important for adaptation between in vivo and ex vivo environments, is not required for MP1 colonization due to the presence of a third major porin.  相似文献   
Use of the zebrafish model system for studying development, regeneration, and disease is expanding toward use of adult hearts for cell dissociation and purification of RNA, DNA, and proteins. All of these applications demand the rapid recovery of significant numbers of zebrafish hearts to avoid gene regulatory, metabolic, and other changes that begin after death. Adult zebrafish hearts are also required for studying heart structure for a variety of mutants and for studying heart regeneration. However, the traditional zebrafish heart dissection is slow and difficult and requires specialized tools, making large-scale dissection of adult zebrafish hearts tedious. Traditional methods also harbor the risk of damaging the heart during the dissection. Here, we describe a method for dissection of adult zebrafish hearts that is fast, reproducible, and preserves heart architecture. Furthermore, this method does not require specialized tools, is painless for the zebrafish, can be performed on fresh or fixed specimens, and can be performed on zebrafish as young as one month old. The approach described expands the use of adult zebrafish for cardiovascular research.  相似文献   
Ectothermic animals exhibit two distinct kinds of plasticityin response to temperature: Thermal performance curves (TPCs),in which an individual's performance (e.g., growth rate) variesin response to current temperature; and developmental reactionnorms (DRNs), in which the trait value (e.g., adult body sizeor development time) of a genotype varies in response to developmentaltemperatures experienced over some time period during development.Here we explore patterns of genetic variation and selectionon TPCs and DRNs for insects in fluctuating thermal environments.First, we describe two statistical methods for partitioningtotal genetic variation into variation for overall size or performanceand variation in plasticity, and apply these methods to availabledatasets on DRNs and TPCs for insect growth and size. Our resultsindicate that for the datasets we considered, genetic variationin plasticity represents a larger proportion of the total geneticvariation in TPCs compared to DRNs, for the available datasets.Simulations suggest that estimates of the genetic variationin plasticity are strongly affected by the number and rangeof temperatures considered, and by the degree of nonlinearityin the TPC or DRN. Second, we review a recent analysis of fieldselection studies which indicates that directional selectionfavoring increased overall size is common in many systems—thatbigger is frequently fitter. Third, we use a recent theoreticalmodel to examine how selection on thermal performance curvesrelates to environmental temperatures during selection. Themodel predicts that if selection acts primarily on adult sizeor development time, then selection on thermal performance curvesfor larval growth or development rates is directly related tothe frequency distribution of temperatures experienced duringlarval development. Using data on caterpillar temperatures inthe field, we show that the strength of directional selectionon growth rate is predicted to be greater at the modal (mostfrequent) temperatures, not at the mean temperature or at temperaturesat which growth rate is maximized. Our results illustrate someof the differences in genetic architecture and patterns of selectionbetween thermal performance curves and developmental reactionnorms.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Identifying novel regulators of mitochondrial bioenergetics will broaden our understanding of regulatory checkpoints that coordinate complex metabolic pathways. We previously showed that Nur77, an orphan nuclear receptor of the NR4A family, regulates the expression of genes linked to glucose utilization. Here we demonstrate that expression of Nur77 in skeletal muscle also enhances mitochondrial function. We generated MCK-Nur77 transgenic mice that express wild-type Nur77 specifically in skeletal muscle. Nur77-overexpressing muscle had increased abundance of oxidative muscle fibers and mitochondrial DNA content. Transgenic muscle also exhibited enhanced oxidative metabolism, suggestive of increased mitochondrial activity. Metabolomic analysis confirmed that Nur77 transgenic muscle favored fatty acid oxidation over glucose oxidation, mimicking the metabolic profile of fasting. Nur77 expression also improved the intrinsic respiratory capacity of isolated mitochondria, likely due to the increased abundance of complex I of the electron transport chain. These changes in mitochondrial metabolism translated to improved muscle contractile function ex vivo and improved cold tolerance in vivo. Our studies outline a novel role for Nur77 in the regulation of oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial activity in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Previous studies showed that binding of water-soluble phosphatidylserine (C6PS) to bovine factor Xa (FXa) leads to Ca2+-dependent dimerization in solution. We report the effects of Ca2+, C6PS, and dimerization on the activity and structure of human and bovine FXa. Both human and bovine dimers are 106- to 107-fold less active toward prothrombin than the monomer, with the decrease being attributed mainly to a substantial decrease in kcat. Dimerization appears not to block the active site, since amidolytic activity toward a synthetic substrate is largely unaffected. Circular dichroism reveals a substantial change in tertiary or quaternary structure with a concomitant decrease in α-helix upon dimerization. Mass spectrometry identifies a lysine (K270) in the catalytic domain that appears to be buried at the dimer interface and is part of a synthetic peptide sequence reported to interfere with factor Va (FVa) binding. C6PS binding exposes K351 (part of a reported FVa binding region), K242 (adjacent to the catalytic triad), and K420 (part of a substrate exosite). We interpret our results to mean that C6PS-induced dimerization produces substantial conformational changes or domain rearrangements such that structural data on PS-activated FXa is required to understand the structure of the FXa dimer or the FXa-FVa complex.  相似文献   
Structure and expression of a chicken MHC class I gene   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This work represents a study of the binding and distribution of three different calcium channel blockers in the Sprague-Dawley rat liver, using an in situ perfusion technique. For this purpose, [3H] desmethoxyverapamil, [3H] PN200-110 (isradipine) and [3H] azidopine were used as binding probes interacting with calcium channels. The perfusion steps of the liver involved both portal vein and thoracic inferior vena cava cannulations as inlet and outlet respectively. The subhepatic inferior vena cava was ligated to prevent leakage of the perfusate. Buffer, containing the tracer drug, was administered via the portal vein at a rate of l mL/min and perfusate collected at the same rate within specified time intervals during 50 min. The concentration of the tracer solutes in the perfusate's outlet increased with time, and steady state was observed for all tracers at 40 min. The effect of adding cold isradipine to tracer desmethoxyverapamil, or cold verapamil to tracer PN200-110 were also assessed. First order rate constants for hepatocellular influx, efflux and calcium channel binding of the tracer substances were obtained using a simplified model from Goresky et al. [25]. These constants were mathematically manipulated and changed into permeability constants, second order binding constants, and residency times.Tracer solute influx across hepatocellular membranes is solubility-diffusion controlled, is inversely related to the molecular weights and is different in value from the efflux constants. Cold isradipine reduced the binding constant of desmethoxyverapamil by 36%, while cold verapamil reduced the binding constant of PN200-110 by 23%. Azidopine cellular distribution was low, however, binding to its receptor was analogous to desmethoxyverapamil and PN200-110. Moreover, PN200-110 had the highest residency time with no effect of cold verapamil on its receptor binding, while desmethoxyverapamil had the lowest residency time which significantly increased in the presence of cold isradipine.  相似文献   
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