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Lymphatic filariasis due to Brugia malayi infection was endemic in several areas of South Korea. The infection was controlled, or disappeared, in most areas, with the exception of the remote southwestern islands of Jeonranam-do, including the Heugsan Islands. To discover its current situation, a small-scale survey was performed on the Heugsan Islands in September 2000. A total of 378 people, 151 male and 227 female, living in 8 villages (6 on Daeheugsan-do, 1 on Daejang-do, and 1 on Yeongsan-do) were subjected to a night blood survey for microfilaremia, and physical examination for elephantiasis on the extremities. There were 6 (1.6%) microfilaria positive cases, all in females aged 57-72 years, and from only two villages of the Daeheugsan-do area. There were 4 patients with lower leg elephantiasis, but they showed no microfilaremia. The results show that a low-grade endemicity of filariasis remains on the Daeheugsan-do.  相似文献   
Pesticides have been used to kill pests such as insects, fungi, rodents, and unwanted plants. As these compounds are potentially toxic to the target organisms, they could also be harmful to human health and the environment. Several chronic adverse effects have been identified even after months or years of exposure. The adverse effects of pesticides on the agricultural ecosystem have been a matter of concern in recent decades. In this review, we present an overview of the studies, including our previous studies, monitoring currently used pesticides in the Tunisian agricultural soils that belong to the class of insect growth regulators (IGRs). Triflumuron (TFM) is a benzoyl phenyl urea insecticide belonging to the class of IGRs. TFM is widely used around the world to increase crop yield by protecting them from damage caused by insects. TFM works by inhibiting the synthesis of chitin, an essential part of the insect cuticle, making it susceptible to pathogens and deformities. Consequently, insects become more susceptible to pathogens and malformations. However, studies revealing its toxicity and its mode of action in mammalian systems remain very limited. The aim of this review is to better inform the community about the impact of TFM on crops, the environment, and human beings by summarizing its toxic effects.  相似文献   
Secretory granules containing a hybrid protein consisting of the regulated secretory protein tissue plasminogen activator and an enhanced form of green fluorescent protein were tracked at high spatial resolution in growth cones of differentiated PC12 cells. Tracking shows that granules, unlike synaptic vesicles, generally are mobile in growth cones. Quantitative analysis of trajectories generated by granules revealed two dominant modes of motion: diffusive and directed. Diffusive motion was observed primarily in central and peripheral parts of growth cones, where most granules diffused two to four orders of magnitude more slowly than comparably sized spheres in dilute solution. Directed motion was observed primarily in proximal parts of growth cones, where a subset of granules underwent rapid, directed motion at average speeds comparable to those observed for granules in neurites. This high-resolution view of the dynamics of secretory granules in growth cones provides insight into granule organization and release at nerve terminals. In particular, the mobility of granules suggests that granules, unlike synaptic vesicles, are not tethered stably to cytoskeletal structures in nerve terminals. Moreover, the slow diffusive nature of this mobility suggests that secretory responses involving centrally distributed granules in growth cones will occur slowly, on a time scale of minutes or longer.  相似文献   
A total of 27 maize-based products destined for human consumption were collected from retail outlets within the city of Glasgow in the UK and were analysed for the presence of aflatoxins using immunoaftinity column chromatography with fluorescence detection and for fumonisins by competitive ELISA. Aflatoxins were detected at a trace level below 4 in eight (30%) of the 27 samples tested, no sample contained aflatoxins at a high level although one sample of sweetcorn did contain aflatoxins at a level of 5-10 Fumonisins were detected in eight (30%) of the samples at levels from 1 to 8mgkg-1 and a further eight samples contained fumonisin at a level below 1 mgkg-1 but above the detectable level. The highest concentration of fumonisins was found in a sample of fine corn meal at 8-12mgkg-1.  相似文献   


Significant weight gain is a potential problem in most patients starting peritoneal dialysis (PD); however, few studies have explored the clinical effects of increased body weight (BW) in these patients. We evaluated the effect of excess weight gain during the first year after PD on residual renal function (RRF).


A total of 148 incident PD patients were analyzed in a longitudinal observational study. The mean duration of follow-up was 23.8 months. RRF was measured at baseline (within 1 month of starting PD) and thereafter at 6-month intervals for 2–3 years or until loss of RRF. BW was measured at the time of RRF measurement, and excess weight gain was defined as a BW increase over the median value (3.0%).


The median 1-year increase in BW was 2.3kg (IQR, 1.01–4.58) or 3.0% (IQR, 1.13–5.31). The mean slope of RRF decline was –0.068 ± 0.053 mL/min/month/1.73m2, and RRF loss developed in 48 patients at a mean follow-up time of 19.4 ± 6.8 months. Patients with BW increases > 3.0% showed significantly increased RRF decline rate compared to those without excess weight gain (p<0.001), and the BW increase (%/year) correlated significantly with higher hs-CRP levels and RRF decline rate. High systolic blood pressure, diabetes, large amount of proteinuria and excess BW gain significantly influenced the RRF decline rate. Also, it increased the risk of RRF loss by 4.17-fold (95% confidence intervals, 1.87–9.28; p<0.001).


Excess weight gain during the first year of PD was closely linked to systemic inflammation, diabetes and rapid decline in RRF.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present work was to progress in our understanding of the pathophysiology of L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria, due to a defect in L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase, by creating and studying a mouse model of this disease. L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase-deficient mice (l2hgdh -/-) accumulated L-2-hydroxyglutarate in tissues, most particularly in brain and testis, where the concentration reached ≈ 3.5 μmol/g. Male mice showed a 30% higher excretion of L-2-hydroxyglutarate compared to female mice, supporting that this dicarboxylic acid is partially made in males by lactate dehydrogenase C, a poorly specific form of this enzyme exclusively expressed in testes. Involvement of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase in the formation of L-2-hydroxyglutarate was supported by the commensurate decrease in the formation of this dicarboxylic acid when down-regulating this enzyme in mouse l2hgdh -/- embryonic fibroblasts. The concentration of lysine and arginine was markedly increased in the brain of l2hgdh -/- adult mice. Saccharopine was depleted and glutamine was decreased by ≈ 40%. Lysine-α-ketoglutarate reductase, which converts lysine to saccharopine, was inhibited by L-2-hydroxyglutarate with a Ki of ≈ 0.8 mM. As low but significant activities of the bifunctional enzyme lysine-α-ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase were found in brain, these findings suggest that the classical lysine degradation pathway also operates in brain and is inhibited by the high concentrations of L-2-hydroxyglutarate found in l2hgdh -/- mice. Pathological analysis of the brain showed significant spongiosis. The vacuolar lesions mostly affected oligodendrocytes and myelin sheats, as in other dicarboxylic acidurias, suggesting that the pathophysiology of this model of leukodystrophy may involve irreversible pumping of a dicarboxylate in oligodendrocytes. Neurobehavioral testing indicated that the mice mostly suffered from a deficit in learning capacity. In conclusion, the findings support the concept that L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria is a disorder of metabolite repair. The accumulation of L-2-hydroxyglutarate exerts toxic effects through various means including enzyme inhibition and glial cell swelling.  相似文献   
Providing sufficient amounts of outdoor air to occupants is a critical building function for supporting occupant health, well-being and productivity. In tropical climates, high ventilation rates require substantial amounts of energy to cool and dehumidify supply air. This study evaluates the energy consumption and associated cost for thermally conditioning outdoor air provided for building ventilation in tropical climates, considering Singapore as an example locale. We investigated the influence on energy consumption and cost of the following factors: outdoor air temperature and humidity, ventilation rate (L/s per person), indoor air temperature and humidity, air conditioning system coefficient of performance (COP), and cost of electricity. Results show that dehumidification of outdoor air accounts for more than 80% of the energy needed for building ventilation in Singapore’s tropical climate. Improved system performance and/or a small increase in the indoor temperature set point would permit relatively large ventilation rates (such as 25 L/s per person) at modest or no cost increment. Overall, even in a thermally demanding tropical climate, the energy cost associated with increasing ventilation rate up to 25 L/s per person is less than 1% of the wages of an office worker in an advanced economy like Singapore’s. This result implies that the benefits of increasing outdoor air ventilation rate up to 25 L/s per person — which is suggested to provide for productivity increases, lower sick building syndrome symptom prevalence, and reduced sick leave — can be much larger than the incremental cost of ventilation.  相似文献   
Rice is a model plant widely used for basic and applied research programs. Plant cell wall proteins play key roles in a broad range of biological processes. However, presently, knowledge on the rice cell wall proteome is rudimentary in nature. In the present study, the tightly-bound cell wall proteome of rice callus cultured cells using sequential extraction protocols was developed using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics methods, leading to the identification of 1568 candidate proteins. Based on bioinformatics analyses, 389 classical rice cell wall proteins, possessing a signal peptide, and 334 putative non-classical cell wall proteins, lacking a signal peptide, were identified. By combining previously established rice cell wall protein databases with current data for the classical rice cell wall proteins, a comprehensive rice cell wall proteome, comprised of 496 proteins, was constructed. A comparative analysis of the rice and Arabidopsis cell wall proteomes revealed a high level of homology, suggesting a predominant conservation between monocot and eudicot cell wall proteins. This study importantly increased information on cell wall proteins, which serves for future functional analyses of these identified rice cell wall proteins.  相似文献   
Stochastic phenotype switching - or bet hedging - is a pervasive feature of living systems and common in bacteria that experience fluctuating (unpredictable) environmental conditions. Under such conditions, the capacity to generate variable offspring spreads the risk of being maladapted in the present environment, against offspring likely to have some chance of survival in the future. While a rich subject for theoretical studies, little is known about the selective causes responsible for the evolutionary emergence of stochastic phenotype switching. Here we review recent work - both theoretical and experimental - that sheds light on ecological factors that favour switching types over non-switching types. Of particular relevance is an experiment that provided evidence for an adaptive origin of stochastic phenotype switching by subjecting bacterial populations to a selective regime that mimicked essential features of the host immune response. Central to the emergence of switching types was frequent imposition of 'exclusion rules' and 'population bottlenecks' - two complementary faces of frequency dependent selection. While features of the immune response, exclusion rules and bottlenecks are likely to operate in many natural environments. Together these factors define a set of selective conditions relevant to the evolution of stochastic switching, including antigenic variation and bacterial persistence.  相似文献   
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