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DNA sequences from three mitochondrial (rrnL, cox2, nad2) and one nuclear gene (itpr) from all 9 known honey bee species (Apis), a 10th possible species, Apis dorsata binghami, and three outgroup species (Bombus terrestris, Melipona bicolor and Trigona fimbriata) were used to infer Apis phylogenetic relationships using Bayesian analysis. The dwarf honey bees were confirmed as basal, and the giant and cavity-nesting species to be monophyletic. All nodes were strongly supported except that grouping Apis cerana with A. nigrocincta. Two thousand post-burnin trees from the phylogenetic analysis were used in a Bayesian comparative analysis to explore the evolution of dance type, nest structure, comb structure and dance sound within Apis. The ancestral honey bee species was inferred with high support to have nested in the open, and to have more likely than not had a silent vertical waggle dance and a single comb. The common ancestor of the giant and cavity-dwelling bees is strongly inferred to have had a buzzing vertical directional dance. All pairwise combinations of characters showed strong association, but the multiple comparisons problem reduces the ability to infer associations between states between characters. Nevertheless, a buzzing dance is significantly associated with cavity-nesting, several vertical combs, and dancing vertically, a horizontal dance is significantly associated with a nest with a single comb wrapped around the support, and open nesting with a single pendant comb and a silent waggle dance.  相似文献   
Three L-rhamnose-binding egg lectins, TBL1, TBL2 and TBL3, were isolated from the eggs of the Far East dace Tribolodon brandti by a combination of affinity chromatography on L-rhamnose-Sepharose 6B gel and reversed-phase HPLC. L-rhamnose is a common inhibitor of the purified lectins and strongly inhibited the hemagglutinating activity of TBL2 and TBL3, but less weakly that of TBL1. L-arabinose, which has the same hydroxyl group orientation at C2 and C4 as L-rhamnose, and D-galactose showed no inhibitory activity against TBL1 but showed weak inhibitory activity against TBL2 and TBL3. The open reading frames of the cDNAs of TBL1, TBL2 and TBL3 encoded for mature proteins of 207, 189, and 293 amino acid residues, respectively. A BLAST homology search showed that the TBLs have about 40% homology to the carbohydrate recognition domains of rhamnose-binding lectins in salmonid eggs. The tandem repeated domains present in TBL1, TBL2 and TBL3 were two, two and three, respectively. TBL2 was exclusively expressed in ovary, while TBL1 and TBL3 were expressed mainly in ovary and weakly in various tissues including gill, heart, kidney, liver, spleen and testis.  相似文献   
The main signs of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are cognitive impairment and senile plaques composed of amyloid beta (Aβ) observed in patients' brains. Therefore, therapy for AD focuses on the removal of Aβ. We developed an "edible vaccine" that employs intestinal immunity with little to no side effects. Rice was utilized as an edible vaccine. It expressed GFP-Aβ42. Aβ rice was administered orally to wild-type (WT) mice causing production of anti-Aβ antibodies. Since Aβ rice was mixed with the cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), antibody against the rice seed protein was also produced. Then, mice were caused to develop immune tolerance against the rice seed protein by oral administration of Aβ rice mixed with CTB. The results indicated that only anti-Aβ antibodies were produced.  相似文献   
A blend of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from plants induced by herbivory enables the priming of defensive responses in neighboring plants. These effects may provide insights useful for pest control achieved with transgenic-plant-emitted volatiles. We therefore investigated, under both laboratory and greenhouse conditions, the priming of defense responses in plants (lima bean and corn) by exposing them to transgenic-plant-volatiles (VOCos) including (E)-β-ocimene, emitted from transgenic tobacco plants (NtOS2) that were constitutively overexpressing (E)-β-ocimene synthase. When lima bean plants that had previously been placed downwind of NtOS2 in an open-flow tunnel were infested by spider mites, they were more defensive to spider mites and more attractive to predatory mites, in comparison to the infested plants that had been placed downwind of wild-type tobacco plants. This was similarly observed when the NtOS2-downwind maize plants were infested with Mythimna separata larvae, resulting in reduced larval growth and greater attraction of parasitic wasps (Cotesia kariyai). In a greenhouse experiment, we also found that lima bean plants (VOCos-receiver plants) placed near NtOS2 were more attractive when damaged by spider mites, in comparison to the infested plants that had been placed near the wild-type plants. More intriguingly, VOCs emitted from infested VOCos-receiver plants affected their conspecific neighboring plants to prime indirect defenses in response to herbivory. Altogether, these data suggest that transgenic-plant-emitted volatiles can enhance the ability to prime indirect defenses via both plant-plant and plant-plant-plant communications.  相似文献   
Kojima D  Mori S  Torii M  Wada A  Morishita R  Fukada Y 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26388
A variety of animal species utilize the ultraviolet (UV) component of sunlight as their environmental cues, whereas physiological roles of UV photoreception in mammals, especially in human beings, remain open questions. Here we report that mouse neuropsin (OPN5) encoded by the Opn5 gene exhibited an absorption maximum (λmax) at 380 nm when reconstituted with 11-cis-retinal. Upon UV-light illumination, OPN5 was converted to a blue-absorbing photoproduct (λmax 470 nm), which was stable in the dark and reverted to the UV-absorbing state by the subsequent orange light illumination, indicating its bistable nature. Human OPN5 also had an absorption maximum at 380 nm with spectral properties similar to mouse OPN5, revealing that OPN5 is the first and hitherto unknown human opsin with peak sensitivity in the UV region. OPN5 was capable of activating heterotrimeric G protein Gi in a UV-dependent manner. Immuno-blotting analyses of mouse tissue extracts identified the retina, the brain and, unexpectedly, the outer ears as the major sites of OPN5 expression. In the tissue sections of mice, OPN5 immuno-reactivities were detected in a subset of non-rod/non-cone retinal neurons as well as in the epidermal and muscle cells of the outer ears. Most of these OPN5-immuno-reactivities in mice were co-localized with positive signals for the alpha-subunit of Gi. These results demonstrate the first example of UV photoreceptor in human beings and strongly suggest that OPN5 triggers a UV-sensitive Gi-mediated signaling pathway in the mammalian tissues.  相似文献   
Synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is a presynaptic protein essential for neurotransmitter release. Previously, we demonstrate that protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylates Ser(187) of SNAP-25, and enhances neurotransmitter release by recruiting secretory vesicles near to the plasma membrane. As PKC is abundant in the brain and SNAP-25 is essential for synaptic transmission, SNAP-25 phosphorylation is likely to play a crucial role in the central nervous system. We therefore generated a mutant mouse, substituting Ser(187) of SNAP-25 with Ala using "knock-in" technology. The most striking effect of the mutation was observed in their behavior. The homozygous mutant mice froze readily in response to environmental change, and showed strong anxiety-related behavior in general activity and light and dark preference tests. In addition, the mutant mice sometimes exhibited spontaneously occurring convulsive seizures. Microdialysis measurements revealed that serotonin and dopamine release were markedly reduced in amygdala. These results clearly indicate that PKC-dependent SNAP-25 phosphorylation plays a critical role in the regulation of emotional behavior as well as the suppression of epileptic seizures, and the lack of enhancement of monoamine release is one of the possible mechanisms underlying these defects.  相似文献   
Green leafy volatiles or isoprenoids are produced after mechanical wounding or pathogen/herbivore attacks in higher plants. We monitored expression profiles of the genes involved in defense responses upon exposing Arabidopsis thaliana to the volatiles. Among the genes investigated, those known to be induced by mechanical wounding and/or jasmonate application, such as chalcone synthase (CHS), caffeic acid-O-methyltransferase (COMT), diacylglycerol kinase1 (DGK1), glutathione-S-transferase1 (GST1) and lipoxygenase2 (LOX2), were shown to be induced with (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenol or allo-ocimene (2,6-dimethyl-2,4,6-octatriene). A salicylic acid-responsive gene, pathogenesis-related protein2 (PR2), was not induced by the volatiles. Detailed analyses of the expression profiles showed that the manner of induction varied depending on either the gene monitored or the volatile used. A chemically inert compound, (Z)-3-hexenol, was also potent, which suggested that chemical reactivity was not the sole requisite for the inducing activity. With a jasmonate-insensitive mutant (jar1), the induction by the volatiles was mostly suppressed, however, that of LOX2 was unaltered. An ethylene-insensitive mutant (etr1) showed responses almost identical to the wild type, with minor exceptions. From these observations, it was suggested that both the jasmonate-dependent and -independent pathways were operative upon perception of the volatiles, while the ETR1-dependent pathway was not directly involved. When Botrytis cinerea was inoculated after the volatile treatment, retardation of disease development could be seen. It appears that volatile treatment could make the plants more resistant against the fungal disease.  相似文献   
jumonji (jmj) mutant mice, obtained by a gene trap strategy, showed several morphological abnormalities including neural tube and cardiac defects, and died in utero around embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5). It is unknown what causes the embryonic lethality. Here, we demonstrate that exogenous expression of jmj gene in the heart of jmj mutant mice rescued the morphological phenotypes in the heart, and these embryos survived until E13.5. These results suggest that there are at least two lethal periods in jmj mutant mice, and that cardiac abnormalities may cause the earlier lethality. In addition, the rescue of the cardiac abnormalities by the jmj transgene provided solid evidence that the cardiac abnormalities resulted from mutation of the jmj gene.  相似文献   
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