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The effects of elevated ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on methane dynamics was studied in a natural fen in Northern Finland for three growing seasons (2003–2005). This is the first in situ study on the effects of elevated UV-B radiation on methane dynamics in a natural fen. The experimental setup consisted of 30 study plots (120?×?120?cm) that were randomly divided into three treatments: ambient control, UV-A control and elevated UV-B. The UV-B enhancements were 63, 37 and 21% above ambient during the growing seasons 2003, 2004 and 2005, respectively. Elevated UV-B did not affect net methane emission. Stable isotope composition of methane indicated that methane was produced by the acetate fermentation. Under elevated UV-B there was a slight increase in the concentrations of acetate and propionate but decrease in the oxalate concentration suggesting UV-B-induced changes in the belowground processes. The results emphasize the need for long-term field studies under moderately enhanced exposures to estimate whether the function and feedbacks of mire ecosystems change under increased UV-B radiation.  相似文献   
Type 1 diabetes, if poorly controlled, leads to skeletal muscle atrophy, decreasing the quality of life. We aimed to search highly responsive genes in diabetic muscle atrophy in a common diabetes model and to further characterize associated signaling pathways. Mice were killed 1, 3, or 5 wk after streptozotocin or control. Gene expression of calf muscles was analyzed using microarray and protein signaling with Western blotting. We identified translational repressor protein REDD1 (regulated in development and DNA damage responses) that increased seven- to eightfold and was associated with muscle atrophy in diabetes. The diabetes-induced increase in REDD1 was confirmed at the protein level. This result was accompanied by the increased gene expression of DNA damage/repair pathways and decreased expression in ATP production pathways. Concomitantly, increased phosphorylation of AMPK and dephosphorylation of the Akt/mTOR/S6K1/FoxO pathway of proteins were observed together with increased protein ubiquitination. These changes were especially evident during the first 3 wk, along with the strong decrease in muscle mass. Diabetes also induced an increase in myostatin protein and decreased MAPK signaling. These, together with decreased serum insulin and increased serum glucose, remained altered throughout the 5-wk period. In conclusion, diabetic myopathy induced by streptozotocin led to alteration of multiple signaling pathways. Of those, increased REDD1 and myostatin together with decreased Akt/mTOR/FoxO signaling are associated with diabetic muscle atrophy. The increased REDD1 and decreased Akt/mTOR/FoxO signaling followed a similar time course and thus may be explained, in part, by increased expression of genes in DNA damage/repair and possibly also decrease in ATP-production pathways.  相似文献   
The transmission of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the pork production chain was followed from farm to slaughterhouse by studying the same 364 pigs from different production systems at farm and slaughterhouse levels. In all, 1,785 samples were collected, and the isolated Y. pseudotuberculosis strains were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The results of microbial sampling were combined with data from an on-farm observation and questionnaire study to elucidate the associations between farm factors and the prevalence of Y. pseudotuberculosis. Following the same pigs in the production chain from farm to slaughterhouse, we were able to show similar Y. pseudotuberculosis genotypes in live animals, pluck sets (containing tongue, tonsils, esophagus, trachea, heart, lungs, diaphragm, liver, and kidneys), and carcasses and to conclude that Y. pseudotuberculosis contamination originates from the farms, is transported to slaughterhouses with pigs, and transfers to pluck sets and carcasses in the slaughter process. The study also showed that the high prevalence of Y. pseudotuberculosis in live pigs predisposes carcasses and pluck sets to contamination. When production types and capacities were compared, the prevalence of Y. pseudotuberculosis was higher in organic production than in conventional production and on conventional farms with high rather than low production capacity. We were also able to associate specific farm factors with the prevalence of Y. pseudotuberculosis by using a questionnaire and on-farm observations. On farms, contact with pest animals and the outside environment and a rise in the number of pigs on the farm appear to increase the prevalence of Y. pseudotuberculosis.  相似文献   
Emissions of isoprene, a reactive hydrocarbon, from Subarctic vegetation are not well documented. However, the Arctic is likely to experience the most pronounced effects of climatic warming, which may increase temperature-dependent isoprene emission. Here, we assessed isoprene emission from a Subarctic heath subjected to a 3-4 degrees C increase in air temperature and mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) litter addition for 7-8 yr, simulating climatic warming and the subsequent expansion of deciduous shrub species and migration of the treeline. The measurements were performed using the dynamic chamber method on a wet heath with a mixture of shrubs, herbs and graminoids. Isoprene emissions averaged across the treatments were 36 +/- 5 microg m(-2) h(-1) in 2006 and 58 +/- 7 microg m(-2) h(-1) in 2007. The experimental warming increased the emissions by 83% in 2007 (P = 0.021) and by 56% in 2006 (P = 0.056), while litter addition had no significant effects. The net ecosystem CO(2) exchange was significantly decreased by warming in 2007. These results show that isoprene emissions from Subarctic heaths are comparable to those from Subarctic peatlands. Climatic warming will increase the emissions, and the amount of carbon lost as isoprene, from Subarctic heath ecosystems.  相似文献   
Non-structural carbohydrates in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) wood were analysed in a 7-year-old clone and in five mature stems. The analysis was conducted to obtain more detailed information on seasonal fluctuation of these components and of the tree-to-tree variation and within stem variation. The sugars were analysed by GLC-MS. The smallest total soluble sugar amounts (consisting of sucrose, fructose, glucose, raffinose and myo-inositol) in young trees were measured during mid-summer (ca. 0.3%) and the largest while in dormancy (ca. 1.6% on wood dry weight basis). Raffinose was detected in autumn as a minor component. The proportion of monosaccharides and the amount of myo-inositol were largest during growth. Compared to other studies silver birch showed more evident seasonal fluctuation in soluble sugars than evergreen tree species. The sugar amount in mature stems was approximately at the same level as in young trees that had the same felling time. Tree-to-tree variation in the non-structural carbohydrates in the mature wood was fairly large. However, the amount of total soluble sugars, sucrose and glucose showed significant variation within the stem. The amount of these sugars was largest in samples that were taken close to the cambium. Starch was also detected close to pith. According to the heartwood definition and starch measurement results in this paper, it could be stated that silver birch does not form heartwood.  相似文献   
High mobility group box 1 (HMGB), a ubiquitous DNA-binding protein, has been implicated as a proinflammatory cytokine and late mediator of lethal endotoxemia. HMGB1 is released by activated macrophages. It amplifies and extends the inflammatory response by inducing cytokine release and mediating acute lung injury, anorexia, and the inflammatory response to tissue necrosis. The kinetics of HMGB1 release provide a wide therapeutic window for endotoxemia because extracellular levels of HMGB1 begin to increase 12 to 24 h after exposure to inflammatory stimuli. Here, we demonstrate that a DNA-binding domain of HMGB1, the B box, recapitulates the cytokine activity of full length HMGB1 and efficiently activates macrophages to release tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and other proinflammatory cytokines. Truncation of the B box revealed that the TNF-stimulating activity localizes to 20 amino acids (HMGB1 amino acids 89 to 108). Passive immunization of mice with antibodies raised against B box conferred significant protection against lethal endotoxemia or sepsis, induced by cecal perforation. These results indicate that a proinflammatory domain of HMGB1 maps to the highly conserved DNA-binding B box, making this primary sequence a suitable target in the design of therapeutics.  相似文献   
Hydrogen peroxide activates cell death and defense gene expression in birch   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The function of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) as a signal molecule regulating gene expression and cell death induced by external stresses was studied in birch (Betula pendula). Ozone (O(3)), Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae (Pss), and wounding all induced cell death of various extents in birch leaves. This was temporally preceded and closely accompanied by H(2)O(2) accumulation at, and especially surrounding, the lesion sites. O(3) and Pss, along with an artificial H(2)O(2) producing system glucose (Glc)/Glc oxidase, elicited elevated mRNA levels corresponding to genes encoding reactive oxygen species detoxifying enzymes, Pal, Ypr10, and mitochondrial phosphate translocator 1. In addition to the regulation of gene expression, Glc/Glc oxidase also induced endogenous H(2)O(2) production in birch leaves, accompanied by cell death that resembled O(3) and Pss damage. Wound-induced gene expression differed from that induced by O(3) and Pss. Thus, it appears that at least two separate defense pathways can be activated in birch leaves by stress factors, even though the early H(2)O(2) accumulation response is common among them all.  相似文献   
Genotoxic and cytotoxic compounds were isolated and purified from the culture medium of an indoor air mold, Aspergillus fumigatus. One of these compounds was identified as gliotoxin, a known fungal secondary metabolite. Growth of A. fumigatus and gliotoxin production on some building materials were also studied. Strong growth of the mold and the presence of gliotoxin were detected on spruce wood, gypsum board, and chipboard under saturation conditions.  相似文献   
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