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The evolutionary history of isozymes for 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase has been constructed in a phylogenetic cluster of procaryotes (superfamily B) that includes Escherichia coli. Members of superfamily B that have been positioned on a phylogenetic tree by oligonucleotide cataloging possess one or more of four distinct isozymes of DAHP synthase. DAHP synthase-0 is insensitive to feedback inhibition, while DAHP synthase-Tyr, DAHP synthase-Trp, and DAHP synthase-Phe are sensitive to feedback inhibition by L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan, and L-phenylalanine, respectively. The evolutionary history of this isozyme family can be deduced within superfamily B by using a cladistic methodology of maximum parsimony (R. A. Jensen, Mol. Biol. Evol. 2:92-108, 1985). DAHP synthase-0 was found in Acinetobacter species and in Oceanospirillum minutulum, organisms that also possess DAHP synthase-Tyr. These two isozymes were apparently present in a common ancestor that predated the evolutionary divergence of contemporary superfamily B sublineages. DAHP synthase-0 is postulated to have been the evolutionary forerunner of DAHP synthase-Trp. The newly evolved DAHP synthase-Trp is postulated to have possessed sensitivity to feedback inhibition by chorismate as well as by L-tryptophan, chorismate sensitivity having been retained in rRNA group I pseudomonads (minor sensitivity), group V pseudomonads (very sensitive), and Lysobacter enzymogenes (ultrasensitive). Organisms constituting the enteric lineage of the phylogenetic tree (including a cluster of four Oceanospirillum species) have all lost the chorismate sensitivity of DAHP synthase-Trp. The absence of DAHP synthase-Phe in the Oceanospirillum cluster of organisms supports the previous conclusion that DAHP synthase-Phe evolved recently within superfamily B, being present only Escherichia coli and its close relatives.  相似文献   
The human cranium recovered at Florisbad in 1932 is compared with other Sub-Saharan African hominid remains from Broken Hill, the Omo and Klasies River Mouth. The Florisbad frontal is very broad, but despite this breadth and differences in zygomatic form, there is a definite resemblance to archaic Homo sapiens from Broken Hill. There is also some similarity to both Omo I and Omo II, while fragmentary remains from Klasies River are more lightly built and hence more modern in appearance. These impressions are strengthened by measurement and statistical analysis, which demonstrates that Florisbad and Broken Hill are distant from recent African populations. Even if Florisbad is less archaic than the earlier (Middle Pleistocene?) hominid, it is not noticeably Bushman-like. New dates suggestive of early Upper Pleistocene antiquity also place Florisbad securely in a lineage containing Broken Hill, and there is no evidence to support special ties with any one group of living Africans.  相似文献   
Since 1984, the main site at Klasies River has been re-investigated. Human remains, animal bones and stone artefacts have been collected from the LBS, SAS and other stratigraphic members, and these discoveries help to establish the antiquity of anatomically near-modern populations practicing a Middle Stone Age way of life on the southern coast of Africa. Several teeth found in the lower SAS levels in 1989-1991 can be matched in recent South African populations. Two complete upper molars representing one individual have crowns that are relatively short mesiodistally. These specimens are small in comparison to black South African homologues, but MD and BL dimensions fall close to the averages for San burials. This evidence confirms that several of the Klasies individuals have very small molars, while others have cheek teeth that are close to the upper limits for size variation in recent Africans. The new material is in keeping with the view that sex dimorphism within this Middle Stone Age population may be pronounced.  相似文献   
Important changes in the brain have occurred during the course of human evolution. Both absolute and relative size increases can be documented for species of Homo, culminating in the appearance of modern humans. One species that is particularly well-represented by fossil crania is Homo erectus. The mean capacity for 30 individuals is 973 cm(3). Within this group there is substantial variation, but brain size increases slightly in specimens from later time periods. Other Middle Pleistocene crania differ from those of Homo erectus. Characters of the facial skeleton, vault, and cranial base suggest that fossils from sites such as Arago Cave in France, the Sima de los Huesos in Spain, Bodo in Ethiopia, Broken Hill in Zambia, and perhaps Dali in China belong to the taxon Homo heidelbergensis. Ten of these mid-Quaternary hominins have brains averaging 1,206 cm(3) in volume, and many fall beyond the limits of size predicted for Homo erectus of equivalent age. When orbit height is used to construct an index of relative brain size, it is apparent that the (significant) increase in volume documented for the Middle Pleistocene individuals is not simply a consequence of larger body mass. Encephalization quotient values confirm this finding. These changes in absolute and relative brain size can be taken as further corroborative evidence for a speciation event, in which Homo erectus produced a daughter lineage. It is probable that Homo heidelbergensis originated in Africa or western Eurasia and then ranged widely across the Old World. Archaeological traces indicate that these populations differed in their technology and behavior from earlier hominins.  相似文献   
In mammals, birth entails complex metabolic adjustments essential for neonatal survival. Using a mouse knockout model, we identify crucial biological roles for the miR‐379/miR‐410 cluster within the imprinted Dlk1‐Dio3 region during this metabolic transition. The miR‐379/miR‐410 locus, also named C14MC in humans, is the largest known placental mammal‐specific miRNA cluster, whose 39 miRNA genes are expressed only from the maternal allele. We found that heterozygote pups with a maternal—but not paternal—deletion of the miRNA cluster display partially penetrant neonatal lethality with defects in the maintenance of energy homeostasis. This maladaptive metabolic response is caused, at least in part, by profound changes in the activation of the neonatal hepatic gene expression program, pointing to as yet unidentified regulatory pathways that govern this crucial metabolic transition in the newborn's liver. Not only does our study highlight the physiological importance of miRNA genes that recently evolved in placental mammal lineages but it also unveils additional layers of RNA‐mediated gene regulation at the Dlk1‐Dio3 domain that impose parent‐of‐origin effects on metabolic control at birth and have likely contributed to mammal evolution.  相似文献   
It is suggested that, while use of many statistical techniques is facilitated by electronic aids, a computer is not always a necessity. A simple guide to the calculation of Mahalanobis' D2 statistic, intended for those with limited mathematical background and no access to computing equipment, is presented in hopes that such a procedure will permit application of this statistic, by anthropologists, with a minimum of effort.  相似文献   
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