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The phase transitional behaviour of bilayers of the phospholipid l--ditridecanoylphos-phatidylcholine is studied as a function of protein content for the reaction center (RC) and an antenna protein (LHCP) of the bacterial photosynthetic apparatus. As membrane and protein are structurally well characterized the experimental results can be quantitatively compared with those of calculations based upon elastic models within the Landaude Gennes-theory. Agreement between theory and experiment demonstrates that dominant elastic forces result from a mismatch of hydrophobic regions of membrane and protein. The data also indicate that RC are present in a monomeric form and LHCP in a highly aggregated form. In addition, the latter protein responds to changes in the lipid environment.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The role of high dose therapy (HDT) with autologous stem cell transplantation (AuSCT) for the treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas remains investigational. There are few reports examining this strategy focusing on the adult population. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed our experience of adult patients undergoing HDT and AuSCT for 'paediatric' sarcomas. RESULTS: A total of 17 patients (14 male, 3 female) with median age at transplant of 24 years (range 20 - 41) were identified. The diagnosis was Ewings sarcoma/PNET (10), osteosarcoma (5) and rhabdomyosarcoma (2). Status prior to HDT, following conventional-dose chemotherapy +/- surgery +/- radiotherapy, was complete remission (CR) (6), partial remission (PR) (6), stable disease (1) and progressive disease (4). There was no transplant-related mortality. Two patients remain disease free beyond four years and both received HDT as part of their primary therapy (CR1 and PR1) however, the median progression free survival and overall survival following AuSCT for the entire cohort was only 7 months (range: 2-92 months) and 13 months (range: 2 - 92 months), respectively. CONCLUSION: HDT and AuSCT infrequently achieves prolonged remissions in adult patients and should only be considered in patients who are in a PR or CR following conventional-dose therapy. Further studies are required to define the role of HDT with AuSCT for adult patients with sarcoma.  相似文献   
Frequency and severity of insect outbreaks in forest ecosystems are predicted to increase with climate change. How this will impact canopy leaf area in future climates is rarely tested. Here, we document function of insect outbreaks that fortuitously and rapidly occurred in an ecosystem under free‐air CO2 enrichment. Over the first 2 years of CO2 fumigation of a naturally established mature Eucalyptus woodland, we continuously assessed population responses of three sap‐feeding insect species of the psyllid genera Cardiaspina, Glycaspis and Spondyliaspis for up to ten consecutive generations. Concurrently, we quantified changes in the canopy leaf area index (LAI). Large and rapid shifts in psyllid community composition were recorded between species with either flush (Glycaspis) or senescence‐inducing (Cardiaspina, Spondyliaspis) feeding strategies. Within the second year, two psyllid species experienced significant and rapid population build‐up resulting in two consecutive outbreaks: first, rainfall stimulated Eucalyptus leaf production increasing LAI, which supported population growth of flush‐feeding Glycaspis without impacting LAI. Glycaspis numbers then crashed and were followed by the outbreak of senescence‐feeding Cardiaspina fiscella that led to significant defoliation and reduction in LAI. For all three psyllid species, the abundance of lerps, protective coverings excreted by the sessile nymphs, decreased at e[CO2]. Higher lerp weight at e[CO2] for Glycaspis but not the other psyllid species provided evidence for compensatory feeding by the flush feeder but not the two senescence feeders. Our study demonstrates that rainfall drives leaf phenology, facilitating the rapid boom‐and‐bust succession of psyllid species, eventually leading to significant defoliation due to the second but not the first outbreaking psyllid species. In contrast, e[CO2] may impact psyllid abundance and feeding behaviour, with psyllid species‐specific outcomes for defoliation severity, nutrient transfer and trophic cascades. Psyllid populations feeding on Eucalyptus experience rapid boom‐and‐bust cycles depending on availability of suitable foliage driven by rainfall patterns and leaf phenology.  相似文献   
Permanent mounting of fourth instar mosquito larvae is essential for identifying Aedes spp. This procedure requires extensive exposure to xylene, a clearing agent in the mounting process. We investigated wintergreen oil as a substitute for xylene. Five hundred larvae were mounted on slides to evaluate shrinkage or expansion of specimens after clearing using xylene or wintergreen oil. We examined the ventral brush and siphonal hair tufts for species identification and for preservation of morphological characteristics after clearing specimens in xylene or wintergreen oil. Shrinkage of the length of whole larvae and width of the head, thorax and abdomen after mounting was significantly greater after clearing with xylene than with wintergreen oil. The length of the comb scale nearest the ventral brush was similar for both clearing agents. The clarity of the specimens after mounting was improved by clearing with wintergreen oil, but the integrity of the ventral brush and siphonal hair tufts were similar for both clearing agents.  相似文献   
Some herbivores can modify the physiology of plant modules to meet their nutritional requirements. Induction of premature leaf senescence could benefit herbivores since it is associated with the mobilisation of nutrients. We compared the effects of nymphal feeding by Cardiaspina near densitexta on Eucalyptus moluccana with endogenous processes associated with senescence to assess the relative merits of an insect manipulation or plant defence interpretation of responses. Evidence supporting insect manipulation included increased size of fourth and fifth instar nymphs (in the latter the effect was restricted to forewing pad length of females) on leaves supporting high numbers of conspecifics and feeding preventing leaf necrosis. Intra-specific competition negated greater performance at very high densities. High and very high abundances of nymphs were associated with increased concentrations of amino acid N but only very high abundances of nymphs tended to be associated with increased concentrations of six essential amino acids. Contrary to the insect manipulation interpretation, feeding by very high abundances of nymphs was associated with significant reductions in chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins. Evidence supporting plant defence included the severity of chlorosis increasing with the abundance of nymphs. Leaf reddening did not develop because ambient conditions associated with photoinhibition (high irradiance and low temperature) were not experienced by leaves with chlorotic lesions. Leaf reddening (from anthocyanins) alone is not expected to adversely affect nymphal survival; only leaf necrosis would kill nymphs. For senescence-inducing psyllids, nutritional enhancement does not fit neatly into either an insect manipulation or plant defence interpretation.  相似文献   
Luminescence color multiplexing is one of the most intriguing benefits, which might occur by using semiconductor Quantum Dots (QDs) as labels for biomolecules. It was found, that the luminescence of QDs can be quenched, and replaced by a luminescence peak at approximately 460 nm on hybridization with certain regions of Arabidopsis thaliana tissue. This effect is site selective, and it is unclear whether it occurs due to an energy transfer process, or due to quenching and scattering of the excitation light. The article describes methods for phase-transfer of differently coloured, hydrophobically ligated QDs, coupling of DNA strands to the QD's surface, and hybridization of the labelled DNA to different cell types of Arabidopsis thaliana. The reason for the luminescence blue-shift was studied systematically, and narrowed down to the above mentioned causes.  相似文献   
Most terrestrial plants live in symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Studies on the direct interaction between plants and mycorrhizal fungi are numerous whereas studies on the indirect interaction between such fungi and herbivores feeding on aboveground plant parts are scarce. We studied the impact of AM symbiosis on host plant choice and life history of an acarine surface piercing-sucking herbivore, the polyphagous two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Experiments were performed on detached leaflets taken from common bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) colonized or not colonized by the AM fungus Glomus mosseae. T. urticae females were subjected to choice tests between leaves from mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. Juvenile survival and development, adult female survival, oviposition rate and offspring sex ratio were measured in order to estimate the population growth parameters of T. urticae on either substrate. Moreover, we analyzed the macro- and micronutrient concentration of the aboveground plant parts. Adult T. urticae females preferentially resided and oviposited on mycorrhizal versus non-mycorrhizal leaflets. AM symbiosis significantly decreased embryonic development time and increased the overall oviposition rate as well as the proportion of female offspring produced during peak oviposition. Altogether, the improved life history parameters resulted in significant changes in net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of increase, doubling time and finite rate of increase. Aboveground parts of colonized plants showed higher concentrations of P and K whereas Mn and Zn were both found at lower levels. This is the first study documenting the effect of AM symbiosis on the population growth rates of a herbivore, tracking the changes in life history characteristics throughout the life cycle. We discuss the AM-plant-herbivore interaction in relation to plant quality, herbivore feeding type and site and the evolutionary implications in a multi-trophic context.  相似文献   
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