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Fibulin 5 is a 52-kDa calcium-binding epidermal growth factor (cbEGF)-rich extracellular matrix protein that is essential for the formation of elastic tissues. Missense mutations in fibulin 5 cause the elastin disorder cutis laxa and have been associated with age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. We investigated the structure, hydrodynamics, and oligomerization of fibulin 5 using small angle x-ray scattering, EM, light scattering, circular dichroism, and sedimentation. Compact structures for the monomer were determined by small angle x-ray scattering and EM, and are supported by close agreement between the theoretical sedimentation of the structures and the experimental sedimentation of the monomer in solution. EM showed that monomers associate around a central cavity to form a dimer. Light scattering and equilibrium sedimentation demonstrated that the equilibrium between the monomer and the dimer is dependent upon NaCl and Ca2+ concentrations and that the dimer is dominant under physiological conditions. The dimerization of fragments containing just the cbEGF domains suggests that intermolecular interactions between cbEGFs cause dimerization of fibulin 5. It is possible that fibulin 5 functions as a dimer during elastinogenesis or that dimerization may provide a method for limiting interactions with binding partners such as tropoelastin.Fibulins are a family of seven extracellular matrix glycoproteins, some of which associate with elastic fibers and basement membranes (1, 2). They are involved in the assembly, organization, and stabilization of macromolecular complexes (3). Fibulins contain arrays of cbEGF2-like domains and a fibulin-type C-terminal (Fc) module (4). Fibulins 3–5 have a modified N-terminal cbEGF domain, followed by five cbEGF domains (4).Fibulin 5 (supplemental Fig. S1) is highly expressed in developing arteries with a low expression in adult vessels that is up-regulated following vascular injury and in atherosclerosis (5, 6). Expression has been detected in other elastin-rich tissues, including aorta, skin, uterus, lung, heart, ovary, and colon (5, 6). The extensibility of such tissues is provided by elastic fibers (7), and aging is associated with a loss of elasticity (8). Fibulin 5 is essential for elastinogenesis. The fibulin 5 knock-out mouse exhibits disorganized elastic fibers resulting in severe elastinopathies, with loose skin, vascular abnormalities, and emphysematous lungs. Similar changes are seen in an aged phenotype (9, 10). Mutations in fibulin 5 lead to the elastin disorder cutis laxa (1113) and have been associated with age-related macular degeneration (14, 15).It has been shown that fibulin 5 binds elastic fibers (16) and interacts with tropoelastin (10), fibrillin 1 (17), lysyl oxidase-like protein 1 (18), -2, and -4 (19), latent transforming growth factor-β-binding protein 2 (19), emilin 1 (20), apolipoprotein (a) (21), and superoxide dismutase (22). Through an RGD motif fibulin 5 interacts with integrins (6, 9, 23).The assembly of elastic fibers is a complex hierarchical process. A model proposes that fibulin 5 associates with microfibrils via interactions with fibrillin 1; tropoelastin molecules bind fibulin 5 and coacervate, and lysyl oxidase-like protein 1 enzymes cross-link tropoelastin to form mature elastin (7, 16). Data that support this model indicate that fibulin 5 potentially increases the coacervation of tropoelastin, enhancing elastic fiber formation (24). However, other data suggest that fibulin 5 slows the maturation of elastin assemblies (25).Rotary-shadowing EM has suggested that fibulin 5 exists as a short rod with a globular domain at one end (26). We used size-exclusion column multiangle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS), small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), EM single particle analysis, analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), CD, and isoelectric focusing to investigate the structures of fibulin 5 in monomeric and dimeric form, and the equilibrium between the two forms.  相似文献   
Evolution is receiving increased attention as a potentially important factor in invasions. For example, hybridization may have stimulated the evolution of invasiveness in several well-known plant pests. However, the mechanism for success of such hybrid-derived lineages remains unknown in the majority of the cases studied. Here we ask whether increased reproductive success (in terms of maternal fitness) has evolved in an invasive lineage with confirmed hybrid ancestry. We compare the relative fitness of the non-native, hybrid-derived California wild radish (Raphanus sativus) to that of its two progenitor species in field experiments at different sites and in different years. We found that California wild radish has high survivorship and produces more fruits per plant and more seeds per plant than either of its progenitors in several environments. Furthermore, populations of California wild radish display a strong genotype-by-environment interaction, indicating that maintenance of genetic and phenotypic diversity between populations may be responsible for the weed’s ability to invade a wide breadth of California habitats. Our results suggest that hybridization may contribute the evolution of enhanced invasiveness and, also, that by limiting the introduction and subsequent hybridization of congeners, we may be able to prevent the evolution of new invasive lineages.  相似文献   
A growing body of evidence suggests that reactive oxygen species are critical components of cell signaling pathways, in particular regulating protein phosphorylation events. Here, we show that oxidative stress in response to hydrogen peroxide treatment of human epithelial cells induces robust tyrosine phosphorylation on multiple proteins. Using an anti-phosphotyrosine purification and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry approach, we have identified many of these H2O2-induced tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. Importantly, we show that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Src are the primary upstream kinases mediating these events through their redox activation. The finding that many of the identified proteins have functions in cell adhesion, cell-cell junctions, and the actin cytoskeleton prompted us to examine stress-induced changes in adhesion. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that H2O2 alters cell adhesion structures and the actin cytoskeleton causing loss of adhesion and apoptosis. Remarkably, these cellular changes could be attenuated by inhibition of EGFR and Src, identifying these kinases as targets to block oxidative damage. In summary, our data demonstrate that EGFR and Src together play a central role in oxidative stress-induced phosphorylation, which in turn results in loss of adhesion, morphological changes, and cell damage in epithelial cells. These data also provide a general model for redox signaling in other cell systems.  相似文献   
During inflammation, leukocytes bind to the adhesion receptors ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 on the endothelial surface before undergoing transendothelial migration, also called diapedesis. ICAM-1 is also involved in transendothelial migration, independently of its role in adhesion, but the molecular basis of this function is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that, following clustering, apical ICAM-1 translocated to caveolin-rich membrane domains close to the ends of actin stress fibres. In these F-actin-rich areas, ICAM-1 was internalized and transcytosed to the basal plasma membrane through caveolae. Human T-lymphocytes extended pseudopodia into endothelial cells in caveolin- and F-actin-enriched areas, induced local translocation of ICAM-1 and caveolin-1 to the endothelial basal membrane and transmigrated through transcellular passages formed by a ring of F-actin and caveolae. Reduction of caveolin-1 levels using RNA interference (RNAi) specifically decreased lymphocyte transcellular transmigration. We propose that the translocation of ICAM-1 to caveola- and F-actin-rich domains links the sequential steps of lymphocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration and facilitates lymphocyte migration through endothelial cells from capillaries into surrounding tissue.  相似文献   
The ecology of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) outside of grain storage facilities is poorly known. However, high densities of T. castaneum adults are known to infest stored cotton seeds (Gossypium hirsutum (L.)) in Queensland, Australia, despite the absence of stored food products in the immediate vicinity. Previous studies suggest that the beetles are attracted to the fungal colonies growing on the residual fibres that remain on the cotton seeds after ginning, but the specifics of this remain unclear, even as to the species of fungi involved. In the current study, 14 fungal species were isolated from stored cotton seeds collected from four sites in Queensland. The feeding preferences of the adult beetles and the developmental success of the larvae were recorded for each fungal species. Gut analyses of T. castaneum adults, after exposure in no-choice feeding tests, showed that the beetles will feed on any one of the 14 fungal species when exposed (over 14 days) to cotton seeds that had been inoculated with one particular fungal species. The developmental success of the larvae varied depending on the fungal species, with most fungal species supporting only low levels of successful development (<30%). Tests with each fungal species and the volatiles they release revealed that neither adult nor larval survival was significantly affected by the presence of any particular fungal isolate. These results indicate that T. castaneum will feed on a variety of fungal species but that none of the tested fungal species on its own provides a good larval diet for T. castaneum.  相似文献   
Pharmacological inhibition of human-ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) K(+) channels by structurally and therapeutically diverse drugs is associated with the 'acquired' form of long QT syndrome and with potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias. Two aromatic amino-acid residues (Y652 and F656) on the inner (S6) helices are considered to be key constituents of a high affinity drug binding site within the HERG channel pore cavity. Using wild-type (WT) and mutant HERG channels expressed in mammalian cell lines, we have investigated HERG channel current (I(HERG)) blockade at 37+/-1 degrees C by dronedarone (DRONED), a non-iodinated analogue of the Class III antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone (AMIOD). Under our conditions WT I(HERG) tails, measured at -40 mV following activating pulses to +30 mV, were blocked with IC(50) values of approximately 59 and 70 nM for DRONED and AMIOD, respectively. I(HERG) inhibition by DRONED was contingent upon channel gating, with block developing rapidly on membrane depolarization, but with no preference for activated over inactivated channels. High external [K(+)] (94 mM) reduced the potency of I(HERG) inhibition by both DRONED and AMIOD. Strikingly, mutagenesis to alanine of the S6 residue F656 (F656A) failed to eliminate blockade by both DRONED and AMIOD, whilst Y652A had comparatively little effect on DRONED but some effect on AMIOD. These findings demonstrate that high affinity drug blockade of I(HERG) can occur without a strong dependence on the Y652 and F656 aromatic amino-acid residues.  相似文献   
Podosomes are actin-rich adhesive foci found in several cell types, including macrophages. They have a core containing actin and actin-binding proteins and a peripheral ring of integrins and associated proteins. We show that podosomes are abundant in polarized mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) and are found primarily in lamellae. We investigated the effects of CSF-1, which induces membrane ruffling, cell spreading, and subsequent polarization and migration, on podosome formation. CSF-1 induces a transient increase in podosome number and enhances the formation of circular arrays of podosomes. Conversely, CSF-1 withdrawal leads to a reduction in podosomes and a decrease in polarized cells. The PI 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 induces loss of podosomes together with rapid retraction of lamellae and loss of polarity. Our results indicate that CSF-1 acts via PI 3-kinase to enhance podosome assembly and that this is linked to macrophage polarization.  相似文献   
Photothermal methods permit measurement of molecular volume changes of solvated molecules over nanosecond timescales. Such experiments are an important tool in investigating complex biophysical phenomena including identifying transient species in solution. Developing a microscopic understanding of the origin of volume changes in the condensed phase is needed to complement the experimental measurements. A molecular dynamics (MD) method exploiting available simulation methodology is demonstrated here that both mimics experimental measurements and provides microscopic resolution to the thermodynamic measurements. To calculate thermodynamic volume changes over time, isothermal-isobaric (NPT) MD is performed on a solution for a chosen length of time and the volume of the system is thus established. A further simulation is then performed by "plucking" out a solute molecule of interest to determine the volume of the system in its absence. The difference between these volumes is the thermodynamic volume of the solute molecule. NPT MD allows the volume of the system to fluctuate over time and this results in a statistical uncertainty in volumes that are calculated. It is found in the systems investigated here that simulations lasting a few nanoseconds can discern volume changes of approximately 1.0 ml/mole. This precision is comparable to that achieved empirically, making the experimental and theoretical techniques synergistic. The technique is demonstrated here on model systems including neat water, both charged and neutral aqueous methane, and an aqueous beta-sheet peptide.  相似文献   
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are important regulators of cell migration. The PI3K isoform gamma is primarily expressed in haematopoietic cells, and is activated by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we investigate the contribution of PI3Kgamma to macrophage responses to chemoattractants, using bone marrow-derived macrophages from wild-type and PI3Kgamma-null mice. We observe that early membrane ruffling induced by MCP-1, which activates a GPCR, or by CSF-1, which activates a tyrosine kinase receptor, is unaltered in PI3Kgamma(-/-) mice, although by 30 min MCP-1-induced cell polarization was strongly reduced in PI3Kgamma(-/-) compared to wild-type macrophages. The migration behaviour of the macrophages was analysed by time-lapse microscopy in Dunn chemotaxis chambers. PI3Kgamma(-/-) macrophages showed reduced migration speed and translocation, and no chemotaxis to MCP-1. Interestingly, there was also a reduction in migration efficiency in PI3Kgamma(-/-) macrophages stimulated with CSF-1 although early CSF-1R signalling was normal. These results indicate that the initial actin reorganization induced by either a GPCR or tyrosine kinase receptor agonist is not dependent on PI3Kgamma, whereas PI3Kgamma is needed for optimal migration of macrophages to either agonist.  相似文献   
Inflammation has developed in the course of evolution as a process to defend the body against invading microbes and to respond to injuries. Several mechanisms of interaction between endothelial cells and leukocytes have evolved to render inflammation an effective, tightly controlled, and self-limited process. Imperfect executions of this "game plan" lead to pathological abnormalities resulting in diseases. The meeting on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation held at Schloss Elmau, Germany in October 2002 has featured activation of endothelial cells, adhesion and migration of leukocytes, as well as receptor pathways for activation and deactivation of leukocytes and, concomitantly, of the inflammatory response. Thus, a review on some of the presented data casts interesting spotlights on different steps of the inflammatory cascade.  相似文献   
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