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Newborn animals do not have a fully functional immune system and are thus impaired in their ability to fight parasites. Mothers can therefore increase the survival probability of their young by providing them with passive immunity, e.g. in the form of maternal antibodies transferred via the placenta or the eggs. The maternal responses are only induced when parasites are present, and have been observed not only in vertebrates but also in invertebrates. However, while these parasite-induced maternal effects are known to reduce the harmful effects of common parasites, they may also impose costs for the young, either because the maternal response impairs parental performance, or because maternally transmitted products moderate offspring development. We experimentally tested these two hypotheses in a wild great tit population. We exposed birds to a common ectoparasite before egg-laying to induce the maternal response, and thereafter separated egg-mediated maternal effects from effects on post-laying parental performance by cross-fostering whole clutches. To assess the costs of this response without its confounding benefits, we kept nests free of parasites after hatching. Since the costs of maternal effects can be expressed differently under relaxed and harsh rearing conditions, we simultaneously manipulated clutch size. First, parasite-exposed parents raised lighter young, suggesting that parasite defence or the induced maternal response are costly to the parents and reduce their capacity to raise young. Second, under relaxed but not under harsh rearing conditions, young with the flea-induced maternal effect were heavier and were in better body condition than controls, suggesting that the maternally transferred products can be allocated to physiological functions beyond parasite defence.  相似文献   
Current theory proposes that nestlings beg to signal hunger level to parents honestly, or that siblings compete by escalating begging to attract the attention of parents. Although begging is assumed to be directed at parents, barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings vocalize in the presence but also in the absence of the parents. Applying the theory of asymmetrical contests we experimentally tested three predictions of the novel hypothesis that in the absence of the parents siblings vocally settle contests over prey items to be delivered next by a parent. This 'sibling negotiation hypothesis' proposes that offspring use each others' begging vocalization as a source of information about their relative willingness to contest the next prey item delivered. In line with the hypothesis we found that (i) a nestling barn owl refrains from vocalization when a rival is more hungry, but (ii) escalates once the rival has been fed by a parent, and (iii) nestlings refrain from and escalate vocalization in experimentally enlarged and reduced broods, respectively. Thus, when parents are not at the nest a nestling vocally refrains when the value of the next delivered prey item will be higher for its nest-mates. These findings are the exact opposite of what current models predict for begging calls produced in the presence of the parents.  相似文献   
Prezant, D. J., M. L. Karwa, B. Richner, D. Maggiore, E. I. Gentry, and J. Cahill. Gender-specific effects of dexamethasone treatment on rat diaphragm structure and function. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1): 125-133, 1997.The effectsof long-term dexamethasone treatment on diaphragm muscle were studiedin female and male rats. Compared with pair-fed control animals,dexamethasone treatment did not significantly affect estrous cycling orpeak serum estradiol levels; however, testosterone levels weresignificantly increased in females and decreased in males.Dexamethasone significantly reduced body and costal diaphragm weights,but to a lesser extent in females than in males. Reductions indiaphragm weight were proportional to reductions in body weight. Infemales and males, dexamethasone treatment significantly decreaseddiaphragm fiber (types I and II) cross-sectional area and the relativeexpression of myosin heavy chain isoform 2B. With the exception of typeI fiber atrophy, these changes occurred to a lesser extent in females.Dexamethasone did not significantly affect specific forces.Dexamethasone significantly increased twitch one-half relaxation timeand fatigue resistance indexes in males but not in females. Inconclusion, the effects of long-term dexamethasone treatment weregender specific, with significantly fewer effects in females, andchanges in serum testosterone levels were associated with thesefindings.

The use of alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) is widespread in animals. Males of some species may change tactics depending on age, body condition and social environment. Many bat species are polygynous where a fraction of males only have access to fertile females. For polygynous bats, knowledge of the reproductive success of males using different ARTs is scarce, and it remains unclear how age of males is related to switching decisions between social statuses. We studied a large captive population of Carollia perspicillata, where males are either harem holders, bachelors or peripheral males. Using a multistate procedure, we modelled the age‐related switches in reproductive tactics and in survival probability. From the model, we calculated the reproductive success and the frequencies of males displaying different reproductive tactics. As in mammals, the switch between social statuses is often related to age, we predicted that the transition probability of bachelor and peripheral males to harem status would increase with age. We show, however, that social status transition towards a harem holding position was not related to age. Reproductive success changed with age and social status. Harem males had a significantly higher reproductive success than bachelor males except between a short period from 3.8 to 4.4 years of age where success was similar, and a significantly higher reproductive success than peripheral males between 2.6 and 4.4 years of age. Harem males showed a clear decrease in the probability of maintaining social status with age, which suggests that senescence reduces resource holding potential.  相似文献   
Ectoparasites are common in most bird species, but experimentalevidence of their effects on life-history traits is scarce.We investigated experimentally the effects of the hematophagoushen flea (Ceratophyllus gallinae) on timing of reproduction,nest-site choice, nest desertion, clutch size, and hatchingsuccess in the great tit (Parus major). When great tits wereoffered a choice on their territory between an infested anda parasite-free nest-box, they chose the one without parasites.When there was no choice, the great tits in a territory containingan infested nest-box delayed laying the clutch by 11 days ascompared with the birds that were offered a parasite-free nestingopportunity. The finding that there was no difference in phenotypictraits related to dominance between the birds nesting in infestedboxes and birds nesting in parasite-free boxes suggests thatthe delay is not imposed by social dominance. Nest desertionbetween laying and shortly after hatching was significandy higherin infested nests. There was no difference between infestedand parasite-free nests in clutch size, but hatching successand hence brood size at hatching were significantly smallerin infested nests. Nest-box studies of great tits have beenseminal in the development of evolutionary, ecological, andbehavioral theory, but recently a polemic has arisen in theliterature about the validity of the conclusions drawn fromnest-box studies where the naturally occurring, detrimentalectoparasites are eliminated by the routine removal of old nestsbetween breeding seasons. Our study suggests that this criticismis valid and that the evaluation of the effects of ectoparasitesmay improve our understanding of behavioral traits, life-historytraits, or population dynamics  相似文献   
We have investigated genetic parentage in a Swiss population of tawny owls (Strix aluco). To this end, we performed genetic analysis for six polymorphic loci of 49 avian microsatellite loci tested for cross-species amplification. We found one extra-pair young out of 137 (0.7%) nestlings in 37 families (2.7%). There was no intra-specific brood parasitism. Our results are in accordance with previous findings for other raptors and owls that genetic monogamy is the rule. Female tawny owls cannot raise offspring without a substantial contribution by their mates. Hence one favoured hypothesis is that high paternal investment in reproduction selects for behaviour that prevents cuckoldry. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
Heavy metal phytoextraction is a soil remediation technique which implies the optimal use of plants to remove contamination from soil. Plants must thus be tolerant to heavy metals, adapted to soil and climate characteristics and able to take up large amounts of heavy metals. Their roots must also fit the spatial distribution of pollution. Their different root systems allow plants to adapt to their environment and be more or less efficient in element uptake. To assess the impact of the root system on phytoextraction efficiency in the field, we have studied the uptake and root systems (root length and root size) of various high biomass plants (Brassica juncea, Nicotiana tabacum, Zea mays and Salix viminalis) and one hyperaccumulator (Thlaspi caerulescens) grown in a Zn, Cu and Cd contaminated soil and compared them with total heavy metal distribution in the soil. Changes from year to year have been studied for an annual (Zea mays) and a perennial plant (Salix viminalis) to assess the impact of the climate on root systems and the evolution of efficiency with time and growth. In spite of a small biomass, T. caerulescens was the most efficient plant for Cd and Zn removal because of very high concentrations in the shoots. The second most efficient were plants combining high metal concentrations and high biomass (willows for Cd and Zn and tobacco for Cu and Cd). A large cumulative root density/aboveground biomass ratio (LA/B), together with a relative larger proportion of fine roots compared to other plants seemed to be additional favourable characteristics for increased heavy metal uptake by T. caerulescens. In general, for all plants correlations were found between L A/B and heavy metal concentrations in shoots (r=0.758***, r=0.594***, r=0.798*** (P<0.001) for Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations resp.). Differences between years were significant because of variations in climatic conditions for annual plants or because of growth for perennial plants. The plants exhibited also different root distributions along the soil profile: T. caerulescens had a shallow root system and was thus best suited for shallow contamination (0.2 m) whereas maize and willows were the most efficient in colonising the soil at depth and thus more applicable for deep contamination (0.7 m). In the field situation, no plant was able to fit the contamination properly due to heterogeneity in soil contamination. This points out to the importance and the difficulty of choosing plant species according to depth and heterogeneity of localisation of the pollution.  相似文献   
Adaptive maternal responses to stressful environments before young are born can follow two non-exclusive pathways: either the mother reduces current investment in favor of future investment, or influences offspring growth and development in order to fit offspring phenotype to the stressful environment. Inducing such developmental cues, however, may be risky if the environment changes meanwhile, resulting in maladapted offspring. Here we test the effects of a predator-induced maternal effect in a predator-free postnatal environment. We manipulated perceived predation-risk for breeding female great tits by exposing them to stuffed models of either a predatory bird or a non-predatory control. Offspring were raised either in an environment matching the maternal one by exchanging whole broods within a maternal treatment group, or in a mismatching environment by exchanging broods among the maternal treatments. Offspring growth depended on the matching of the two environments. While for offspring originating from control treated mothers environmental mismatch did not significantly change growth, offspring of mothers under increased perceived predation risk grew faster and larger in matching conditions. Offspring of predator treated mothers fledged about one day later when growing under mismatching conditions. This suggests costs paid by the offspring if mothers predict environmental conditions wrongly.  相似文献   
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