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In birds, yolk androgen concentrations in eggs can increase or decrease over the laying sequence and common hypotheses hold that this serves to favour the competitive ability of either first- or last-hatched chicks depending on the prevailing conditions, and thus promote brood reduction or maintenance of original brood size respectively. Intra-clutch variation of testosterone can shift relative competitive ability of siblings and hence competitive dynamics. In a natural population of great tits, we experimentally investigated the effects and function of maternal testosterone on offspring phenotype in relation to the laying position of the egg in a context of hatching asynchrony. To this end, we created three types of clutches where either the first three or the last three eggs of a clutch were injected with testosterone (T) dissolved in sesame oil, and the remaining eggs with sesame oil only, or where all eggs of a clutch were injected with sesame oil. Increased levels of yolk T in the last-laid eggs resulted in the last-hatched chicks being significantly lighter and smaller than their siblings, while increased levels of T in the first-laid eggs had no direct effect on the first-hatched chicks, but an indirect negative effect on their siblings. Our results suggest that females can potentially adjust offspring phenotype by modulating, over the laying sequence, the amounts of T deposited in the eggs. These results are in contradiction, however, with current hypotheses and previous findings, which suggest that under good conditions higher levels of maternally derived T in the last-laid eggs should mitigate the negative effects of hatching asynchrony.  相似文献   
Liedgens  Markus  Richner  Walter  Stamp  Peter  Soldati  Alberto 《Plant and Soil》2000,220(1-2):89-98
Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration will likely cause changes in plant productivity and composition that might affect soil decomposition processes. The objective of this study was to test to what extent elevated CO2 and N fertility-induced changes in residue quality controlled decomposition rates. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was grown in 8-l pots and exposed to two concentrations of CO2 (390 or 722 μmol mol-1) and two levels of N fertilization (1.0 or 0.25 g l-1 soil) within greenhouse chambers for 8 wks. Plants were then chemically defoliated and air-dried. Leaf, stem and root residues were assayed for total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC), lignin (LTGA), proanthocyanidins (PA), C and N. Respiration rates of an unsterilized sandy soil (Lakeland Sand) mixed with residues from the various treatments were determined using a soda lime trap to measure CO2 release. At harvest, TNC and PA concentrations were 17 to 45% higher in residues previously treated with elevated CO2 compared with controls. Leaf and stem residue LTGA concentrations were not significantly affected by either the elevated CO2 or N fertilization treatments, although root residue LTGA concentration was 30% greater in plants treated with elevated CO2. The concentration of TNC in leaf residues from the low N fertilization treatment was 2.3 times greater than that in the high N fertilization treatment, although TNC concentration in root and stem residues was suppressed 13 to 23% by the low soil N treatment. PA and LTGA concentrations in leaf, root and stem residues were affected by less than 10% by the low N fertilization treatment. N concentration was 14 to 44% lower in residues obtained from the elevated CO2 and low N fertilization treatments. In the soil microbial respiration assay, cumulative CO2 release was 10 to 14% lower in soils amended with residues from the elevated CO2 and low N fertility treatments, although treatment differences diminished as the experiment progressed. Treatment effects on residue N concentration and C:N ratios appeared to be the most important factors affecting soil microbial respiration. The results of our study strongly suggest that, although elevated CO2 and N fertility may have significant impact on post-harvest plant residue quality of cotton, neither factor is likely to substantially affect decomposition. Thus, C cycling might not be affected in this way, but via simple increases in plant biomass production. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Peripheral neuropathic pain is a severe chronic pain condition which may result from trauma to sensory nerves in the peripheral nervous system. The spared nerve injury (SNI) model induces symptoms of neuropathic pain such as mechanical allodynia i.e. pain due to tactile stimuli that do not normally provoke a painful response [1]. The SNI mouse model involves ligation of two of the three branches of the sciatic nerve (the tibial nerve and the common peroneal nerve), while the sural nerve is left intact [2]. The lesion results in marked hypersensitivity in the lateral area of the paw, which is innervated by the spared sural nerve. The non-operated side of the mouse can be used as a control. The advantages of the SNI model are the robustness of the response and that it doesn’t require expert microsurgical skills.The threshold for mechanical pain response is determined by testing with von Frey filaments of increasing bending force, which are repetitively pressed against the lateral area of the paw [3], [4]. A positive pain reaction is defined as sudden paw withdrawal, flinching and/or paw licking induced by the filament. A positive response in three out of five repetitive stimuli is defined as the pain threshold. As demonstrated in the video protocol, C57BL/6 mice experience profound allodynia as early as the day following surgery and maintain this for several weeks.  相似文献   
Michael Coslovsky  Heinz Richner 《Oikos》2012,121(10):1691-1701
Experimental studies incorporating multiple trophic levels are scarce but of increasing interest for understanding ecological communities. Here we investigated interactive effects of perceived predation risk and parasite pressure on life‐history traits in a hole‐nesting bird, and the effects of predation risk on parasite success. In a 3 × 2 experimental design we increased perceived predation risk for breeding great tits Parus major via simulations of either nest‐predators (woodpeckers) or post‐fledging predators (sparrowhawks) close to nests, and used a non‐predatory species (song thrush) as a control. Concurrently, half of the nests in each treatment were either infested with ectoparasites, or kept parasite‐free. Regarding the predation risk – parasite interaction, exposure to nest‐predators tended to lower wing and sternum growth rates of nestlings in the absence, but not the presence, of parasites. In the presence of parasites, exposure to a post‐fledging, but not to a nest‐predator, led to significantly reduced wing growth. Mass and tarsus length were not affected by predator exposure, but ectoparasites had slight positive effects on mass gain. In the last third of the nestling period, overall nestling size was significantly smaller when exposed to a post‐fledging predator than to a nest‐predator, but neither differed from the control. Parental feeding rates were not affected by the treatments, but parents became less selective towards food items under either predation risk. Hen‐flea population sizes (adult or larvae) in nests were not affected by predation risk treatment of hosts. In summary, we found some evidence for an interactive effect of predation risk and parasite pressure on nestling growth. The complexity of the interaction, combined with certain inconsistencies of the effects and potential statistical artifacts, prevent however a straightforward interpretation of the results. The insights from the study are useful for designing additional experiments to further investigate the complexity of predator–parasite interactions in wild populations.  相似文献   
Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) measure properties of the electrode-tissue interface without additional invasive procedures, and can be used to monitor electrode performance over the long term. EIS measures electrical impedance at multiple frequencies, and increases in impedance indicate increased glial scar formation around the device, while cyclic voltammetry measures the charge carrying capacity of the electrode, and indicates how charge is transferred at different voltage levels. As implanted electrodes age, EIS and CV data change, and electrode sites that previously recorded spiking neurons often exhibit significantly lower efficacy for neural recording. The application of a brief voltage pulse to implanted electrode arrays, known as rejuvenation, can bring back spiking activity on otherwise silent electrode sites for a period of time. Rejuvenation alters EIS and CV, and can be monitored by these complementary methods. Typically, EIS is measured daily as an indication of the tissue response at the electrode site. If spikes are absent in a channel that previously had spikes, then CV is used to determine the charge carrying capacity of the electrode site, and rejuvenation can be applied to improve the interface efficacy. CV and EIS are then repeated to check the changes at the electrode-tissue interface, and neural recordings are collected. The overall goal of rejuvenation is to extend the functional lifetime of implanted arrays.  相似文献   
Models of sexual selection predict that ornamental colorationshould be affected by parasites in order to serve as honestsignals. Animals are commonly infested by a range of parasitespecies and often simultaneously display several ornaments.Thus the specific effect of a given parasite on ornaments isimportant for the understanding of the signal. Here we investigateexperimentally the effect of an ectoparasite on carotenoid-and melanin-based traits in breeding great tits Parus major.In the experiment, nests were either infested with hen fleas,Ceratophyllus gallinae, or kept free of parasites. The colorof the two traits and the size of the melanin-based breaststripe were assessed both in the year of experimental parasiteinfestation and during the following breeding season, afterthe annual molt. The size of the breast stripe of infested malesand females significantly decreased, but increased significantlyin uninfested males and females. The blackness of the breaststripe and the carotenoid-based plumage coloration was unaffected.Our experiment demonstrates that the size of the melanin-basedbreast stripe of adults depends on parasite infestation, suggestingthat the trait can serve as an honest signal of previous parasite exposure.  相似文献   
The decision of how far to disperse from the natal territory has profound and long-lasting consequences for young animals, yet the optimal dispersal behavior often depends on environmental factors that are difficult or impossible to assess by inexperienced juveniles. Natural selection thus favors mechanisms that allow the adaptive and flexible adjustment of the offspring's dispersal behavior by their parents via either paternal or maternal effects. Here we show that different dispersal strategies maximize the reproductive success of young great tits (Parus major) originating from a parasite-infested or a parasite-free nest and demonstrate that differential transfer of maternal yolk androgens in response to parasitism can result in a modification of the offspring's dispersal behavior that appears adaptive. It demonstrates that prenatal maternal effects are an important yet so far neglected determinant of natal dispersal and highlights the potential importance of maternal effects in mediating coevolutionary processes in host-parasite systems.  相似文献   
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