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Aspergillus fumigatus is an important opportunistic fungal pathogen that is responsible for high mortality rates in the immunosuppressed population. CgrA, the A. fumigatus ortholog of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleolar protein involved in ribosome biogenesis, contributes to the virulence of this fungus by supporting rapid growth at 37 degrees C. To determine how CgrA affects ribosome biogenesis in A. fumigatus, polysome profile and ribosomal subunit analyses were performed on both wild-type A. fumigatus and a DeltacgrA mutant. The loss of CgrA was associated with a reduction in the level of 80S monosomes as well as an imbalance in the 60S:40S subunit ratio and the appearance of half-mer ribosomes. The gene expression profile in the DeltacgrA mutant revealed increased abundance of a subset of translational machinery mRNAs relative to the wild type, suggesting a potential compensatory response to CgrA deficiency. Although DeltacgrA conidia germinated normally at 22 degrees C, they swelled excessively when incubated at 37 degrees C and accumulated abnormally high numbers of nuclei. This hypernucleated phenotype could be replicated pharmacologically by germinating wild-type conidia under conditions of reductive stress. These findings indicate that the germination process is particularly vulnerable to global disruption of protein synthesis and suggest that CgrA is involved in both ribosome biogenesis and polarized cell growth in A. fumigatus.  相似文献   
Embryos that are homozygous for Splotch, a null allele of Pax3, have a severe neural crest cell (NCC) deficiency that generates a complex phenotype including spina bifida, exencephaly and cardiac outflow tract abnormalities. Contrary to the widely held perception that thymus aplasia or hypoplasia is a characteristic feature of Pax3Sp/Sp embryos, we find that thymic rudiments are larger and parathyroid rudiments are smaller in E11.5-12.5 Pax3Sp/Sp compared to Pax3+/+ embryos. The thymus originates from bilateral third pharyngeal pouch primordia containing endodermal progenitors of both thymus and parathyroid glands. Analyses of Foxn1 and Gcm2 expression revealed a dorsal shift in the border between parathyroid- and thymus-fated domains at E11.5, with no change in the overall cellularity or volume of each shared primordium. The border shift increases the allocation of third pouch progenitors to the thymus domain and correspondingly decreases allocation to the parathyroid domain. Initial patterning in the E10.5 pouch was normal suggesting that the observed change in the location of the organ domain interface arises during border refinement between E10.5 and E11.5. Given the well-characterized NCC defects in Splotch mutants, these findings implicate NCCs in regulating patterning of third pouch endoderm into thymus- versus parathyroid-specified domains, and suggest that organ size is determined in part by the number of progenitor cells specified to a given fate.  相似文献   
Tobacco smoke contains high concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids. Manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2) catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide radicals into hydrogen peroxide and protects against oxidative stress in lung tissues. Three tagSNPs were identified in one block of high linkage disequilibrium that spans the entire SOD2 gene and 5-kb promoter region. These tagSNPs, representing four haplotypes (TAA, TCA, TCG, CCG), were genotyped in 372 lung cancer cases and 605 controls. There was no association between the haplotype frequencies and the overall lung cancer risk. The TCG haplotype (6% in controls) was significantly associated with a lower risk of lung cancer in light smokers (相似文献   
Sites of glycation of human and horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase in vivo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sites of in vivo glycation of human and horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase were identified by cleavage of the borotritide-treated enzyme with trypsin, followed by gas-phase sequencing of the resulting tritium-labeled glycated peptides. A blank sequencing result, i.e. failure to detect an amino acid phenylthiohydantoin after completion of an Edman degradation cycle, was ascribed to an N-(1-deoxyhexitolyl)lysyl residue, which represented a glycation site on the original enzyme subunit. In human liver alcohol dehydrogenase the sites affected were the epsilon-amino groups of lysines 10, 39, 231, 248, and 325, which were glycated to the relative extents of 10, 5, 75, 5, and 5%, respectively. The site specificity of in vivo glycation of the horse enzyme is similar; 70-75% of it had occurred at lysine 231. A computer image of the crystal structure of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase was examined. As a result, it was proposed that the high rate of glycation at lysine 231 is due to acid-base catalysis of the Amadori rearrangement by the imidazole group of histidine 348. This hypothesis was supported by showing that imidazole groups were close to sites of glycation in several other proteins.  相似文献   
Gap junction (GJ) channels provide direct passage for ions and small molecules to be exchanged between neighbouring cells and are crucial for many physiological processes. GJ channels can be gated by transjunctional voltage (known as Vj-gating) and display a wide range of unitary channel conductance (γj), yet the domains responsible for Vj-gating and γj are not fully clear. The first extracellular domain (E1) of several connexins has been shown to line part of their GJ channel pore and play important roles in Vj-gating properties and/or ion permeation selectivity. To test roles of the E1 of Cx50 GJ channels, we generated a chimera, Cx50Cx36E1, where the E1 domain of Cx50 was replaced with that of Cx36, a connexin showing quite distinct Vj-gating and γj from those of Cx50. Detailed characterizations of the chimera and three point mutants in E1 revealed that, although the E1 domain is important in determining γj, the E1 domain of Cx36 is able to effectively function within the context of the Cx50 channel with minor changes in Vj-gating properties, indicating that sequence differences between the E1 domains in Cx36 and Cx50 cannot account for their drastic differences in Vj-gating and γj. Our homology models of the chimera and the E1 mutants revealed that electrostatic properties of the pore-lining residues and their contribution to the electric field in the pore are important factors for the rate of ion permeation of Cx50 and possibly other GJ channels.  相似文献   
Migalastat HCl (AT1001, 1-Deoxygalactonojirimycin) is an investigational pharmacological chaperone for the treatment of α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) deficiency, which leads to Fabry disease, an X-linked, lysosomal storage disorder. The currently approved, biologics-based therapy for Fabry disease is enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with either agalsidase alfa (Replagal) or agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme). Based on preclinical data, migalastat HCl in combination with agalsidase is expected to result in the pharmacokinetic (PK) enhancement of agalsidase in plasma by increasing the systemic exposure of active agalsidase, thereby leading to increased cellular levels in disease-relevant tissues. This Phase 2a study design consisted of an open-label, fixed-treatment sequence that evaluated the effects of single oral doses of 150 mg or 450 mg migalastat HCl on the PK and tissue levels of intravenously infused agalsidase (0.2, 0.5, or 1.0 mg/kg) in male Fabry patients. As expected, intravenous administration of agalsidase alone resulted in increased α-Gal A activity in plasma, skin, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) compared to baseline. Following co-administration of migalastat HCl and agalsidase, α-Gal A activity in plasma was further significantly increased 1.2- to 5.1-fold compared to agalsidase administration alone, in 22 of 23 patients (95.6%). Importantly, similar increases in skin and PBMC α-Gal A activity were seen following co-administration of migalastat HCl and agalsidase. The effects were not related to the administered migalastat HCl dose, as the 150 mg dose of migalastat HCl increased α-Gal A activity to the same extent as the 450 mg dose. Conversely, agalsidase had no effect on the plasma PK of migalastat. No migalastat HCl-related adverse events or drug-related tolerability issues were identified.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01196871  相似文献   
Fertilization, the fusion of sperm and oocyte to form a zygote, is the first and arguably the most important cell–cell interaction event in an organism’s life. Forward and reverse genetic approaches in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have identified many genes that are required for gametogenesis and fertilization and thus are beginning to elucidate the molecular pathways that underlie these processes. We identified an allele of the spe‐49 gene in a second filial generation (F2) mutagenesis screen for spermatogenesis‐defective (spe) mutants. Mutant worms for spe‐49 produce sperm that have normal morphology, activate to form ameboid spermatozoa, and can migrate to and maintain their position in the hermaphrodite reproductive tract but fail to fertilize oocytes. This phenotype puts spe‐49 in the spe‐9 class of late‐acting genes that function in sperm at the time of fertilization. We cloned the spe‐49 gene through a combination of deficiency mapping, transgenic rescue, and genomic sequencing. spe‐49 messenger RNA (mRNA) is enriched in male germ cells, and the complementary DNA (cDNA) encodes a predicted 772‐amino‐acid six‐pass transmembrane protein that is homologous to SPE‐42. Indeed, SPE‐49 and SPE‐42 have identical predicted membrane topology and domain structure, including a large extracellular domain with six conserved cysteine residues, a DC‐STAMP domain, and a C‐terminal cytoplasmic domain containing a C4–C4 RING finger motif. The presence of two SPE‐42 homologs in animal genomes from worms to humans suggests that these proteins are highly conserved components of the molecular apparatus required for the sperm–oocyte recognition, binding, and fusion.  相似文献   


Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is a protozoan parasite present in around a third of the human population. Infected individuals are commonly asymptomatic, though recent reports have suggested that infection might influence aspects of the host’s behavior. In particular, Toxoplasma infection has been linked to schizophrenia, suicide attempt, differences in aspects of personality and poorer neurocognitive performance. However, these studies are often conducted in clinical samples or convenience samples.


In a population-representative birth-cohort of individuals tested for presence of antibodies to T. gondii (N = 837) we investigated the association between infection and four facets of human behavior: neuropsychiatric disorder (schizophrenia and major depression), poor impulse control (suicidal behavior and criminality), personality, and neurocognitive performance. Suicide attempt was marginally more frequent among individuals with T. gondii seropositivity (p = .06). Seropositive individuals also performed worse on one out of 14 measures of neuropsychological function.


On the whole, there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations or neurocognitive impairment.  相似文献   
Poxviruses encode a number of secreted virulence factors that function to mitigate or modulate the host immune response. M-T1 is a secreted 43-kDa glycoprotein produced by the myxoma virus, a poxvirus pathogen of rabbits, that binds CC-chemokines with high affinity, blocks binding to their cognate G-protein coupled receptors, and thereby inhibits chemokine-induced leukocyte chemotaxis. The present study indicates that M-T1, but not the related vaccinia virus 35-kDa CC-chemokine-binding protein, can localize to cell surfaces through an interaction with glycosaminoglycan molecules. In addition to biochemically characterizing the nature of this interaction, we demonstrate that M-T1 can also simultaneously interact with CC-chemokines while bound to heparin, suggesting that the binding sites on M-T1 for chemokines and heparin are distinct. Furthermore, using recombinant baculovirus-expressed M-T1 truncation and internal deletion mutants, we localize the heparin-binding region of M-T1 to the C terminus of the protein, a region that contains a high abundance of basic residues and includes two clusters of basic amino acid residues that resemble Cardin and Weintraub heparin-binding consensus sequences. The ability of M-T1 to simultaneously interact with chemokines and glycosaminoglycans may enable M-T1 to tether to endothelial surfaces or extracellular matrix and capture host chemokines that are expressed close to sites of virus infection.  相似文献   
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