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Summary Aberrations of photoreceptor ultrastructure resulting from carotenoid/retinoid (vitamin A) deprivation were studied in the retina of Manduca sexta. The syndrome of chromophore deficiency included hypertrophy of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, variable dilation of rhabdomeric microvilli, the insertion of endomembrane fingers into such enlarged microvilli, and the formation of rhabdomeric vacuoles, intracellular compartments containing microvilli similar to those of the rhabdomere. Retinas were processed either with conventional procedures employing preliminary aldehyde fixation followed by heavy metal postfixation, or by fixation and incubation in unbuffered OsO4. The latter method deposits osmium throughout the endomembrane system, within the rhabdomeric vacuoles, and in the extracellular space of the rhabdom. However, the intravillous fingers were rarely impregnated with osmium, despite their continuity with densely stained cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. We suggest that the insertion of endomembrane fingers into dilated microvilli results from a cytoskeleton-mediated link between cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the rhabdomeric membrane, an association that may be important in the turnover of photoreceptor membrane. We interpret endomembrane hypertrophy and development of rhabdomeric vacuoles as symptoms of disturbance in the pathway leading to the assembly of the rhabdomere resulting from reduced synthesis of visual pigment.  相似文献   
Oxygen-derived free radicals and hemolysis during open heart surgery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reperfusion injury occurs during open-heart surgery after prolonged cardioplegic arrest. Cardiopulmonary bypass also is known to cause hemolysis. Since reperfusion of ischemic myocardium is associated with the generation of oxygen free radicals, and since free radicals can attack a protein molecule, it seems reasonable to assume that hemolysis might be the consequence of free radical attack on hemoglobin protein. The results of this study demonstrated that reperfusion following ischemic arrest caused an increase in free hemoglobin and free heme concentrations, simultaneously releasing free iron and generating hydroxyl radicals. In vitro studies using pure hemoglobin indicated that superoxide anion generated by the action of xanthine oxidase on xanthine could release iron from the heme ring and cause deoxygenation of oxyhemoglobin into ferrihemoglobin. This study further demonstrated that before the release of iron from the heme nucleus, oxyhemoglobin underwent deoxygenation to ferrihemoglobin. The released iron can catalyze the Fenton reaction, leading to the formation of cytotoxic hydroxyl radical (OH·). In fact, the formation of OH. in conjunction with hemolysis occurs during cardiac surgery, and when viewed in the light of the in vitro results, it seems likely that oxygen-derived free radicals may cause hemolysis during cardiopulmonary bypass and simultaneously release iron from the heme ring, which can catalyze the formation of OH·.  相似文献   
Abstract. During spontaneous or chemically induced differentiation human choriocarcinoma cells express typical characteristics of the normal differentiating trophoblast: 1) increased production of peptide and steroid hormones (chorionic gonadotropin, placental lactogen, estrogens, progesterone); 2) increased activity of cellular alkaline phosphatase; 3) morphological transition from cytotrophoblast to syncytiotrophoblast-like cells; and 4) arrested cell proliferation. Since the extracellular matrix is known to control gene expression we have examined the effects of different substrates composed of matrix macromolecules on the differentiation of BeWo choriocarcinoma cells. Matrices tested were; fibronectin, laminin, collagens type I and type IV, the basement membrane-like complex matrix Matrigel, and a complex matrix extracted from human term placenta. Irrespective of the type of molecule(s), it was consistently found that, whenever the matrix molecules were presented as threedimensional structures (as opposed to protein coatings on tissue culture plastic) the response of affected differentiation markers monitored was highly pronounced. Morphology was changed from monolayers to rounded colonies, cell proliferation was reduced, and the secretion of chorionic gonadotropin was increased up to tenfold. Heterogeneous effects were observed on progesterone secretion and on the activity of cellular alkaline phosphatase. Cell adhesion to matrix molecules, however, did not depend on the structure of the matrix. This study demonstrates that gene expression in these tumor cells can be modified by extracellular matrix and highlights that not only the presence of effector molecules in the matrix but also the three-dimensional structure of the matrix is important for the induction of differentiation.  相似文献   
1. Intersegmental interneurons (INs) that participate in the larval bending reflex and the pupal gin trap closure reflex were identified in the isolated ventral nerve cord of Manduca sexta. INs 305, 504, and 703 show qualitatively different responses in the pupa than in the larva to electrical stimulation of sensory neurons that are retained during the larval-pupal transition to serve both reflexes. Action potentials produced by current injected into the 3 interneurons excite motor neurons that are directly involved in the larval and pupal reflexes. The excitation of the motor neurons is not associated with EPSPs at a fixed latency following action potentials in the interneurons, and thus there do not seem to be direct synaptic connections between the interneurons and the motor neurons. 2. IN 305 (Fig. 2) has a lateral soma, processes in most of the dorsal neuropil ipsilateral to the soma, and a crossing neurite that gives rise to a single contralateral descending axon. IN 305 is excited by stimulation of the sensory nerve ipsilateral to its soma in the larva and the pupa. Stimulation of the sensory nerve contralateral to its soma produces an inhibitory response in the larva, but a mixed excitatory/inhibitory response to the identical stimulus in the pupa. 3. IN 504 (Fig. 3) has a lateral soma, processes throughout most of the neuropil ipsilateral to the soma, and a crossing neurite that bifurcates to give rise to a process extending to the caudal limit of the neuropil and an ascending axon. IN 504 is excited by stimulation of the sensory nerve ipsilateral to its soma in both larvae and pupae, while the response to stimulation of the sensory nerve contralateral to its soma is inhibitory in the larva but mixed (excitatory/inhibitory) in the pupa. 4. IN 703 has a large antero-lateral soma, a neurite that extends across to the contralateral side giving rise to processes located primarily dorsally in both ipsilateral and contralateral neuropils, and two axons that ascend and descend in the connectives contralateral to the soma (Fig. 4). IN 703 responds to stimulation of the sensory nerves on either side of the ganglion, but the form of the response changes during the larval-pupal transition. In the larva, the response consists of very phasic (0-2 spikes) excitation, but in the pupa there is a prolonged excitation that greatly outlasts the stimulus (Fig. 6).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary The EF5.44 locus is in close proximity to the chromosome 5 region to which the genetic defect responsible for familial adenomatous polyposis has been mapped. We have devised two oligonucleotides that promote the specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplificiation of a 365-bp sequence in this region. Analysis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the resulting fragment has unravelled individual differences that could be identified as a single base pair change in aMnlI restriction site. This PCR assayable polymorphism increases the informativeness at this locus, and should be useful in the presymptomatic diagnosis of familial adenomatous polyposis.  相似文献   
Equalizing founder representation is a recommended practice for maintaining captive populations. However, this procedure has not been subject to controlled experimental evaluation. The effects on inbreeding, genetic variation, and reproductive fitness of maintaining small captive populations by equalizing founder representation (EFR) versus randomly choosing parents (RC) were compared. Ten replicate lines were created with unequal founder representations, split into EFR and RC lines, and maintained for a further eight generations. Founder representations computed from pedigrees were closer to equality in the EFR lines than in the RC lines or the base population, most of the changes being evident after one generation. Significant benefits of EFR were found in lowered inbreeding (mean inbreeding coefficients of 0.35 and 0.41, respectively, for EFR and RC lines) and average heterozygosity (0.141 for EFR, 0.084 for RC, compared with 0.216 in the base population). However, EFR was not significantly better than RC in moving allele frequencies towards equalized founder representation. No significant difference was found in reproductive fitness between EFR and RC (relative fitnesses compared to the base population were 0.179 for EFR and 0.182 for RC). The use of equalization of founder representation for a few generations can be recommended in the genetic management of captive populations derived from a small number of founders that contribute unequally. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We describe a human genomic cosmid clone, 56.1.1, that contains subtelomeric sequences present on multiple human chromosomes. In particular, using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we have identified 16 sites of hybridization on 12 chromosomes. In a sample of 8 unrelated individuals, 10 of these sites showed interindividual variation. Co-hybridization with other polymorphic probes allowed us to demonstrate cytologically heterozygosity at three sites in six individuals. The chromosomal distribution of hybridization sites in a family strongly suggests that these variants are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. These data show that subtelomeric repeats are a rich source of genetic variability. Possible mechanisms of generation of such variants are discussed.  相似文献   
Multiple isoforms of tropoelastin, the soluble precursor of elastin, are the products of translation of splice-variant mRNAs derived from the single-copy tropoelastin gene. Previous data had demonstrated DNA sequence heterogeneity in three domains of rat tropoelastin mRNA, indicating alternative splicing of several exons of the rat tropoelastin gene. Rat tropoelastin genomic clones encompassing the sites of alternative splicing were isolated and sequenced. Two sites of alternative splicing identified in rat tropoelastin mRNA sequences corresponded to exons 13-15 and exon 33 of the rat tropoelastin gene. Furthermore, the variable inclusion of an alanine codon in exon 16 resulted from two functional acceptor sites separated by three nucleotides. DNA sequences flanking exons subject to alternative splicing were analyzed. These exons contained splicing signals that differed from consensus sequences and from splicing signals of constitutively spliced exons. Introns immediately 5' of exons 14 and 33, for example, lacked typical polypyrimidine tracts and had weak, overlapping branch point sequences. Further, a region of secondary structure encompassing the acceptor site of exon 13 may influence alternative splicing of this exon. These results demonstrate that multiple cis-acting sequence elements may contribute to alternative splicing of rat tropoelastin pre-mRNA.  相似文献   
Human homologues of mouse t-complex genes have been cloned and localized physically to chromosome 6p or 6q. TCP1, TCP10, and PLG are human homologues of genes located in the proximal portion of the t-complex on mouse chromosome 17. We present here results of genetic mapping of these human t-complex homologues previously localized to 6q25-q27, 6q21-q27, and 6q26-q27, respectively, by physical techniques. TCP1 and PLG do not recombine with each other and are separated from TCP10 by about 15 cM, while the corresponding mouse genes are no more than 4 cM apart. Genetic mapping with markers well localized cytogenetically places TCP1 and PLG proximal to TCP10 and localizes the latter to the cytogenetic band 6q27. It is likely that the organization of human t-complex homologues on 6q is similar to that of t haplotypes rather than that of wildtype murine chromosome 17.  相似文献   
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