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Olsson MJ  Cain WS 《Chemical senses》2000,25(5):493-499
There is no natural physical continuum for odor quality along which an odor quality discrimination (OQD) threshold can be measured. In an attempt to overcome this problem, the substitution-reciprocity (SURE) method defines a framework for the measurement of an OQD threshold. More specifically, it (i) defines a threshold concept for OQD, including the quantification of qualitative change of the stimulus, and (ii) suggests how to avoid perceived intensity as an unwanted cue for discrimination. In doing this, the psychometric properties of odor quality in the case of eugenol and citral are investigated using both discrimination (experiment 1) and scaling (experiment 2). Based on discriminatory responses, a change of approximately one-third in stimulus content was needed to reach the OQD threshold for eugenol and citral.  相似文献   
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a hematopoietic stem cell disease, associated with a t(9, 22) chromosomal translocation leading to formation of the BCR/ABL chimeric protein, which has an intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. Recently, the BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate (imatinib) has been successfully used clinically, although, disease relapse can still occur. The precise detail of the mechanism by which CML cells respond to imatinib is still unclear. We therefore systematically examined the effects of imatinib on the primitive CML cell proteome, having first established that the drug inhibits proliferation and induces increased apoptosis and differentiation. To define imatinib-induced effects on the CML proteome, we employed isobaric tag peptide labeling (iTRAQ) coupled to two-dimensional liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Given the limited clinical material available, the isobaric tag approach identified a large population of proteins and provided relative quantification on four samples at once. Novel consequences of the action of imatinib were identified using this mass spectrometric approach. DEAD-box protein 3, heat shock protein 105 kDa, and peroxiredoxin-3 were identified as potential protein markers for response to imatinib. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Stephen D. Griffiths and John Burthem contributed equally to this publication. This work is supported by The Leukaemia Research Fund (UK).  相似文献   
Cytological analysis of microsporogenesis in 72 popcorn plants, comprising nine from the original population (CMS-43, S(0)) and 63 from seven cycles of self-fertilization (S(1) to S(7)), one plant of S(0) generation (plant 2) was identified with B chromosomes. The number of B chromosomes varied from two to three in the same anther. The pattern of chromosome pairing and meiotic behavior of Bs were similar to those found in other plant species. The presence of B chromosomes did not affect chiasma frequency and chiasma distribution in A chromosomes. This is the first report of B chromosomes in popcorn.  相似文献   
Antibodies to meningococcal group A polysaccharide (MenA) in the sera of 34 vaccinated adults were quantitated by an isotype-resolving solid-phase RIA (IgA, IgM, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4). All individuals had antibodies before vaccination. The geometric mean concentration was 2.9 micrograms/ml. Two weeks after vaccination the mean antibody concentration had trebled. Average proportions of the three isotypes were then as follows: IgA 15%, IgM 48%, IgG 37%. No differences were found between individuals who had been immunized with the polysaccharide 7 to 8 yr earlier and "primary responders." The subclass composition of IgG antibodies was determined in the 24 postvaccination samples with a definite IgG response (greater than 2-fold increase). IgG1 was the predominant subclass in antibodies of some sera and IgG2 in others, but the average proportions of both subclasses were nearly the same. IgG3 and IgG4 were only found in occasional sera, but when present, each subclass accounted for up to 6%. Although the ratio of kappa and lambda chains could not be determined, there was evidence to suggest that it was higher in anti-MenA antibodies than in antibodies to protein antigens.  相似文献   
Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of reduced cytochromes P450 and P420 in equilibrium and non-equilibrium protein conformations are compared at 4.2 K for the 350-800 spectral region. Non-equilibrium forms have been produced by photolysis of CO-complexes at 4.2 K. The differences between MCD spectra of proteins in equilibrium and non-equilibrium conformations, in particular for the visible region, show clearly the structural changes in the heme iron coordination sphere to occur on ligand binding. The comparison of the Soret MCD spectra of reduced proteins in their equilibrium and non-equilibrium forms with those of other high-spin ferrous hemoproteins suggest that mercaptide (RS-) is the protein ligand of the heme iron in reduced P450, as well as in its CO-complex, and that imidazole of histidine is the fifth ligand of the iron both in reduced P420 and its CO-complex. The thermal recombination of the photoproducts with CO have been studied. When temperature rises from 4.2 to 77 K for two hours both proteins have similar temperature characteristics during the recombination processes. The recombination begins at T approximately equal to 10 K and is completed at approximately equal to 50 K. The temperature at which half of the total photolyzed molecules are restored to the CO-form is equal to 25 K. For products of photolysis of CO-complexes of myoglobin and hemoglobin under the same heating conditions these temperatures are equal to 35 and 23 K respectively. Thus, the photoproducts of P450, P420 and hemoglobin have similar parameters of low-temperature recombination and the kinetics of this process is faster than for photodissociated myoglobin.  相似文献   
The goals of this study were to determine whether the Fas-dependent apoptosis pathway is active in the lungs of patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and whether this pathway can contribute to lung epithelial injury. We found that soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) is present in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of patients before and after the onset of ARDS. The BAL concentration of sFasL at the onset of ARDS was significantly higher in patients who died. BAL from patients with ARDS induced apoptosis of distal lung epithelial cells, which express Fas, and this effect was inhibited by blocking the Fas/FasL system using three different strategies: anti-FasL mAb, anti-Fas mAb, and a Fas-Ig fusion protein. In contrast, BAL from patients at risk for ARDS had no effect on distal lung epithelial cell apoptosis. These data indicate that sFasL is released in the airspaces of patients with acute lung injury and suggest that activation of the Fas/FasL system contributes to the severe epithelial damage that occurs in ARDS. These data provide the first evidence that FasL can be released as a biologically active, death-inducing mediator capable of inducing apoptosis of cells of the distal pulmonary epithelium during acute lung injury.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that incubation with IL-2 can induce ADCC activity in murine cells and that this activity was mediated by asialo GM1+, FcR+ cells. In the present study we show that the cytokines IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-1 alpha are unable to induce antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) in murine cells; however, TNF-alpha and IL-1 alpha could substantially augment the ADCC induced by IL-2. IL-1 increased the IL-2-induced ADCC activity in a dose-dependent fashion and in cells isolated from the thymus and spleen. The precursors of the ADCC induced by the combination of IL-1 and IL-2 were asialo GM1+ cells, similar to the precursor cells of IL-2-induced ADCC. The effect of IL-1 and TNF on ADCC was not the result of an increase in the FcR density on the cell surface or the result of an increase in the number of FcR+ cells although IL-1 increased the recovery of viable cells in culture. The main effect of IL-1 and TNF was the enhancement of the lytic ability of the IL-2 cultured cells as indicated by increased intra-cellular benzyloxycarbonyl L-lysine thiobenzylester-esterase activity. These results suggest that lymphokines such as IL-1 and TNF may synergize with IL-2 in the induction of ADCC and could thus potentially be useful for the immunotherapy of established tumors when combined with the administration of specific anti-tumor antibodies.  相似文献   
Extraction of the skin of newborn rat yielded two populations of galactosaminoglycan-containing proteoglycan: a Mr = 111,000-200,000 dermatan sulfate proteoglycan (DS-PG) with a Mr congruent to 55,000 core glycoprotein and a Mr congruent to 10(6) chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CS-PGs) composed of two subpopulations with different size core-glycoproteins (Mr congruent to 480,000 and 520,000). Tryptic peptide mapping of chondroitinase-treated DS-PG and CS-PGs indicated that the peptide patterns observed with the two core molecules from CS-PGs were identical with each other but distinct from the peptide pattern of the DS-PG core molecule. It is likely therefore that the two forms of CS-PGs are derived from the same gene product by post-translational modification or partial degradation, but DS-PG is derived from a distinct gene product. Comparison of the concentration (hexuronate/DNA) of the proteoglycans in newborn and fetal rat skin showed an age-related change in proteoglycan composition; at 4 days before birth, the uronic acid proportions, DS-PG:CS-PGs, were about 14:1 and during the next 4 days, DS-PG increased 2.2-fold whereas CS-PGs decreased 4-fold. On a per DNA basis, the rate of [3H]serine incorporation into CS-PGs was 2.5 times the rate for DS-PG at 4 days before birth but decreased by 95% during the next 4 days. The rate for DS-PG also decreased but to a much lesser extent, so that by 2 days before birth, it began to exceed the rate for CS-PGs. The striking change in the concentration and labeling rate of CS-PGs can be interpreted either as a decrease of CS-PGs synthesis, or as an increase of CS-PGs breakdown, or both, a process which might be involved in the transition of extracellular matrix from a fetal type to a newborn or adult type.  相似文献   
Babu  A. M.  Kumar  Jalaja S.  Kumar  Vineet  Sarkar  A.  Datta  R. K. 《Mycopathologia》2003,156(3):207-213
Different mulberry genotypes show great variation in their resistance to the powdery mildew Phyllactinia corylea. Conidial germination and hyphal growth of P. corylea on the leaf surface of two susceptible mulberry genotypes, viz., Kanva 2 (K2) and Victory 1 (V1) varieties of Morus indica, and on two resistant species, viz., M. laevigata and M. serrata were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Conidial germination and growth of germ tubes were normal on all the leaves. The hyphae of P. coryleaidentify stomata on host leaves by their topographical features to produce the stomatopodia precisely over them. The holes and/or the grooves of stomata appear to provide the signals for the initiation of stomatopodia and similar structures are erratically developed over many local depressions or grooves on leaf surface. The abaxial surface of K2 leaf is smooth without prominent undulations of epidermal cell surface, and the stomata are flush with the leaf surface. Although successful penetration is also achieved on V1 leaf, its slightly undulated surface occasionally provides inaccurate tropic signals to the hyphae, inducing the development of stomatopodia away from the stomata. The leaf surfaces of M. laevigata and M. serrata are very rough with highly sculptured cuticle and abundant epidermal outgrowths. Stomata mostly remain sunken or hidden amidst the cuticular ornamentations and the hyphae fail to recognise the precise signals from them. As the surface architecture of the leaves provides many immense sources of tropic signals, stomatopodia are often produced over local depressions or grooves. In these cases the fungus fails to penetrate the leaf, does not develop beyond 24 h and penetration is rarely achieved on the leaves of the resistant plants. The study indicates that the stimulatory effect of the leaf surface topography of resistant varieties misleads the pathogen from successful penetration, thus contributing to the plant's resistance.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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