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Spectrally pure reaction center preparations from Chloroflexus aurantiacus have been obtained in a stable form; however, the product contained several contaminating polypeptides. The reaction center pigment molecules (probably three bacteriochlorophyll a and three bacteriopheophytin a molecules) are associated with two polypeptides (Mr = 30000 and 28000) in a reaction center complex of Mr = 52000. No carotenoid is present in the complex. These data together with previous spectral data suggest that the Chloroflexus reaction center represents a more primitive evolutionary form of the purple bacterial reaction center, and that it has little if any relationship to the green bacterial component. A reaction center preparation from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R26 was fully denatured at 50°C while the Chloroflexus reaction center required higher temperatures (70–75°C) for complete denaturation. Thus, an intrinsic membrane protein of a photosynthetic thermophile has been demonstrated to have greater thermal stability than the equivalent component of a mesophile.  相似文献   
Recently we noted the effects of experimental diets on microscopic dental wear in the American opossum and concluded that it might prove difficult to distinguish the microwear produced by an insectivorous diet from that produced by some kinds of herbivorous ones. We also noted that wear caused by gritty diets and those containing plant opal, although they might be confused with one another, are easily distinguished from other sorts of dietary wear. Our conclusions have been challenged on the basis that possibly we did not allow sufficient time in the experiments for diagnostic wear patterns to emerge. Additional data reported here show that this is not so. Even in our n “control” animals, fed a relatively soft unabrasive diet, enough time elapsed to produce significant dental wear. A new technique is described which for the first time allows the study of changing patterns of microscopic wear in a living animal over a period of time, thus allowing each animal to serve as its own control. A solution containing a broad-spectrum proteolytic enzyme when applied to the teeth of an anesthetized animal removes the proteinaceous coat (pellicle) which will otherwise obscure wear scratches. Precision dental impressions can then be made which reveal the details of the pattern of microwear on the teeth.  相似文献   
In rams a positive correlation (P less than 0.001) existed between average testosterone levels from 30-min blood sampling for 18 h and average testosterone levels of samples taken 0, 1 and 2 h after injection of LH-RH administered 90 min after anaesthesia. Attempts were therefore made to assess testosterone status by LH-RH challenge and limited blood sampling in animals immobilized in their natural habitat. In impala (Aepyceros melampus) territorial males had higher plasma testosterone values than did bachelors after LH-RH challenge (8.1 compared with 2.6 ng/ml, P less than 0.05). In blesbok (Damaliscus dorcas), the relationship was less clear, but testicular volume was correlated with plasma testosterone concentration and with testicular responsiveness measured by testosterone produced per unit of LH (P less than 0.001 and P less than 0.05, respectively). The LH-RH challenge technique therefore has value as a measure of testicular function and permits study of ungulates in their natural environment.  相似文献   
Richard J. Freer 《Life sciences》1983,33(19):1861-1867
Acetylcholine (ACh) was found to markedly enhance the nerve stimulation induced twitch response of isolated, field-stimulated rat vas deferens (RVD). The ED200 (concentration which enhances the twitch response to 200% of control) for this potentiation was 6 × 10?6M with the maximum twitch response being increased by more than 3 fold (325 ± 30%). Carbachol (ED200 = 8.5 × 10?7M) showed identical results. With each drug the potentiation was competitively antagonized by atropine (10?7?10?5M). Physostigmine 10?8?10?6M) both enhanced the basal twitch response (215 ± 8% of control at 10?5M) and the sensitivity of the RVD to ACh (ED200 = 3.3 × 10?7M) but not to carbachol. Atropine, on the other hand reduced the basal twitch response by 18 ± 3% at 10?5M. Hemicholinium (10?4M) also reduced the basal twitch responses by 23 ± 5%. ACh (10?7M?10?5M) did not modify the responses of unstimulated RVD to norepinephrine or KCl suggesting a pre-synaptic site of action. Taken together these results are compatible with the presence of a pre-junctional, excitatory muscarinic mechanism in the field stimulated RVD. That this cholinergic system may be of physiological significance is supported by the observations that atropine and hemicholinium depress while physostigmine enhances the twitch response in the absence of exogenous ACh.  相似文献   
Fast-Transported Glycoproteins and Nonglycosylated Proteins Contain Sulfate   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
35SO4-labeled fast-transported proteins of bullfrog dorsal root ganglion neurons were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and their mobilities were compared to similar species labeled with [3H]mannose or [3H]fucose. Fluorography revealed regions of poorly resolved, high molecular weight material, likely to represent sulfated proteoglycans, as well as many well resolved spots that corresponded in mobility to individual [35S]methionine-labeled fast-transported proteins. The majority of these well resolved spots appeared as "families," previously identified as glycoproteins based on their labeling with sugars. Thus, sulfate can be a contributor to the carbohydrate side-chain charge that underlies microheterogeneity. The most heavily 35SO4-labeled species, however, corresponded to fast-transported proteins that were not labeled by either sugar. The relative acid labilities of 35SO4 associated with individual species cut from the gel confirmed the assignments of these spots as glycoproteins or nonglycoproteins. A group of spots intermediate in their acid lability was also detected, suggesting that some proteins may contain sulfate linked to carbohydrate as well as to amino acid residues.  相似文献   
Translation of encephalomyocarditis virus RNA in rabbit reticulocyte lysates in the presence of N-formyl-[(35)S]methionine-tRNA(f) (Met) revealed that a small polypeptide is cleaved from the N-terminus of the capsid protein precursor, preA, by virus-coded protease activity. Therefore, this N-terminal segment comprising the translation initiation site is not conserved in any of the mature capsid proteins.  相似文献   
Abstract: The combined techniques of HPLC and radioimmunoassay were used to identify and quantitate enkephalin-related peptides in the guinea pig hippocampus. Both met- and leu-enkephalin were identified, in approximately a 2:1 ratio, as well as a third enkephalin-like molecule that is neither met- nor leu-enkephalin. The third enkephalin elutes earlier than met- or leu-enkephalin from a reversed-phase column, has a molecular weight similar to the other enkephalins, and is as active as these enkephalins are in inhibiting binding of labeled opiates to rat brain membranes. All regions of the hippocampus (dentate gyrus, CA1–2, CA3–4, and subiculum) contain all three immunoreactive peptides. Immunocytochemical techniques, using antisera raised against met-enkephalin, show with one antiserum immunoreactivity in the granule cell-mossy fiber system, and with the other scattered immunoreactive cells mostly in the CA2 region. Enkephalins are not confined to the mossy fiber system, as previously suggested, but may be a component of another hippocampal innervation.  相似文献   
Selection that influences behaviour can be studied using game theory if individual behavioural success depends on the frequencies of various behavioural types in the population. The evolutionarily stable strategy of J. Maynard Smith and G. R. Price (1973. Nature (London) 246, 15–18) is an equilibrium concept like the solution of a game. The dynamic model of Taylor and Jonker, studied in detail by Zeeman, goes beyond game theory using fitness to cause evolution, perhaps towards an equilibrium. A diploid version of their haploid model is considered and it is found that diploid evolution can be quite different. For example “catastrophic” bifurcations can occur between stable internal polymorphisms when the game matrix entries are changed slowly. A slight drop in food supply may cause extinction. Totally unfit altruistic genotypes can be maintained if they help the rest of the population. The relation of haploid game models to constant selection in diploids is also discussed.  相似文献   
Empty gastropod shells are an important resource for many animals in shallow benthic marine communities. Shells provide shelter for hermit crabs, octopuses, and fishes, provide attachment substratum for hermit crab symbionts, and directly or indirectly modify hermit crab predation. Creation of an empty shell due to predation of one gastropod on another and acquisition of that shell by a hermit crab are two key events in the subsequent use of that shell. Shells of different gastropod species and the species of hermit crab acquiring them affect the symbiont complement that attaches to the shell, which in turn may affect future shell use by other symbionts. Certain shell types worn by the hermit crab, Pagurus pollicaris Say, are positively associated with the symbiotic sea anemone, Calliactis tricolor (Lesueur), which protects the hermit crab from predation by the crab, Calappa flammea (Herbst), and possibly from the octopus, Octopus joubini Robson. Shells of other species of gastropods are resistant to being crushed by the spiny lobster, Panulirusargus (Latreille). The inter-and intraspecific interactions centered on the gastropod shell are termed a “habitat web.” The potential of the shell to limit the size and distribution of animal populations demonstrates how this resource helps shape community structure.  相似文献   
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