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1. Using homogenates of supraoesophageal ganglia from locust we observed specific binding of [35S]-TBPS which was linear with protein concentration up to 7 mg/ml, showed a pH optimum at pH 9.0 and was linear with NaCl concentration up to 350 mM. 2. Kinetic analysis of the binding showed positive cooperativity as a result of changes in on and off-rates with occupation of the binding site by the ligand. The apparent KD = 417 nM and Bmax = 1083 fmol/mg of membrane protein were calculated using a computer program for dose-response curve fitting. 3. The binding was enhanced by GABA, pentobarbital and benzodiazepines. Picrotoxinin had no effect on the binding at 0.1 mM. Only the cage convulsants TBPS and IBP were able to displace the binding. 4. Whilst the characteristics of the binding are similar to those reported for house fly thorax and abdomen preparations they are significantly different from those reported for house fly head, cockroach nerve cord and rat brain.  相似文献   
A new, simple, fast and sensitive method that enables the measurement of four dialkyl phosphates (DAPs) in human head hair is presented in the current study. The dialkyl phosphates, dimethyl phosphate (DMP), diethyl phosphate (DEP), diethyl thiophosphate (DETP) and diethyl dithiophosphate (DEDTP) are non-selective metabolites of the organophosphate pesticides (OPs). The extraction of DAPs from hair matrix was achieved by one step methanolic extraction. Head hair samples from general population and population occupationally exposed to OPs were analysed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) after derivatization with pentafluorobenzylbromide. The recovery of the target compounds was estimated at 84.3% for DMP, 116.1% for DEP, 109.0% for DETP and 91.5% for DEDTP. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) and detection (LOD) was 20 and 6 pg/mg for DMP, 10 and 5 pg/mg for DEP and DETP and 5 and 3 pg/mg for DEDTP, respectively. With-run and between-run precision as well as accuracy was estimated. The percentage of positive hair samples for DMP, DEP, DETP and DEDTP for the group of general population was 63.0%, 96.3%, 66.7%, and 70.4% respectively. The samples from the group with occupational exposure were positive for all dialkyl phosphates analysed. The median concentrations for DMP were 165.0 and 181.7 pg/mg, for DEP were 51.2 and 812.9 pg/mg, for DETP were 54.0 and 660.1 pg/mg, and for DEDTP were 40.0 and 60.6 pg/mg for the general population group and the group with occupational exposure respectively. Significant differences in the levels of the total dialkyl phosphates amongst exposed and not exposed groups were observed (p < 0.001). More specifically, the total ethyl phosphate (DEPs) and DAPs median concentrations were 119.5 and 301.5 pg/mg for the general population group and 1498.8 and 1694.4 pg/mg for the group with occupational exposure.  相似文献   
Chronic reduction of gravitational load in the rear limbs of rats to simulate the influence of near-zero gravity in skeletal muscles has been shown previously to elicit atrophy in the soleus muscle. Use of this model by the present investigation indicates that soleus atrophy was characterized by a decline in the number of fibers in groups that contained the slow isoenzyme of myosin and which were classified as type I from intensity of staining to myofibrillar actomyosin adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) and to NADH tetrazolium reductase. Furthermore total fiber number was not changed, whereas fibers containing the intermediate isoenzyme and those classified as type IIa increased. There results could be explained by either a change in the composition within existing fibers or a simultaneous loss of slow fibers and de novo synthesis of intermediate and fast fibers. Evidence for transformation included an absence of embryonic or neonatal myosin in muscles from suspended rats and the constant fiber number that was unchanged by 4 wk of suspension. Furthermore although fiber areas of both groups of type I and IIa fibers declined during suspension, variability of the fiber areas within each group did not increase.  相似文献   
Pseudorevertants of an Escherichia coli exonuclease V (RecBC enzyme)-negative mutant have been isolated after ethyl methane sulfonate mutagenesis of a recC73 (presumed missense) mutant. The remedial mutations in each of the four pseudorevertants studied in detail map and complement as recC mutations. By several criteria, such as recombination proficiency, support of phage growth, RecBC nuclease activity, and cell viability, the pseudorevertants appear to have regained partially or completely various aspects of RecBC activity. However, chi recombinational hotspots, which stimulate exclusively the RecBC pathway of recombination, have no detectable activity in lambda vegetative crosses in the pseudorevertants. The properties of these mutants, in which the RecBC pathway of recombination is active yet in which chi is not active, are consistent with the hypothesis that wild-type RecBC enzyme directly interacts with chi sites; alternatively, the mutants may block or bypass the productive interaction of another recombinational enzyme with chi.  相似文献   
Concentration factor and biological half-life of 54Mn were determined in three species representing an ecologically and economically important food chain. Green algae (Chlorella spp.), Daphnia magna and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were exposed to 54Mn in water and assayed for 54Mn uptake. Steady state concentration factors computed from the laboratory data for algae, Daphnia and perch were 4230, 17 000 and 11, respectively. Respective biological half-lives were 1.6, 1.2 and 8.3 days.  相似文献   
The amino acid composition, N- and C-terminal amino acid sequences, and the basic physicochemical and immunochemical properties of the recently discovered pregnancy-associated molecular variant of human transcortin (Strel'chyonok, O.A., Avvakumov, G.V. and Akhrem, A.A. (1984) Carbohydr. Res. 134, 133-140) have been found to be identical to those of transcortin from normal donor serum. This suggests the identity of polypeptide moieties of the two glycoproteins. The transcortin variant has a lower isoelectric point (3.5-4.1) than normal transcortin (3.6-4.2), and different electrophoretic mobility in low-porosity polyacrylamide gel (one band versus two for normal transcortin). These differences can be reasonably explained by different organization of the carbohydrate moieties of these glycoproteins due to diverse post-translational modification of a single polypeptide chain. The levels of transcortin variant in the maternal venous serum throughout normal gestation (447 donors in all) and on the fifth day after delivery, as well as in umbilical cord serum and extracts of term placenta, have been measured by a radioimmune assay. Analysis of the data obtained allowed us to conclude that the biosynthesis of pregnancy-associated transcortin variant occurs in some organ of the maternal organism rather than in the feto-placental system, and it is a characteristic of pregnancy as a unique physiological state of the female organism rather than a phenomenon caused by individual features of certain women. We assume that the transcortin variant takes part in the guided transport of corticosteroids and/or progestins into some tissues that develop in the course of gestation.  相似文献   
The first ten days' evolution of post-ischaemic lesions of the premonitory or angina pectoris syndrome type was experimentally studied by the challenge of a short-term (10 and 15 min) ischaemia, of an adaptation to ischaemia and an adaptation followed by prolonged ischaemia (20 and 35 min). Worthy of note was the persistence of reversible lesions after short-term ischaemia and adaptation, and the progressive evolution towards cytolysis and cicatrization of some pancicellular foci after adaptation followed by prolonged ischaemia. The role of mitochondrial lesions, of lysosomal hydrolases, the inefficiency of renewed circulation, as well as problems of diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   
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