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L. Richard 《CMAJ》1982,126(7):838-842
To test the association of HLA-DR antigens with high-responder and low-responder status to either beef or pork insulin, insulin antibodies in diabetic sera were separated into those with average low and those with average high affinity and their insulin-binding capacities for each insulin determined. Significantly less binding of pork insulin by the high affinity antibodies occurred in the group of patients with DR3 antigens compared with those with DR4 antigens (p less than 0.01) and DR3/4 antigens (p less than 0.01). The difference in the binding capacity of beef insulin by the high affinity antibodies between the groups with DR3 and DR4 antigens was less pronounced but still significant. The high-responder status of DR3/4 antigens to pork insulin suggests that the gene or genes associated with HLA-DR4, and responsible for a high response to pork insulin, are dominant to genes associated with HLA-DR3 and a low response. If extended to human insulin and different HLA-DR and HLA-B antigen patterns, these finding should help in the therapeutic selection of the appropriate insulin and thus reduce the induction of an anti-insulin response in patients with diabetes.  相似文献   
A high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure was developed for the determination of caffeine in various biologic fluids and coffee. A reversed-phase column and UV detection at 254 nm were used to obtain a sensitivity of 0.1 μg/ml caffeine in serum and saliva using a sample volume of 0.1 ml. Caffeine metabolites and commonly ingested xanthines do not interfere with the assay. The within-day coefficients of variation were 9.8 and 9.9% at plasma caffeine concentrations of 2 and 10 μg/ml, respectively. The day-to-day coefficients of variation were 6.8 and 6.6% at plasma caffeine concentrations of 2 and 10 μg/ml, respectively. Serum and saliva caffeine concentrations were determined following a single oral dose of coffee and an intravenous infusion of caffeine in one subject. Computer estimates of caffeine pharmacokinetic parameters in one subject are in excellent agreement with previously published values.  相似文献   
Modulation of epithelial cell proliferation by the dissolved oxygen concentration (PO2) of the growth medium was assessed with primary human foreskin epithelium and a continuous monkey kidney epithelial cell line (LLC-MK2). Direct measurement of the growth medium PO2 provides the first quantitative evaluation of epithelial cell proliferation as a function of PO2 provides the first quantitative evaluation of epithelial cell proliferation as a function of PO2. Sustained proliferation of LLC-MK2 cells occurs in serum-free medium equilibrated with a gas phase containing 18% or 30% O2 v/v. Mid-logarithmic phase cultures rapidly consume dissolved oxygen; this results in a 60–70 mm Hg decline in PO2 and leads to a stable growth medium PO2 between 70 and 100 mm Hg, well above anoxic values. In contrast, if culture medium is equilibrated with a gas phase containing 0% or 1% O2 v/v to yield a growth medium PO2 ~ 20–40 mm Hg, proliferation of LLC-MK2 and primary foreskin epithelial cells is retarded, and LLC-MK2 cells use little dissolved oxygen. Gentle, continuous rocking to prevent diffusion gradient formation enhances proliferation slightly at the higher PO2, but neither periodic fluid renewals nor continued rocking stimulates cells retarded by a lowered oxygen concentration to resume proliferation. The data collectively demonstrate that epithelial cell proliferation requires a PO2 > 40 mm Hg, and threshold requirements are probably closer to 70 mm Hg. Glycolysis continues at a PO2 insufficient for proliferation, but more lactic acid accumulates in actively proliferating cultures than in cultures equilibrated with 0% oxygen. We conclude that epithelial cells in vitro both consume more oxygen and require a higher PO2 for continued proliferation, and that the oxygen requirement for epithelial cell proliferation exceeds that of a comparable population of fibroblasts for which low oxygen may enhance survival and proliferation.  相似文献   
We describe an assay for the quantification of reverse mutations at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (hgprt) locus in Chinese hamster ovary cells utilizing the selective agent L-azaserine (AS). Conditions are defined in terms of optimal AS concentration, cell density, and phenotypic expression time. After treatment, replicate cultures of 106 cells are allowed a 48-h phenotypic expression time in 100-mm plates. AS (10 μM) is then added directly to the growing culture and AS-resistant (ASr) cells form visible colonies. This assay is used to quantify ICR-191-, ICR-170-, and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced reversion of independently isolated HGPRT? clones. The ASr phenotype is characterized both physiologically and biochemically. All ASr clones isolated are stably resistant to AS and aminopterin but sensitive to 6-thioguanine. They also have re-expressed HGPRT enzyme. In addition, several revertants are shown to contain altered HGPRT. The data provide further evidence that ICR-191 and ICR-170 cause structural gene mutations in mammalian cells and also suggest that ICR-191, ICR-170, and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea induce similar types of mutations in Chinese hamster ovary cells.  相似文献   
In a carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell line lacking the ability to undergo somatic embryogenasis, and in carrot and anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) cell lines in which embryogenesis could be regulated by presence or absence of 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in the medium (+2,4-D=no embryogenesis,-2,4-D=embryo differentiation and development), the levels of endogenous gibberellin(s) (GA) were determined by the dwarfrice bioassay, and the metabolism of [3H]GA1 was followed. Embryos harvested after 14 d of subculture in-2,4-D had low levels (0.2–0.3 g g-1 dry weight) of polar GA (e.g. GA1-like), but much (3–22 times) higher levels of less-polar GA (GA4/7-like); GA1, GA4 and GA7 are native to these cultures. Conversely, the undifferentiated cells in a non-embryogenic strain, and proembryos of an embryogenic strain (+2,4-D) showed very high levels of polar GA (2.9–4.4 g g-1), and somewhat reduced levels of less-polar GA. Cultures of anise undergoing somatic embryo development (-2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 very quickly, whereas proembryo cultures of anise (+2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 slowly. The major metabolites of [3H]GA1 in anise were tentatively identified as GA8-glucoside (24%), GA8 (15%), GA1-glucoside (8%) and the 1(10)GA1-counterpart (2%). Thus, high levels of a GA1-like substance and a reduced ability to metabolize GA1 are correlated with the absence of embryo development, while lowered levels of GA1-like substance and a rapid metabolism of GA1 into GA8 and GA-conjugates are correlated with continued embryo development. Exogenous application of GA3 is known to reduce somatic embryogenesis in carrot cultures; GA4 was found to have the same effect in anise cultures. Thus, a role (albeit negative) in somatic embryogenesis for a polar, biologically active GA is implied.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA gibberellin(s) or gibberellin-like substances - GC-RC gas chromatography-radiochromatogram counting - HPLC high-presare liquid chromatography - Rt retention time - TLC thinlaver chromatography  相似文献   
Microautoradiography was used to follow the translocation pathways of 14C-labeled photosynthate from mature source leaves, through the stem, to immature sink leaves three nodes above. Translocation occurred in specific bundles of the midveins and petioles of both the source and sink leaves and in the interjacent internodes. When each of six major veins in the lamina of an exporting leaf was independently spot-fed 14CO2, label was exported through specific bundles in the petiole associated with that vein. When the whole lamina of a mature source leaf was fed 14CO2, export occurred through all bundles of the lamina, but acropetal export in the stem was confined to bundles serving certain immature sink leaves. Cross-transfer occurred within the stem via phloem bridges. Leaves approaching maturity translocated photosynthate bidirectionally in adjacent subsidiary bundles of the petiole. That is, petiolar bundles serving the lamina apex were exporting unlabeled photosynthate while those serving the lamina base were simultaneously importing labeled photosynthate. The petioles and midveins of maturing leaves were strong sinks for photosynthate, which was diverted from the export front to differentiating structural tissues. The data support the idea of bidirectional transport in adjacent bundles of the petiole and possibly in adjacent sieve tubes within an individual bundle.Abbreviations C central leaf trace - L left leaf trace - LPI leaf plastochron index - R right leaf trace  相似文献   
The optimum temperatures for population development were determined for six species of bacterial-feeding nematodes from among eight temperatures, ranging from 5 to 40 C. Four of the species are cohabiting species. The range of temperatures over which population development occurs (temperature niche breadth) is different for the cohabiting species. This difference may be a means of reducing competition between species, thus increasing temperatures over which habitats can be exploited.  相似文献   
Intrinsic protein phosphorylation was studied in synaptosomal membrane fragments made from cerebral cortex tissue taken from the following species: human (biopsy specimens), ox, rat, rabbit, guinea pig and mouse. Membrane fragments from all species exhibited a qualitatively similar range of protein acceptors phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity; contrary to a previous report, no evidence for cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase activity was found in the human material. With the exception of membrane fragments prepared from ox brain, all the preparations exhibited the same range of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase activity. Ox brain obtained from a slaughterhouse yielded membranes containing no Ca2+-dependent protein kinase activity, but this may have been due to unavoidable postmortem losses.  相似文献   
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