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The enormous variety of substances which may be added to forage in order to manipulate and improve the ensilage process presents an empirical, combinatorial optimization problem of great complexity. To investigate the utility of genetic algorithms for designing effective silage additive combinations, a series of small-scale proof of principle silage experiments were performed with fresh ryegrass. Having established that significant biochemical changes occur over an ensilage period as short as 2 days, we performed a series of experiments in which we used 50 silage additive combinations (prepared by using eight bacterial and other additives, each of which was added at six different levels, including zero [i.e., no additive]). The decrease in pH, the increase in lactate concentration, and the free amino acid concentration were measured after 2 days and used to calculate a “fitness” value that indicated the quality of the silage (compared to a control silage made without additives). This analysis also included a “cost” element to account for different total additive levels. In the initial experiment additive levels were selected randomly, but subsequently a genetic algorithm program was used to suggest new additive combinations based on the fitness values determined in the preceding experiments. The result was very efficient selection for silages in which large decreases in pH and high levels of lactate occurred along with low levels of free amino acids. During the series of five experiments, each of which comprised 50 treatments, there was a steady increase in the amount of lactate that accumulated; the best treatment combination was that used in the last experiment, which produced 4.6 times more lactate than the untreated silage. The additive combinations that were found to yield the highest fitness values in the final (fifth) experiment were assessed to determine a range of biochemical and microbiological quality parameters during full-term silage fermentation. We found that these combinations compared favorably both with uninoculated silage and with a commercial silage additive. The evolutionary computing methods described here are a convenient and efficient approach for designing silage additives.  相似文献   
Ravenelia esculenta Naras. and Thirum. is a rust, pathogenic to Acacia eburnea Willd. The infection leads to hypertrophy changing the morphology with bizarre shapes of plant organs. Healthy and infected tissues were subjected to extraction of IAA and indole derivatives and were estimated by spectrophotometric methods. The hypertrophy produced was presumed to be due to increase in the indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content in the infected tissue, however, the amount of IAA in infected tissues decreased with the progression of disease. Concomitantly, the infected tissue showed the presence of a novel, slow migrating, indole derivative on TLC. Cultured shoot tips of Withania somnifera were dosed with the methanolic extract of the infected hypertrophied tissue (MEHT) (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25 mg/l). The stimulation in shoot growth along with profuse rooting was observed in a dose dependent manner with maximum at 1.00 and 1.25 mg/l concentration.  相似文献   
Secondary sexual characters may have evolved in part to signalresistance to parasites. Avian song has been hypothesized tobe involved in this process, but the role of parasites in modulatingacoustic communication systems in birds remains largely unknown,owing to lack of experiments. We studied the relationship betweenparasitism, testosterone, song performance, and mating successin male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) by experimentallychallenging their immune system with a novel antigen. We predictedthat a challenge of the immune system would reduce song performance,and that this reduction would be conditional on the size ofa visual sexual signal, the forehead patch that was previouslyfound to reflect resistance. An antagonistic linkage betweentestosterone and immune function would predict that a challengeof the immune system should suppress testosterone level. Animmunological treatment by sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) triggereda decrease in body mass, testosterone level, and song rate,but other song traits were not significantly affected by theantigen challenge. Initial testosterone level was associatedwith forehead patch size and all song traits except song rate.SRBC injection caused stronger reduction in song rate amongmales with smaller forehead patches, and the change in songrate was also predictable by song features such as strophe complexityand length. We show that song rate and other song characteristicsmay be important cues in male-male competition and female choice.These results suggest that parasite-mediated sexual selectionhas contributed in shaping a complex acoustic communicationsystem in the collared flycatcher, and that testosterone mayplay an important role in this process. Parasitism may drivea multiple signaling mechanism involving acoustic and visualtraits with different signal function.  相似文献   
Streamflow-related variability in nutrient flux represents an important source of uncertainty in managing nutrient inputs to coastal ecosystems. Quantification of flux variability is of particular interest to coastal resource managers in adopting effective nutrient-reduction goals and monitoring progress towards these goals. We used historical records of streamflow and water-quality measurements for 104 river monitoring stations in an analysis of variability in annual and seasonal flux of nitrate to the Atlantic coastal zone. We present two measures of temporal flux variability: the coefficient of variation (CV) and the exceedence probability (EP) of 1.5 times the median flux. The magnitude of flux variations spans a very wide range and depends importantly upon the season of year and the climatic and land-use characteristics of the tributary watersheds. Year-to-year variations (CV) in annual mean flux range over two orders of magnitude, from 3–200% of the long-term mean flux, although variations more typically range from 20–40% of the long-term mean. The annual probability of exceeding the long-term median flux by more than 50% (EP) is less than 0.10 in most rivers, but is between 0.10 and 0.35 in 40% of the rivers. Year-to-year variability in seasonal mean flux commonly exceeds that in annual flux by a factor of 1.5 to 4. In western Gulf of Mexico coastal rivers, the year-to-year variablity in the seasonal mean flux is larger than in other regions, and is of a similar magnitude in all seasons. By contrast, in Atlantic coastal rivers, the winter and spring seasons, which account for about 70% of the annual flux, display the smallest relative variability in seasonal mean flux. We quantify the elasticity of nutrient flux to hypothetical changes in Streamflow (i.e., the percent increase in flux per percentage increase in mean discharge) to allow the approximation of flux variability from streamflow records and the estimation of the effects of future climatically-induced changes in Streamflow on nutrient flux. Flux elasticities are less than unity (median = 0.93%) at most stations, but vary widely from 0.05% to 1.59%. Elasticities above unity occur most frequently in the largest rivers and in rivers draining the arid portions of the western Gulf of Mexico Basin. Historical flux variability and elasticity generally increase with the extent of arid conditions and the quantity of nonurban land use in the watershed. We extend the analysis of flux variability to examine several case studies of highly unusual meteorological events capable of significantly elevating nitrate flux and degrading estuarine ecology.  相似文献   
Autohydrolysis is a hot water pretreatment to extract soluble components from wood that can be used prior to converting the woody residuals into paper, wood products, fuel, or other goods. In this study, mixed softwood chips were autohydrolyzed in hot water at 150, 160, 170, and 180 °C for 1 and 2 h residence times. The objective was to understand the tradeoff between the extraction of fermentable sugar and the residual solid total energy of combustion quantitatively. This process strategy will be referred to as “value prior to combustion”. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine chemical compositions (sugars and byproducts such as acetic acid, furfural, and hydroxymethylfurfural) of the extracted liquid and residuals; a bomb calorimeter was used to measure the heating value of original wood and solid residue. As the autohydrolysis temperature increased, material balances of the system indicated higher volatile byproducts loss. More hemicelluloses were solubilized by the hot water extraction process at higher temperatures and longer residence times, and a greater degree of sugar degradation was also observed. The maximum sugar yield was determined to occur at conditions of 170 °C for 2 h, during which 13 g of sugar was recovered from the extract out of 100 g of oven-dried wood. The heating value of the solid residues after extraction was greater than the original wood. The total energy content of the solid residual after extraction ranged from 85 to 98 % of the original energy content of the feed with higher temperatures reducing the total energy content.  相似文献   
Summary A synthetic gene encoding aprotinin (bovine pancreatic trypsin, inhibitor) was fused to theSaccharomyces cerevisiae prepro alpha mating factor leader sequence at the dibasic amino acid processing site.Pichia pastoris strains were developed to'express one or multiple copies of a methanol-inducible expression cassette containing the gene fusion.P. pastoris containing a single copy of the vector secreed approximately 150 mg/l of immunoreactive protein. A construct bearing five copies of the expression cassette secreted 930 mg/l of aprotinin. The purified aprotinin molecule was equipoten with the native molecule in a trypsin inhibition assay. Protein sequence analysis showed that the alpha factor-aprotinin fusion was not processed at the basic amino acid residues Lys-Arg. Instead, recombinant aprotinin had additional N-terminal amino acids derived from prepro alpha factor. The N-terminal extension was variably 11 or 4 amino acids. Inclusion of the spacer DNA sequence encoding Glu and Ala between aprotinin and the Lys-Arg processing site led to the secretion of a biologically active aprotinin containing only a Glu-Ala N-terminal extension.  相似文献   
Epicotyl, petiole, and cotyledon explants derived from 14-d-old seedlings of Albizia odoratissima were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of either 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) solely or in combination with 0.5 μM naphthalene-3-acetic acid (NAA). The percentage of shoot regeneration and the number of shoots regenerated varied significantly depending on the type of explants used, the concentration of plant growth regulators, and the orientation of explants on the culture medium. The best response in terms of the percentage of shoot regeneration was obtained from epicotyls cultured horizontally on MS medium supplemented with 5 μM BAP, whereas the highest number of shoots per responding explant was recorded on medium containing 2.5 μM BAP and 0.5 μM NAA. Successful rooting was achieved by placing the microshoots onto MS medium containing 25 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 24 h first, then transferring to the same medium without IBA. Of the various substrates tested, vermiculite was the best for plant acclimatization, as 75% of the plants survived and became established.  相似文献   
Efficient communication between the cell and its external environment is of the utmost importance to the function of multicellular organisms. While signaling events can be generally characterized as information exchange by means of controlled energy conversion, research efforts have hitherto mainly been concerned with mechanisms involving chemical and electrical energy transfer. Here, we review recent computational efforts addressing the function of mechanical force in signal transduction. Specifically, we focus on the role of steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations in providing details at the atomic level on a group of protein domains, which play a fundamental role in signal exchange by responding properly to mechanical strain. We start by giving a brief introduction to the SMD technique and general properties of mechanically stable protein folds, followed by specific examples illustrating three general regimes of signal transfer utilizing mechanical energy: purely mechanical, mechanical to chemical, and chemical to mechanical. Whenever possible the physiological importance of the example at hand is stressed to highlight the diversity of the processes in which mechanical signaling plays a key role. We also provide an overview of future challenges and perspectives for this rapidly developing field.  相似文献   
In regulated rivers, fluctuating water depths associated with pulsed discharges may strand small fish in side channels and pools. Quantitative assessments of stranded fish are difficult in field studies (e.g., due to unknown effects of avian and terrestrial vertebrate predators). To assess such lateral displacement and stranding on juvenile stream fishes, we designed, constructed, and tested (with three species) a 2 × 1-m, lateral-displacement flume. The flume featured a main channel that never drained and a raised, wide “floodplain” channel that alternately flooded, with a simulated pulse, and became dewatered. The floodplain contained four pools, with different shapes and draining capacities, in which fish could become stranded as the water level subsided. Fish-stranding rates (8%) in this relatively compact laboratory flume, after exposure to simulated pulsed stream flows, were comparable to those observed in past investigations using larger, artificial streams.  相似文献   
A species distribution combines the resources and climatic tolerances that allow an individual or population to persist. As these conditions change, one mechanism to maintain favorable resources is for an organism to shift its range. Much of the research examining range shifts has focused on dynamic distribution boundaries wheras the role of species breeding habitat or migration strategies on shift tendencies has received less attention. We expand on previous research by using a large suite of avian species (i.e., 277), analyzing observed abundance-weighted average latitudes, and categorizing species by breeding environment and migration strategy. We used the North American Breeding Bird Survey dataset to address two questions: (1) Has the center of observed abundance for individual species shifted latitudinally? (2) Is there a relationship between migration strategy or breeding habitat and range shifts? Results indicate the majority of species have experienced poleward range shifts over the last 43 years, and birds breeding in all habitat showed trends of poleward shift but only those species breeding in scrub-shrub and grassland environments were different from zero. Additionally, species that are short distance migrants are experiencing significant poleward shifts while Neotropical and permanent residents had shifts that were not different from zero. Our findings do support the general trend expected from climate driven changes (i.e., > 52 % shifting poleward), however, the proportion of species exhibiting equatorial shifts (24 %) or no significant shifts (23 %) illustrates the complex interplay between land cover, climate, species interactions, and other forces that can interact to influence breeding ranges over time. Regardless of the mechanisms driving range shifts, our findings emphasize the need for connecting and expanding habitats for those species experiencing range shifts. This research describes the patterns of breeding birds through central North America and we encourage future research to focus on the mechanisms driving these patterns.  相似文献   
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