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The Clp protease is conserved among eubacteria and most eukaryotes, and uses ATP to drive protein substrate unfolding and translocation into a chamber of sequestered proteolytic active sites. In plant chloroplasts and cyanobacteria, the essential constitutive Clp protease consists of the Hsp100/ClpC chaperone partnering a proteolytic core of catalytic ClpP and noncatalytic ClpR subunits. In the present study, we have examined putative determinants conferring the highly specific association between ClpC and the ClpP3/R core from the model cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. Two conserved sequences in the N-terminus of ClpR (tyrosine and proline motifs) and one in the N-terminus of ClpP3 (MPIG motif) were identified as being crucial for the ClpC-ClpP3/R association. These N-terminal domains also influence the stability of the ClpP3/R core complex itself. A unique C-terminal sequence was also found in plant and cyanobacterial ClpC orthologues just downstream of the P-loop region previously shown in Escherichia coli to be important for Hsp100 association to ClpP. This R motif in Synechococcus ClpC confers specificity for the ClpP3/R core and prevents association with E. coli ClpP; its removal from ClpC reverses this core specificity.  相似文献   
  • 1 We investigated how modifications in winter and spring temperature conditions may affect the survival of a spring‐hatching Lepidoptera, the oak processionary moth Thaumetopoea processionea.
  • 2 Supercooling and chilling injury experiments indicate that eggs are especially cold hardy at the start of the winter period, although this ability is reduced later in the season. In the spring, young larvae are sufficiently cold hardy to ensure no direct mortality as a result of late frosts.
  • 3 A comparison of phenological models shows that neonate larvae may await the unfolding of new oak leaves for relatively long periods (e.g. 1–30 days). Under both low (4°C after 5 days at 16°C) and high temperature experimental scenarios (constant 16°C), the majority of neonate larvae can survive starvation for more than 2 weeks.
  • 4 Larvae may also suffer from food depletion once their development has been initiated (e.g. during cold springs) if the threshold temperature for feeding is not reached for several consecutive days, or in the case of late frosts affecting foliage availability. When temperature is reduced to 4°C, developing larvae become inactive and do not feed anymore; their starvation survival capability is reduced to approximately 2 weeks (cold spring hypothesis). At 16°C, developing larvae that are deprived of food can only survive for 10 days (late frost hypothesis).
  • 5 We conclude that, in the oak processionary moth, neonate larvae are relatively well adapted to early hatching relative to budburst, ensuring them the highest foliage quality for development. In some years, however, phenological asynchrony or cold spring conditions may affect the persistence of populations at the limits of the species' range.
Aim There is increasing evidence that the quality and breadth of ecological niches vary among individuals, populations, evolutionary lineages and therefore also across the range of a species. Sufficient knowledge about niche divergence among clades might thus be crucial for predicting the invasion potential of species. We tested for the first time whether evolutionary lineages of an invasive species vary in their climate niches and invasive potential. Furthermore, we tested whether lineage‐specific models show a better performance than combined models. Location Europe. Methods We used species distribution models (SDMs) based on climatic information at native and invasive ranges to test for intra‐specific niche divergence among mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) clades of the invasive wall lizard Podarcis muralis. Using DNA barcoding, we assigned 77 invasive populations in Central Europe to eight geographically distinct evolutionary lineages. Niche similarity among lineages was assessed and the predictive power of a combination of clade‐specific SDMs was compared with a combined SDM using the pooled records of all lineages. Results We recorded eight different invasive mtDNA clades in Central Europe. The analysed clades had rather similar realized niches in their native and invasive ranges, whereas inter‐clade niche differentiation was comparatively strong. However, we found only a weak correlation between geographic origin (i.e. mtDNA clade) and invasive occurrences. Clades with narrow realized niches still became successful invaders far outside their native range, most probably due to broader fundamental niches. The combined model using data for all invasive lineages achieved a much better prediction of the invasive potential. Conclusions Our results indicate that the observed niche differentiation among evolutionary lineages is mainly driven by niche realization and not by differences in the fundamental niches. Such cryptic niche conservatism might hamper the success of clade‐specific niche modelling. Cryptic niche conservatism may in general explain the invasion success of species in areas with apparently unsuitable climate.  相似文献   
Testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) is the most common cancer in young men. Despite a considerable familial component to TGCT risk, no genetic change that confers increased risk has been substantiated to date. The human Y chromosome carries a number of genes specifically involved in male germ cell development, and deletion of the AZFc region at Yq11 is the most common known genetic cause of infertility. Recently, a 1.6-Mb deletion of the Y chromosome that removes part of the AZFc region—known as the “gr/gr” deletion—has been associated with infertility. In epidemiological studies, male infertility has shown an association with TGCT that is out of proportion with what can be explained by tumor effects. Thus, we hypothesized that the gr/gr deletion may be associated with TGCT. Using logistic modeling, we analyzed this deletion in a large series of TGCT cases with and without a family history of TGCT. The gr/gr deletion was present in 3.0% (13/431) of TGCT cases with a family history, 2% (28/1,376) of TGCT cases without a family history, and 1.3% (33/2,599) of unaffected males. Presence of the gr/gr deletion was associated with a twofold increased risk of TGCT (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.1; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3–3.6; P = .005) and a threefold increased risk of TGCT among patients with a positive family history (aOR 3.2; 95% CI 1.5–6.7; P = .0027). The gr/gr deletion was more strongly associated with seminoma (aOR 3.0; 95% CI 1.6–5.4; P = .0004) than with nonseminoma TGCT (aOR 1.5; 95% CI 0.72–3.0; P = .29). These data indicate that the Y microdeletion gr/gr is a rare, low-penetrance allele that confers susceptibility to TGCT.  相似文献   
Quinolone resistance in Salmonella spp. is usually attributed to both active efflux and mutations leading to modification of the target enzymes DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. Here, we investigated the presence of mutations in the efflux regulatory genes of fluoroquinolone- and multidrug-resistant mutants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) selected in vitro with enrofloxacin that both carried a mutation in the target gene gyrA and overproduced the AcrAB efflux pump. No mutations were detected in the global regulatory loci marRAB and soxRS for the four strains studied. A mutation in acrR, the local repressor of acrAB, was found for two ciprofloxacin-resistant selected-mutants, leading to duplication of amino acids Ile75 and Glu76. Complementation experiments with wild-type acrR showed that the mutation identified in acrR partially contributed to the increase in resistance levels to several unrelated antibiotics. The acrR mutation also contributed to acrAB overexpression as shown by RT-PCR. Thus, this study underlines the role of an acrR mutation, in addition to the mutation in gyrA, in the fluoroquinolone and multidrug resistance phenotype of S. Typhimurium mutants, through overexpression of acrAB.  相似文献   
Oxidative glutamate toxicity in the neuronal cell line HT22 is a model for cell death by oxidative stress. In this paradigm, an excess of extracellular glutamate blocks the glutamate/cystine-antiporter system Xc-, depleting the cell of cysteine, a building block of the antioxidant glutathione. Loss of glutathione leads to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and eventually cell death. We selected cells resistant to oxidative stress, which exhibit reduced glutamate-induced glutathione depletion mediated by an increase in the antiporter subunit xCT and system Xc- activity. Cystine uptake was less sensitive to inhibition by glutamate and we hypothesized that glutamate import via excitatory amino acid transporters and immediate re-export via system Xc- underlies this phenomenon. Inhibition of glutamate transporters by l-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (PDC) and DL-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartic acid (TBOA) exacerbated glutamate-induced cell death. PDC decreased intracellular glutamate accumulation and exacerbated glutathione depletion in the presence of glutamate. Transient overexpression of xCT and the glutamate transporter EAAT3 cooperatively protected against glutamate. We conclude that EAATs support system Xc- to prevent glutathione depletion caused by high extracellular glutamate. This knowledge could be of use for the development of novel therapeutics aimed at diseases associated with depletion of glutathione like Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
Metal halide perovskites offer a wide and tunable bandgap, making them promising candidates for top‐cell absorbers in tandem photovoltaics. In this work, the authors aim to understand the atomic layer deposition (ALD) precursor–perovskite interactions of the tin oxide ALD system and the role of organic fullerenes at the perovskite–tin oxide interface while establishing a framework for developing alternative perovskite‐compatible ALD processes in the future. It is shown, in the case of tin oxide ALD growth with tetrakis(dimethylamino)tin(IV) and water on FA0.83Cs0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 perovskite, that perovskite stability is most sensitive to metal–organic exposure at elevated temperatures with an onset near 110 °C, resulting in removal of the formamidinium cation. Transitioning from ALD to pulsed‐chemical vapor deposition tin oxide growth can minimize the degradation effects. Investigation of fullerenes at the perovskite interface shows that thin fullerene layers offer minor improvements to perovskite stability under ALD conditions, but significant enhancement in carrier extraction. Fullerene materials are undesirable due to fabrication cost and poor mechanical stability. Compositional tuning of the perovskite material can improve the fullerene‐free device performance. This method is demonstrated with a bromine‐rich perovskite phase to enable an 8.2% efficient perovskite device with all‐inorganic extraction layers.  相似文献   
During the first 8 days of germination the Ricinus seedling is supplied with all nutrients by the endosperm via phloem transport. In 4- to 8-days-old seedlings the concentrations and contents of Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn, and nicotianamine (NA) in the endosperm, cotyledons, hypocotyl and roots were estimated. From the data obtained translocation rates and flow profiles for the metals were established. The main sink for Fe, Mn and Zn were the cotyledons whereas Cu was mainly imported into the hypocotyl. Maximum flow rates occurred between days 5 and 7, for Zn between days 6 and 8.The time kinetics of NA and divalent metal ion concentrations and contents are interpreted as co-transport. The role of NA as transport vehicle of micronutrients in the sieve tubes is discussed.  相似文献   
One frequent chronic syndrome of Chagas’ disease is megacolon, an irreversible dilation of a colonic segment. Extensive enteric neuron loss in the affected segment is regarded as key factor for deficient motility. Here, we assessed the quantitative balance between cholinergic and nitrergic neurons representing the main limbs of excitatory and inhibitory colonic motor innervation, respectively. From surgically removed megacolonic segments of four patients, each three myenteric wholemounts (from non-dilated oral, megacolonic and non-dilated anal parts) was immunohistochemically triple-stained for choline acetyltransferase, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and the panneuronal human neuronal protein Hu C/D. Degenerative changes were most pronounced in the megacolonic and anal regions, e.g. bulked, honeycomb-like ganglia with few neurons which were partly enlarged or atrophic or vacuolated. Neuron counts from each 15 ganglia of 12 megacolonic wholemounts were compared with those of 12 age- and region-matched controls. Extensive neuron loss, mainly in megacolonic and anal wholemounts, was obvious. In all three regions derived from megacolonic samples, the proportion of NOS-positive neurons (control: 55%) was significantly increased: in non-dilated oral parts to 61% (p = 0.003), in megacolonic regions to 72% (p < 0.001) and in non-dilated anal regions to 78% (p < 0.001). We suggest the chronic dilation of megacolonic specimens to be due to the preponderance of the nitrergic, inhibitory input to the intestinal muscle. However, the observed neuronal imbalance was not restricted to the dilated regions: the non-dilated anal parts may be innervated by ascending, cholinergic axons emerging from less affected, more anally located regions.  相似文献   
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