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Pre-proparathyroid hormone is the major protein synthesized in wheat-germ extracts in response to addition of an 8-15S fraction of parathyroid RNA. The accuracy of the translation of the mRNA from parathyroid tissue was examined by analysis of the carboxyl-terminal tryptic peptide and the amino-terminal amino acid of the protein, by analysis of the size distribution of the mRNA, and by translation of the mRNA in a second cell-free extract. When 8-15S RNA was fractionated on a sucrose gradient containing formamide, RNA that supported the synthesis of pre-proparathyroid hormone was present in a single symmetrical peak, suggesting that it was homogeneous. Analyses by paper chromatography and electrophoresis of the proline-containing tryptic peptides of pre-proparathyroid hormone indicate that they are identical with the corresponding proline-containing peptides of parathyroid hormone. Because the COOH-terminal tryptic peptide of parathyroid hormone contains proline, the data indicate that the COOH termini of pre-proparathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone are identical. Methionine from initiator [35S]Met-tRNAfMet was rapidly incorporated into pre-proparathyroid hormone by the wheat-germ extract, and a single-step Edman degradation selectively removed almost all of the initiator [35S]methionine present in pre-proparathyroid hormone. Translation of the 8-15S RNA in a cell-free extract from Krebs-II ascites cells resulted in a protein that comigrated with pre-proparathyroid hormone on sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. These data support the conclusion that the wheat-germ system accurately translates the mRNA for parathyroid hormone, and they strengthen the contention that pre-proparathyroid hormone is the initial biosynthetic product.  相似文献   
An ultrastructural and cytochemical study of normal human mammary epithelial cells cultured from post-weaning breast fluids is described. Cells were examined at the time of plating and at intervals up to 28 days in culture. Three different stages in the morphological differentiation of these cells in vitro were observed: (1) the first stage was the formation of a monolayer of single cells, which occurred between days 1 and 10 in culture. The cells in this stage were not interconnected by junctional complexes and lacked Mg++- dependent ATPase activity in the plasma membranes, but did contain a large quantity of lipid and exhibited some secretory characteristics. (2) The second stage, occurring at 10 to 16 days in culture, was characterized by the formation of junctional complexes, the appearance of Mg++-dependent ATPase in the plasma membrane and a decrease in the number of dense bodies with peroxidase activity. (3) The third stage, occurring at 16 to 28 days in culture, was characterized by the formation of stratified layers of epithelial cells, which were interconnected by a larger number of desmosomes with numerous pleomorphic microfilaments. The Mg++-dependent ATPase activity in the plasma membrane was retained and the dense bodies with peroxidase activity were rarely observed at this stage. During the last seven days were prominent in the cells of the stratified layer. After 28 days in the culture, the cells began to round up and slough off the culture plate.  相似文献   
The electron transport components of the microsomal fraction of cauliflower buds and mung bean hypocotyls were investigated using split-beam and dual wavelength spectrophotometry under a variety of reducing conditions. Cauliflower microsomes were found to contain an ascorbate-reducible component, termed cytochrome b-559.5 [E'0 = +135 +/- 20 mV; lambdamax (reduced minus oxidised) = 559.5, 527 and 429 nm at 23 degrees C], cytochrome b5 [E'0 = -20 +/- 20 mV; lambdamax (reduced minus oxidised) = 556, 526 and 425 nm at 23 degrees C], cytochromes P-450 and P-420. On the basis of binding studies with ethyl isocyanide, degradation of cytochrome P-450 to P-420, redox potential, aniline binding, and relative rates of reduction by NADPH and NADH, it is suggested that the cytochrome P-450 system is analogous to that mammalian microsomes. Other components, reducible only by dithionite, may also be present. Mung bean microsomes were found to contain an ascorbate-reducible component, termed cytochrome b-562 [E'0 = +120 +/- 20 mV; lambdamax (reduced minus oxidised) = 562, 528 and 430 nm at 23 degrees C], cytochrome b5, and a low potential component which was reducible only by sodium dithionite. No cytochrome P-450 or P-420 could be detected. A general method of analysis of the cytochromes was developed and applied to the microsomes from a variety of plant sources. The results indicate that large variations, both in type and amount of components, occur between the microsomes from different plant materials.  相似文献   
The diffusion constants of avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) and murine leukemia virus (MuLV) (Rauscher) suspensions in buffer and in 30% sucrose were determined by laser beat frequency light scattering spectroscopy at a series of temperatures ranging rom 5 to 25 degrees. By the use of the Stokes-Einstein equation, the following hydrodynamic diameters are calculated at 20 degrees: MuLV, 154 plus or minus 3 nm in sucrose and 145 plus or minus 7 nm in buffer; AMV, 144 plus or minus 3 nm in sucrose and 138 plus or minus 4 nm in buffer. While the diameters measured in buffer were temperature independent, the diameters measured in sucrose decreased by about 20% as the temperature was raised from 5 to 25 degrees. The concentration of virus particles in the suspensions ranged from 10 7 to 10 9 particles/ml. The absolute particle concentrations are estimated within plus or minus 30% by determining the dilution needed to reach a concentration sufficiently low that the particle number fluctuation contribution was comparable to that of the interference scattering. Particle weights of 3.9 x 10 8 daltons for MuLV and 4.0 x 10 8 daltons for AMV were calculated from the diffusion constants and from our own experimentally determined sedimentation coefficients. From these particle weights and the hydrodynamic diameters of the viruses, we calculated the per cent of the hydrodynamic volume of the viruses which could be freely penetrated by water, viz., 57% for AMV and 69% for MuLV.  相似文献   
Thymus-derived lymphocytes (T cells) from mouse spleen, activated in vitro or in vivo with concanavalin A (Con A), suppress proliferative responses of syngenic lymphocytes in mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR). Replication in vitro was not required for expression of suppressor activity by Con A-activated cells and was blocked in MLR by treating suppressor cells with mitomycin C or irradiation. Kinetics of MLR responses and viability of cultures were not altered by addition of activated suppressor cells. The data are consistent with a direct inhibitory effect of suppressor T cells on antigen-induced DNA replication. These observations extend a model previously described for regulation of antibody synthesis by Con A-activated T cells to control of cell-mediated immune responses. This model should be particularly useful in further definition of regulatory T cell subpopulations, and in investigation of interactions and relationships between such populations.  相似文献   
The spontaneous regression of leukemia induced by RFV (the regressing strain of Friend MuLV) does not involve interferon. Inducers of interferon do not affect regression. Interferon activity in sera from infected or regressed animals is the same as that found in control sera.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of yeast phenylalanine transfert RNA has been determined in orthorhombic crystals. The current status of this work is reviewed together with the relationship of the transfer RNA structure in the crystal to its biologically active form. In addition some speculations are put forward regarding the mode of interaction of tRNA molecules in the ribosome and the manner in which tRNA interacts with aminoacyl synthetase.  相似文献   
Chromosome 17q23 amplification occurs in 20% of primary breast tumours and is associated with poor outcome. The TBX2 gene is located on 17q23 and is often over-expressed in this breast tumour subset. TBX2 is an anti-senescence gene, promoting cell growth and survival through repression of Tumour Suppressor Genes (TSGs), such as NDRG1 and CST6. Previously we found that TBX2 cooperates with the PRC2 complex to repress several TSGs, and that PRC2 inhibition restored NDRG1 expression to impede cellular proliferation. Here, we now identify CoREST proteins, LSD1 and ZNF217, as novel interactors of TBX2. Genetic or pharmacological targeting of CoREST emulated TBX2 loss, inducing NDRG1 expression and abolishing breast cancer growth in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, we uncover that TBX2/CoREST targeting of NDRG1 is achieved by recruitment of TBX2 to the NDRG1 promoter by Sp1, the abolishment of which resulted in NDRG1 upregulation and diminished cancer cell proliferation. Through ChIP-seq we reveal that 30% of TBX2-bound promoters are shared with ZNF217 and identify novel targets repressed by TBX2/CoREST; of these targets a lncRNA, LINC00111, behaves as a negative regulator of cell proliferation. Overall, these data indicate that inhibition of CoREST proteins represents a promising therapeutic intervention for TBX2-addicted breast tumours.  相似文献   
The binding interactions of small molecules with carbonic anhydrase II were used as model systems to compare the reaction constants determined from surface- and solution-based biophysical methods. Interaction data were collected for two arylsulfonamide compounds, 4-carboxybenzenesulfonamide (CBS) and 5-dimethyl-amino-1-naphthalene-sulfonamide (DNSA), binding to the enzyme using surface plasmon resonance, isothermal titration calorimetry, and stopped-flow fluorescence. We demonstrate that when the surface plasmon resonance biosensor experiments are performed with care, the equilibrium, thermodynamic, and kinetic constants determined from this surface-based technique match those acquired in solution. These results validate the use of biosensor technology to collect reliable data on small molecules binding to immobilized macromolecular targets. Binding kinetics were shown to provide more detailed information about complex formation than equilibrium constants alone. For example, although carbonic anhydrase II bound DNSA with twofold higher affinity than CBS, kinetic analysis revealed that CBS had a fourfold slower dissociation rate. Analysis of the binding and transition state thermodynamics also revealed significant differences in the enthalpy and entropy of complex formation. The lack of labeling requirements, high information content, and high throughput of surface plasmon resonance biosensors will make this technology an important tool for characterizing the interactions of small molecules with enzymes and receptors.  相似文献   
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