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Cytotoxic lymphocyte (CTL) responses are not usually generated during primary mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) with H-2 identical cells. Thus NZB mice are unusual in that their spleen cells do mount CTL responses during primary MLC with H-2d identical stimulator cells; the predominant target antigen for these NZB responses is Qa-1b. Considering the numerous immunoregulatory defects in NZB mice, we postulated that these NZB anti-Qa-1 primary CTL responses were due to an abnormality in T suppressor cell activity. Cellular interactions capable of suppressing NZB anti-Qa-1 primary CTL responses were investigated by using one-way and two-way MLC with spleen cells from NZB mice and other H-2d strains. Although H-2d identical one-way MLC with the use of NZB responders resulted in substantial CTL responses, only minimal CTL responses were detected from two-way MLC with the use of NZB spleen cells plus nonirradiated spleen cells from other H-2d mice. Thus the presence of non-NZB spleen cells in the two-way H-2d identical MLC prevented the generation of NZB CTL. Noncytotoxic mechanisms were implicated in the suppression of the NZB CTL responses during two-way MLC, because only minimal CTL activity was generated when NZB spleen cells were cultured with semiallogeneic, H-2d identical (e.g., NZB X BALB) F1 spleen cells. The observed suppression could be abrogated with as little as 100 rad gamma-irradiation to the non-NZB spleen cells. The phenotype of these highly radiosensitive spleen cells was Thy-1+, Lyt-1+, Lyt-2-, L3T4+. The functional presence of these cells in the spleens of semiallogeneic, H-2d identical F1 mice indicated that their deficiency in NZB mice was a recessive trait. These data suggest that NZB mice lack an L3T4+ cell present in the spleens of normal mice that is capable of suppressing primary anti-Qa-1 CTL responses. This model system should facilitate additional investigations of the cellular interactions and immunoregulatory mechanisms responsible for controlling primary CTL responses against non-H-2K/D class I alloantigens. The model may also provide insight into the immunoregulatory defects of autoimmune NZB mice.  相似文献   
Mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) between NZB responder spleen cells and Qa-1-disparate stimulator spleen cells were employed to determine the cellular requirements for the generation of primary anti-Qa-1 cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) responses. Although primary anti-Qa-1 cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL) were generated during H-2-homologous stimulation, anti-Qa-1 CTL were not detectable from MLC in which the stimulators were H-2 allogeneic. Anti-Qa-1 CTL also were not generated from MLC in which the stimulators were semiallogeneic. Thus, H-2 identity between responder and stimulator cells was not sufficient to permit the generation of primary anti-Qa-1 CTL when H-2 disparity was also present. The capacity for H-2 disparity to prevent anti-Qa-1 CML responses was further demonstrated in MLC containing both H-2-allogeneic and H-2-homologous stimulator cells. Therefore, in subsequent studies we employed NZB responders and H-2-homologous, Qa-1-disparate stimulators. When various subpopulations of stimulator cells were studied for their ability to induce anti-Qa-1 CTL, nylon wool-adherent cells were found to be potent stimulators, but nylon wool-nonadherent cells were not. Furthermore, depletion of macrophages from the stimulator population abrogated the generation of anti-Qa-1 CML responses, despite the presence of responder macrophages in the culture. In contrast, all fractionated subpopulations stimulated anti-H-2 CML responses. When macrophage-enriched cells were used as stimulators, anti-Qa-1 CTL could be generated with approximately 80-fold fewer stimulator cells than when unfractionated splenocytes were used as stimulators. These findings indicated that stimulator macrophages were essential for the generation of primary anti-Qa-1 CTL. Direct evidence for macrophage expression of Qa-1-antigens was obtained by using a Qa-1b-specific CTL clone. These studies provide i) the first evidence for Qa-1 expression on macrophages, ii) a basis for comparison of the cellular interactions necessary to generate CTL against H-2K/D-encoded vs Qa-1-encoded class 1 antigens, and iii) a model for investigating the mechanisms responsible for the immunodominance of H-2K/D alloantigens.  相似文献   
We have developed cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) lines specific for two determinants of the maternally transmitted antigen (Mta) and have used these CTL lines to study the tissue distribution of Mta. In previous reports, we characterized CTL lines specific for the Mta.1 determinant. Here, we describe CTL lines specific for the newly defined Mta.2 determinant. Mta.2-specific CTL lines lysed target cells from F1 mice of an NZB (Mtf beta) mother but did not lyse target cells from reciprocal F1 mice of any Mtf alpha mother. Backcross mice were used as the source of target cells to demonstrate that the Mta.2-specific CTL were H-2 nonrestricted in their recognition. Mta.-1- and Mta.2-specific CTL lines were used to demonstrate Mta expression on lymphoid cells taken from spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. In addition, Mta was expressed on cultured cell lines of myeloid, epithelial, and mesenchymal origin. Our results suggest that Mta is not a differentiation marker restricted to lymphocyte subpopulations.  相似文献   
F Azorin  A Rich 《Cell》1985,41(2):365-374
Proteins dissociated from SV40 minichromosomes by increasing NaCl concentration were tested for their binding to Z-DNA [Br-poly(dG-dC)] and B-DNA [poly (dG-dC)]. Z-DNA binding proteins are largely released in 0.2 M NaCl whereas most B-DNA binding proteins are not released until 0.6 M NaCl. Incubation of SV40 minichromosomes with Z-DNA-Sephadex in low salt solution results in proteins with Z-DNA binding activity (PZ proteins). These proteins bind to negatively supercoiled DNAs containing left-handed Z-DNA but not to relaxed DNAs. They compete with anti-Z-DNA antibodies in binding to negatively supercoiled DNAs. The binding is tighter to negatively supercoiled SV40 DNA than to other plasmids, suggesting sequence-specific Z-DNA binding. PZ proteins binding to negatively supercoiled SV40 DNA interfere with cleavage at the Sph I sites, within the 72 bp repeat sequences of the viral control region, but not with cleavage at the Bgl I site, at the origin of replication. Removal of PZ proteins also exposes the Sph I sites in the SV40 minichromosomes while addition of PZ proteins makes the sites inaccessible.  相似文献   
Cellular requirements for induction of primary proliferative responses by human T cells to trinitrophenylated autologous stimulators have been characterized. Substantial proliferative responses were observed with each of the Ia+ stimulator populations tested. Nevertheless, major differences in the hapten specificity of such responses were observed. Thus purified macrophages/monocytes (M phi) when TNP-modified induced responses that were relatively modest in absolute magnitude, but were highly hapten specific. This reflected the very limited capacity of purified M phi to induce proliferation when unmodified, i.e., an autologous mixed leukocyte response (AMLR). In contrast, unmodified M phi-depleted B plus null cells were potent stimulators of AMLR, but hapten modification did not significantly enhance the responses induced by these cells. Moreover, when M phi were added to B plus null cell stimulators AMLR responses were reduced and, with TNP-modified stimulators, hapten-specific responses were restored. The data thus suggest that M phi may have important roles in induction of primary T cell responses to conventional antigens but function largely as regulators rather than stimulators of AMLR. Finally, we have introduced a novel antigen-presenting cell population, the irradiated Ia+ TNP-specific cloned T cell. The possibility that such cells may utilize autostimulatory positive feedback circuits for activation of naive T cells and in interactions between subpopulations of hapten-reactive T cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Human cathepsin B was purified by affinity chromatography on the semicarbazone of Gly-Phe-glycinal linked to Sepharose 4B, with elution by 2,2'-dipyridyl disulphide at pH 4.0. The product obtained in high yield by the single step from crude starting material was 80-100% active cathepsin B. The possibility that this new form of affinity chromatography may be of general usefulness in the purification of cysteine proteinases is discussed.  相似文献   
(1) Purified bovine heart mitochondrial cytochrome b-c1 complex (ubiquinone-cytochrome c oxidoreductase) and photosynthetic reaction centres isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strain R-26 have been incorporated into lipid vesicles. In the presence of cytochrome c and ubiquinone-2, light activation caused a cyclic electron transfer involving both components. (2) Since cytochrome c is added outside the vesicles, it is both reduced by the cytochrome b-c1 complex and oxidised by the reaction centre on the outside of the vesicles. Ubiquinone-2, however, is reduced by the reaction centres at a site in contact with the inside of the vesicles, but the reduced form, ubiquinol-2, is oxidised by the cytochrome b-c1 complex at a site in contact with the outer aqueous phase. (3) In the presence of valinomycin plus K+, initiation of cyclic electron flow causes protons to move from inside the vesicles to the outer medium and the H +/2e- ratio was calculated to be close to 4.  相似文献   
Using indirect immunofluorescence, we studied the reaction of antibodies specific for left-handed Z DNA with the nuclei of the hypotrichous ciliate Stylonychia mytilus. In the vegetative cell, the macronucleus reacts strongly with these antibodies, but no reaction can be detected with micronuclei. However, an antibody that binds to denatured and right-handed B DNA reacts with both types of nuclei. No reaction of the anti-Z DNA antibody is seen in the macronuclear replication band. Digestion of macronuclei with DNAase I leads to a decrease in the anti-Z DNA antibody reaction. Some stages of the developing macronucleus were also investigated. No reaction is seen at the polytene chromosome stage, but following DNA elimination the nucleus is seen to react with the antibody.  相似文献   
HLA phenotypes of cases with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and identity by descent of HLA haplotypes in affected sib-pairs support an intermediate model in which morbid risk is increased by one HLA-linked IDDM determinant, and greatly increased by two determinants, which may be qualitatively different in DR3 and DR4 haplotypes. Linkage analysis allowing for gametic disequilibrium reveals no recombination in pedigrees with a DR3/DR4 propositus, but spurious recombination in the remaining pedigrees. This evidence favors interaction of unlinked IDDM determinants to produce affection in a small proportion of heterozygotes for an HLA-linked determinant. Partition of data by HLA type of the propositus (ideally by DR and the complement types jointly) is a powerful method to resolve etiological heterogeneity for HLA-associated diseases.  相似文献   
Temperature control of initiation of protein synthesis in Escherichia coli   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
When an exponentially growing culture of Escherichia coli is cooled to below 8 °C, initiation of protein synthesis appears to be blocked, while the elongation of initiated proteins continues until they are completed. This is demonstrated here by showing that nascent polypeptide chains increase in size during a 5 °C incubation and that f2 viral coat protein is completed, but not initiated. Upon rewarming, the cells initiate protein synthesis synchronously. This is demonstrated by a transient rise in the incorporation of methionine which is used to initiate protein synthesis.  相似文献   
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