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Globally among biotic stresses, diseases like blight, rust and blast constitute prime constraints for reducing wheat productivity especially in Bangladesh. For sustainable productivity, the development of disease-resistant lines and high yielding varieties is vital and necessary. This study was conducted using 122 advanced breeding lines of wheat including 21 varieties developed by Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute (BAMRI) with aims to identify genotypes having high yield potential and resistance to leaf blight, leaf rust and blast diseases. These genotypes were evaluated for resistance against leaf blight and leaf rust at Dinajpur and wheat blast at Jashore under field condition. Out of 122 genotypes tested, 20 lines were selected as resistant to leaf blight based on the area under the diseases progress curve (AUDPC) under both irrigated timely sown (ITS) and irrigated late sown (ILS) conditions. Forty-two genotypes were found completely free from leaf rust infection, 59 genotypes were identified as resistant, and 13 genotypes were identified as moderately resistant to leaf rust. Eighteen genotypes were immune against wheat blast, 42 genotypes were categorized as resistant, and 26 genotypes were identified as moderately resistant to wheat blast. Molecular data revealed that the 16 genotypes showed a positive 2NS segment among the 18 immune genotypes selected against wheat blast under field conditions. The genotypes BAW 1322, BAW 1295, and BAW 1203 can be used as earlier maturing genotypes and the genotypes BAW 1372, BAW 1373, BAW 1297 and BAW 1364 can be used for lodging tolerant due to short plant height. The genotypes WMRI Gom 1, BAW 1349 and BAW 1350 can be selected for bold grain and the genotypes WMRI Gom 1, BAW 1297, BAW 1377 can be used as high yielder for optimum seeding condition but genotypes BAW 1377 and BAW 1366 can be used for late sown condition. The selected resistant genotypes against specific diseases can be used in the further breeding program to develop wheat varieties having higher disease resistance and yield potential.  相似文献   

This article is the introduction to the special issue about Evaluation, Educational Policy Reforms, and Their Implications for Arts Education. A summary of all the articles comprised in the special issue is reported, mainly featured, on the one hand, by a discussion about how the education policy reforms shape a particular approach to evaluation that ends up conforming education and arts education and, on the other hand, it shows some magnet examples of arts curriculum evaluation combining both standardized assessment with qualitative strategies pertinent to the nature of arts content and experiences. The article also discusses how it could be possible to move from the current scope of school arts education most of the authors depict to the development of another way of evaluation and curriculum development where the experiential process is taken into account. While these signals might be still scarce, for some other authors could be the opportunity to overcome at least partially the current demise of school arts curriculum.  相似文献   
Hybridization has many and varied impacts on the process of speciation. Hybridization may slow or reverse differentiation by allowing gene flow and recombination. It may accelerate speciation via adaptive introgression or cause near‐instantaneous speciation by allopolyploidization. It may have multiple effects at different stages and in different spatial contexts within a single speciation event. We offer a perspective on the context and evolutionary significance of hybridization during speciation, highlighting issues of current interest and debate. In secondary contact zones, it is uncertain if barriers to gene flow will be strengthened or broken down due to recombination and gene flow. Theory and empirical evidence suggest the latter is more likely, except within and around strongly selected genomic regions. Hybridization may contribute to speciation through the formation of new hybrid taxa, whereas introgression of a few loci may promote adaptive divergence and so facilitate speciation. Gene regulatory networks, epigenetic effects and the evolution of selfish genetic material in the genome suggest that the Dobzhansky–Muller model of hybrid incompatibilities requires a broader interpretation. Finally, although the incidence of reinforcement remains uncertain, this and other interactions in areas of sympatry may have knock‐on effects on speciation both within and outside regions of hybridization.  相似文献   
The aim of the present work is to evaluate the effect of caffeine, the world’s most popular psychoactive drug, on the electric activity of the rat’s brain that exposed to extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF), during 15 days. The obtained results showed that administration of caffeine in a group of rats by dose of 10 mg/kg (equivalent to human daily consumption) caused a reduction in the mean power amplitude of electroencephalogram (EEG) trace for almost all frequency bands especially α (8–12 Hz). It was observed that the influence of caffeine was more evident in motor cortex than in visual cortex. While the exposure of another group to ELF-MF of intensity 0.2 mT during the same period caused an enhancement in the mean power amplitude of most EEG frequency bands; this was more observed in the right hemisphere of the brain than that of the left hemisphere. The administration of caffeine while rats were exposed to ELF-MF, led, after 5 days of exposure, to a great increase in the mean power amplitude of α band at all places of recording electrodes. It may be concluded that caffeine administration was more effective in reducing the hazardous of ELF-MF in motor cortex than in visual cortex.  相似文献   
Miro is a highly conserved calcium‐binding GTPase at the regulatory nexus of mitochondrial transport and autophagy. Here we present crystal structures comprising the tandem EF hand and carboxy terminal GTPase (cGTPase) domains of Drosophila Miro. The structures reveal two previously unidentified ‘hidden’ EF hands, each paired with a canonical EF hand. Each EF hand pair is bound to a helix that structurally mimics an EF hand ligand. A key nucleotide‐sensing element and a Pink1 phosphorylation site both lie within an extensive EF hand–cGTPase interface. Our results indicate structural mechanisms for calcium, nucleotide and phosphorylation‐dependent regulation of mitochondrial function by Miro.  相似文献   
Amyloidosis is a progressive and ultimately fatal disease in which amyloid, an insoluble fibrillar protein, is deposited inappropriately in multiple organs, eventually leading to organ dysfunction. Although this condition commonly affects macaques, there is currently no reliable method of early diagnosis. Changes in clinical pathology parameters have been associated with amyloidosis but occur in late stages of disease, are nonspecific, and resemble those seen in chronic, idiopathic enterocolitis. A review of animal records revealed that amyloidosis was almost always diagnosed postmortem, with prevalences of 15% and 25% in our rhesus and pig-tailed macaque colonies, respectively. As a noninvasive, high-throughput diagnostic approach to improve antemortem diagnosis of amyloidosis in macaques, we evaluated serum amyloid A (SAA), an acute-phase protein and the precursor to amyloid. Using necropsy records and ELISA analysis of banked serum, we found that SAA is significantly elevated in both rhesus and pig-tailed macaques with amyloid compared with those with chronic enterocolitis and healthy controls. At necropsy, 92% of rhesus and 83% of pig-tailed had amyloid deposition in either the intestines or liver. Minimally invasive biopsy techniques including endoscopy of the small intestine, mucosal biopsy of the colon, and ultrasound-guided trucut biopsy of the liver were used to differentiate macaques in our colonies with similar clinical presentations as either having amyloidosis or chronic, idiopathic enterocolitis. Our data suggest that SAA can serve as an effective noninvasive screening tool for amyloidosis and that minimally invasive biopsies can be used to confirm this diagnosis.Abbreviations: SAA, serum amyloid AAmyloidosis is a pathologic condition that occurs spontaneously in humans, mammals, birds, and reptiles.47 Secondary systemic amyloidosis, also referred to as reactive amyloidosis, is the most common form described in domestic animals.46 It is a progressive disease in which an insoluble fibrillar protein consisting of β pleated sheets, amyloid, is deposited inappropriately in multiple organs, eventually leading to dysfunction.40,46 Secondary amyloidosis is most often the result of chronic infections or inflammatory disease. In humans, it occurs with a wide variety of conditions including inflammatory bowel disease,3 osteoarthritis including rheumatoid and juvenile forms,20,25 chronic infections such as tuberculosis, and hereditary disease such as familial Mediterranean fever.43 Similarly, in nonhuman primates, the disease has been described with several conditions of chronic infection or inflammation including bacterial enterocolitis,4,19,30,37 chronic indwelling catheters,9 parasitism,2,4 respiratory disease,30,37 trauma,37 and rheumatoid arthritis.6Despite reported prevalences as high as 30% in rhesus (Macaca mulatta)4 and 47% in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina),19 amyloidosis remains a challenge to diagnose. The current diagnostic ‘gold standard’ in macaques is histopathology of the affected organ;19 however, amyloid can be deposited in tissues for as long as 3 y before the development of clinical signs.16 Histologic diagnoses of amyloidosis typically are confirmed with Congo red staining, in which amyloid proteins appear apple-green and birefringent under polarized light. In addition, electron microscopy can detect the fibrillar amyloid proteins in tissues, and other histologic stains including methyl violet, sulphonated Alcian blue, and thioflavin S and T can be used but are less specific than is Congo red.33 Although changes in clinical pathology parameters such as decreases in serum albumin and total protein have been associated with amyloidosis,19,29 they are often nonspecific and resemble those seen in the frequently comorbid conditions chronic anorexia and chronic, idiopathic enterocolitis. Furthermore, imaging techniques such as abdominal X-ray and ultrasonography have been shown to be nondiagnostic in macaques with amyloidosis.19 Consequently, at our institution and in other macaque colonies, diagnosis of amyloidosis is often made at necropsy.The current standard of diagnosis in humans is biopsy with histopathology of affected organs, but unlike in nonhuman primates, minimally invasive tissue sampling has been extensively explored.17 Aspiration or biopsy of the subcutaneous abdominal fat pad has currently replaced many biopsy techniques as the preliminary diagnostic, with reported sensitivities ranging from 66% to 92%.5,24,28,39,44 Rectal biopsy was previously the preferred minimally invasive approach and is now often used adjunctively when subcutaneous abdominal fat is negative for amyloid but the clinical suspicion for amyloidosis remains high.5,17 Additional tissue biopsy sites with limited morbidity such as skin, gingiva, and stomach have been reported with lesser sensitivities.5,34,39,44 In contrast, limited information is published on the usefulness of minimally invasive biopsy techniques for diagnosing amyloidosis in macaques. One report found endoscopic biopsy of the stomach and colon to be of limited utility in diagnosing amyloidosis in a colony of pig-tailed macaques.19 Similarly, a single publication reported colonoscopy to be noninformative and labor-intensive in a colony of rhesus macaques.15 Retrospective studies of macaque colonies have shown a predilection for amyloid deposition in the intestines and liver,4,30,38 suggesting that endoscopic or percutaneous biopsy of these tissues may reliably provide definitive antemortem diagnosis for amyloidosis.In addition to biopsy, identification of the relevant amyloid precursor protein within the blood is an integral part of the diagnosis of amyloidosis in human patients17 and holds promise as a screening tool in macaque colonies because of its high throughput potential in comparison to biopsy. Serum amyloid A (SAA), an acute-phase protein, can be found circulating in the blood and is the precursor for amyloid formation and deposition in secondary systemic amyloidosis. Specifically, when elevated SAA persists in the bloodstream, it ultimately progresses to amyloid deposition in tissues.13,45 Profound elevations in SAA occur in the bloodstream as a result of acute inflammation, but these elevations are transient as SAA then is rapidly degraded and removed from the peripheral circulation.7,45 Although the exact role of chronic inflammation and SAA in the pathogenesis of secondary, systemic amyloidosis is not well understood, SAA is pathologically persistently elevated in human patients with chronic inflammatory disease that develop secondary systemic amyloidosis. In contrast, serum SAA remains at normal lower levels in human patients without amyloidosis but ongoing chronic inflammatory disease.13,14,26 Furthermore, quantification of SAA is more effective than are organ function tests as a prognostic measure of amyloid disease and is routinely used to monitor disease progression and response to treatment in humans.14 In rhesus and pig-tailed macaques, SAA is elevated in subjects with amyloidosis as compared with those that are clinically normal.8,19 The ability to distinguish between healthy animals and those with subclinical amyloidosis would be clinically useful. Human studies indicate that establishing a diagnosis of secondary amyloidosis in its early stages followed by prompt treatment of the inciting chronic inflammatory process can arrest the progression of amyloidosis and can even result in disease remission in some cases.21,23,31,32,36 Of equal interest would be the ability to distinguish amyloidosis from chronic, idiopathic enterocolitis, a common disease among macaque colonies12,35 that has considerable clinical overlap with the late stages of amyloidosis but different therapeutic options and prognosis than does systemic amyloidosis. Although there is no definitive treatment for amyloidosis in humans or macaques, recent human case reports suggest that antiinflammatory therapy with newer targeted monocolonal antibody medications, such as IL6 receptor antagonists, can successfully reverse the disease. This outcome has been demonstrated in several cases by both the reduction of circulating SAA to normal levels and by the histologic disappearance of amyloid proteins in biopsies of affected tissues.21,23,31,32,36 Accurate antemortem diagnosis of amyloidosis in macaques potentially would support further investigations into the novel application of these drugs for the treatment of amyloidosis in both human and macaque patients.We hypothesize that SAA, in addition to being a useful screening method for identifying animals with amyloidosis, can be used to distinguish between macaques with this disease and those with chronic, idiopathic enterocolitis. We further hypothesize that, in agreement with retrospective studies from macaques at other institutions, the intestines and liver will be commonly affected in amyloidotic macaques in our own colonies and that minimally invasive biopsy of these tissues can provide definitive, antemortem diagnosis of amyloidosis.  相似文献   
Expansion of woody vegetation into areas that were historically grass-dominated is a significant contemporary threat to grasslands, including native tallgrass prairie ecosystems of the Midwestern United States. In tallgrass prairie, much of this woody expansion is concentrated in riparian zones with potential impacts on biogeochemical processes there. Although the effects of woody riparian vegetation on denitrification in both riparian soils and streams have been well studied in naturally wooded ecosystems, less is known about the impacts of woody vegetation encroachment in ecosystems that were historically dominated by herbaceous vegetation. Here, we analyze the effect of afforestation and subsequent woody plant removal on riparian and benthic denitrification. Denitrification rates in riparian soil and selected benthic compartments were measured seasonally in naturally grass-dominated riparian zones, woody encroached riparian zones, and riparian zones with woody vegetation removed in two separate watersheds. Riparian soil denitrification was highly seasonal, with the greatest rates in early spring. Benthic denitrification also exhibited high temporal variability, but no seasonality. Soil denitrification rates were greatest in riparian zones where woody vegetation was removed. Additionally, concentrations of nitrate, carbon, and soil moisture (indicative of potential anoxia) were greatest in wood removal soils. Differences in the presence and abundance of benthic compartments reflected riparian vegetation, and may have indirectly affected denitrification in streams. Riparian soil denitrification increased with soil water content and NO3 ?. Management of tallgrass prairies that includes removal of woody vegetation encroaching on riparian areas may alter biogeochemical cycling by increasing nitrogen removed via denitrification while the restored riparian zones return to a natural grass-dominated state.  相似文献   
Migration of extravillous trophoblasts (EVT) into decidua and myometrium is a critical process in the conversion of maternal spiral arterioles and establishing placenta perfusion. EVT migration is affected by cell-to-cell communication and oxygen tension. While the release of exosomes from placental cells has been identified as a significant pathway in materno-fetal communication, the role of placental-derived exosomes in placentation has yet to be established. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of oxygen tension on the release and bioactivity of cytotrophoblast (CT)-derived exosomes on EVT invasion and proliferation. CT were isolated from first trimester fetal tissue (n = 12) using a trypsin-deoxyribonuclease-dispase/Percoll method. CT were cultured under 8%, 3% or 1% O2 for 48 h. Exosomes from CT-conditioned media were isolated by differential and buoyant density centrifugation. The effect of oxygen tension on exosome release (µg exosomal protein/106cells/48 h) and bioactivity were established. HTR-8/SVneo (EVT) were used as target cells to establish the effect (bioactivity) of exosomes on invasion and proliferation as assessed by real-time, live-cell imaging (Incucyte™). The release and bioactivity of CT-derived exosomes were inversely correlated with oxygen tension (p<0.001). Under low oxygen tensions (i.e. 1% O2), CT-derived exosomes promoted EVT invasion and proliferation. Proteomic analysis of exosomes identified oxygen-dependent changes in protein content. We propose that in response to changes in oxygen tension, CTs modify the bioactivity of exosomes, thereby, regulating EVT phenotype. Exosomal induction of EVT migration may represent a normal process of placentation and/or an adaptive response to placental hypoxia.  相似文献   
Studies comparing the effect of adding two different nanoparticle compositions on the plasmonic properties of Au nanovoid arrays were undertaken. Surface-enhanced resonance luminescence and surface-enhanced resonance Raman studies comparing dispersed Ag nanoparticles and Ag nanoparticle aggregates on gold nanovoid arrays were undertaken. These studies showed that using Ag nanoparticle aggregates increased both luminescence and Raman efficiency relative to when dispersed nanoparticles were used; in addition, these studies also showed that adding dispersed Ag nanoparticles supported a more reproducible enhancement in luminescence and Raman across the substrate compared to using Ag nanoparticle aggregates. Finite element analysis simulations indicated that surface plasmon polariton distribution in the sample was affected by the presence of the Ag nanoparticles on the Au nanovoid array.  相似文献   
In spite of the many developments in synthetic oligonucleotide (ON) chemistry and design, invasion into double-stranded DNA (DSI) under physiological salt and pH conditions remains a challenge. In this work, we provide a new ON tool based on locked nucleic acids (LNAs), designed for strand invasion into duplex DNA (DSI). We thus report on the development of a clamp type of LNA ON—bisLNA—with capacity to bind and invade into supercoiled double-stranded DNA. The bisLNA links a triplex-forming, Hoogsteen-binding, targeting arm with a strand-invading Watson–Crick binding arm. Optimization was carried out by varying the number and location of LNA nucleotides and the length of the triplex-forming versus strand-invading arms. Single-strand regions in target duplex DNA were mapped using chemical probing. By combining design and increase in LNA content, it was possible to achieve a 100-fold increase in potency with 30% DSI at 450 nM using a bisLNA to plasmid ratio of only 21:1. Although this first conceptual report does not address the utility of bisLNA for the targeting of DNA in a chromosomal context, it shows bisLNA as a promising candidate for interfering also with cellular genes.  相似文献   
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