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E P Reznik 《Parazitologiia》1982,16(5):390-394
1903 specimens of sandflies and mosquitoes were examined for their spontaneous infection with larvae of Thamugadia ivaschkini. The experimental infection of sandflies and mosquitoes was conducted on infected lizards. It has been established that the vectors of this filaria in the south of Turkmenia are sandflies of the genus Phlebotomus and Sergentomyia arpaclensis. The development of the helminth carries out in thoracic muscles of sandflies, the first infective larvae appear in 7 to 17 days after the infection of vectors.  相似文献   
Trichogramma principium Sug. & Sor. females were sequentially offered two portions of the grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella Oliv.) eggs, either young (1-day old) or old (eggs that had developed 6 days at a temperature of 20 °C). The probability of host acceptance depended not only on current host age, but also on the age of the previously offered host. Particularly, Trichogramma females more often oviposited in old host eggs when previously offered young eggs (35–45% of Trichogramma females laid eggs) compared to females which were sequentially offered two portions of old eggs (15–20% of Trichogramma females laid eggs). In other words, parasitization by Trichogramma was stable even when transferred from young (preferred) to old (usually rejected) eggs. Dissections showed that refusing females had significantly more mature eggs than ovipositing females, independent of host age. Among ovipositing females, wasps provided with young hosts had fewer mature ovarial eggs than wasps provided with old hosts. Supposedly, Trichogramma females offered old hosts require a higher motivation to oviposit and have a correspondingly higher egg load than females offered young (preferred) hosts.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments with Trichogramma principium Sug. et Sor. females that were offered Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. eggs demonstrated that less than half of the ovipositing females started oviposition during the first 2 days of the experiment, whereas the rest of the ovipositing females showed a delay in parasitization ranging from 2 to 10 days after contact with the host. Almost 10% of the wasps refused to parasitize the grain moth eggs over 12 days. The delay in parasitization may be as long as 6–8 days without any significant decrease in the number of mature ovarial eggs, in the number of eggs laid during the first 48 h of oviposition, and in the total lifetime fecundity. This egg retention is responsible for the fact that in spite of a relatively short mean duration of the oviposition period in each individual female (approximately 4 days), host parasitization by a group of simultaneously emerged wasps was almost uniformly distributed over 8–10 days. When induced, the parasitization state (i.e. the tendency to parasitize sequentially offered portions of host eggs) was stable both in the presence of a host and under host deprivation extended up to 8 days. These data provide further evidence for our hypotheses that the stability of the parasitization state in Trichogramma is based on endocrine mechanisms.  相似文献   
Females of certain aphidophagous ladybirds in the absence of natural protein food (aphids) enter reproductive diapause. Reactivation of diapausing beetles is possible only after consuming the food which is suitable for oogenesis of females and development of larvae. The influence of diet and photoperiod on the dynamics of weight and on the rate of reproductive maturation of reactivating females of Harmonia axyridis was studied under laboratory conditions. The experiments were conducted at combinations of two day lengths (12 and 18 h) with 6 trophic regimes with the following mean numbers of daily consumed aphids: 0 (aphids were absent over the whole experiment), 0.1 (1 aphid was provided every 10 days), 0.5 (1 aphid every second day), 1 (1 aphid every day), 10 (10 aphids every day), and 50 (about 50 aphids every day). Judging from the state of ovarian development estimated by dissection 20 days after the beginning of the experiment, the threshold of the trophic termination of reproductive diapause under the long day conditions lies between the regimes of 0.1 and 0.5 aphids per day, which is approximately equal to the earlier investigated threshold of the trophic induction of diapause. Short day slowed reactivation and has increased the threshold of the trophic response up to 1-10 aphids per day. Based on these data, we conclude that under natural conditions females which entered reproductive diapause because of the absence of aphids are capable of reactivation in the presence of even a minimal amount of natural protein food. Moreover, in spring and summer (when the probability of the increase in aphid abundance is relatively high) reactivation starts at lower prey population density than in autumn, when the appearance of the stable aphid colony (which is necessary to complete the development of the emerged larvae) is less probable.  相似文献   
The influence of the previous parasitization experience and age-related endogenous changes on the parasitization of Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) eggs by Trichogramma buesi Voegele (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) females was estimated in the laboratory conditions. The experiment included two exposures separated by a period lasting from 0 to 20 days at 20°C. The first exposure lasted for 4 h and was conducted at a temperature of 25°C which promoted parasitization. The second exposure lasted 48 h and was conducted at a temperature of 15°C which inhibited parasitization. The survival of the control females (deprived of the hosts at the first exposure) was slightly higher than that of the experimental females. The mean number of mature eggs and the mean fecundity during the second exposure were lower in females that parasitized during the first exposure than in the controls and in females that rejected the host during the first exposure. The proportion of T. buesi females that parasitized S. cerealella eggs during the second exposure was much higher among the females that started parasitization during the first exposure than among controls and among those that rejected the host during the first exposure. This effect of the previous parasitization experience on the following parasitization of the same host species persisted for 16 days. However, on day 20 after the first exposure the proportion of the parasitizing individuals among the experienced females was the same as among the controls and those that rejected the host during the first exposure. This sharp decay in the effect of experience coincided with an increase in mortality and with a decrease in the proportion of parasitizing females among the controls. Thus, the experience-induced behavioral changes per se could be considered as practically permanent, since the period of their persistence is close to the female active life span.  相似文献   
Large geographic range, wide habitat specificity and broad range of prey (including a number of pests of protected crops) suggest that a predatory ladybird Cheilomenes propinqua can be considered as potential agent for biological control in greenhouses. We investigated the influence of day length (10, 12 and 14 hr), temperature (20 and 24°C) and diet (the green peach aphid Myzus persicae and eggs of the grain moth Sitotroga cerealella) on the rate of maturation, fecundity and induction of reproductive diapause in C. propinqua females of a laboratory population originated from Alexandria, Egypt. The proportion of diapausing females (i.e. those with poorly developed ovaries and well-developed fat body) varied from 5% to 70% being higher at short day, low temperature and feeding on the grain moth eggs. This diapause, however, was not very stable: more than 20% of females kept under diapause-inducing conditions started to lay eggs during 110 days, although their pre-oviposition period was about 5 times longer than that of females which matured at the same temperature but at the long day and on the natural diet. Although not very stable, reproductive diapause significantly increased survival of starving females. Such a short-term reproductive diapause can be considered as an adaptation to mild and short-term subtropical winter. The results of our study suggest that C. propinqua mass rearing will be more intensive at the combination of high temperature, natural food (aphids) and long day (14 hr), whereas individuals intended for long-term storage should be reared under moderate temperature (20°C) and short-day (10 hr) conditions and should be fed on factitious food (the grain moth eggs).  相似文献   
Maternal photoperiodic response is known to influence the percentage of diapausing prepupae in Trichogramma species. However, the influence of several preceding generations has not yet been studied. We have investigated the stability of photoperiod-induced changes in multiple generations of Trichogramma buesi Voegele and Trichogramma principium Sug. et Sor. Short-day conditions during preimaginal development induced an increase in the percentage of diapausing progeny and grand progeny of both Trichogramma species. A similar trend was also detected in the fourth and fifth generations, but the response was weak although statistically significant. This grand-grandmaternal photoperiodic effect (which has not been demonstrated before for Trichogramma or for any other insect parasitoid) is most probably based on the transgenerational transmission of variations in DNA expression. We conclude that in mass rearing, to facilitate diapause induction before cold storage, it is advisable to rear both maternal and grandmaternal generations under the short-day conditions. In scientific studies, several generations preceding the experiment should be kept under equal conditions to exclude multigenerational maternal effects.  相似文献   
The laboratory experiments showed that various parameters of the “quality” of Trichogramma telengai Sor. females that emerged from a batch of simultaneously parasitized eggs of the grain moth Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. were significantly dependent on the day and circadian time (i.e., time from light-on) of emergence: the later the females emerged, the smaller were their size, fecundity, and life span. The difference in size and in fecundity between individuals emerged on different days constituted up to 20% and 70% of the mean, correspondingly. Differences between the early (emerged during 2 h after the light-on), middle (emerged from 2 to 3 h after the lighton), and late (emerged from 3 to 6 h after the light-on) fractions of females which emerged on the same day were also significant (about 5% in size and about 25% in fecundity). Based on these results, we conclude that the day and circadian time of emergence should be taken into account in elaboration of the methods of laboratory experiments and of the protocols for Trichogramma quality tests in mass rearing.  相似文献   
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