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Leishmania (V) braziliensis is one of the most important ethiologic agents of the two distinct forms of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (cutaneous and mucosal). The drugs of choice used in leishmaniasis therapy are significantly toxic, expensive and are associated with frequent refractory infections. Among the promising new targets for anti-protozoan chemotherapy are the proteases. In this study, serine proteases were partially purified from aqueous, detergent and extracellular extracts of Leishmania braziliensis promastigotes by aprotinin-agarose affinity chromatography. By zymography, the enzymes purified from the aqueous extract showed apparent activity bands of 60 kDa and 45 kDa; of 130 kDa, 83 kDa, 74 kDa and 30 kDa from the detergent extract; and of 62 kDa, 59 kDa, 57 kDa, 49 kDa and 35 kDa from the extracellular extract. All purified proteases exhibited esterase activity against Nalpha-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester hydrochloride and Nalpha-p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (serine protease substrates) and optimal activity at pH 8. 0. Proteases purified from the aqueous and extracellular extracts were effectively inhibited by benzamidine (trypsin inhibitor) and those from the detergent extract were inhibited by N-tosyl-L-phenyl-alanine chloromethyl ketone (chymotrypsin inhibitor) indicating that all these enzymes are serine proteases. These findings indicate that L. braziliensis serine proteases display some biochemical similarities with L. amazonensis serine proteases, demonstrating a conservation of this enzymatic class in the Leishmania genus. This is the first study to report the purification of a serine protease from Leishmania braziliensis.  相似文献   
A new combination of ibuprofen (NSAID) and famotidine (H2 receptor antagonist) was recently approved by the FDA. It was formulated to relief pain while decreasing the risk of ulceration, which is a common problem for patients receiving NSAID. A rapid and simple derivative emission spectrofluorimetric method is proposed for the simultaneous analysis of this combination in their pharmaceutical preparation. The method is based upon measurement of the native fluorescence intensity of the two drugs at λex = 233 nm in acetonitrile. The emission data were differentiated using the first (D1) derivative technique. The plots of derivative fluorescence intensity versus concentration were rectilinear over a range of 2–35 and 0.4–8 µg/mL for both ibuprofen (IBU) and famotidine (FAM), respectively. The method was sensitive as the limits of detection were 0.51 and 0.12 µg/mL and limits of quantitation were 1.70 and 0.39 µg/mL, for IBU and FAM respectively. The proposed derivative emission spectrofluorimetric method was successfully applied for the determination of the two drugs in their synthetic mixtures and tablets with good accuracy and precision. The proposed method was validated as per ICH guidelines. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Presynaptic inhibition (PSI) has been shown to modulate several neuronal pathways of functional relevance by selectively gating the connections between sensory inputs and spinal motoneurons, thereby regulating the contribution of the stretch reflex circuitry to the ongoing motor activity. In this study, we investigated whether a differential regulation of Ia afferent inflow by PSI may be associated with the performance of two types of plantarflexion sensoriomotor tasks. The subjects (in a seated position) controlled either: 1) the force level exerted by the foot against a rigid restraint (force task, FT); or 2) the angular position of the ankle when sustaining inertial loads (position task, PT) that required the same level of muscle activation observed in FT. Subjects were instructed to maintain their force/position at target levels set at ~10% of maximum isometric voluntary contraction for FT and 90° for PT, while visual feedback of the corresponding force/position signals were provided. Unconditioned H-reflexes (i.e. control reflexes) and H-reflexes conditioned by electrical pulses applied to the common peroneal nerve with conditioning-to-test intervals of 21 ms and 100 ms (corresponding to D1 and D2 inhibitions, respectively) were evoked in a random fashion. A significant main effect for the type of the motor task (FT vs PT) (p = 0.005, η2 p = 0.603) indicated that PTs were undertaken with lower levels of Ia PSI converging onto the soleus motoneuron pool. Additionally, a significant interaction between the type of inhibition (D1 vs D2) and the type of motor task (FT vs PT) (p = 0.038, η2 p = 0.395) indicated that D1 inhibition was associated with a significant reduction in PSI levels from TF to TP (p = 0.001, η2 p = 0.731), whereas no significant difference between the tasks was observed for D2 inhibition (p = 0.078, η2 p = 0.305). These results suggest that D1 and D2 inhibitions of the soleus H-reflex are differentially modulated during the performance of plantarflexion FT and PT. The reduced level of ongoing PSI during PT suggests that, in comparison to FT, there is a larger reliance on inputs from muscle spindles primary afferents when the neuromuscular system is required to maintain position-controlled plantarflexion contractions.  相似文献   
This communication reports on the Mycetoma Research Centre of the University of Khartoum, Sudan experience on 6,792 patients seen during the period 1991–2014.The patients were predominately young (64% under 30 years old) males (76%). The majority (68%) were from the Sudan mycetoma belt and 28% were students. Madurella mycetomatis eumycetoma was the most common type (70%). In 66% of the patients the duration of the disease was less than five years, and 81% gave a history of sinuses discharging mostly black grains (78%). History of trauma at the mycetoma site was reported in 20%. Local pain was reported in 27% of the patients, and only 12% had a family history of mycetoma. The study showed that 57% of the patients had previous surgical excisions and recurrence, and only 4% received previous medical treatment for mycetoma. Other concomitant medical diseases were reported in 4% of the patients. The foot (76%) and hand (8%) were the most commonly affected sites. Less frequently affected sites were the leg and knee (7%), thigh (2%), buttock (2%) and arm and forearm (1%). Rare sites included the chest wall, head and neck, back, abdominal wall, perineum, oral cavity, tongue and eye. Multiple sites mycetoma was recorded in 135 (2%) of cases. At presentation, 37% of patients had massive lesions, 79% had sinuses, 8% had local hyper-hydrosis at the mycetoma lesion, 11% had regional lymphadenopathy, while 6% had dilated tortuous veins proximal to the mycetoma lesions. The diagnosis of mycetoma was established by combined imaging techniques and cytological, histopathological, serological tests and grain culture. Patients with actinomycetoma received a combination of antimicrobial agents, while eumycetoma patients received antifungal agents combined with various surgical excisions. Surgical excisions in the form of wide local excision, debridement or amputation were done in 807 patients, and of them 248 patients (30.7%) had postoperative recurrence. Different types of amputations were done in 120 patients (1.7%).  相似文献   
Mycetoma is a unique neglected tropical disease which is endemic in what is known as the “mycetoma belt”. The disease has many devastating impacts on patients and communities in endemic area and is characterised by massive deformity, destruction and disability. Mycetoma is commonly seen in the foot and hand and less frequent in other parts of the body. Mycetoma of the head and neck is a rarity and is associated with high morbidity and even mortality if not treated early. In this communication we report on 49 patients with head and neck mycetoma followed up at the Mycetoma Research Centre in Khartoum. Most of the reported patients had actinomycetoma and the majority were young adult males from mycetoma endemic areas in the Sudan. Most of them were students, farmers and workers. Prior to presentation the majority had long disease duration and the cause was multifactorial. Advanced disease with massive lesion, deformity and disability was the common presentation. There was no obvious history of local trauma, familial tendency or other predisposing factor identified in this group of patients. MRI and CT scan were the most accurate diagnostic tools to determine the disease extent. The treatment outcome was rather poor and characterised by low cure rate, poor outcome and high follows-up dropout. Such a gloomy outcome calls for structured and objective health education programs.  相似文献   
Tropical ectotherms are predicted to be especially vulnerable to climate change because their thermal tolerance limits generally lie close to current maximum air temperatures. This prediction derives primarily from studies on insects and lizards and remains untested for other taxa with contrasting ecologies. We studied the HCT (heat coma temperatures) and ULT (upper lethal temperatures) of 40 species of tropical eulittoral snails (Littorinidae and Neritidae) inhabiting exposed rocky shores and shaded mangrove forests in Oceania, Africa, Asia and North America. We also estimated extremes in animal body temperature at each site using a simple heat budget model and historical (20 years) air temperature and solar radiation data. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that HCT and ULT exhibit limited adaptive variation across habitats (mangroves vs. rocky shores) or geographic locations despite their contrasting thermal regimes. Instead, the elevated heat tolerance of these species (HCT = 44.5 ± 1.8°C and ULT = 52.1 ± 2.2°C) seems to reflect the extreme temperature variability of intertidal systems. Sensitivity to climate warming, which was quantified as the difference between HCT or ULT and maximum body temperature, differed greatly between snails from sunny (rocky shore; Thermal Safety Margin, TSM = −14.8 ± 3.3°C and −6.2 ± 4.4°C for HCT and ULT, respectively) and shaded (mangrove) habitats (TSM = 5.1 ± 3.6°C and 12.5 ± 3.6°C). Negative TSMs in rocky shore animals suggest that mortality is likely ameliorated during extreme climatic events by behavioral thermoregulation. Given the low variability in heat tolerance across species, habitat and geographic location account for most of the variation in TSM and may adequately predict the vulnerability to climate change. These findings caution against generalizations on the impact of global warming across ectothermic taxa and highlight how the consideration of nonmodel animals, ecological transitions, and behavioral responses may alter predictions of studies that ignore these biological details.  相似文献   
Seamounts are considered important sources of biodiversity and minerals. However, their biodiversity and health status are not well understood; therefore, potential conservation problems are unknown. The mesophotic reefs of the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain (VTC) were investigated via benthic community and fish surveys, metagenomic and water chemistry analyses, and water microbial abundance estimations. The VTC is a mosaic of reef systems and includes fleshy algae dominated rhodolith beds, crustose coralline algae (CCA) reefs, and turf algae dominated rocky reefs of varying health levels. Macro-carnivores and larger fish presented higher biomass at the CCA reefs (4.4 kg per frame) than in the rhodolith beds and rocky reefs (0.0 to 0.1 kg per frame). A larger number of metagenomic sequences identified as primary producers (e.g., Chlorophyta and Streptophyta) were found at the CCA reefs. However, the rocky reefs contained more diseased corals (>90%) than the CCA reefs (~40%) and rhodolith beds (~10%). Metagenomic analyses indicated a heterotrophic and fast-growing microbiome in rocky reef corals that may possibly lead to unhealthy conditions possibly enhanced by environmental features (e.g. light stress and high loads of labile dissolved organic carbon). VTC mounts represent important hotspots of biodiversity that deserve further conservation actions.  相似文献   
The suicide inactivation mechanism of tyrosinase acting on its substrates has been studied. The kinetic analysis of the proposed mechanism during the transition phase provides explicit analytical expressions for the concentrations of o-quinone against time. The electronic, steric and hydrophobic effects of the substrates influence the enzymatic reaction, increasing the catalytic speed by three orders of magnitude and the inactivation by one order of magnitude. To explain the suicide inactivation, we propose a mechanism in which the enzymatic form E(ox) (oxy-tyrosinase) is responsible for such inactivation. A key step might be the transfer of the C-1 hydroxyl group proton to the peroxide, which would act as a general base. Another essential step might be the axial attack of the o-diphenol on the copper atom. The rate constant of this reaction would be directly related to the strength of the nucleophilic attack of the C-1 hydroxyl group, which depends on the chemical shift of the carbon C-1 (delta(1)) obtained by (13)C-NMR. Protonation of the peroxide would bring the copper atoms together and encourage the diaxial nucleophilic attack of the C-2 hydroxyl group, facilitating the co-planarity with the ring of the copper atoms and the concerted oxidation/reduction reaction, and giving rise to an o-quinone. The suicide inactivation would occur if the C-2 hydroxyl group transferred the proton to the protonated peroxide, which would again act as a general base. In this case, the co-planarity between the copper atom, the oxygen of the C-1 and the ring would only permit the oxidation/reduction reaction on one copper atom, giving rise to copper(0), hydrogen peroxide and an o-quinone, which would be released, thus inactivating the enzyme.  相似文献   
The allochthonous detritus that accumulates in the substrate of streams is used by aquatic invertebrate shredders for shelter and food. Shredders are considered rare in tropical systems, and little information is available about the role of density effects and predation risk (associated with the perception of predators by prey) in relationship to the resources used by these organisms. The aim of this study was to examine experimentally the effects of increased predation risk and of the density of Phylloicus sp. (i.e. of two types of biological relationships) on the processing of the leaf litter of Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez. Phylloicus sp. can use leaf litter for case building and as a food resource. The density effect was measured using four treatments that differed only in the number of individuals (one, two, three or four). A second experiment with five treatments was performed to test the risk of non‐lethal predation on detritus consumption (shelter and food) by Phylloicus sp. (T1: Caddisfly; T2: Mayfly; T3: Astyanax sp./fish; T4: Damselflies; T5: Stonefly). A single Phylloicus and one other organism (a potential predator blocked with 0.5 mm fine mesh) were placed in each tank (0.002 m3 volume). We observed a negative effect of density on per capita litter consumption (experiment 1). The low density of Phylloicus may be a natural factor that decreases intraspecific competition. In the presence of fish, Phylloicus showed the lowest amount of litter processing observed in the experiment, indicating top‐down control (experiment 2). In treatments that involved the presence of invertebrates (non‐predatory and predatory), Phylloicus showed the highest amount and an intermediate amount of leaf litter processing, respectively (experiment 2). This observation also suggests that the predation effect is more probable for specific predator–prey pairs. Population density and predation risk in Phylloicus may be important factors controlling leaf litter processing.  相似文献   
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