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An enzyme-sensitive site assay has been used to examine the fate of closely opposed pyrimidine dimers (bifilar enzyme-sensitive sites) in fibroblasts from individuals afflicted with various genetic disorders that confer increased cellular sensitivity to UV radiation. The disappearance of bifilar enzyme-sensitive sites was found to be normal in cells from individuals with Fanconi's anemia, Cockayne's syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita and the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. The rate of bifilar enzyme-sensitive site removal in XP cells assigned to complementation group C was reduced by an amount similar to that observed for the repair of isolated dimers. Our results indicate that the initiation of repair at closely opposed dimers is slow in XP-C cells but normal in all other cells examined.  相似文献   
Studies were performed on five cats to assess the role of extrinsic vagal innervation in the control of peristalsis in the smooth muscle oesophagus. Transient vagal nerve blockade was accomplished by cooling the cervical vagosympathetic nerve trunks previously isolated in skin loops on each side of the neck. Peristalsis throughout the body of the oesophagus was monitored using a continuously perfused multilumen manometry tube. Striated and smooth muscle portions of the esophagus were delineated by abolishing smooth muscle activity with atropine. Secondary peristalsis was assessed by intra-oesophageal balloon distension studies. The threshold volume for balloon-induced secondary peristalsis was lower in the smooth muscle oesophagus. Unilateral vagal blockade reduced the incidence of primary and secondary peristalsis in the striated muscle oesophagus but not in the smooth muscle oesophagus. Bilateral vagal nerve blockade abolished primary swallow-induced peristalsis and secondary peristalsis in both the smooth and striated muscle cat oesophagus. Administration of cholinergic agents or adrenergic blocking agents failed to restore secondary peristalsis in the smooth muscle oesophagus during vagal cooling. We conclude that connections to the central nervous system via the vagal nerve trunks are required for normal secondary as well as primary peristalsis in both the smooth and striated muscle portions of the cat oesophagus.  相似文献   
A third metalloendopeptidase activity, gelatinase, has been completely separated from the collagenase and proteoglycanase activities of rabbit bone culture medium. Although the proteinase could not be purified to homogeneity in large amounts, it was possible to obtain accurate molecular weight values and activity after electrophoresis on non-reduced SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The latent form had an Mr of 65 000 which could be activated with 4-aminophenylmercuric acetate, APMA, to a form of Mr 61 000; under reducing conditions the latent and active forms had Mr of 72 000 and 65 000, respectively. Trypsin was a very poor activator of the latent enzyme. Gelatinase degraded gelatins derived from the interstitial collagens and it also had low activity on native types IV and V collagen and on insoluble elastin. Gelatinase acted synergistically with collagenase in degrading insoluble interstitial collagen. The specific mammalian tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases inhibited gelatinase by forming a stable inactive complex. Comparison of the properties of gelatinase with those of collagenase and proteoglycanase suggest that the three proteinases form a family which together are capable of degrading all the major macromolecules of connective tissue matrices.  相似文献   
Biosynthesis of the glycoprotein tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) by human fibroblasts in culture has been characterized by functional assays, immunoprecipitation, and immunocytochemistry with a monospecific antiserum. As determined by radiolabeling with [35S]methionine, immunoprecipitation, and analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the secreted form of TIMP had an Mr of 29,000, whereas the form associated with the cell layer had an Mr of 24,000. Unstimulated human lung fibroblasts (HFL-1) secreted TIMP at the rate of approximately 2 micrograms/10(6) cells/24 h, and normal foreskin fibroblasts (HS 27) and skin fibroblasts from a patient with Hurler's disease (GM 1391) secreted TIMP at 0.3 and 0.2 micrograms/10(6) cells/24 h, respectively. Secretion of TIMP was stimulated up to 10-fold by treating the cells with 20-100 ng/ml of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate or 10 units/ml of human interleukin 1. In the stimulated HFL-1 cells, TIMP accounted for 0.03-0.09% of the total [35S]methionine incorporated into protein, and 0.3-0.8% of the [35S]methionine in secreted protein. Although TIMP accounted for a relatively small proportion of total protein synthesis of the fibroblasts, greater than 80% of untreated and greater than 95% of stimulated fibroblasts synthesized TIMP, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. The treatments of the human fibroblasts that increased TIMP secretion also induced synthesis and secretion of proenzyme forms of collagenase, indicating that degradative enzymes and their controlling inhibitors may be synthesized in parallel under certain conditions.  相似文献   
The opiate antagonist naloxone increases arterial pressure, maximal left ventricular dp/dt and cardiac output when administered to dogs subjected to hemorrhagic shock. The purpose of this study was to investigate regional blood flow changes associated with naloxone treatment in anesthetized hypovolemic and normovolemic dogs. Hypovolemic dogs (n = 10) were bled over 30 min (t = -30 to t = 0) to a pressure of 45 mm Hg which was maintained for 1 hr. At t = 60, five dogs received naloxone (2 mg/kg + 2 mg/kg X hr), and five received an equal volume of saline. Regional blood flows were determined at t = -30, 45, and 90 min using 15-micron microspheres. Normovolemic dogs (n = 10) were subjected to the same protocol except they were not bled. During hypovolemia, naloxone produced significant increases in myocardial, intestinal, hepatic, and adrenal blood flows whereas saline treatment did not. No significant changes in skin, muscle, fat, pancreatic, renal, or brain flows were detected. The increases in blood flow were not associated with significant changes in vascular resistance. Naloxone had no significant effects on any hemodynamic parameter during normovolemia. The beneficial effects of naloxone in hemorrhagic shock include increased blood flow to vital organs due to increased perfusion pressure which is secondary to improved cardiac performance.  相似文献   
Weanling and perinatal rats were rendered vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)-deficient. The rat pups were nursed from vitamin B-6-deficient or -sufficient dams and were killed at day 15 after parturition. The weanling rats were fed vitamin B-6-deficient or -sufficient diets and were killed after 5 weeks of treatment. Lung elastin from the groups of rats was then studied with respect to its content of lysine-derived cross-linking amino acids. Lung lysyl oxidase activity was also measured. B-6 deficiency decreased the number of lysine residues in elastin that were converted into the cross-linking amino acid precursor allysine. However, a more significant defect in cross-link formation was an apparent block in the condensation steps leading to the formation of desmosine. Desmosine was decreased, with an increase in the amounts of aldol condensation products (aldol CP) in elastin. It is proposed that the elevation in aldol CP results from the formation of thiazines, which are produced from the reaction between aldehyde and homocysteine. The concentration of homocysteine is significantly elevated in vitamin B-6-deficient rats.  相似文献   
A double blind trial was conducted in 477 mothers in labour to compare the antiemetics metoclopramide 10 mg and promethazine 25 mg and placebo when added to the first dose of pethidine. Metoclopramide and promethazine were equally effective, and both better than placebo, in reducing the incidence of nausea and vomiting after the administration of pethidine. Seventy seven per cent of mothers were drowsy, and 8% slept in the hour after the pethidine injection, with no difference between the groups. The sedative effect was more persistent in the promethazine group, 66% of whom were still drowsy after delivery. One third of the mothers in each group needed further analgesia, with 77% of these ultimately requesting an epidural. The reduction in pain half an hour and one hour after pethidine, assessed by a visual analogue scale, were, respectively, 22% and 22% for placebo; 26% and 23% for metoclopramide; 13% and 9% for promethazine. Analgesia after metoclopramide was significantly better than that after promethazine in terms of pain score, duration of first injection, and need for Entonox. Metoclopramide is therefore to be preferred to promethazine as an antiemetic in labour.  相似文献   
The RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for excision of pyrimidine dimers and is essential for viability. We present the nucleotide sequence of the RAD3 protein coding region and its flanking regions, and the deduced primary structure of the RAD3 protein. In addition, we have mapped the 5' end of RAD3 mRNA. The predicted RAD3 protein contains 778 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 89,779. A segment of the RAD3 protein shares homology with several adenine nucleotide binding proteins, suggesting that RAD3 protein may react with ATP. The twenty carboxyl terminal amino acids of RAD3 protein are predominantly acidic; however, deletion of this acidic region has no obvious effect on viability or DNA repair.  相似文献   
Summary Survivorship, fecundity, and seed bank size were measured over two years in alpine populations of the annuals, Koenigia islandica, Polygonum confertiflorum, and P. douglasii. The major loss of individuals from all populations occurred between seed dispersal and germination. Survival of vegetative plants to maturity was high in all species, usually above 80%, and the average number of seeds produced per plant was less than 10 in all species in both years. Seed banks existed for all three species but were small since more than 80% of the viable seeds in the soil germinated in the spring. Both survival and fecundity were negatively correlated with density in P. confertiflorum. These patterns of population dynamics are similar to those found in many annuals of temperate environments.  相似文献   
A wasting disease was found in 32 athymic nude rats. The rats had parotid sialoadenitis with intranuclear inclusion bodies in ductal and acinar epithelial cells. Other common lesions included bronchitis, bronchiolitis and secondary bacterial pneumonia. Less commonly, rhinitis and Harderian adenitis were seen. Intranuclear inclusions were also seen in bronchial epithelium of 1 rat, Harderian gland acini of 1 rat and laryngeal glands of 2 rats. Viral particles, averaging 45 nm in diameter, sometimes in crystalline arrays, were found in the nucleus of parotid epithelial cells. By the use of the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) immunoperoxidase technique, antibodies to disrupted SV40 virus (the group specific antigen of the polyomavirus (miopapovavirus) genus of the papovavirus family) reacted with intranuclear inclusions and cytoplasm of parotid epithelium and inclusions in lung and Harderian gland. The viral antigen did not cross react with antibodies to mouse polyoma, mouse K or disrupted bovine papilloma viruses.  相似文献   
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