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Maturation and fertilization of the starfish oocyte are putative calcium-dependent events. We have investigated the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of this calcium dependence in single oocytes of Asterias forbesi. We used the calcium photoprotein, aequorin, in conjunction with a microscope-photomultiplier and microscope-image intensifier. Surprisingly, in contrast to earlier work with Marasthenias glacialis, there is no detectable increase in intracellular-free calcium in the oocyte of A. forbesi in response to the maturation hormone 1-methyl adenine. During fertilization of the same, matured, A. forbesi oocyte there is a large increase in intracellular-free calcium. The calcium concentration increases to approximately 1 microM at the point of insemination and the region of elevated free calcium expands across the oocyte in approximately 20 s (17-19 degrees C). After the entire oocyte reaches an elevated concentration of free calcium, the concentration decreases uniformly throughout the oocyte over the next several minutes.  相似文献   
Six transplantable large granular lymphocyte (LGL) tumor lines in F344 rats were examined for natural killer (NK) and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Tumor cells from all six lines were highly cytotoxic, even at low effector to target ratios, when tested against NK-susceptible targets, but were unreactive against an NK-resistant target (C58NT)D) and a macrophage-susceptible target (P815). Three lines showed significant levels of lysis against antibody-coated tumor cells. After in vivo transplantation, the levels of cytotoxicity steadily increased in three lines and decreased in one. The cytotoxic activity of one line (RNK-16) remained high through 12 transplant generations. Tumor cells injected i.p. spread via the lymphatics to regional lymph nodes, mediastinal nodes, blood, and eventually the bone marrow. Leukemia occurred concurrently with organ enlargement and increased levels of NK. Studies in (F344 X W/Fu)F1 rats clearly demonstrated that the cytotoxic cells from leukemic animals were the transplanted tumor cells themselves and not merely the activation of normal host LGL. These results demonstrate that naturally occurring, transplantable LGL leukemias are an easily obtainable and excellent source of materials for those studies requiring a large number of functionally active LGL.  相似文献   
To evaluate the role of NK cell granules in the lytic activity of NK cells, cytoplasmic granules of rat NK tumors were purified by centrifugation of the cell homogenates in a Percoll gradient. Analysis of such gradients showed a band of light-scattering material near the bottom of the tube; assay of gradient fractions for lytic activity against SRBC showed a potent lytic activity giving a sharp peak in this region. Complete lysis of SRBC was achieved with less than 1 microgram/ml protein of the most active fractions. Examination in the electron microscope showed that a pool of fractions containing lytic activity consisted of pure cytoplasmic granules showing similar morphology to those found in the LGL tumors. The lytic band was associated with a peak in the activity of four different lysosomal enzymes. Analysis of Percoll gradient fractions showed that marker enzymes for mitochondria, plasma membrane, and cytosol were well separated from this activity peak. Analysis of the Percoll gradient fractions by SDS gel electrophoresis showed that this granule fraction was free of contamination of proteins from other parts of the gradient. The granules contained major protein bands of 62, 58, 30, 29, and 28 kilodaltons. In addition to protein, the purified granule fractions contain hexose and uronic acid, but no nucleic acids or phospholipids were detected in chemical assays. Major amounts of chymotryptic, tryptic, and elastase activities were not present, nor were peroxidase or lysozyme activities detectable in substantial amounts. These data show that NK tumor cell cytoplasmic granules contain a potent lytic activity and have biochemical properties that distinguish them from granules present in granulocytes and mast cells.  相似文献   
Reynolds J  Weir BS  Cockerham CC 《Genetics》1983,105(3):767-779
A distance measure for populations diverging by drift only is based on the coancestry coefficient θ, and three estimators of the distance D = -ln(1 - θ) are constructed for multiallelic, multilocus data. Simulations of a monoecious population mating at random showed that a weighted ratio of single-locus estimators performed better than an unweighted average or a least squares estimator. Jackknifing over loci provided satisfactory variance estimates of distance values. In the drift situation, in which mutation is excluded, the weighted estimator of D appears to be a better measure of distance than others that have appeared in the literature.  相似文献   
Proliferative and protein synthetic activities of phagocytic cells of specific fibre tracts of the periodontium of C57Bl mice were employing autoradiographic techniques; these were combined with a histochemical technique for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a marker for phagocytic activity. Animals were injected either with [3H]thymidine as a marker for proliferative activity, or with [3H]proline as a marker for protein synthetic activity prior to HRP injection. Blocks from the maxillae of experimental and control animals were fixed, decalcified, and sectioned at 50 micrometers. These were incubated with HRP localization media, dehydrated and flat embedded in Epon 812 wafers. The entire length of the periodontium, including adjacent tooth and bone, were selectively cut from the wafers, mounted on epoxy blocks and serially sectioned at 2 micrometers. Slides containing these sections were then dipped in NTB-3 nuclear track emulsion, and after appropriate exposure times, were developed and post-stained. Sections were examined microscopically, employing an ocular grid, and phagocytic cells within each area examined were delineated as either 'fibroblast-like' (FL cells) or 'endothelial/macrophage-like' (EML cells) according to criteria such as morphology, location, orientation and proximity to a vascular channel. They were then subclassified as labelled or unlabelled with respect to the autoradiographic markers. The thymidine labelling index obtained for non-phagocytic FL cells was 3.09%; this was more than twice that for phagocytic FL cells (1.35%). Similarly phagocytic FL cells in all regions studied incorporated less than half as much [3H]proline as did their non-phagocytic counterparts. This was determined by silver grain counts over HRP-stained and unstained cells using a matched pair system. In addition, the variation of the relative number of phagocytic FL cells in specific fibre tracts suggested a relationship to functional demand. The distribution of these cells was closely related to experimentally determined rates of protein turnover. Phagocytic FL cells have a markedly reduced proliferative rate and synthesize proline-containing proteins at a reduced rate. This may reflect protein production primarily for the purpose of cell maintenance. These findings are consistent with the presence of subpopulations of fibroblasts (or fibrocytes) developmentally or functionally modified for phagocytosis; alternatively, this could signify modulation of fibroblasts from primarily biosynthetic activities to degradative functions in response to varying microenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   
Using the adult Calliphora bioassay, we found that the tanning hormone, bursicon, is present in the blood of pupal and adult Tenebrio only at the time of ecdysis, when it is released massively from the thoracic and abdominal central nervous system. The hormone's half life in the blood is short (about 1–2 h). Contrary to the findings of other workers, we could find no evidence for the presence of the hormone in the haemolymph during pharate adult development, before ecdysis begins. When newly ecdysed pupae were ligated about the neck, adult development of the thorax and abdomen proceeded normally, but postecdysial tanning of the adult cuticle was almost completely prevented. This failure to tan was not due to lack of bursicon as the hormone was released normally in the ligated animals at the time of ecdysis. This suggests that a pre-ecdysial signal may be required for the development of epidermal competence to respond to bursicon.  相似文献   
Glutamine uptake was examined in isolated renal brush-border and basolateral-membrane vesicles from control and acidotic rats. In brush-border vesicles from acidotic animals, there was a significant increase in the initial rate of glutamine uptake compared with that in controls. Lowering the pH of the medium increased the initial rate of glutamine uptake in brush-border vesicles from acidotic, but not from control, rats. In brush-border vesicles from both groups of animals, two saturable transport systems mediated glutamine uptake. There was a 2-fold increase in the Vmax. of the low-affinity high-capacity system in the brush-border vesicles from the acidotic animals compared with that from control animals, with no alteration in the other kinetic parameters. There was no difference in glutamine uptake by the two saturable transport systems in basolateral vesicles from control and acidotic animals. Lowering the incubation-medium pH increased the uptake of glutamine by basolateral vesicles from both control and acidotic rats to a similar extent. The data indicate that during acidosis there are alterations in glutamine transport by both the basolateral and brush-border membrane which could enhance its uptake by the renal-tubule cell for use in ammoniagenesis.  相似文献   
Reproductive patterns of five species, from three families, of small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana showed several similar features. These included sex size defferences, males maturing and reaching final sizes smaller than females; heterogenous sex ratios in four species, being most markedly unequal usually at peak breeding times; demersal eggs; and extended fractional spawning patterns. The clupeids Pellonula and Cynothrissa and the cyprinid Barilius all breed in the dry season, whereas the schilbeids Physailia and Siluranodon are wet-season spawners. Only Pellonula and Physailia have extended their breeding season in the new lake to cover most of the year; the other species have not, although Siluranodon spawns into the early dry season. In the lake environment Pellonula's pelagic larva is no longer endangered by seasonal floods, whereas Physailia can use the lake's continuous “high waters” for extended breeding. Relaxation of breeding patterns and protracted fractional spawning has allowed best exploitation of the new regime.  相似文献   
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