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The cytokinin group of plant hormones regulates aspects of plant growth and development, including the release of lateral buds from apical dominance and the delay of senescence. In this work the native promoter of a cytokinin synthase gene (ipt) was removed and replaced with a Cu-controllable promoter. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv tabacum) transformed with this Cu-inducible ipt gene (Cu-ipt) was morphologically identical to controls under noninductive conditions in almost all lines produced. However, three lines grew in an altered state, which is indicative of cytokinin overproduction and was confirmed by a full cytokinin analysis of one of these lines. The in vitro treatment of morphologically normal Cu-ipt transformants with Cu2+ resulted in delayed leaf senescence and an increase in cytokinin concentration in the one line analyzed. In vivo, inductive conditions resulted in a significant release of lateral buds from apical dominance. The morphological changes seen during these experiments may reflect the spatial aspect of control exerted by this gene expression system, namely expression from the root tissue only. These results confirmed that endogenous cytokinin concentrations in tobacco transformants can be temporally and spatially controlled by the induction of ipt gene expression through the Cu-controllable gene-expression system.  相似文献   
Migration is widespread among marine fishes, yet little is known about variation in the migration of individuals within localities. We tested the hypothesis that variation in the migratory behaviour among plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea could be explained by large‐scale differences in the speed and directions of the tidal streams, which the fish use as a transport mechanism. Towards this end, 752 mature female plaice tagged with electronic data storage tags were released at eight locations with contrasting tidal flow properties, between December 1993 and September 1999. The experiment yielded 20 403 days of data from 145 plaice. The position of each fish was determined at intervals throughout the liberty period using the tidal location method. The results show 3 geographically discrete feeding aggregations during the summer, which dispersed over the southern North Sea and Eastern English Channel to spawn during winter. Our results re‐affirmed the major role of the tidal streams in the southern North Sea in structuring plaice dispersion, both by providing transport and guidance, and by delimiting the extent of distribution due to thermal stratification during the summer. These results confirm the prediction that large‐scale variation in migration behaviour can be explained in part by the tidal guidance and transport mechanisms available. They have revealed features of spatial dynamics not previously observed from a century of conventional tagging experiments and illustrate how the study of individual fish can successfully define the migratory characteristics of populations.  相似文献   
In classical and multi-clutch polyandry, females lay multiple clutches during a breeding season for more than one mate. The production of multiple clutches may be energetically demanding. We used comparative analyses to investigate three possible ways of reducing such egg-laying costs in polyandrous shorebirds: (1) reduction in egg size, (2) reduction in clutch size, and (3) evolutionary increase in female size. Paired comparisons of polyandrous and non-polyandrous taxa showed that females of polyandrous shorebirds lay smaller eggs than females of closely related monogamous and polygynous species. Directional analyses corroborated this result by indicating a significant decrease in egg size after phylogenetically independent origins of polyandry. The comparative analyses uniformly rejected the two alternatives, i.e. neither clutch size nor female size is related to social mating pattern. We also tested and rejected three alternative explanations for reduced egg size in polyandrous taxa. First, we found no evidence that polyandrous females have evolved smaller egg sizes in response to selection to match smaller size of males, which provide the parental care in these species. Second, reduction in egg size was not related to longer breeding seasons (and hence more opportunity for re-nesting). Third, reduced egg sizes were also not related to rates of clutch predation (another potential correlate of multiple clutch production). Our results are thus consistent with the hypothesis that selection for reducing laying costs explains small egg size in socially polyandrous shorebirds.  相似文献   
Aerial surveys ( n = 88) were used to document locations and count sightings of manatees ( Trichechus manatus latirostris ) in the inshore waters of Tampa Bay, Florida, between November 1987 and May 1994. We made 5,358 sightings of manatees in 1,958 groups. Calves represented 8% of the manatees sighted. Counts were significantly higher in winter ( = 79, n = 29 flights) than in non-winter ( = 46, n = 47) months. Counts of manatees in winter increased significantly during the study, but warm-season counts did not. Regression models demonstrated a relationship between counts and environmental factors. Year-round counts were related to air temperatures and seasons, with highest counts in winter. However, in the winter season, counts were significantly correlated only with wind speed, not air temperature. Yearround counts were predicted to be curvilinear with highest counts at 15°C average air temperature. Areas used differed with season: in cold weather, 76% of all sightings occurred in zones with warm-water sources. High-use areas were identified for summer months. Spatial filter analysis was used to compare manatee density in high-use areas between two two-year time periods. The data indicate that (1) manatee use of Tampa Bay was high and increasing in winter, (2) there are particular zones of the bay where conservation of manatees and habitat should be a priority, and (3) sufficient information has been collected for management agencies to develop and implement manatee protection plans.  相似文献   
Many conclusions concerning plant responses to CO2 enrichment have been based on assumptions of increased leaf size derived from observations of average leaf area measured at some time well into the growth period. The objectives of this study were to study the effect of elevated CO2 on 1) the timing of mainstem leaflet appearance, 2) the rate and duration of leaflet expansion, and 3) the final area of individual leaflets of soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Bragg) grown from seed at 348, 502, and 645 μl 1–1 CO2 concentrations. Central leaflet areas from mainstem trifoliolates 1–6 were measured every two days from time of appearance to full expansion. Leaflets tended to appear earlier in elevated CO2 treatments; leaflets 2 through 6 appeared an average of 0.4 days earlier in the 502 μl 1–1 treatment and 1.2 days earlier in the 645 μl 1–1 treatment than in the 349 μl 1–1 treatment. Relative rates of expansion were different among leaflets in their response to elevated CO2; expansion rates of leaflets 1 and 4 were significantly higher at the highest CO2 concentration. However, final area of leaflets was not affected by CO2, or (in leaflet 5 only) was slightly smaller at the highest CO2 treatment. Apparently, higher expansion rates of leaflets 1 and 4 at high CO2 were offset by a tendency for decreased duration of expansion. It appears that there are morphological constraints on final leaflet area in soybean seedlings which limit the effects of elevated CO2 on the early development of mainstem leaf area.  相似文献   
Two studies were conducted to evaluate microbial populations in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Captina silt loam was freshly exposed to (1) 0 or 2000?mg pyrene/kg and sampled after 10- and 61-wk incubation and (2) 0 or 505?mg pyrene + 445?mg phenanthrene/kg and sampled after a 21-wk incubation. Microbial numbers were determined by plate-count techniques. Isolated bacteria, selected degraders, and wholesoil extracts were analyzed by fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME). In the pyrene experiment, pyrene did not affect total bacterial or fungal numbers, but pyrene degraders increased from undetectable levels to 7.09 log10 degraders/g in the contaminated soil. The FAME analysis of bacterial isolates detected no pyrene effect, but wholesoil FAME indicated an increase in the contaminated soil of a fatty acid characteristic of protozoa and a major fatty acid detected in isolated degraders. In the pyrene + phenanthrene experiment, the contaminants had no impact on bacterial, fungal, or actinomycete numbers but increased degrader numbers. No effect of pyrene + phenanthrene was detected by isolate FAME, but whole-soil FAME indicated an effect similar to that in the pyrene experiment. The results indicate that pyrene, although not impacting microbial numbers, may have altered the soil microbial composition and that Captina silt loam can develop an effective degrader population under tested conditions.  相似文献   
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