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The (Na+,k+)ATPase from the rectal gland of Carcharhinus obscurus has been solubilized in Lubrol WX as an active complex containing 379,900 g of protein and 61 mol of phospholipid. This detergent-lipid-protein complex contains two catalytic subunits of molecular weight 106,400 and four glycopeptide subunits of protein molecular weight 36,600. The latter subunit has a total molecular weight of 51,700 when the carbohydrate is included. Attempts to dissociate this active enzyme complex to smaller size by increasing the detergent concentration led to inactivation. Thus, the smallest active particle in the presence of Lubrol WX contains the two polypeptide subunits in a mole ratio of 2:4 under conditions where the micellar form of detergent is present at a 70:1 molar ratio. This large excess of Lubrol WX eliminates any possibility of artificial togetherness as the result of statistical considerations.  相似文献   
Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) were placed in aquaria where their locomotor activity was monitored by photocells, and tested at various acclimation temperatures over a range encompassing their final thermal preferenda. Activity was pooled over 24-hour periods to eliminate any circadian rhythm effects. Both species exhibited an activity well of reduced locomotor activity in the region of the final preferendum. Goldfish, tested either singly or in groups of 2–5 individuals, exhibited a social-interaction effect which became more pronounced at higher temperatures. These results are discussed in relation to a thermokinetic interpretation of thermo-regulatory behavior in fishes, and to the correspondence between thermal preferenda and thermal optima.  相似文献   
Twenty bluespotted sunfish, Enneacanthus gloriosus, were individually tested for thermoregulatory behavior in an electronic shuttlebox. The first fishes of this genus to be tested for thermoregulatory behavior, these individuals were captured near the northern limit of their zoogeographic range, in northeastern Pennsylvania. The mean final preferendum from pooled data of all 20 fish was 28.5°C; there were no significant differences between day and night.  相似文献   
The possibility that clusters containing the Fe4S4 core unit found in a wide variety of proteins can effect reductive transformations of Fe-S enzyme substrates has been investigated using the reduced synthetic clusters [Fe4S4(SPh)4]3- and acetylene, an alternate nitrogenase substrate. The system [Fe4S4(SPh)4]3-/acetic acid/acetic anhydride in N-methylpyrollidinone at approximately 25 degrees was found to reduce acetylene homogeneously to ethylene, and in the presence of a deuterium source to afford as the principal stereochemical product cis-1,2-C2H2D2. No appreciable reduction was found using the oxidized cluster [Fe4S4(SPh)4]2-. The system is not catalytic and departs from the strict stoichiometry of the reaction, 2[Fe4S4(SPh)4]3- + C2H2 + 2H+ leads to 2 [Fe4S4(SPh)4]2- + C2H4, primarily because of a competing cluster oxidation reaction which could not be eliminated. Based on this reaction ca. 60% conversion of acetylene to ethylene was achieved. A reaction sequence based on absorption and 1H nmr spectral observations and product stereo-chemistry is suggested. The results demonstrate that biologically related, reduced Fe4S4 clusters can effect reduction of at least one Fe-S enzyme substrate, and raise the general possibility of substrate transformation with such clusters as reaction sites in biological systems.  相似文献   
The adhesive interaction between the ectosymbionts of the corn cob configuration (CCC), a naturally occurring bacterial consortium in human dental plaque, was studied. In vitro association was produced in mixed cultures consisting ofBacterionema matruchotii and streptococci resemblingStreptococcus sanguis previously isolated from human CCC. Phase-contrast, selective immunofluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy showed that in this aggregative system, a tuftlike polar structure typical of the coccal epibiont mediated binding to the core filament. This aggregative model provides evidence that a specialized structure on the cell surface of epiphytic organisms may participate in interbacterial adherence.  相似文献   
Largemouth (Micropterus salmoide) and smallmouth (M. dolomieui) blackbasses tested in an electronic shuttlebox exhibited behavioral thermoregulatory rhythms which were temporally complementary. With a LD 12 : 12 photoperiod, M. dolomieui exhibited a preferred-temperature peak of 30.1°C during the latter portion of the photophase, when M. salmoides reached a minimum of 27.1°C. M. dolomieui exhibited a minimum of 26.6°C during the latter portion of scotophase, while M. salmoides remained at a significantly higher plateau of about 29°C, with a peak of 29.5°C at the midpoint of scotophase. The phase relations of the thermoregulatory rhythms relative to photoperiod suggest that they are endogenously timed circadian rhythms entrained by photoperiod. The thermotemporal complementarity of these rhythms suggests an aspect of niche segregation between these largely sympatric congeneric species.  相似文献   
Ammocoete larvae of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, a member of the primitive vertebrate class Agnatha, were tested for thermoregulatory behavior in an electronic shuttlebox (ichthyotron). The final preferendum derived from pooled data for 24 individually tested ammocoetes was characterized by a mean of 13.6 ± 0.17 (s.e.m.)°C, a mode and median of 140°C, and a range of voluntarily occupied temperatures from 10–19°C over a 3-day period.  相似文献   
Total mercury concentration was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in 100 maternal-umbilical cord blood pairs, 39 placentae, and 32 breast milk samples, all from patients at the University of Iowa Hospitals. The mean maternal and cord blood levels were 1.01 and 1.24 parts per billion (ppb), respectively. Though the difference between maternal and cord values was not statistically significant, the two were significantly correlated with each other, and maternal blood level increased significantly with maternal age. Mean placental and milk concentrations were 2.28 and 0.93 ppb, respectively. The mercury levels in this study were lower than those reported from elsewhere, probably reflecting a combination of methodological refinement and relatively low mercury exposure in a rural population whose diet is low in fish consumption. These low levels suggest that the risk of perinatal mercury damage is small in such a population.  相似文献   
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