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Previous work has shown that tree turnover, tree biomass and large liana densities have increased in mature tropical forest plots in the late twentieth century. These results point to a concerted shift in forest ecological processes that may already be having significant impacts on terrestrial carbon stocks, fluxes and biodiversity. However, the findings have proved controversial, partly because a rather limited number of permanent plots have been monitored for rather short periods. The aim of this paper is to characterize regional-scale patterns of 'tree turnover' (the rate with which trees die and recruit into a population) by using improved datasets now available for Amazonia that span the past 25 years. Specifically, we assess whether concerted changes in turnover are occurring, and if so whether they are general throughout the Amazon or restricted to one region or environmental zone. In addition, we ask whether they are driven by changes in recruitment, mortality or both. We find that: (i) trees 10 cm or more in diameter recruit and die twice as fast on the richer soils of southern and western Amazonia than on the poorer soils of eastern and central Amazonia; (ii) turnover rates have increased throughout Amazonia over the past two decades; (iii) mortality and recruitment rates have both increased significantly in every region and environmental zone, with the exception of mortality in eastern Amazonia; (iv) recruitment rates have consistently exceeded mortality rates; (v) absolute increases in recruitment and mortality rates are greatest in western Amazonian sites; and (vi) mortality appears to be lagging recruitment at regional scales. These spatial patterns and temporal trends are not caused by obvious artefacts in the data or the analyses. The trends cannot be directly driven by a mortality driver (such as increased drought or fragmentation-related death) because the biomass in these forests has simultaneously increased. Our findings therefore indicate that long-acting and widespread environmental changes are stimulating the growth and productivity of Amazon forests.  相似文献   
We formulate two single-locus Mendelian models, one for androdioecy and the other one for gynodioecy, each with 3 parameters: t the male (female) fertility rate of males (females) to hermaphrodites, s the fraction of the progeny derived from selfing; and g the fitness of inbreeders. Each model is expressed as a transformation of a 3 dimensional zygotic algebra, which we interpret as a rational map of the projective plane. We then study the dynamics for the evolution of each reproductive system; and compare our results with similar published models. In this process, we introduce a general concept of fitness and list some of its properties, obtaining a relative measure of population growth, computable as an eigenvalue of a mixed mating transformation for a population in equilibrium. Our results concur with previous models of the evolution of androdioecy and gynodioecy regarding the threshold values above which the sexual polymophism is stable, although the previous models assume constant the fraction of ovules from hermaphrodites that are self pollinated, while we assume constant the fraction of the progeny derived from selfing. A stable androdioecy requires more stringent conditions than a stable gynodioecy if the amount of pollen used for selfing is negligible in comparison with the total amount of pollen produced by hermaphrodites. Otherwise, both models are identical. We show explicitly that the genotype fitnesses depend linearly on their frequencies. Simulations show that any population not at equilibrium always converges to the equilibrium point of higher fitness. However, at intermediate steps, the fitness function occasionally decreases.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to investigate the in vitro effects of octanoic acid, which accumulates in medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency and in Reye syndrome, on key enzyme activities of energy metabolism in the cerebral cortex of young rats. The activities of the respiratory chain complexes I–IV, creatine kinase, and Na+, K+-ATPase were evaluated. Octanoic acid did not alter the electron transport chain and creatine kinase activities, but, in contrast, significantly inhibited Na+, K+-ATPase activity both in synaptic plasma membranes and in homogenates prepared from cerebral cortex. Furthermore, decanoic acid, which is also increased in MCAD deficiency, and oleic acid strongly reduced Na+, K+-ATPase activity, whereas palmitic acid had no effect. We also examined the effects of incubating glutathione and trolox (-tocopherol) alone or with octanoic acid on Na+, K+-ATPase activity. Tested compounds did not affect Na+, K+-ATPase activity by itself, but prevented the inhibitory effect of octanoic acid. These results suggest that inhibition of Na+, K+-ATPase activity by octanoic acid is possibly mediated by oxidation of essential groups of the enzyme. Considering that Na+, K+-ATPase is critical for normal brain function, it is feasible that the significant inhibition of this enzyme activity by octanoate and also by decanoate may be related to the neurological dysfunction found in patients affected by MCAD deficiency and Reye syndrome.  相似文献   
Spinosad was evaluated in Hawaii as a replacement for organophosphate insecticides (naled, dichlorvos [DDVP], and malathion) in methyl eugenol and cue-lure bucket traps to attract and kill oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, and melon fly, B. cucurbitae Coquillett, respectively. In the first and second methyl eugenol trials with B. dorsalis, naled was in the highest rated group for all evaluation periods (at 5, 10, 15, and 20 wk). Spinosad was equal to naled at 5 and 10 wk during both trials 1 and 2, and compared favorably with malathion during trial 2. During the first cue-lure trial with B. cucurbitae, naled and malathion were in the top rated group at 5, 10, 15, and 20 wk. Spinosad was equal to naled at 5 wk. During the second cue-lure trial, spinosad and naled were both in the top rated group at 10, 15, and 20 wk. Use of male lure traps with methyl eugenol or cue-lure had no effect on attraction of females into test areas. Our results suggest that spinosad, although not as persistent as naled or malathion, is safer to handle and a more environmentally friendly substitute for organophosphate insecticides in methyl eugenol and cue-lure traps for use in B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae areawide integrated pest management programs in Hawaii.  相似文献   
Vargas VM 《Mutation research》2003,544(2-3):313-319
Atmospheric pollution has significant effects on maintaining the integrity of ecosystems and on the population's quality of life. Epidemiological studies have clearly associated related health problems, especially respiratory diseases, with exposure to air pollution. Organic compounds adsorbed to the airborne particulate matter are mutagenic in the Salmonella/microsome assay, and a considerable number of them are known to be carcinogenic to rodents. Studies performed at four sites within the urban area of Porto Alegre, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, identified higher mutagenic activity at the sites with heavier vehicle traffic in assays without and with metabolic activation. The responses varied at different seasons of the year, and the highest revertants per cubic meter (rev/m(3)) values were observed in spring for moderately polar compounds, and in summer for non-polar ones. A pilot study was also performed in the region under the influence of a industrial petrochemical area. Most of the sites studied within the industrial area, as compared to others sampled in the nearby environment, presented higher levels of mutagenic activity independent of total suspended particulates (TSP) concentration in the sample. In the urban and industrial regions, the observed mutagenic activities were strongly associated with the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The responses observed in the TA98NR and TA98/1,8-DNP(6) strains suggest the activity of nitrocompounds in both studies. The Salmonella/microsome assay is a sensitive method to define areas contaminated by these compounds, even in samples with TSP values that are consistent with the legal environmental quality standards.  相似文献   
Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is an autoimmune disease of as yet unknown etiology. To date it has remained obscure what causes WG or determines disease progression. Case reports suggest that viral infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) reactivation may contribute to disease flares. In this study we found a skewing of the phenotype of CMV-specific CD8+tet(ramer)+ T-cells in WG. A marked proportion of these cells displayed a late differentiated "effector memory" T-cell phenotype with decreased expression of CD28 and CD62L, and heterogeneous CD27 expression, features which were also seen in CD8+tet- T-cells in WG, but not in controls. Our results might reflect profound generalized changes in the CD8+ T-cell compartment also affecting virus-specific T-cell responses in WG.  相似文献   
The identification of fetal abnormal chromosomes in high risk pregnancies allows proper pediatric and obstetric management of the cases as well as genetic counseling. The results of 842 genetic amniocentesis from 1986 to 1999 are reported. All procedures were performed transabdominally and under ultrasound guidance, in hospitals of the social security system and in private facilities. There were two main reasons for referral: abnormal ultrasound assessment (48% of cases) and advanced maternal age (35%). Most procedures (66%) were performed during the second trimester of pregnancy and 34% during the third trimester. Fetal cells were closed cultured and suspension harvested. Median turn around time was 14 days. In 217 amniotic fluid samples no diagnosis could be obtained, mainly due to absence of cell growth in late gestation samples or because of blood contamination. Of 625 fetal karyotypes 55 (9%) were abnormal, due to 33 trisomies (including a Robertsonian translocation trisomy 13), eight cases of monosomy X, three mosaics (including a mosaic trisomy 22), balanced and unbalanced translocations, extra structurally abnormal chromosomes and other defects. Pseudomosaicism was detected in five cases. Taking into account the reason for referral, cases studied as a result of abnormal ultrasound assessment exhibited 17% abnormal karyotypes, in contrast to 2.5% cytogenetic defects in pregnancies of women 35 years or older. Prenatal cytogenetic and sonographic findings correlated with the phenotype of the newborn in 211 cases available for follow-up. Prenatal diagnosis of fetal defects allowed genetic counseling as well as better obstetric management and pediatric care. Normal results of both tests provided reassurance to prospective parents.  相似文献   
This is the first record of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum in a red tide bloom in the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The sample was collected on April 2000 at Culebra Bay, Gulf of Papagayo, from a patch of aproximatly 2000 m2, which produced a red discoloration of the water and a peculiar strong odor. This species produces spherical hypnocysts that may remain for decades when dark or anoxic conditions are present; L. polyedrum had been associated with the production of paralyzing toxins such as saxitoxins and yessotoxins. A second smaller patch was observed close Panama beach, into the bay, where we found seven puffer fish (Diodontidae) and two lobsters dead in the sand. It is important to develop a monitoring program to identify seasonal behavior of this species and ameliorate its impact on coastal human communities.  相似文献   
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