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Male, female, pupa, larva and egg of a new genus and species of Gracillariidae (Gracillariinae), Spinivalva gaucha Moreira and Vargas from southern Brazil are described and illustrated with the aid of optical and scanning electron microscopy. A preliminary analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences including members of related lineages is also provided. The immature stages are associated with Passiflora actinia, Passiflora misera and Passiflora suberosa (Passifloraceae), and build mines on the adaxial leaf surface. Initially the mines are serpentine in shape, but later in larval ontogeny become a blotch type. Although the larvae are hypermetamorphic as in other Gracillariidae, there is no sap-feeding instar in Spinivalva gaucha; the larva feeds on the palisade parenchyma, thus producing granular frass during all instars. Pupation occurs outside the mine; prior to pupating, the larva excretes numerous bubbles that are placed in rows on the lateral margins of the cocoon external surface. This is the second genus of gracillariid moth described for the Atlantic Rain Forest, and the second gracillariid species known to be associated with Passifloraceae.  相似文献   
The Iberian mountains are important biodiversity hotspots that face great immediate threats like other species-rich regions on Earth. Preservation of natural communities has historically been based on protecting them from physical disturbance. One of the most important causes of disturbance in natural communities today is human activity. Erysimum penyalarense is an endemic and endangered Mediterranean high-mountain herb. In this study, we explore the effect of environmental factors (microhabitat characteristics) and human activity on its abundance and distribution within the only remaining population of the species. Our results indicate that the species is much more abundant than previously thought. The only population known benefited from human disturbance but was negatively affected by animal disturbance and shrub encroachment. Therefore, the net effect of human activity on the species depends on the balance between the different activities carried out within its distribution range, suggesting that intermediate levels of disturbance could help preserve some endangered plants.  相似文献   
“Test-and-slaughter” has been successful in industrialized countries to control and eradicate tuberculosis from cattle; however, this strategy is too expensive for developing nations, where the prevalence is especially high. Vaccination with the Calmette-Guérin (BCG) strain has been shown to protect against the development of lesions in vaccinated animals: mouse, cattle and wildlife species. In this study, the immune response and the pathology of vaccinated (BCG-prime and BCG prime-CFP-boosted) and unvaccinated (controls) calves were evaluated under experimental settings. A 106 CFU dose of the BCG strain was inoculated subcutaneously on the neck to two groups of ten animas each. Thirty days after vaccination, one of the vaccinated groups was boosted with an M. bovis culture filtrate protein (CFP). Three months after vaccination, the three groups of animals were challenged with 5×105 CFU via intranasal by aerosol with a field strain of M. bovis. The immune response was monitored throughout the study. Protection was assessed based on immune response (IFN-g release) prechallenge, presence of visible lesions in lymph nodes and lungs at slaughter, and presence of bacilli in lymph nodes and lung samples in histological analysis. Vaccinated cattle, either with the BCG alone or with BCG and boosted with CFP showed higher IFN-g response, fewer lesions, and fewer bacilli per lesion than unvaccinated controls after challenge. Animals with low levels of IFN-g postvaccine-prechallenge showed more lesions than animals with high levels. Results from this study support the argument that vaccination could be incorporated into control programs to reduce the incidence of TB in cattle in countries with high prevalence.  相似文献   
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, previously associated with genomic instability. Our aim was to analyze microsatellite markers in order to determine patterns and levels of instability, as well as possible correlations with histopathological parameters. Polymerase chain reaction was used to characterize microsatellite instability (MSI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 107 breast carcinomas at twelve microsatellite loci. Some of the markers were selected because of their relation to steroid hormone metabolism, which seems to be related to sporadic breast cancer risk. D5S346 and D17S250 markers showed a statistically significant frequency of MSI. LOH in D3S1611, D17S250, AR and ER-β were associated with some parameters of worse prognosis. Marker group analysis showed that CYP19, AR and ER-β were related to histological grade III, ER-negative and PR-negative cases. Our results suggest that marker group analysis may be preferred to the single marker strategy, being predictive of worst prognosis when single markers are unable to provide such information. A further evaluation of steroid metabolism genes and their association with low penetrance genes in breast cancer may be useful.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Several strains of rhizobacteria may be found in the rhizospheric soil, on the root surface or in association with rice plants. These bacteria are able to colonize plant root systems and promote plant growth and crop yield through a variety of mechanisms. The objectives of this study were to isolate, identify, and characterize putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) associated with rice cropped in different areas of southern Brazil.


Bacterial strains were selectively isolated based on their growth on three selective semi-solid nitrogen-free media. Bacteria were identified at the genus level by PCR-RFLP 16S rRNA gene analysis and partial sequencing methodologies. Bacterial isolates were evaluated for their ability to produce indolic compounds and siderophores and to solubilize phosphate. In vitro biological nitrogen fixation and the ability to produce 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase were evaluated for each bacterial isolate used in the inoculation experiments.


In total, 336 bacterial strains were isolated representing 31 different bacterial genera. Strains belonging to the genera Agrobacterium, Burkholderia, Enterobacter, and Pseudomonas were the most prominent isolates. Siderophore and indolic compounds producers were widely found among isolates, but 101 isolates were able to solubilize phosphate. Under gnotobiotic conditions, eight isolates were able to stimulate the growth of rice plants. Five of these eight isolates were also field tested in rice plants subjected to different nitrogen fertilization rates.


The results showed that the condition of half-fertilization plus separate inoculation with the isolates AC32 (Herbaspirillum sp.), AG15 (Burkholderia sp.), CA21 (Pseudacidovorax sp.), and UR51 (Azospirillum sp.) achieved rice growth similar to those achieved by full-fertilization without inoculation, thus highlighting the potential of these strains for formulating new bioinoculants for rice crops.  相似文献   
Hydroxyectoine overproduction by the natural producer Chromohalobacter salexigens is presented in this study. Genetically engineered strains were constructed that at low salinity coexpressed, in a vector derived from a native plasmid, the ectoine (ectABC) and hydroxyectoine (ectD) genes under the control of the ectA promoter, in a temperature-independent manner. Hydroxyectoine production was further improved by increasing the copies of ectD and using a C. salexigens genetic background unable to synthesize ectoines.  相似文献   
Status epilepticus (SE) is a life threatening condition that often precedes the development of epilepsy. Traditional treatments for epilepsy have been focused on targeting neuronal mechanisms contributing to hyperexcitability, however, approximately 30% of patients with epilepsy do not respond to existing neurocentric pharmacotherapies. A growing body of evidence has demonstrated that profound changes in the morphology and function of astrocytes accompany SE and persist in epilepsy. Astrocytes are increasingly recognized for their diverse roles in modulating neuronal activity, and understanding the changes in astrocytes following SE could provide important clues about the mechanisms underlying seizure generation and termination. By understanding the contributions of astrocytes to the network changes underlying epileptogenesis and the development of epilepsy, we will gain a greater appreciation of the contributions of astrocytes to dynamic circuit changes, which will enable us to develop more successful therapies to prevent and treat epilepsy. This review summarizes changes in astrocytes following SE in animal models and human temporal lobe epilepsy and addresses the functional consequences of those changes that may provide clues to the process of epileptogenesis.  相似文献   
Injuries frequently accumulate with age in nature. Despite the commonality of injury and the resulting impairment, there are limited experimental data for the effects of impairment on life history trade‐offs between reproduction and survival in insects. We tested the effects of artificial injury and the resulting impairment on the reproductive costs and behavior of male medflies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Treatment flies were impaired by amputating tarsomere segments 2–5 from the right foreleg at either eclosion or age 22 days. The effect of impairment and age on the cost of reproduction was tested by varying the timing of female availability among the treatments. Courtship behavior and copulation rates were observed hourly from age 2–5 days to determine the effects of impairment on reproductive behavior. Female access combined with the impairment reduced the life expectancy of males more than the impairment alone, whereas the health effect of amputation was influenced by age. Conversely, the risk of death due to impairment was not influenced by the males' mating status prior to amputation. The males' copulation success was reduced due to impairment, whereas courtship behavior was not affected. Impairment does not reduce the males' impulse to mate, but decreases the females' receptivity to copulation, while also increasing the cost of each successful mating. Overall, minor impairment lowers the reproductive success of males and reduces longevity.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic global climate change is expected to cause severe range contractions among alpine plants. Alpine areas in the Mediterranean region are of special concern because of the high abundance of endemic species with narrow ranges. This study combined species distribution models, population structure analyses and Bayesian skyline plots to trace the past and future distribution and diversity of Linaria glacialis, an endangered narrow endemic species that inhabits summits of Sierra Nevada (Spain). The results showed that: (i) the habitat of this alpine‐Mediterranean species in Sierra Nevada suffered little changes during glacial and interglacial stages of late Quaternary; (ii) climatic oscillations in the last millennium (Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age) moderately affected the demographic trends of Lglacialis; (iii) future warming conditions will cause severe range contractions; and (iv) genetic diversity will not diminish at the same pace as the distribution range. As a consequence of the low population structure of this species, genetic impoverishment in the alpine zones of Sierra Nevada should be limited during range contraction. We conclude that maintenance of large effective population sizes via high mutation rates and high levels of gene flow may promote the resilience of alpine plant species when confronted with global warming.  相似文献   
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