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Mine tailings are an environmental problem in Southern Spain because wind and water erosion of bare surfaces results in the dispersal of toxic metals over nearby urban or agricultural areas. Revegetation with tolerant native species may reduce this risk. We grew two grasses, Lygeum spartum and Piptatherum miliaceum, and the crop species Cicer arietinum (chickpea) under controlled conditions in pots containing a mine tailings mixed into non-polluted soil to give treatments of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% mine tailings. We tested a neutral (pH 7.4) mine tailings which contained high concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Water-extractable metal concentrations increased in proportion to the amount of tailings added. The biomass of the two grasses decreased in proportion to the rate of neutral mine-tailing addition, while the biomass of C. arietinum only decreased in relation to the control treatment. Neutron radiography revealed that root development of C. arietinum was perturbed in soil amended with the neutral tailings compared to those of the control treatment, despite a lack of toxicity symptoms in the shoots. In all treatments and for all metals, the plants accumulated higher concentrations in the roots than in shoots. The highest concentrations occurred in the roots of P. miliaceum (2500 mg kg?1 Pb, 146 mg kg?1 Cd, 185 mg kg?1 Cu, 2700 mg kg?1 Zn). C. arietinum seeds had normal concentrations of Zn (70–90 mg kg?1) and Cu (6–9 mg kg?1). However, the Cd concentration in this species was ~1 mg kg?1 in the seeds and 14.5 mg kg?1 in shoots. Consumption of these plant species by cattle and wild fauna may present a risk of toxic metals entering the food chain.  相似文献   
Up to now, all reported Ca2+-regulated photoproteins, except for mnemiopsin, have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. In this study, the cDNA for an isotype of mnemiopsin, from the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, has been cloned, sequenced, and functionally expressed. The full length cDNA encoding mnemiopsin of M. leidyi was 624 bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 207 amino acid residues with calculated molecular mass of ∼24 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence showed 90% and 84% identity to berovine (from ctenophore Beroe abyssicola) and bolinopsin 2 (from the ctenophore Bolinopsis infundibulum) respectively. In contrast to all known EF-hand in photoproteins, a unique EF-hand motif was found in mnemiopsin, in which a conserved glycine is substituted with glutamic acid. According to the results, the optimum pH was 9.0, time course of regeneration was 15 h and its Ca2+ sensitivity was lower than aequorin. Results of pKa calculation for ionizable residues, motif scan and hydrophobic interactions of cavity aromatic residues of mnemiopsin in comparison with aequorin showed different patterns in these two photoproteins. In addition, experimental results are confirmed with the theoretical studies.  相似文献   
? Despite the importance of rhizosphere properties for water flow from soil to roots, there is limited quantitative information on the distribution of water in the rhizosphere of plants. ? Here, we used neutron tomography to quantify and visualize the water content in the rhizosphere of the plant species chickpea (Cicer arietinum), white lupin (Lupinus albus), and maize (Zea mays) 12 d after planting. ? We clearly observed increasing soil water contents (θ) towards the root surface for all three plant species, as opposed to the usual assumption of decreasing water content. This was true for tap roots and lateral roots of both upper and lower parts of the root system. Furthermore, water gradients around the lower part of the roots were smaller and extended further into bulk soil compared with the upper part, where the gradients in water content were steeper. ? Incorporating the hydraulic conductivity and water retention parameters of the rhizosphere into our model, we could simulate the gradual changes of θ towards the root surface, in agreement with the observations. The modelling result suggests that roots in their rhizosphere may modify the hydraulic properties of soil in a way that improves uptake under dry conditions.  相似文献   
Phytohormones, such as auxin and cytokinin, are known to be involved in the regulation of plant responses to salinity stress and counteract the adverse effect of stress conditions. This work investigated the effects of the exogenous spraying of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and kinetin (KIN) during the reproductive phase on grain yield by examining the 1000-grain weight and filled-grain percentage as well as the changes in starch, total soluble sugars, sucrose, glucose and fructose concentrations in the grains of two rice cultivars under salt stress. The results indicated that the applied IAA and KIN led to an increased grain yield, 1000-grain weight and filled-grain percentage for both rice cultivars under salt stress. The storage starch content in the grain of the salt-sensitive cultivar was more than that in the salt-tolerant cultivar under IAA application compared with KIN, whereas a decrease in the total soluble sugar content was observed with both IAA and KIN treatments, in comparison to the non-hormone treatment. Interestingly, this study showed that IAA led to a much higher increase in the sucrose content in grain, as compared to the KIN. Furthermore, this experiment suggests that glucose and fructose may play important roles during salt stress because there were clearly higher concentrations of these sugars in the grain of the stressed cultivars under IAA and KIN application: it appears that their accumulation was the earliest response detected during the grain-filling period in rice. Finally, this work indicated that an increase in the rice grain yield, 1000-grain weight and filled-grain percentage are associated with an increase in the contents of starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose in grain caused by the application of IAA and KIN.  相似文献   
Compositional studies comparing transgenic with non-transgenic counterpart plants are almost universally required by governmental regulatory bodies. In the present study, two T2 transgenic cotton lines containing chitinase (Line 11/57) and Bt lines (Line 61) were compared with non-transgenic counterpart. To do this, biochemical characteristics of leaves and seeds, including amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, anions, and cations contents of the studied lines were analyzed using GC/MS, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and ion chromatography (IC) analyzers, respectively. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Western blot analyses confirmed the presence and expression of Chi and Bt genes in the studied transgenic lines. Although, compositional analysis of leaves contents confirmed no significant differences between transgenic and non-transgenic counterpart lines, but it was shown that glucose content of chitinase lines, fructose content of transgenic lines (Bt and chitinase) and asparagine and glutamine of chitinase lines were significantly higher than the non-transgenic counterpart plants. Both the transgenic lines (Bt and chitinase) showed significant decrease in the amounts of sodium in comparison to the non-transgenic counterpart plants. The experiments on the seeds showed that histidine, isoleucine, leucine, and phenylalanine contents of all transgenic and non-transgenic lines were the same, whereas other amino acids were significantly increased in the transgenic lines. Surprisingly, it was observed that the concentrations of stearic acid, myristic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid in the chitinase line were significantly different than those of non-transgenic counterpart plants, but these components were the same in both Bt line and its non-transgenic counterpart. It seems that more changes observed in the seed contents than leaves is via this point that seeds are known as metabolites storage organs, so they show greater changes in the metabolites contents comparing to the leaves.  相似文献   


Tolerance to the analgesic effect of opioids is a pharmacological phenomenon that occurs after their prolonged administration. It has been shown that morphine-induced tolerance is associated with apoptosis in the central nervous system and neuroprotective agents which prevented apoptosis signaling could attenuate tolerance to the analgesic effects. On the other hand donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, has been reported to have neuroprotective effects. Therefore in this study, the effect of systemic administration of donepezil on morphine-induced tolerance and apoptosis in the rat cerebral cortex and lumbar spinal cord was evaluated. Various groups of rats received morphine (ip) and different doses of donepezil (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 mg/kg/day). Nociception was assessed using tail flick apparatus. Tail flick latency was recorded when the rat shook its tail. For apoptosis assay other groups of rats received the above treatment and apoptosis was evaluated by in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling (TUNEL) method.


The results showed that administration of donepezil (0.5, 1, 1.5 mg/kg, ip) delayed the morphine tolerance for 9, 12 and 17 days, respectively. Furthermore pretreatment injection of donepezil attenuated the number of apoptotic cells in the cerebral cortex and lumbar spinal cord compared to the control group.


In conclusion, we found that systemic administration of donepezil attenuated morphine-induced tolerance and apoptosis in the rat cerebral cortex and lumbar spinal cord.  相似文献   


Defects either in phenylalanine hydroxylase (PheOH) or in the production and recycling of its cofactor (tetrahydrobiopterin [BH4]) are the causes of primary hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA). The aim of our study was to investigate the current status of different variants of HPA Kurdish patients in Kermanshah province, Iran.


From 33 cases enrolled in our study, 32 were identified as HPA patients. Reassessing of pre-treatment phenylalanine concentrations and the analysis of urinary pterins was done by high-performance liquid chromatography method.


A total of 30 patients showed PAH deficiency and two patients were diagnosed with BH4 deficiency (BH4/HPA ratio = 6.25%). Both of these two BH4-deficient patients were assigned to severe variant of dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) deficiency. More than 75% of patients with PAH deficiency classified as classic phenylketonuria (PKU) according their levels of pre-treatment phenylalanine concentrations.


Based on the performed study, we think that the frequency of milder forms of PKU is higher than those was estimated before and/or our findings here. Furthermore, the frequency of DHPR deficiency seems to be relatively high in our province. Since the clinical symptoms of DHPR deficiency are confusingly similar to that of classic PKU and its prognosis are much worse than classical PKU and cannot be solely treated with the PKU regime, our pilot study support that it is crucial to set up screening for BH4 deficiency, along with PAH deficiency, among all HPA patients diagnosed with HPA.  相似文献   
Opium is considered as the second most abused addictive compound in worldwide. It seems that one of the causes for common consumption of opium in many countries is a traditional belief, even among medical personnel, through which opium might have advantageous influences on cardiovascular events and be beneficial in controlling hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. According to several investigations, it is thought that opium not only has no beneficial effects on cardiovascular events, but it might have deleterious influences on these settings. As a result, people need to be trained with regard to the adverse effects of opium on cardiovascular events. In this review, we try to go through the understanding of the effects of opium cardiovascular disorders and related complications such as blood pressure, blood sugar, lipid circumstances, and finally atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Islet transplantation is considered as an ultimate option for the treatment of type I diabetes. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have raised the possibility that patient-specific insulin-secreting cells might be derived from somatic cells through cell fate reprogramming. However, current protocols mostly rely on the use of several cytokines and inhibitors for directing differentiation towards pancreatic fate. Given the high manufacturing cost of these recombinant proteins, this approach is prohibitive for clinical applications. Knowing that microRNAs (miRNAs) are key players in various stages of pancreatic development, we present a novel and cost-effective strategy in which over-expression of miR-375 promotes pancreatic differentiation in hiPSCs in the absence of any other stimulator. We used a polycistronic viral vector expressing Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, and Oct4 to drive hiPSCs from human foreskin fibroblasts. The established hiPSCs are similar to human embryonic stem cells in many aspects including morphology, passaging, surface and pluripotency markers, and gene expression. For differentiation induction, miR-375 was lentivirally overexpressed in these hiPSCs. Morphological assessment, immunocytochemistry, and expression analysis of islet marker genes confirmed that islet like cells were obtained in miR-375 transduced cells compared to controls. Our differentiated clusters secreted insulin in a glucose-dependant manner, showing in vitro functionality. We demonstrated for the first time that miRNAs might be ideal substitutes to induce pancreatic differentiation in hiPSCs. This work provides a new approach to study the role of miRNAs in pancreatic specification and increase the feasibility of using patient-specific iPSCs for beta cell replacement therapy for type I diabetes.  相似文献   
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