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Mezcal from Tamaulipas (México) is produced by spontaneous alcoholic fermentation using Agave spp. musts, which are rich in fructose. In this study eight Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates obtained at the final stage of fermentation from a traditional mezcal winery were analysed in three semi-synthetic media. Medium M1 had a sugar content of 100 g l?1 and a glucose/fructose (G/F) of 9:1. Medium M2 had a sugar content of 100 g l?1 and a G/F of 1:9. Medium M3 had a sugar content of 200 g l?1 and a G/F of 1:1. In the three types of media tested, the highest ethanol yield was obtained from the glucophilic strain LCBG-3Y5, while strain LCBG-3Y8 was highly resistant to ethanol and the most fructophilic of the mezcal strains. Strain LCBG-3Y5 produced more glycerol (4.4 g l?1) and acetic acid (1 g l?1) in M2 than in M1 (1.7 and 0.5 g l?1, respectively), and the ethanol yields were higher for all strains in M1 except for LCBG-3Y5, -3Y8 and the Fermichamp strain. In medium M3, only the Fermichamp strain was able to fully consume the 100 g of fructose l?1 but left a residual 32 g of glucose l?1. Regarding the hexose transporters, a high number of amino acid polymorphisms were found in the Hxt1p sequences. Strain LCBG-3Y8 exhibited eight unique amino acid changes, followed by the Fermichamp strain with three changes. In Hxt3p, we observed nine amino acid polymorphisms unique for the Fermichamp strain and five unique changes for the mezcal strains.  相似文献   
Large‐scale biodiversity data are needed to predict species' responses to global change and to address basic questions in macroecology. While such data are increasingly becoming available, their analysis is challenging because of the typically large heterogeneity in spatial sampling intensity and the need to account for observation processes. Two further challenges are accounting for spatial effects that are not explained by covariates, and drawing inference on dynamics at these large spatial scales. We developed dynamic occupancy models to analyze large‐scale atlas data. In addition to occupancy, these models estimate local colonization and persistence probabilities. We accounted for spatial autocorrelation using conditional autoregressive models and autologistic models. We fitted the models to detection/nondetection data collected on a quarter‐degree grid across southern Africa during two atlas projects, using the hadeda ibis (Bostrychia hagedash) as an example. The model accurately reproduced the range expansion between the first (SABAP1: 1987–1992) and second (SABAP2: 2007–2012) Southern African Bird Atlas Project into the drier parts of interior South Africa. Grid cells occupied during SABAP1 generally remained occupied, but colonization of unoccupied grid cells was strongly dependent on the number of occupied grid cells in the neighborhood. The detection probability strongly varied across space due to variation in effort, observer identity, seasonality, and unexplained spatial effects. We present a flexible hierarchical approach for analyzing grid‐based atlas data using dynamical occupancy models. Our model is similar to a species' distribution model obtained using generalized additive models but has a number of advantages. Our model accounts for the heterogeneous sampling process, spatial correlation, and perhaps most importantly, allows us to examine dynamic aspects of species ranges.  相似文献   
A study was carried out to examine the effect of dietary supplementation of oregano essential oil on performance of broiler chickens experimentally infected with Eimeria tenella at 14 days of age. A total of 120 day-old Cobb-500 chicks separated into 4 equal groups with three replicates each, were used in this study. Two groups, one infected with 5·104 sporulated oocysts of E. tenella and the other not, were given a basal diet and served as controls. The other two groups also infected with E. tenella were administered diets supplemented with oregano essential oil at a level of 300 mg/kg, or with the anticoccidial lasalocid at 75 mg/kg. Following this infection, survival rate, bloody diarrhoea and oocysts excretion as well as lesion score were determined. Throughout the experimental period of 42 days, body weight gain and feed intake were recorded weekly, and feed conversion ratios were calculated. Two weeks after the infection with E. tenella supplementation with dietary oregano oil resulted in body weight gains and feed conversion ratios not differing from the non-infected group, but higher than those of the infected control group and lower than those of the lasalocid group. These parameters correspond with the extent of bloody diarrhoea, survival rate, lesion score and oocyst numbers and indicated that oregano essential oil exerted an anticoccidial effect against E. tenella, which was, however, lower than that exhibited by lasalocid.  相似文献   
Climate models forecast increasing climatic variation and more extreme events, which could increase the variability in animal demographic rates. More variable demographic rates generally lead to lower population growth and can be detrimental to wild populations, especially if the particular demographic rates affected are those to which population growth is most sensitive. We investigated the population dynamics of a metapopulation of 25 colonies of a semi-arid bird species, the sociable weaver Philetairus socius, and how it was influenced by seasonal weather during 1993–2014. We constructed an integrated population model which estimated population sizes similar to observed population counts, and allowed us to estimate annual fecundity and recruitment. Variance in fecundity contributed most to variance in population growth, which showed no trend over time. No weather variables explained overall demographic variation at the population level. However, a separate analysis of the largest colony showed a clear decline with a high extinction probability (0.05 to 0.33) within 5 years after the study period. In this colony, juvenile survival was lower when summers were hot, and adult survival was lower when winters were cold. Rainfall was also negatively correlated with adult survival. These weather effects could be due to increased physiological demands of thermoregulation and rainfall-induced breeding activity. Our results suggest that the dynamics of the population on the whole are buffered against current weather variation, as individual colonies apparently react in different ways. However, if more and increasingly extreme weather events synchronize colony dynamics, they are likely to have negative effects.  相似文献   
We have determined the major immunoglobulin isotypes (IgG, IgA, IgM) of antiamebic antibodies induced in the serum and in the large and small intestine after local (oral and rectal) or systemic (intraperitoneal and intramuscular) immunization of mice with glutaraldehyde-fixed Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites (GFT). IgA predominated in the small intestine after immunization through all routes, whereas in the large intestine similar antibody levels of the major isotypes were induced by rectal, intraperitoneal and intramuscular immunization. The intramuscular route elicited intestinal responses lower than those induced by the rectal and intraperitoneal routes, but higher than the slight IgA antibody increase observed after oral immunization. The differences in antiamebic antibody response patterns at the large and small intestine suggest that there are different mucosal effector compartments. They also indicate that isotype analysis of mucosal antibodies from the sites where an infectious agent resides is needed to evaluate whether a vaccine candidate induces responses of higher protective value in the appropriate site, and that the study of antibody responses must not be limited to sampling the serum or mucosal sites distant to the relevant one.  相似文献   
Starting from the hypothesis that evolutionarily important residues form a spatially limited cluster in a protein's native fold, we discuss the possibility of detecting a non-native structure based on the absence of such clustering. The relevant residues are determined using the Evolutionary Trace method. We propose a quantity to measure clustering of the selected residues on the structure and show that the exact values for its average and variance over several ensembles of interest can be found. This enables us to study the behavior of the associated z-scores. Since our approach rests on an analytic result, it proves to be general, customizable, and computationally fast. We find that clustering is indeed detectable in a large representative protein set. Furthermore, we show that non-native structures tend to achieve lower residue-clustering z-scores than those attained by the native folds. The most important conclusion that we draw from this work is that consistency between structural and evolutionary information, manifested in clustering of key residues, imposes powerful constraints on the conformational space of a protein.  相似文献   
Drivers of wildlife population dynamics are generally numerous and interacting. Some of these drivers may impact demographic processes that are difficult to estimate, such as immigration into the focal population. Populations may furthermore be small and subject to demographic stochasticity. All of these factors contribute to blur the causal relationship between past management action and current population trends. The urban Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus population in Cape Town, South Africa, increased from three pairs in 1997 to 18 pairs in 2010. Nestboxes were installed over this period to manage the interface between new urban pairs of Falcons and the human users of colonized buildings, and incidentally to improve breeding success. We used integrated population models (IPMs) formally to combine information from a capture–mark–recapture study, monitoring of reproductive success and counts of population size. As all local demographic processes were directly observed, the IPM approach also allowed us to estimate immigration by difference. The provision of nestboxes, as a possible stimulant of population growth, improved breeding success and accounted for an estimated 3–26% of the population increase. The most important driver of growth, however, was immigration. Despite low sample sizes, the IPM approach allowed us to obtain relatively precise estimates of the population‐level impact of nestbox deployment. The goal of conservation interventions is often to increase population size, so the effectiveness of such interventions should ideally be assessed at the population level. IPMs are powerful tools in this context for combining demographic information that may be limited due to small population size or practical constraints on monitoring. Our study quantitatively documented both the immigration process that led to growth of a small population and the effect of a management action that helped the process.  相似文献   
Rapid detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in clinical samples by real-time PCR   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
M. pneumoniae is a common causative agent of community-acquired pneumonia in children. The diagnosis of such infections is usually based on serology using complement fixation or, more recently, enzyme-immuno assays. PCR has been shown to be a promising alternative. We have evaluated a real-time PCR assay targeting the P1 adhesion protein gene and compared it to a conventional semi-nested PCR assay with the 16S rDNA as target. Comparison of 147 specimens from 48 patients showed an overall agreement of 97.4%. Real-time PCR proved to be of equal value on clinical specimens as conventional PCR regarding sensitivity and specificity, but is clearly advantageous regarding speed, handling and number of samples that can be analyzed per run.  相似文献   
Climate change is forecast to increase climatic variability, in particular the occurrence of extreme events. Consequently, it is imperative to understand how climatic variation influences the dynamics of communities. We investigated synchronicity in survival in response to climatic variation among bird communities occupying habitats that differed in climatic seasonality: a more seasonal wetland and a less seasonal fynbos shrubland in South Africa. We predicted higher synchronicity at the wetland than at the shrubland because there was more potential for weather to induce variation in survival at this climatically more variable site. We estimated survival from ringing data for four wetland species and three fynbos species in hierarchical models with an asynchronous (species-specific) variance component and a synchronous (common) variance component. Comparing models including and excluding a climatic covariate enabled us to estimate the effect of climatic variation as a synchronizing and desynchronizing agent on survival. As hypothesized, synchronicity in survival was substantially greater at the more seasonal wetland than at the climatically more stable fynbos site: 0.50 (95% credible interval 0.01–1.92 on the logit scale) and 0.03 (0.00001–0.19), respectively. Similarly, asynchronicity in survival was greater for wetland species than for fynbos species. However, we found no clear evidence that weather affected survival. We provide the first survival estimates of several African endemic birds and the first estimates of synchronicity and asynchronicity in survival of communities outside the strongly seasonal northern temperate zone. Our results suggest that the relative magnitude of synchronicity and asynchronicity varies among communities and support the idea that environmental variability induces synchronicity.  相似文献   
Theory predicts that temporal variability plays an important role in the evolution of life histories, but empirical studies evaluating this prediction are rare. In constant environments, fitness can be measured by the population growth rate lambda, and the sensitivity of lambda to changes in fitness components estimates selection on these traits. In variable environments, fitness is measured by the stochastic growth rate lambda(S), and stochastic sensitivities estimate selection pressure. Here we examine age-specific schedules for reproduction and survival in a barn owl population (Tyto alba). We estimated how temporal variability affected fitness and selection, accounting for sampling variance. Despite large sample sizes of old individuals, we found no strong evidence for senescence. The most variable fitness components were associated with reproduction. Survival was less variable. Stochastic simulations showed that the observed variation decreased fitness by about 30%, but the sensitivities of lambda and lambda(S) to changes in all fitness components were almost equal, suggesting that temporal variation had negligible effects on selection. We obtained these results despite high observed variability in the fitness components and relatively short generation time of the study organism, a situation in which temporal variability should be particularly important for natural selection and early senescence is expected.  相似文献   
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