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Alpha1,3-fucosyltransferase (Fuc TVII) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of selectin ligands. We have isolated two inhibitors of Fuc TVII from a marine sponge Sarcotragus sp. They were characterized as octa- and nonaprenylhydroquinone sulfates on the basis of spectral data. These compounds inhibited Fuc-TVII with IC50 values of 3.9 and 2.4 microg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   
The comb-type copolymers consisting of a polyacrylamide (PAAm) backbone and poly(L-lysine) (PLL) graft chains have been prepared as the "prepolymer" for designing multivalent ligands. To regulate the length and density of the clusters of primary amino groups, the Nalpha-carboxyanhydride of Nepsilon-carbobenzoxy (CBZ)-L-lysine was first polymerized using p-vinylbenzylamine as an initiator. The resulting poly(CBZ-L-lysine) macromonomer was then radically copolymerized with AAm, followed by the deprotection of amino groups. For the model study, the reactive clusters of primary amino groups were completely converted into anion clusters by the reaction with succinic anhydride. The model multivalent ligands having the biotin label on the PAAm backbone were prepared by the terpolymerization of the macromonomer, AAm, and the biotin derivative having a vinyl group. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that the biotin with no spacer on the PAAm backbone was recognized by the avidin-peroxidase conjugate specifically. Therefore, the highly sensitive detection of the interaction between cells and various model multivalent ligands was possible. The selective labeling onto the PAAm backbone revealed that the converted anion clusters of graft chains interacted exclusively with the cell and that the backbone was inert to the interaction with the cell. These results indicate that the various PAAm-graft-PLL comb-type copolymers with the defined length and density of the PLL-grafts are the potential prepolymers to investigate and to optimize the affinity of the multivalent ligands for receptors.  相似文献   
We consider the optimal strategy for intra-specific brood-parasitism, especially with respect to the number of eggs laid by the parasitic individual in the nest of non-parasitic individual, in particular, a host that does not reject the parasite's eggs. With a fundamental mathematical model, assuming that the survival probability of the parasite's offspring in the nest of the host is significantly smaller than that in parasite's own nest, we determine the optimal number of eggs laid in the nest of host that maximizes the expected reproductive fitness of the parasite. We show that the invasion success of brood-parasitism could significantly depend on the total number of eggs laid by the parasite in a breeding season, and that the successfully invading brood-parasitism could realize maximum fitness with a specific number of parasite's eggs laid in the nest of the host.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) is expressed in skeletal muscles. We have hypothesized that increased glucose flux in skeletal muscles may lead to increased UCP3 expression. Male transgenic mice harboring insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GLUT4) minigenes with differing lengths of 5'-flanking sequence (-3237, -2000, -1000 and -442 bp) express different levels of GLUT4 protein in various skeletal muscles. Expression of the GLUT4 transgenes caused an increase in UCP3 mRNA that paralleled the increase of GLUT4 protein in gastrocnemius muscle. The effects of increased intracellular GLUT4 level on the expression of UCP1, UCP2 and UCP3 were compared in several tissues of male 4 month-old mice harboring the -1000 GLUT4 minigene transgene. In the -1000 GLUT4 transgenic mice, expression of GLUT4 mRNA and protein in skeletal muscles, brown adipose tissue (BAT), and white adipose tissue (WAT) was increased by 1.4 to 4.0-fold. Compared with non-transgenic littermates, the -1000 GLUT4 mice exhibited about 4- and 1.8-fold increases of UCP3 mRNA in skeletal muscle and WAT, respectively, and a 38% decrease of UCP1 mRNA in BAT. The transgenic mice had a 16% increase in oxygen consumption and a 14% decrease in blood glucose and a 68% increase in blood lactate, but no change in FFA or beta-OHB levels. T3 and leptin concentrations were decreased in transgenic mice. Expression of UCP1 in BAT of the -442 GLUT4 mice, which did not overexpress GLUT4 in this tissue, was not altered. These findings indicate that overexpression of GLUT4 up-regulates UCP3 expression in skeletal muscle and down-regulates UCP1 expression in BAT, possibly by increasing the rate of glucose uptake into these tissues.  相似文献   
Glycosaminoglycans including dermatan sulphate, hyaluronan, heparan sulphate and heparin were chemically modified by O-sulphonation. By altering the reaction conditions, products having a different degree of O-sulphonation could be obtained. Glycosaminoglycan derivatives were prepared having no free hydroxyl groups, with sulphoester group/disaccharide unit ratios of 4.0 for dermatan sulphate and hyaluronan, and sulphoester and sulphamide group/disaccharide unit ratios of 4.22 and 4.88 for heparan sulphate and heparin, respectively. 1H NMR spectroscopy showed that the fully O-sulphonated hyaluronan derivative had a glucuronate residue with an altered conformation. Since glycosaminiglycans and their derivatives are often used as anticoagulant/antithrombotic agents, their anti-amidolytic activities were determined. The anti-factor IIa activity of fully O-sulphonated dermatan sulphate, hyaluronan and heparan sulphate ranged from 40 to 80 units/mg, while no anti-factor Xa activity of the fully O-sulphonated glycosaminoglycans was detected. These values are lower than those reported for low-molecular-weight heparins and are consistent with the requirement of an antithrombin III pentasaccharide binding site for anti-factor Xa activity. Interestingly, the anti-factor Xa of heparin is lost by chemical O-sulphonation.  相似文献   
Very long, elastic connectin/titin molecules position the myosin filaments at the center of a sarcomere by linking them to the Z line. The behavior of the connectin filaments during sarcomere formation in differentiating chicken skeletal muscle cells was observed under a fluorescent microscope using the antibodies to the N terminal (located in the Z line), C terminal (M line), and C zone (myosin filament) regions of connectin and was compared to the incorporation of -actinin and myosin into forming sarcomeres. In early stages of differentiating muscle cells, the N terminal region of connectin was incorporated into a stress fiber-like structure (SFLS) together with -actinin to form dots, whereas the C terminal region was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. When both the C and N terminal regions formed striations in young myofibrils, the epitope to the C zone of A-band region, that is the center between the A-I junction and the M-line, initially was diffuse in appearance and later formed definite striations. It appears that it took some time for the N and C terminal regions of connectin to form a regular organization in a sarcomere. Thus the two ends of the connectin filaments were first fixed followed by the specific binding of the middle portion onto the myosin filament during sarcomere formation.  相似文献   
Ueda T  Koya S  Maruyama YK 《Bio Systems》1999,54(1-2):65-70
The placozoan Trichoplax adhaerence is one of the most primitive multi-cellular organisms, and moves about accompanying perpetual changes in its shape. Changes in position, locomotion velocity and the outer shape of the organism were monitored quantitatively with use of a computer image analysis, and their dynamic patterns in free locomotion and upon feeding were analyzed in terms of non-linear dynamics. The organism changed its behavioral patterns discontinuously in response to various concentrations of yeast extracts (food). (1) At low concentrations, the organism moved fast with perpetual random changes in shape. Both locomotion velocity and shape changes exhibited 1/f fluctuations. (2) At high concentrations, the shape of the organism as well as the locomotion exhibited oscillations with periods of about 8 min. These limit cycle oscillations bifurcated into the period 2 at the highest concentration tested. The organism flattened more strongly and the locomotion was more reduced on the whole at higher concentrations. (3) At the intermediate concentrations, two patterns as monitored above appeared: one pattern continued for a while and switched to the other abruptly. (4) The average square displacement of the organism increased linearly with time in all cases, indicating that the locomotion is a Brownian movement. In this way, the feeding behaviors by the placozoan are organized as successive co-operative transitions among non-linear dynamic states.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max L.) glycinin is composed of five subunits which are classified into two groups (group I: A1aB1b, A1bB2, and A2B1a; group II: A3B4 and A5A4B3). All the common soybean cultivars contain both group I and II subunits (Maruyama, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 64, 701-708 (2003)). The biosynthesis of group I starts earlier compared with that of the A3B4 subunit during seed development (Meinke, D.W. et al., Planta, 153, 130-139 (1981)). We have revealed that group I A1aB1b was mostly expressed as a soluble protein, but that A3B4 was expressed mainly as an insoluble protein in Escherichia coli under the same expression conditions; namely, A1aB1b had higher folding ability than A3B4. We therefore assumed that A1aB1b assists folding of group II subunits like a molecular chaperone does. In order to ascertain this, A1aB1b and A3B4 were co-expressed in E. coli. All of the expressed proteins of A3B4 were recovered in a soluble fraction. To confirm this result, we also co-expressed A1aB1b with modified A3B4 versions having extremely low folding ability. All expressed modified A3B4 versions were soluble. These results clearly suggest that A1aB1b has a molecular chaperone-like function in their folding.  相似文献   
adeA and adeB genes homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADE1 and ADE2, respectively, were cloned from Aspergillus oryzae. AdeA and AdeB share 62.8% and 52.5% identities with S. cerevisiae Ade1 and Ade2, respectively. In order to obtain triple auxotrophic mutants from A. oryzae, 12 red-colored mutant colonies were isolated by UV mutagenesis of a double auxotrophic host, NS4 (niaD(-), sC(-)), as a parent strain. All the mutants exhibited adenine auxotrophy and showed fluorescence in the vacuoles due to accumulation of a purine biosynthetic pathway precursor. Adenine auxotrophy of all the mutants was restored by introduction of either A. oryzae adeA or adeB genes. Sequence analysis demonstrated that substitutions or deletions of a single base pair occurred, inducing substitutions or frame shifts of amino acid sequences in both ade genes complementing the mutants. This study provides a novel host-vector system with triple auxotrophy in A. oryzae.  相似文献   
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