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The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has launched the HIV-1 Human Protein Interaction Database in an effort to catalogue all published interactions between HIV-1 and human proteins. In order to systematically investigate these interactions functionally and dynamically, we have constructed an HIV-1 human protein interaction network. This network was analyzed for important proteins and processes that are specific for the HIV life-cycle. In order to expose viral strategies, network motif analysis was carried out showing reoccurring patterns in virus-host dynamics.  相似文献   
The ability of conidia of the human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus to kill larvae of the insect Galleria mellonella was investigated. Conidia at different stages of the germination process displayed variations in their virulence as measured using the Galleria infection model. Non-germinating (‘resting’) conidia were avirulent except when an inoculation density of 1 × 107 conidia per insect was used. Conidia that had been induced to commence the germination process by pre-culturing in growth medium for 3 h were capable of killing larvae at densities of 1 × 106 and 1 × 107 per insect. An inoculation density of 1 × 105 conidia per insect remained avirulent. Conidia in the outgrowth phase of germination (characterised as the formation of a germ tube) were the most virulent and were capable of killing 100% of larvae after 5 or 24 h when 1 × 107 or 1 × 106 conidia, that had been allowed to germinate for 24 h, were used. Examination of the response of insect haemocytes to conidia at different stages of the germination process established that haemocytes could engulf non-germinating conidia and those in the early stages of the germination process but that conidia, which had reached the outgrowth stages of germination were not phagocytosed. The results presented here indicate that haemocytes of G. mellonella are capable of phagocytosing A. fumigatus conidia less than 3.0 μm in diameter but that conidia greater than this are too large to be engulfed. The virulence of A. fumigatus in G. mellonella larvae can be ascertained within 60–90 h if infection densities of 1 × 106 or 1 × 107 activated conidia (pre-incubated for 2–3 h) per insect are employed.  相似文献   


We have previously demonstrated that ex vivo inhibition of costimulatory molecules on antigen-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) can be useful for induction of antigen-specific immune deviation and suppression of autoimmune arthritis in the collagen induced arthritis (CIA) model. The current study evaluated a practical method of immune modulation through temporary systemic inhibition of the costimulatory molecule CD40.


Mice with collagen II (CII)-induced arthritis (CIA) were administered siRNA targeting the CD40 molecule. Therapeutic effects were evaluated by clinical symptoms, histopathology, Ag-specific T cell and B cell immune responses.


Systemic administration of CD40-targeting siRNA can inhibit antigen-specific T cell response to collagen II, as well as prevent pathogenesis of disease in both a pre- and post-immunization manner in the CIA model. Disease amelioration was associated with suppression of Th1 cytokines, attenuation of antibody production, and upregulation of T regulatory cells.


These studies support the feasibility of transient gene silencing at a systemic level as a mechanism of resetting autoreactive immunity.  相似文献   
Summary An allele giving rise to a polymorphism within the 3 part of the chicken vitellogenin gene was cloned, sequenced, and compared to the previously cloned allele. The polymorphism is formed by a perfect copy of 343 bp from intron 32 in tandem array with a perfect copy of 244 bp from intron 33; this 587-bp element is inserted in a head-to-tail arrangement in intron 33. We propose a mechanism in which an unequal crossing-over resulted in a vitellogenin gene with two exons 33, one of which was subsequently deleted. Thus, intron 33 was enlarged by the tandem repeats without affecting the protein-encoding sequence of the gene. At the boundaries of the repeated elements, two short direct repeats are found that resemble the recombination signals of immunoglobulin genes. They may have had a key role in the formation of the new allele.  相似文献   
1. (14)C-labelled cyclamate has been administered to guinea pigs, rabbits, rats and humans. When given orally to these species on a cyclamate-free diet, cyclamate is excreted unchanged. In guinea pigs some 65% of a single dose is excreted in the urine and 30% in the faeces, the corresponding values for rats being 40 and 50%, for man, 30-50% and 40-60%, and for rabbits, 90 and 5%, the excretion being over a period of 2-3 days. 2. Cyclamate appears to be readily absorbed by rabbits but less readily by guinea pigs, rats and humans. 3. If these animals, including man, are placed on a diet containing cyclamate they develop the ability to convert orally administered cyclamate into cyclohexylamine and consequently into the metabolites of the latter. The extent to which this ability develops is variable, the development occurring more readily in rats than in rabbits or guinea pigs. In three human subjects, one developed the ability quite markedly in 10 days whereas two others did not in 30 days. Removal of the cyclamate from the diet caused a diminution in the ability to convert cyclamate into the amine. 4. In rats that had developed the ability to metabolize orally administered cyclamate, intraperitoneally injected cyclamate was not metabolized and was excreted unchanged in the urine. The biliary excretion of injected cyclamate in rats was very small, i.e. about 0.3% of the dose. 5. The ability of animals to convert cyclamate into cyclohexylamine appears to depend upon a continuous intake of cyclamate and on some factor in the gastrointestinal tract, probably the gut flora.  相似文献   
Fluxes of dissolved and particulate nitrogen (N) and phosphorus(P) from three adjacent watersheds were quantified with ahigh-resolution sampling program over a five-year period. The watershedsvary by an order of magnitude in area (12,875, 7968 and 1206 ha), and inall three watersheds intensive agriculture comprises > 90% ofland. Annual fluxes of dissolved N and P per unit watershed area (exportcoefficients) varied 2X among watersheds, and patterns were notdirectly related to watershed size. Over the five-year period, meanannual flux of soluble reactive P (SRP) was 0.583 kg P ·ha–1 · yr–1 from the smallestwatershed and 0.295 kg P · ha–1 ·yr–1 from the intermediate-sized watershed, which hadthe lowest SRP flux. Mean annual flux of nitrate was 20.53 kg N ·ha–1 · yr–1 in the smallestwatershed and 44.77 kg N · ha–1 ·yr–1 in the intermediate-sized watershed, which had thehighest nitrate flux. As a consequence, the export ratio of dissolvedinorganic N to SRP varied from 80 (molar) in the smallest watershed to335 in the intermediate-sized watershed. Because most N was exported asnitrate, differences among watersheds in total N flux were similar tothose for nitrate. Hence, the total N:P export ratio was 42(molar) for the smallest watershed and 109 for the intermediate-sizedwatershed. In contrast, there were no clear differences among watershedsin the export coefficients of particulate N, P, or carbon, even though> 50% of total P was exported as particulate P in allwatersheds. All nutrient fractions were exported at higher rates in wetyears than in dry years, but precipitation-driven variability in exportcoefficients was greater for particulate fractions than for dissolvedfractions.Examination of hydrological regimes showed that, for all nutrientfractions, most export occurred during stormflow. However, theproportion of nitrate flux exported as baseflow was much greater thanthe proportion of SRP flux exported as baseflow, for all threewatersheds (25–37% of nitrate exported as baseflow vs.3–13% of SRP exported as baseflow). In addition, baseflowcomprised a greater proportion of total discharge in theintermediate-sized watershed (43.7% of total discharge) than theother two watersheds (29.3 and 30.1%). Thus, higher nitrateexport coefficients in the intermediate-sized watershed may haveresulted from the greater contribution of baseflow in this watershed.Other factors potentially contributing to higher nitrate exportcoefficients in this watershed may be a thicker layer of loess soils anda lower proportion of riparian forest than the other watersheds. Theamong-watershed variability in SRP concentrations and exportcoefficients remains largely unexplained, and might represent theminimum expected variation among similar agriculturalwatersheds.  相似文献   
Ablations were performed to identify the sense organs used in host selection by ovipositing cowpea weevils, Callosobruchus maculatus. Antennae, foretarsi and palpi (maxillary + labial) were removed singly or in combination, and females were offered pairwise choices of four host species. Removal of the palpi consistently had the greatest effect on host choice, whereas the relative importance of other organs depended on the pair of hosts tested. Different organs may provide conflicting input as to the preferred host; certain ablations led to a complete reversal in preference (as opposed to a simple loss of discrimination). Input from separate organs appeared to be received in a dominance hierarchy.
Sélection de l'hôte lors de la ponte de Callosobruchus maculatus: modélisation des influx provenant séparément des divers organes sensoriels
Résumé Les ablations ont servi d'étape initiale lors de la détermination des organes sensoriels impliqués dans la sélection du lieu de ponte par C. maculatus. Les antennes, les tarses antérieurs, les palpes (maxillaires et labiaux) ont été retirés seuls ou en combinaison. Les femelles ont eu des choix binaires entre les graines de 4 légumineuses: Cicer arietinum, Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Vigna unguiculata. Chaque combinaison d'ablations était accompagnée d'un témoin chez lequel les mêmes ablations étaient unilatérales. C'est l'ablation des palpes qui a le plus modifié le choix de l'hôte; l'influence relative des autres organes dépendait des paires d'hôtes offerts. Différents organes peuvent fournir des influx opposés quant à l'hôte préféré certaines ablations ont conduit à une inversion complète des préférences. Il semble que les influx sensoriels formaient une gamma avec hiérarchie dominante. Dans les choix binaires, les préférences initiales des femelles intactes ont été supprimées avec l'ablation des palpes seuls, cependant elles n'avaient pas été modifiées par l'ablation conjointe des palpes et des tarses. Dans ces expériences, l'influx antennaire ne devenait dominant qu'après ablation des deux autres organes sensoriels. Les préférences des femelles avec ablations unilatérales ne différaient pas de celles des femelles intactes.
Tetraploid parenchymal rat liver nuclei incorporate about twice as much (3H)dexamethasone as diploid parenchymal nuclei both in vivo and in vitro. This suggests that the ability of hepatic nuclei to incorporate glucocorticoid hormone is influenced by the number of copies of the genome in these nuclei.  相似文献   
Crystal structure of aurora-2, an oncogenic serine/threonine kinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aurora-2 is a key member of a closely related subgroup of serine/threonine kinases that plays important roles in the completion of essential mitotic events. Aurora-2 is oncogenic and amplified in various human cancers and could be an important therapeutic target for inhibitory molecules that would disrupt the cell cycle and block proliferation. We report the first crystal structure of Aurora-2 kinase in complex with adenosine. Analysis of residues in the active site suggests differences with structurally and biologically related protein kinases. The activation loop, which contains residues specific to the Aurora family of kinases, has a unique conformation. These results provide valuable insight into the design of selective and highly potent ATP-competitive inhibitors of the Aurora kinases.  相似文献   
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