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Oviposition by Pieris rapae L. on cabbage was deterred by homogenized cabbage tissue sprayed onto intact plants. Ether extracts of cabbage also were deterrent, but water extracts were not. Hexane extracts of other host plants deterred oviposition and water extracts had little or no effect. Polar as well as non-polar extracts of non-host plants inhibited oviposition. Polar deterrents in the non-host crucifers, Erysimum cheiranthoides and Capsella bursa-pastoris may explain the avoidance of these plants by P. rapae. Chemical deterrents, as well as stimulants, apparently play a major role in the acceptance or rejection of plants as hosts by ovipositing female butterflies.
Zusammenfassung Die Eiablage von Pieris rapae auf Kohl wurde gehemmt von einem Homogenisat aus Kohlblättern, das auf intakte Pflanzen gesprüht wurde. Ether-Extrakte der Kohlblätter wirkten im Gegensatz zu Wasserextrakten abschreckend. Ebenso zeigten Hexanextrakte anderer Wirtspflanzen eine hemmende Wirkung auf die Eiablage, während Wasserextrakte anderer Wirtspflanzen keine Wirkung aufwiesen. Dagegen aber verhinderten sowohl polare als auch unpolare Extrakte von Nicht-Wirtspflanzen die Eiablagen. Polare, abschreckende Substanzen in den Nicht-Wirtspflanzen Erysimum cheiranthoides und Capsella bursa-pastoris (Cruciferae) könnten Ursache dafür sein, dass P. rapae diese Pflanzen meidet. Chemische Substanzen mit sowohl abschreckender als auch stimulierender Wirkung spielen offensichtlich eine bedeutende Rolle für legebereite Schmetterlingsweibchen bei der Auswahl von Pflanzen als geeigneten Eiablageplatz.
We investigated the prevalence and phenotypic variation of Candida species in oral lichen planus (OLP) and the therapeutic implications of our findings. Eighty patients with clinically and histopathologically confirmed cases of OLP (64 non-erosive, 16 erosive) and a control group of 80 healthy individuals with no predisposing factors for oral candidiasis were examined for evidence of Candida infection. Oral swabs and smears were obtained for cytology and culture. Identification, speciation and antifungal susceptibility tests of Candida isolates were performed using an automated microbial identification system. Fifty percent of erosive OLP cases, 28% of non-erosive cases and none of the controls showed evidence of Candida. Candida albicans was found predominantly in non-erosive OLP, while other Candida species were predominate in erosive OLP. Non-Candida albicans isolates (C. glabrata, C. krusei) were resistant to the commonly used antifungals, clotrimazole and fluconazole. Candida infection is common in cases of OLP. We recommend antifungal sensitivity testing prior to antifungal therapy for the erosive form of OLP.  相似文献   
Vitellogenin is the serum precursor of the yolk proteins -lipovitellin,rß-lipovitellin, and phosvitin. The precursor canbe dissociated to produce the yolk proteins only by proteolyticenzymatic action, to which it is very susceptible. Denaturationin sodium dodecyl sulfate, combined with reduction of disulfidebridges and blocking of thiols, yields a complex with a molecularweight of 200,000 to 250,000. -Lipovitellin contains three polypeptides,with molecular weights of about 135,000, 105,000, and 40,000,and rß-lipovitellin is composed of two polypeptidechains with molecular weights of 135,000 and 30,000. The 40,000subunit of -lipovitellin and both rß-lipovitellinsubunits are phosphopeptides We tested RNA isolated from the liver of estrogen-treated roostersfor mRNA activity in a cell-free reticulocyte system. The vitellogeninmRNA has a sedimentation coefficient greater than 28S and thuscontains enough information to code for a long polypeptide chain.Estrogen administration to roosters induces the appearance ofvitellogenin and a lowdensity lipoprotein, the syntheses ofwhich are not coordinated. The course of vitellogenin synthesiswas calculated from accumulation and turnover data, and it wasfound that from about 25 hr after estradiol-17rß administrationthe rate of vitellogenin synthesis increases linearly for severaldays, paralleling an increase in vitellogenin-synthesizing polysomes.Thus, we estimate a constant translation rate of about 8 aminoacids per ribosome per sec. A "memory" effect is observed when a second hormone dose isgiven some time after the vitellogenin induced by the firstdose has disappeared from the blood. After the second dose vitellogeninsynthesis is detected sooner, and its initial increase is morerapid, than after the first dose. Although the synthesis ofvitellogenin starts 3 to 4 hr after the second as well as afterthe first injection, the rate of synthesis after the first injectionincreases much more slowly during the first 15 hr than duringthe subsequent period of linear accumulation, whereas afterthe second injection the linear increase in the rate of synthesisbegins immediately after the lag period of 3 to 4 hr. The "memory"effect is undiminished even 50 days after the first hormonedose; thus, the causative factor either is very stable or issynthesized in great excess during the first stimulation. Whenthe second injection is given during the descending part ofthe turnover curve, an increase in vitellogenin synthesis isobserved within 3.5 hr. There are thus at least three different effects of estradiol;(i) the "memory" effect, which probably is due to commitmentor differentiation of vitellogenin-synthesizing cells; (ii)the effect that causes the committed cells to give full responseafter the 3- to 4-hr lag period; and (iii) the effect that causesthe immediate response. To explain these results we suggestthat committed cells can synthesize vitellogenin mRNA only duringa certain period of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Some factors that may be concerned in determining final grain weight in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. var. distichum ) have been investigated. Variation in endosperm fresh and dry weight, volume and starch content have been recorded at different stages of grain development between anthesis and harvest-ripeness for two barleys, cvs Kym and Golden Promise, differing in final grain weight. Results were recorded under both field and glasshouse conditions. The results suggest that the higher final dry weight of Kym, in comparison with Golden Promise, is a function of both rate and duration of grain filling. Only at later stages of endosperm development did the differences in volume become significant and the Kym endosperms continued to increased rapidly in volume for two to three days after endosperm volume had reached a maximum in Golden Promise. The rates of starch accumulation in both cultivars were very similar but starch deposition continued in Kym endosperms for four to five days after deposition in Golden Promise endosperms had slowed down.  相似文献   
Summary Ribosomal RNA synthesis in a purified system is stimulated by a crude protein fraction prepared from E. coli. The positive effector which is not associated with RNA polymerase, nor is the sigma factor, increases the initiation frequency on a rRNA operon. The additional rRNA synthesis is inhibited by ppGpp to the same extent as the basal one.The evidence presented points to the existence of a positive control element for rRNA synthesis, which activity depends upon the physiological state of the cell.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to improve our methods of secondary prophylaxis of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Barbados, to estimate the overall prevalence of these diseases and the relative load imposed by them on available health services, and to measure the yield, feasibility, and effectiveness of mass programmes for the detection and prophylactic management of rheumatic heart disease in schoolchildren.Improved methods of surveillance and follow-up resulted in 97% adherence to therapy by patients on prophylactic penicillin. Thirty-four children, 27 with a first attack, were admitted with acute rheumatic fever, representing a 7% occupancy of children''s medical beds during the 12-month period of the study. Out of a possible 3,942 schoolchildren aged 5-11 years, 3,882 (98%) were screened for rheumatic heart disease. Four cases (about 1 per 1,000) were discovered.  相似文献   
The metabolites of cyclohexylamine in man and certain animals   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
1. [1-(14)C]Cyclohexylamine hydrochloride was synthesized and given orally or intraperitoneally to rats, rabbits and guinea pigs (dose 50-500mg/kg) and orally to humans (dose 25 or 200mg/person). The (14)C is excreted mainly in the urine, most of the excretion occurring in the first day after dosing. Only small amounts (1-7%) are found in the faeces. 2. In the rat, guinea pig and man, the amine is largely excreted unchanged, only 4-5% of the dose being metabolized in 24h in the rat and guinea pig and 1-2% in man. In the rabbit about two-thirds of the dose is excreted unchanged and about 30% is metabolized. 3. In the rat, five minor metabolites were found, namely cyclohexanol (0.05%), trans-3- (2.2%), cis-4- (1.7%), trans-4- (0.5%) and cis-3-aminocyclohexanol (0.1% of the dose in 24h). 4. In the rabbit, eight metabolites were identified, namely cyclohexanol (9.3%), trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diol (4.7%), cyclohexanone (0.2%), cyclohexylhydroxylamine (0.2%) and trans-3- (11.3%), cis-3- (0.6%), trans-4- (0.4%) and cis-4-aminocyclohexanol (0.2%). 5. In the guinea pig, six minor metabolites were found, namely cyclohexanol (0.5%), trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diol (2.5%) and trans-3- (1.2%), cis-3- (0.2%), trans-4- (0.2%) and cis-4-aminocyclohexanol (0.2%). 6. In man only two metabolites were definitely identified, namely cyclohexanol (0.2%) and trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diol (1.4% of the dose), but man had been given a smaller dose (3mg/kg) than the other species (50mg/kg). 7. The hydroxylated metabolites of cyclohexylamine were excreted in the urine in both free and conjugated forms. 8. Although cyclohexylamine is metabolized to only a minor extent, in rats the metabolism was mainly through hydroxylation of the cyclohexane ring, in man by deamination and in guinea pigs and rabbits by ring hydroxylation and deamination.  相似文献   
There is a need for accurate ascertainment of incidence and prevalence rates of congenital anomalies. In British Columbia the Registry for Handicapped Children and Adults used in conjunction with vital records has proved a valuable source of information. Birth notifications alone cannot be relied upon for incidence data. It was found that seven times as many cases of congenital heart disease were registered subsequently as were reported at birth. The estimated minimal incidence rates of mongolism and congenital heart disease per 1000 live births were 1.46 and 4.75, respectively. The well-known association of maternal age with mongolism was confirmed. Twice as many babies with congenital heart disease (without mongolism) were born to mothers over 39 years of age as would be expected on the basis of the maternal age distribution for all live births in the population. Prevalence estimates of these two diseases compared favourably with other published estimates.  相似文献   
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